VT" I .'■/■ -«*■ •....-' ! r\ :. ■-" ■<-. CAMPUS NEWS COMPLETELY COVJERED BY DEPARTMENf OF JOURNALISM SHJUtms • i Be Good Sports. Show Frog Cagers Don't Boo. a Send-off. Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University VOLUME 34 FORT WORTH. TEXAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1936. Number 15 - Better Conduct Dean Hall Donates Louisiana Lady Roberts Chairman j 4 Books to Library Close to Speak Dalton Stallard Meyer Presents At Games Urged Raps Our Prexy For Federation Gift Includes Volumes by But- On "foe Orient" Informs Aviators j Trophy to School For Taking Bowl] ler, Tindall, Barth—7 . By S.W. Officials At 1936 Meeting Others Given. Friday, Jan, 24 Of When, Where] At Chapel Hour In a letter -written by a Louisiana The library has received several Do you want to take off ih an womart ' to President- E. M. Waits, McDiarmid and Confer- new books which include "War Is a airplane? I T. C. U. has been accused,, of violating Attends Convention of American Explorer to Pres. Waits Receives Racket," by Gen. Smedley~D. Butler; Then you must get permission ence's Secretary | the rules of patriotism by accepting Students of America Talk on Far East Sugar Bowl—Letter "John Bunyan, Mechanic Preacher," from the ground station at Braniff Voice Pleas. j the Sugar Bowl trophy, since it is of In Kansas City. in Auditorium. Airway's, where Dalton (Doc) Stal- Men Announced. English origin. by William Tindall; "God's Search for Man," by Karl Barth; and lard is a meteorologist. rVknf.ll CiivM VlAW The writer' "» Ascendant of one VsOaUl U1YW ▼ lew ! of the first converts to the religious' Reports Group Ideas "Friends of God," by Anna Seesholtz, Time Is 10:30 A. M. Doc is the fellow who makes a McDiarmid Presides all Of which were donated by Dean study of the weather, contacts air- | principles of Alexander Hamilton," Admission Is Free — Lecturer Players and Student Leaders j" protests against the reward on the Casts Only Dissenting Vote In Colby Hall. planes, takes reports of the posi- Coaches, Dean Hall Speak on Other books received are "The Is Acquainted With tions while in the air and movement Favor Move for Good grounds that the trophy eminated Resolution Favoring Past Season's Games, Ancient World," by T. R. Glover; Russia, India. reports, is radjo operator, and handles Sportsmanship. from G«>rge IV of England. Neutrality. Sportsmanship. "Through Space and Time," by Sir clearance sheets. Incidentally,' he "If America has fallen so low in Upton Close, suthority on the Far Harry Roberts, T* C. U.'s delegate James Jeans; "Exploring with the can also inform the aviators the In an effort to create an atmos- j Patriotism as to accept such an in- East, will lecture at 10:30 a. m. Fri- The Sugar Bowl was formally pre- to the National Student Federation Microscope," by Raymond Yates; proper time and place to land. phere of good sportsmanship and "ult to„th«' ">< °ry of George Wash- day, Jan. 24, in the Auditorium, His sented to President E, M. Waits Wed- ™ of America, has been appointed chair- "Esther Waters," by George Moore; ■Dalton has a hobby of collecting . -L. , .. „ I mgton, the letter reads, "then you subject will be "Who Will Rule the nesday morning in chapel by Coach proper behlv.or at bwketball game. | shou,d have require(J ^ the loving man of the annual meeting to be "American Bird Biographies," by Ar- clearance sheets and pictures of Orient?" There will be no admission L. R. Meyer. At the same time Prof. held in Dallas next year. thur A. Allen, "Measurement of Man" crashed airplanes. His favorite sport during the coming conference season,! cup of George be wrapped in a dar- charge, and members of the families E. W. McDiarmid, chairman of the Roberts, who atunded the conven- and "American Philosophy." is football, and hi idea of a keen Prof. E. W. McDiarmid, president | ling British flag." of the faculty and parents of the athletic committee announced the Tne tion in Kansas City, Dec. 27-31, was conversation calls for plenty of avia- of the Southwest Athletic Conference, j Louisiana protestor suggests students will be admitted to the awards of football numerals to the appointed by Arthur Northwood of tion. and J. T. McCants, secretary-treas- jth,t "I.t would °« (»r >»tUr that you lecture. varsity and freshman teams. Var- Princeton, president of the federation. He received his training at the urer of the aame organization, have j aecePt » P'<*e of Mayan pottery Christmas Play Close is an American explorer, lec- sity lettermen will also be awarded Delegates to the meeting, repre- government observatory at Love sent letters to faculty representatives Hailie Selsssie coconuts, a vase,.from turer and author who has traveled a gold watch. senting 150 colleges, slso elected Rob- Field. He is now a junior in T. C. U\ coaches, official*, sports writers, stu- the ruins of Pompeii, or aihath tub into every corner of China, Man- McDiarmid, acting' as master-of- erts as co-chairman of the southern To BeJnFebruary and is planning to be a lawyer— dent loaders, yell leaders and many from Greece, all of which would be churia and Japan, and is intimately ceremonies, said that the awards regional convention of America.n col- with flying tactics. others concerned, asking for their co- less insulting to George Washington acquainted with Russia and India. were usually announced at the foot- leges, which will convene in Nash- o operation. than a momenta that dates back to "Mary The Third" Will Has Served in China. ball banquet, but as that excluded ville or Memphis in April. The situation at T. C. U. has been the early struggles of a young re- Be Given Without During the Japanese invasion of most of the students, this year the public. In a resolution passed favoring on the whole fairly acceptable, with Shantung in 1917-18 he served as Poetry Anthology awards would be announced in chapel neutrality, Roberts cast the only dU- Change in Cast the student body being open to severe °i special investigator for the United in order that all the student body senting vote. He maintains that "Mary, the Third," Dramatic Club States government. Close was at might participate in the fun. criticism upon only one or two oc- neutrality has never bejen successful, To Be Out April 1 Christmas play, which was postponed one time on the staff of the Dictator Comments on Games, casions during the last season. "Boo- Lester Elected that only through co-operation may before the holidays, will be ready for Wu Pei-fu and at another time help- Besides making the presentation ing" the officials, excessive noise we stay out of war. He fears that presentation durir.g the firs'/week in ed to install a Chinese president. Centennial Edition of of the Sugar Bowl, Meyer commented during free throws and smoking were Mythical Captain a resolution favoring neutrality might* February, according to Miss Ruth He was advisor to the " Student briefly on each game played by T. among the moat serious offenses. seem to oppose the League of Na- T. C. U. Poems to Con- Meyer Rape Conduct. Connor, president of the club. Revolution in 1919 and exposed C. U. last season and spoke on sports- tions. tain 100 Pages. manship. Coach "Dutch" Meyer, when asked Official All - American Blanchard McKee, director, an- China's "Tammany," called the Peace "And if student sentiment seemed Dean Hall made an impromptu his opinion on the question, replied, Team Chooses Frog nounces that there will be no change and Joy Club. A "Centennial Anthology of T. C. strongly to favor neutrality," Rob- Explores for 16 Years. speech on sportsmanship. Talks Were "The conduct at basketball games in in the cast and states that rehearsals U. Poetry" will come out April 1. The as Leader. erts asserted, "legislators might not For 16 years Close has been ex- also made by Bear Wolf and Mc- the past has not been what it should attempt co-operation, but continue are progressing rapidly. book is being published by the Poetry ploring Asia. He has tramped, ridden Diarmid. f have been, and I think there is much Capt. Darrell Lester of £he Horned with neutrality action. Today it is Those in the cast include: Miss Club. It is to be composed of the on mule litters and in wheel-barrows Vsrsity Gets Watches. room for improvement. However, Frogs was selected as captain of the impossible for any ..nation to cut off Gaye Welch, Charles Wilson, Miss best in T. C. U. poetry since the from one end of the continent to the Varsity letters and watches went that la np to the students, and we official all-American team picked by its connections with other nations and Conner, Miss Laura Kile, Miss Betty founding of the school. > Buster, Waller Moody, Louis Pitch other. to Capt. Darrell Lester, Co-captain hope they will co-operate with us the All-American Board of Football. we 'cannot impose those embargoes The volume is to contain 100 pages ford, Joe Murphey, Bennett Rogers Close has translated much Chinese Jimmy Lawrence, Sam Baugh, Rex is securing and maintaining the Each of the eleven men picked on with any degree of success. Co-op- and will be well bound. Miss Helen Adams, Bill Scott and and Japanese poetry and is one of Clark, Melvin Diggs, Drew Ellis, highest type of sportsmanship at the this team cast one vote for their lead- eration is the only way to world All present students in the Uni- Harry Roberta.
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