ANTITRUST LAWS WITH AMENDMENTS 1 8 9 0 — 1 9 5 6 v 1. Sherman A ct 2. C layton A ct 3. F ederal T rade Commission A ct & Admendments 4. E xport T rade A ct 5. B anking C orporations A uthorized to do Foreign Banking Business 6. N ational Industrial R ecovery A ct 7. P rice D iscrimination Compiled By GILMAN G. UDELL, Superintendent D o c u m e n t R o o m , H o u s e o f R epresentatives UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1957 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Pricc 35 cents Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CONTENTS Public Law No. 190, approved July 2, 1890 (1st seas. 51st Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 26, p. 209) (Sherman Antitrust Act)____________________ Public Law No. 227, became a law August 27, 1894 (2d sess. 53d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 28, p. 570) (antitrust amendments to Wilson Tariff Act)______________________________________________________________ Public Law No. 11, approved July 24, 1897 (1st sess. 55th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 28, p. 213) (antitrust amendments to Dingley Tara Act). Publio Law No. 82, approved February 11, 1903 (2d sess. 57th Cong^ U. S. Stat. L.f vol. 32, p. 823) (suits in equity)______________________ Public Law No. 87, approved February 14, 1903 (2d sess. 57th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 32, pp. 827, 828) (extract from the act establishing Department of Commerce)_________________________________________ Publio Resolution No. 8, approved March 7{ 1900 (1st sess. 59th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 34, p. 823) (examination into railroad discrimina­ tions and monopolies in coal and oil)________________________________ Public Law No. 105, approved April 16, 1906 (1st sess., 59th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 34, p. 119) (extract from urgent deficiency aot, part of enforcement appropriation available for examination of violations of antitrust laws)__________________________________________________ Public Law No. 389, approved June 80, 1900 (1st sess. 59th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 34, p. 798) (immunity of witnesses in antitrust cases)__ Publio Law No. 310, approved June 5, 1910 (2d sess. 61st Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 36, p. 854) (suits in equity)____________________________ Public Law No. 475, approved March 3, 1911 (3d sess., 01st Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 36, p. 1093) (extract from act to codify, revise, and amend laws relating to judiciary)__________________________________________ Public Law No. 479, approved March 4, 1911 (3d sess., 61st Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 36, p. 1288) (extract from navy appropriation act, Ar­ mour contracts)___________________________________________________ Public Law No. 290, approved August 22, 1912 (2d sess. 62d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 37, p. 355) (extract from Navy appropriation act, Armour contr&ctfi) Public Law No. 302, approved August 24, 1912 (2d sess. 62d Cong., U. £L Stat. L., vol. 37, p. 464) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcing antitrust laws)________________________________________ Public Law No. 302, approved August 24, 1912 (2d sess., 62d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 37, p. 462) (extract from Bundry civil act, restriction on paying salaries from appropriation for enforcing)_____________________ Public Law No. 337, approved August 24, 1912 (2d sess. 62d Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 37, p. 567) (extract from Panama Canal act)___________ Public Law No. 370, approved February 12, 1913 (3d sess. 62d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 37, p. 667) (act amending sections 73 and 76, Wilson Tariff Act of 1894)...................... .................................................................. Public Law No. 416, approved March 3, 1918 (3d sess. 62d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 37, p. 731) (depositions in antitrust oases to be taken publicly)__________________________________________________________ Public Law No. 433, approved March 4, 1913 (3d sess. 62d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., voL 37, p. 912) (extract from Navy appropriation act, armor contracts)_________________________________________________________ Public Law No. 3, approved June 23, 1913 (1st sess. 63d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 38, p. 52) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcing antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of organiza­ tions of labor and farmrers)________________________________________ Public Law No. 121, approved June 30, 1914 (2d sess. 63d Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 38, p. 415) (extract from Navy appropriation act, armor contracts)______________________________________ __________ ________ (Hi) Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis IT Faca Public Law No. 161, approved August 1, 1914 (2d sess. 63d Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 38, p. 652) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcement of antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of organ­ izations of labor and farmers)______________________________________ 14 Public Law No. 203, approved September 26, 1914 (2d Bess. 63d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 38, pp. 717-724) (act creating Federal Trade Com­ mission) __________________________________________________________ 14 Public Law No. 212, approved October 15, 1914 (2d sess. 63d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 38, pp. 730-740) (Clayton Antitrust Act)---------------------- 22 Public Law No. 263, approved March 3, 1915 (3d sess. 63d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 38, p. 866) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcement of antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of organiza­ tions of labor and fanners)________________________________________ 88 Public Law No. 271, approved March 3, 1915 (3d sess. 63d Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 38, p. 953) (extract from Navy appropriation act, armor contracts)________________________________________________________ 88 Public Law No. 75, approved May 15, 1916 (1st sess. 64th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 39, p. 121) (act to amend section 8 of the Clayton Anti­ trust Act)________________________________________________________ 84 Public Law No. 132, approved July 1, 1916 (1st sess. 64th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 39, p. 312) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcement of antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of organiza­ tions of labor and farmers)_________________________________________ _84 Public Law No. 241, approved August 29, 1916 (1st sess. 64th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., voL 39, p. 619) (extract from Navy appropriation act, armor oontracts)________________________________________________________ 35 Public Resolution No. 33, approved August 31, 1916 (1st sess. 64th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 39, p. 619) (extending until April 15, 1917, effective date of sec. 10 of Clayton Antitrust Act)____________________________ 86 Public Law No. 270, approved September 7, 1916 (1st sess. 64th Cong., ^ U. S. Stat. L., vol. 39, p. 756) (extract from act amending Federal reserve act; Federal reserve member banks permitted employment in international banking corporations)_________________________________ 85 Public Law No. 391, approved March 4. 1917 (2d sess. 64th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 39, p. 1195) (extract from Navy appropriation act, armor contracts)________________________________________________________ 36 Public Resolution No. 55, approved March 4, 1917 (2d sess. 64th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 39, p. 1201) (extending until January 8, 1918, effec­ tive date of sec. 10 of Clayton Antitrust Act)_______________________ 86 Public Law No. 21, approved June 12, 1917 (1st sess. 65th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 40, p. 124) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for investigation of antitrust violations of production and distribution of foodstuffs)_____________________________________________________ 86 Public Law No. 21, approved June 12, 1917 (1st sess. 65th Cong. U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 40, p. 155) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcement of antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of organi­ zations of labor and farmers)_______________________________________ 87 Public Resolution No. 20, approved January 12, 1918 (2d sess. 65th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 40, p. 431) (extending until January 1, 1919, effective date of sec. 10 of Clayton Antitrust Act)____________________________ 87 Public Law No. 107, approved March 21, 1918 (2d sess. 65th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 40, p. 458) (extract from act providing for operation of transportation systems while under Federal control)_________________ 87 Public Law No. 126, approved April 10, 1918 (2d sess. 65th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 40, pp. 51&-518) (act to promote export trade)_________ 88 Public Law No. 181, approved July 1, 1918 (2d sess. 65th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 40, p. 681) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcement of antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of organ­ izations of labor and farmers)______________________________________ 40 Public Law No. 21, approved July 19, 1919 (1st sess. 66th Cong., U. 8. Stat. L., vol. 41, p. 208) (extract from sundry civil act, appropriation for enforcement of antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of labor and farmer organizations)__________________________________________ 40 Public Law No. 73, approved November 4, 1919 (1st sess. 66th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 41, p. 336) (extract from general deficiency act for enforcement of antitrust laws and prohibiting prosecution of organise tions of labor and farmers)____________________________ ____41 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis V Pan Publio Law No. 106, approved December 24, 1919 (2d *ess. 66th Cong., TJ. S. Stat. L., vol. 41, pp. 378-384) (act to amend Federal reserve act, banking corporations authorized to do foreign banking business)_____ 41 Public Law Iso. 146, approved February 25, 1920 (2d sess. 66th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 41, p. 448) (extract from oil land leasing act)_____ 48 Public Law No. 152, approved February 28, 1920 (2d sess. 66th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 41, p. 482) (extract from transportation act of 1920) _ 49 Public Law No. 152, approved February 29, 1920 (2d sess. 66th Cong., U. S. Stat. L., vol. 41, p. 499) (extract from transportation act of 1920). 49 Public Law No.
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