Ornithological Bibliography of Madeira, Porto Santo and Desertas Islands

Ornithological Bibliography of Madeira, Porto Santo and Desertas Islands

G£RALD LE GRAND ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MADEIRA. PORTO SANTO AND DESERTAS ISLANDS UNIVERSIDADE DOS Af;ORES PONTA DELGADA 1983 ORNITHOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MADEIRA. PORTO SANTO AND DESERTAS ISLANDS by GmALD LE GRAND ALLAN, R. G. (1962) The madeiran Storm Petrel, Oceanodroma castro IBIS 103b : 300-400. ANON (1895) Interessante Erverbungen. Zeits{!hr. f. 001. 5 : 6-7. ANON (1895)Ueber seltene Eier. Zeitschr. f. 001. 5 : 10-11. BANNERMAN, D. A. (1914) The distribution and Nidification of the Tubinares in the North Atlantic Islands. Ibis : 438-494. BANNERMAN, D. A. (1931) Remarks on the Rock Pigeons from the Azores and Madeira, and a description of a new race Columba livia atlantis from the Azores. Bull. B.O.C. 51 115-116. BANNERMAN, D. A. (1969) Recente records new to the North Atalntic islands. Bull. B.O.C. 89 : 86-88. 59 GI1:RALD LE GRAND BANNERMAN, D. A. & W. M. BANNERMAN (1965) Birds of Atlantic Islands. Vol. 2 A history of the hirds of Madeira, the Desertas and Porto Santo islands. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh and London. BANNERMAN, D. A. & W. M. BANNERMAN (1968) Birds of :Atlantic Islands. Vol. 4 A History of the birds of the Cape Verde Islands. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburg: 451-452. BERNSTROM (1951) Check-list of the <breeding birds of the Arquipelago of Madeira. Bo1. Mus. Mun. Funchal 5 (14) 64,82. BERTIL-WAHLIN, K. (1968) Till kannedom om fiigellivet pA Madeira. Fauna oeh flora 63 (2) : 73-<80. BOLLE, C. (1862) Anthus berthelotii, erne neue Pieper art. Journ. f. Orn. 10 : 357-360. BONNATERRE, J. (1792) Tableau encyclopedique et methodi­ que des Trois Regnes de la Nature. (Ornithologie) Paris. BOOTH, H. B. (1941) Two Madeiran birds. The Naturalist: 108. BOURNE, W. R. P. (1955) On the status and appearance of the races of Cory's Shearwater. IBIS 97 : 145-149. BRADLEY, D. (1976) More winter notes from Madeira. Boca­ giana 42 : 3 p. BUREAU (1905) Proc. 4 Int. Orn. Congo BUSNEL, R. G. & J. GIBAN (1966) Reaction d'une population de LaTUS argentatus a.tlantis de l'lle de Madere a des signaux acoustiques de detresse d'oiseaux europeens. Boca­ giana 11 : 1-9. 60 ORNITH. BIBLIOG. OF MADEIRA. PORTO SANTO AND DESERTAB ISLANDS BUXTON, E. J. M. (1959) Notes on birds seen in Madeira, Winter 1958-59. Bocagiana 2 : 1-2. BUXTON, E. J. M. (1960) Winter notes from Madeira. Ibis 102 : 127-129. CORY, C. B. (1881) Description of a new species of the family PrOcellariidae. Bull. Nuttal Orn. Club 6 : 84. DALGLEISH, J. J. (1890) Letter on.the occurence of Oestrelata moUis in Madeira. Ibis 6 : 386. DALGLEICH, J. J. (1892) Notes on the Petrel of Madeira and te adjoining seas. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 11 : 27-30. DARNTON, 1. (1961) Some ·observations made on the Madeiran spectacled Warbler in February 1961. Bocagiana 7 1-2. DAVIS, T. A. W. Brit. Birds 43 : 218-221. DERAMONn, M. (1962) Quelques notes ornithologiques a l'occa­ sion d'une croisiere aux nes Madere et Canaries. Alauda 30 : 286-289. DWIGHT, J. (1922) Description of Laros fUscus atltmtis. Am. Mus. N.avit. 44 : 1-2. ETCHECOPAR, R. D. & F. HUE (1964) Les oiseaux du Nord de I'Mrique. Boubee e Cie, Paris, 606 p. FORSTER, G. A. (1777) A voyage round the world in His Britannic Majesty's Sloop, Resolution, commanded by Capt. James Cook during the years 1772, 73,74 and 75. London. (Madeiran birds pp. 25-26). 61 GERALD LE GRAND GODMAN, F. du Cane (1872) Notes on the resident and mi­ gratory birds of Madeira and the Canaries. Ibis 2 (3rd Ser.) : 158-177, 209-224. GODMAN, F. du Cane (1907-10) A monograph of the Petrel. HARCOURT, E. V. (1851) Notice on the Birds of Madeira. Proc. Zoo1. Soc. London 19 : 141-146. HARCOURT, E. V. (1851) Sketch of Madeira. (birds pp. 115-123, 165-167). HARCOURT, E. V. (1853) Notice of birds from Madeira. Ann. Nat. Hist. 12 (2 Ser.) : 58-63. HAJtCOURT, E. V. (1854) Description of a new race of Regulus from Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 22 : 153. HARCOURT, E. V. (1855) Notes on the ornithology of Madeira. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 15 (2 Ser.) : 430-436. HARCOURT, E. V. (1855) Final list of resident and Migrants birds of Madeira combined. Ann. Nat. Hist. 15 : 437-438. HARCOURT, E. V. (1891) Letter on some Madeiran bjrds. Ibis: 625-.627 . .HARTERT, E. (1896) Ober die Sperber des Insel Madeira. Om. Monat. 4 : 1-4. HARTERT, E. (1900) Some miscellaneous notes on palaearctic birds. Novit. Zoo1. 7 : 525-534. RARTERT, E. (1917) On the forms of Caturnix coturnix. Novit. Z001. 24 : 420-425. 62 ORNITH. BIBLlOG. OF MADEIRA, PORTO SANTO AND DESERTAS ISLANDS HARTERT,E. (1922) Vogel der PaHiarktischen Fauna. Band 1-3. Berlin. HARTERT, E. & F. STEINBACHER (1932-38) Die Vogel der paHirktischen Fauna, erganzungsband. Berlin. HARTWIG, W. (1896) Die Vogel Madeiras, mit Notizen tiber einige auf Teneriffa beobachteten Vogel. J. Om. 34 : 452-485. HARTWIG, W. (1891) Von der Madeira Inselgruppe. Zeitschr. f. 001. 1 : 17-18. HARTWIG, W. (1891) Die Brutvogel Madeiras. Zeitschr. f. 001. 1 : 24-32. HARTWIG, W. (1891) Die Vogel der Madeira Inselgruppe. Ornis 7 : 151-188. HARTWIG, W. (1892) Die Brillengrasmticke (Sylvia conspicil­ lata Marm.) Brutvogel auf Madeira. Zeitschr. f. 001. 2 : 19. HARTWIG, W. (1892) Etwas tiber das Brutgeschaft einiger Ma­ deira Vogel. Zeitschr. f. 001. 2 : 27. HARTWIG, W. (1893) Nachtrag zu meinen Arbeiten tiber die Vogel Madeiras. J. Orn. 41 : 1-12. HARTWIG, W. (1893) Die Puffin en Madeiras. Om. Monastsber. 1 : 45. HARTWIG, W. (1893) Zwei fUr Madeira neue Vogel. Orn. Mo­ natsber. 1 : 172-173. HARTWIG, W. (1894) Madeira Vogel. Ornith. Monatsber. 2 7, 57, 93, 158. 63 GERALD LE GRAND HEINEKEN, C. (1829) Notice on some birds of Madeira. Edin­ burg Jom. of Science I (2. Ser.) : 229,233. HEINEKEN, C .(1832) Observations on the Fringilla canaria, Sylvia atricapilla and other birds of Madeira. Zool. Journ. 5 : 70--79. JARDINE, W. (1828) illustrations of ornithology (Madeira or the small island adjacent). JARDINE, W. (183(}) Observations on a collection of birds lately received from Madeira with the description of some new species from that island. Edinb. Journ. Nat. and Geogr. Sc. I : 241.,246. JOHNSON, J. Y. (1885) Handbook for Madeira. London. (birds 192-198). JOUANIN, Ch. (1970) L'avenir des oiseaux pe.lagiques. Courier de la Nature 13 : 1-4. JOUANIN, C.,; J.-L. MOUGIN; F. ROUX & A. ZINO (1979) Le .petrel de Bulwer dans l'archipel de Madere et aux iles Selvagens. L'Oiseau et R.F.O. 49 (3) : 165-184. JOUANIN, Ch.; F. ROUX & A. ZlNO (1969) Visites aux lieux de nidificati<)ll de Pterodrorna molUs «deserta». Oiseau et R.F.O. 39 (2) : 161-175. KOENIG, A. (1890) Omithologische Forschungsergebnisse einer Reise nach Madeira nnd den Kanarisohen rnseln. J. Orn. 38 : 257-488. LATHBURY, G. (1972) Concentration of sea-birds around Ma­ deira. Ardea 60 : 225. 64 ORNITH. BIBLIOG. OF MADEIRA. PORTO SANTO AND DElSElRTAS ISLANDS LEAL, J . B. (1895) Ein in Freiheit 'geziilimtes Paar von FaiLeo tinnunculus madeirensis Kg. Ornith. Monatsber 3 : 158-160. LOCKLEY, R M. (1942) Shearwaters. London (Madeira pp. 200- -231.) LOCKLEY, R. M. (1952) Notes on the birds of the islands of Berlengas (Portugal), the Desertas and Baixo (Madeira) and the Salvages. Ibis 94 : 144-157. LOFGREN, L. E. (1978) First record of the common Gull, Larus canus, in Madeira. Bocagiana 46 : 1-2. LOWE, Willoughby~P. (19-34) A Great Blaclt-headed Gull at Ma­ deira. Ibis : 396. MATHEWS, G. M. (1934) Pterodrama mollis madeira, subsp. nov. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 54 : 161. MATHEWS, G. M. (1934) The Soft plumaged Petrel, Pterodroma mollis, and its subspecies. BUll. B.O.C. 54 : 178-179. MATHEWS, G. M. (1934) A check list of the Order Procellarii­ formes .Novit. Zool. 39 : 151-206. MAUL, G. E. (1948) Lista sistematica dos mamiferos, aves, repteis e batraquios assinalados no Arquipelago da Ma­ deira. in Sarmento (1948) Vertebrados da Madeira: 280-285. MEINERTZAGEN, R. (1925) May in Madeira. Lbis 12 (1) : 600-621 . NEWTON, A. (1863) Two days at Madeira. Ibis : 185-195. NICOLL, M. J. (1904) On a collection of birds made during the Cruise of the «Valhalla1), RY.S., in the West Indies 1903-04. Ibis (madeiran birds pp. 555-556). 65 GERALD LE GRAND NORONHA, A. de & E. SCHMITZ. Aus dem vogeIleben der Insel Porto Santo (Madeira). Ornith. Jahrb. (1902) 13 : 130-135; (1903) 14 : 119-137, 193-205; (1904) 15 : 124-145. OGILVIE...GRANT, W. R. (1890) Notes on some birds obtained at Madeira, Deserta Grande and Porto Santo. Ibis : 438-445. OGILVIE-GRANT, W. R. (1891) Letter on errors in his previous paper. Ibis : 469-470. OGILVIE-GRANT, W. R. (1897) A Naturalist's Rambles in Ma­ deira (unsigned) The Field n° 2310, 3 April. OGILVIE-GRANT, W. R. (1898) Letter on Oceanodroma castro. Ibis : 313-314. PEREIRA, E. C. N. (1940) Ilhas de Zargo, Porto. (Birds 191-202.) PORTO DA CRUZ, Visconde do (1937) A fauna terrestre do Arquipelago da Madeira. Broteria 33 : 176-196. REICHENOW, A. (1906) Journ. f. Ornith. 54 : 152-154. RODE, J. G. (1973) Madeira. Feltornithologen 15 (4) : 213_ SALVADORI, T. (1900) On Oestrelata moUis (Gould) and the aIled species living at Madeira and the Cape Verde islands. Ibis : 298-303. SANTOS-JUNIOR, J. R. (1971) Os Arquipelagos das Selvagens e das Desertas como reservas biologic as_ Cyanopica 1 : 96-106. SARMENTO, A. A. (1936) As aves do ArquipeIago da Madeira; indigenas e de passagem. Funchal. 66 ORNITH. BIBLIOG. OF MADEIRA, PORTO SANTO AND DESERT AS ISLANDS SARMENTO, A. A. (1948) Vertebrados da Madeira.

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