What J)id You Do Today to Bring the Boys Back? Buy War Borids. Average DaHy Circalatloii • The Weather Fnr the Month of November, 1844 F o r e c ^ ol t . K. WentSer Boeesa 9,016 Rain, ending during ntghi: Snl- urday elenring aad ooMer; strong Member of tlM Aadlt •rinda along eonat. Boraaaeti Manchister-^A City of Village Charm (CInssined Adverttalng ea Page 18) VOL. LXIVm no. 58 MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8,1944 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBMTf Before and After Duren Bombing Third Army Bores Greek Intervention Mile and One Half Policy Is Defended; Into German Line Long Ton., an.l Heavy I J Q ^ i r l i n C S Churchill Supported Howitzers Steadily Re-| ducing Saarbrucken;' Crfit P la n eS British Prime Minister Seventh Army Rolls Nearly 1,000 Heavy Loss Wins Resounding Vole Nazis Toward Saar For Fleets Of Confidence; Oppo- On 35-Mile Front. Greeks Lay In Purchase sition to Sforza Also ------ 20 Transports Allocated Paris. Dec. 8 .-< /P )-T h e i Chilian Vse by Down Arms Of 10 Ships Supported; Vote Is De- Third Army bored a mile and mitnded as Justifica- a half into the Siegfried line Clayton; More W ill Fighting on Much Re- Repairs ISeeded Cosfj tion for Continuance at points eight miles inside Be Available Shortly. the Saarland under intense duced Scale Today in More Than Half of\ Of His Foreign Policy. German fire today and stead- Washin'kton, Dec. 8.—</Pi— The ily reduced Saarbrucken and Others as Resistance Price Paid; Southern\ nation’s airlines, pinched for London, Dec, 8.— (/P)— In its steel mills with Long planes since the Army dipped By Leftists Decreases. Pacific Company Hit. a fightinsr mood today, M m e Toms and heavy howitzers Minister Churchill defended firing three miles or so from that deeply into thi r fleets, may not Bulletin! Washington, Dec. 8.—(Al—A Britain’s intervention in capital. iTie 90th division advanc- have to wait for the war’s end to Here is how the city of Duren, Germany, appeared before (left) and after (right) bombardment by Athens, Dec. 8.—</Pi—British House committee said today the Greece and Italy— and won a ing steadily past Dillingen knock- get all they want. ed out a number of thick pillbox- Allied Air Forces and American artillery in support of U. S. First Army tank and infantry advance. patrols In tanks and armored government came out a heavy los- resounding 279-30 vote of - W. L. Clayton, surplus war cars pushed out from Athens es in the wooded area three miles property administrator, announced "After” picture shows craters ami shell holes, with overlapping in center for saturation effect. (AF er in a 10-ship transaction be- confidence from the House north of Saarlautern. wirephoto from Army Air Forces). today to meet 100 Insurgent today that he hat. allocated 20 2- Elas militiamen advancing twee.i the Maritime commission of Commons. The 70-year-old Reports Forbach Captured engined DC-3 transports' to ten from the northeast on the and the Southern Pacific com- pany. leader received his ninth vote „ (The Paris radio broadcast that airlines, and that additional planes Greek capital, where, general of confidence after declaring that the 'Hilrd Army had capturid shortly would be available. firing was resumed. Clearing The 10 coastwise vessels were Britain acted in Greece only to Japs Retreat purchased by the commission in Forbach. rail city of 11,500, three This boosted to 317 the number Veteran Yankees Land skies broke the overnight lull avert gangster rule. and a half miles aouthweat of June, 1941, for 34,733,952, in ad- of planes avsjlxble to the domestic in the civil strife. Support* Stand on Sforsa Saarbrucken.) dition to which the commission airlines, and sent their fleets to- He stood by the British govern- On the Third Army’s right, the ware pre-war levels. On Ledo Road Athens, Dec 8 i/Pt Fighting spent 32,653,611 for repairs and alterations necessary to make ment’s opposition to Count Carlo Seventh Army of Lieut. Gen. Before the war the domestic In Rear of Japanese continued on a much reduced Sforza, -whom the United States Alexander M. Patch rolled the lines owned a total of about 350 them suitable for off-ahore voy' scale in Athens today as Greek ages. They had been operated by has supported In the Italian gov- Germans toward the Saar and planes, but many of them were Link to China ernment crisis. Palatinate on a 35-mile front and leftist resistance faded before the Southern Pacific company In small whereas most of the present Atlantic coast service aa the Mor- His ire aroused by bitter, left- advanced within four and a half planes are 21-passenger DC-3. British patrols spreading out from W'ng denunciations of his stand, miles of the frontier. ^p"l Iwo Jima H it gan line. Have Come Bark In Driblets Witlulrawals in Burma Put Ashore by Navy; the center of the city in a steady diurchlll himself demanded the Saarbrt'itken. capital of the Bought Sight Unaeen 111 May, 1942, after turning some rain. In a report to the House, the vote of confidence as Justification Saarland and center of Us industry, On Such Large Scale Roll Rapidly North fo. continuance of his policy. waa being ripped to pieces by artil- planes over to the Army on a vol- By Warships Snipers were reported giving Merchant Mariue committee said untary basis, the Army took over Likely Route Will Be Toward Ormoc Today. the commission had purchased the Commolna gave him that sup- lery within sight of the burning considerable trouble in some resi- port. He said such action would 158 aircraft, reducing the domes- vessels virtually sight unseen city of 135,000. f o i ^ e ninth con- Cleared Within Week. dential quarters, however, and oc-. mean that Britain “ will persiat in secutive day. The Germans them- tic fleet to 166, Since then planes | General MacArthur’s Head- And Bombers caaional bullets still whipped over without knowing the amount of have come back in driblets from | repairs they needed. It described this policy of clearing Athena and selves were wrecking Saarlautern the forme- royal palace in Consti- the Athens regions of all those who the Air Transport command. New Delhi. India, Dec. 8. (J^)— quarters, Philippines, Dec. the Southern Pacific company's with their own artillery, trying to tution square, where Greek civil are rebels to the constituted au- While such big planes as the Japanese withdrawals in Burma 8._<A>)— Veteran 77th divi- presentation of evidence to the hamper the American buildup of First 3uch Coordinated police were holding rooftop posi- thority in Greece. assault forces in the arsenal val- are on such a large scale that it sion Yanks from Guam, dar- tions. (Oontinued on Fourteen Blasting of Any Japan- (Continued oa Page Fourteen Not Designed for Greece Alooe ley. appeared today the Ledo route to ingly put ashore by the Navy Nearly 1.000 members of the Bu. he made it abundantly clear The Ninth Army to the north re- --------- -— " —* China would be cleared possibly to the rear of more than 25,- ese Base; Escorted by ELAS. armed militia of the EAM ihat the ]x>Iicy was not designed ported new signs of enemy move- 000 trapped Japanese, rolle4 (National Liberation Front) had for Greece alone; that Britain ment in little villages east ,of the within a week or ten days, but it Lightning Fighters. surrendered up to this morning to was increasingly likely that it rapidly north today toward stood committed to the right o f a Roer, east and southeast of Julich. Chinese Drive. British forces. Soviet Units people to choose their government Thunderbolts bombed two bridges would be too late. the enemy’s west Leyte rein- Central Pacific Naval Headquar- (The Pans radio reported with- in free election, but that it would on the Erft river and canal which Already the Japaneae in China forcement port o f Ormoc, less out confirmation that leftist forces not tolerate a "gang of men from ; the Germans are likely to defend Japs’ Forces are in positions to threaten Kun^- than three miles away. The sur- ters, Pearl Harbor, Dec. 8.—oP)— were In control of the Greek prov- Move Nearer the mountains" overthrowing con- i i outside Cologne and other Rhine- mlng. which is a' huge airline hub prise landing ThJrsday in Ormoc United States warships, Army and inces of Thrace and Macedonia.) sUtutional authority by violence. land cities should the Allies force and U>e only really effective ter- harbor, under the guns of seventh Navy Liberators and B-20s bom- Patching i:p Oasiialties Simultaneously with the vote of the flooded Roer. minus for the Burma road. fleet destroyers and swarms of From Tushan barded Iwo Jima in the Volcano To Budapest confidence, British Ambassador Seventh Seizes Mouterhouse Kunming, in the line of of Jap- 'fighter planes, cut In half the Greek hospitals are working at Halifax announced In Washington aneae advances in Kweichow and top pressure patching up hun- The Seventh Army captured heavily defended Yamashita de- islands 750 miles from Tokyo yes- that the American and British Mouterhouse, four miles south of Kwangsi provinces,. is more im- fense iitie. terday in the first such coordinat- dreds of casualties, including governments had achieved an -un- Recapture Important portant militarily even than the Heavily Armored Right the Maginot atronghold of Bltche Bloody aad Grim Reminder women and children, sis a result derstanding on the Greek and (Chinese provisional capital, ed blasting of any Japanese base of the Athens fighting.
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