ACT TEACHER QUALITY INSTITUTE ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 A. TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATE 252 Education and Training Directorate Annual Report 2014-15 B. ORGANISATION OVERVIEW AND PERFORMANCE B.1 ORGANISATIONAL OVERVIEW The ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI) is an Functions and services independent statutory authority established by ANNEX REPORTS TQI functions set out in section 11 of the TQI Act the ACT Teacher Quality Institute Act 2010 (TQI Act) are to: to build the professional standing of ACT teachers and to enhance the community’s confidence in • register or grant permits-to-teach to eligible the teaching profession through professional people regulation and practical initiatives to raise teacher • keep a register of, and records relating to, quality. teachers working or intending to work in the ACT • promote and encourage the continuous Vision, mission and values of the Institute professional learning and development of teachers, and increased levels of skill, Our Vision knowledge, expertise and professionalism TQI is a key enabler of a high quality teaching • determine standards for, facilitate and issue workforce in the ACT. directions for, the ongoing professional learning and development of teachers Our Mission • develop and apply codes of practice about the Teacher quality initiatives build the profession in professional conduct of teachers the ACT and enhance the education of students. • determine standards, including assessment and certification standards, for the profession, and Our Values • accredit education programs for pre-service • Respect teachers and teachers. • Integrity In performing its statutory functions, TQI delivers • Collaboration the following range of services to all sectors of • Excellence school education, ACT universities providing • Innovation. teacher education, and the teaching profession in the ACT: Role, functions and services of the • professional regulatory services Institute • quality assurance of teacher education and professional learning Our Role • advice and training on standards and TQI is charged with integrating standards-based certification, accreditation of programs and quality measures into professional regulation as teacher registration teachers enter and progress through career stages • facilitation of collaborative practice, and in the profession in order to enhance student • promotion of continuing development and outcomes. TQI emphasises collaboration across professionalism. school sectors and between teachers, schools and universities. TQI promotes continuous professional learning and development and the professionalism of all teachers in the ACT. Education and Training Directorate Annual Report 2014-15 253 Organisational structure, environment Planning Framework and planning framework The TQI Strategic Plan is developed on a four- year cycle and is reviewed annually. The current Our structure Strategic Plan approved by the Board (for the TQI is governed by a Board comprised of key period 2011-14) identifies the following key focus ACT education stakeholders, the teaching areas: profession and the ACT community. Current Board •E stablish the Institute in line with legislative membership is set out in Table 1. requirements. The Chief Executive Officer, Ms Anne Ellis, is •I mplement TQI regulatory responsibilities for responsible for the day-to-day operations of TQI, teacher registration and accreditation of teacher supported by a small staff of 10.6 FTE. education courses. •L ead cross-sectoral implementation of the Operating Environment Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to TQI is a Territory authority for the purposes of enhance quality education for ACT students. the Financial Management Act 1996 (FMA). •L ead cross-sectoral collaboration in teacher By a declaration issued by the Treasurer in quality initiatives with ACT schools and February 2012 [Financial Management (Territory universities. Authorities) Declaration 2012 (No. 1)], TQI has •F acilitate and participate in national and local been exempted from certain provisions of the research relevant to teacher professional FMA. Therefore, TQI is not required to produce standards and learning. a detailed statement of intent, statement of performance, or annual financial statement. TQI Governing Board However, in accordance with the direction issued Section 15(2) of the TQI Act sets out the by the Minister for Education and Training under composition of the TQI Board and requires the section 25 of the TQI Act, TQI is required to provide Minister to appoint the members of the Board a summary of its income and expenses each other than the Chief Executive Officer. The financial year in its annual report. appointment of a member, other than the Chief Executive Officer, must be for a term no longer For the purpose of the Annual Reports (Government than three years. A person may be reappointed for Agencies) Act 2004, TQI comes within the definition a further term of three years. The Chief Executive of ‘public authority’. Officer is a non-voting member of the Board. Accordingly, TQI has prepared this annual report Remuneration for the Chair is determined by the to comply with section 6(1) of that Act and in ACT Remuneration Tribunal in accordance with the accordance with the requirements referred to in provisions of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1995. the Chief Minister’s Annual Report Directions issued Other members of the Board are not entitled to be under section 9 of that Act. paid for the exercise of their Board functions. Owing to its modest budget and staff resources, The Board met on four occasions during the TQI has established administrative arrangements reporting period: with the Education and Training Directorate in relation to minor financial accounting and internal • 9 September 2014 audit matters. • 2 December 2014 • 31 March 2015 • 9 June 2015. 254 Education and Training Directorate Annual Report 2014-15 The Minister made six appointments to the Board •A ssociate Professor David Paterson was during the reporting period as follows: appointed as the member nominated by the University of Canberra (section 15(2)(h). This •M s Diane Joseph was reappointed as the position had been previously filled by Professor member nominated by the Director-General Geoffrey Riordan whose appointment expired (section 15(2)(c). on 15 August 2014. •M rs Narelle Hargreaves OAM was reappointed as ANNEX REPORTS •M s Kerrie Heath was appointed as the member the community representative (section 15(2)(l). representing teachers and principals of •A ssociate Professor Carolyn Broadbent was government schools (section 15(2)(j). This reappointed as the member nominated by the position had been previously filled by Ms Wendy Australian Catholic University, ACT Campus Cave whose appointment expired on 15 August (section 15(2)(i). 2014. •M s Lyn Caton was reappointed as the member nominated by the NSW/ACT Independent All of the above appointments are for a period of Education Union (section 15(2)(g). three years. Table 1: TQI Board members and meeting attendance 2014-15 Number of Member Qualifications Role meetings attended Dr William Maiden PSM TeachCert, BA, MLitt, Chair 4 MEdAdmin, PhD, FACE, FACEL ACT Ms Anne Ellis BA, DipEd, GradDip (InfMgt), Chief Executive Officer, TQI 4 FACEL Associate Professor Carolyn PhD, MEd(Research), BEd, Australian Catholic University, 4 Broadbent DipTeach, TPTC, FACE, FACEL ACT Campus Ms Diane Joseph BSc, FACEL Director-General, Education 2 and Training Ms Moira Najdecki MEdLeadership, GradDip Catholic Education Office 3 (Religious Ed), GradCert (Religious Ed), MA, DipEd, BA, FACEL ACT Ms Lyn Caton DipEd, GradCert Religious Ed, NSW/ACT Independent 4 DipA (App) Education Union Ms Kerrie Heath BEd, DipEd Teaching profession in 3 government schools Mr Glenn Fowler BA(Hons),GradDipEd Australian Education Union, 4 ACT Branch Mrs Narelle Hargreaves OAM BEd, FACE, FACEL ACT Community representative 4 Education and Training Directorate Annual Report 2014-15 255 Number of Member Qualifications Role meetings attended Ms Anne Coutts BSc(Hons), GradCertEd, MEd Association of Independent 3 Schools of the ACT Mr Michael Lee BA, GradDipEd, GradDip Teaching profession in non- 4 (Religious Ed), MEd government schools Associate Professor David BEd, MEdAdmin, PhD, FACE University of Canberra 4 Paterson B.2 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OVERVIEW The TQI Act provides an integrated regulatory and regulatory requirements that impact on them. For quality improvement framework for the teaching example, the Code of Professional Practice and profession in the ACT in accordance with national Conduct was promoted to all teachers through professional standards and national agreements their registration documentation, through a poster on education reform. The primary focus of the campaign made available to all ACT schools, Institute remains the continued professionalisation and through induction workshops for beginning of the ACT teaching workforce. teachers. The 2014-15 reporting year is the final year of the TQI refined and strengthened support for early Institute’s first Strategic Plan. Key achievements career teachers and mentor/supervising teachers against the Strategic Plan over this reporting year by the development of separate guides for include: provisionally registered teachers and for their guidance panels. The Guide for Provisionally Consolidating the Regulatory framework for the Registered Teachers and the Guide for Professional teaching profession in the ACT Guidance Panels of Provisionally Registered Key elements of the regulatory
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