WemtKer Published in Titruville, Pa., SHOWERS Birthplace vol th« 0*1 and (Details on ^ ^ „ ,s_ Natural Qaj industry. xhtHl June I*/, louj luYifc T/aiiy **«jper m </ttJ t/u Region. ' "original 'ij'rakt Well Vol. 71, No. 276 Printed after 3 'A, M. TITUSVILLE, PA., SATURDAY MORNiNG, MAY 2, 1936. (JF) Mean? Associated Press (Three CeuU Zioncheck Still on 'Rampage9 ^Business The Great !l Fight G-Men Capture Spokesmen Game of To Last Inch^ Again Attack Says Selassie Alvin Karpis Politics New Tax Bill Fthiopiun Chiel' Oi ders More By FRANK R. KENT Soldiers, lo Norili To Moot In New Orleans Oop.vrijrht 1936. b» Tli« Baltimore Bnu. Condemn Corporal i o n Meas- Invading Italians. The Borah Curse Finally Captured J. Edgar Hoover Leads Agents ure as Unsound and 'an WASHINGTON, May 1. Calls on All Able-Bodied and Public Enemy No. i Outrage' ai Hearing of PERHAPS THE BEST evidence of the Caughl Without Firing of Senate Committee. inci easing piobability of Goveuioi Citizens To Join Troops Shot. Lnndon's nomination at Cleveland Is t , Heard AHer Treasury the increased energy with which the Koine Awaits Signal for Na- more ardent of the New Deal jour- tional Celebration as Not Public ]£nemy No. 1 Experts Defend Bill nalistic allies heave rocks in his di- Troops Pre&s on' Capital. icction It easily may be that some To Us, Declares Hoover Hold Surpluses Were Not one else will be nominated, but it is H\i The AKsoflnttil Press clear the Roosevelt politicians do not ADDIS ABABA, May 1—Empeioi Fred Hiiiiter, t Robher Sus- Used To Maintain Employ- Haile Selassie, detei mined to defend think so. They haven't for months. the seat of his menaced empire, today pect, and Woman Taken ment and Dividends. ' : ' ' . —£")—„ . • " ordered soldiers to the north to meet Along with Karpis. BI/ Tha'Axsaclaletl I'ress THE BELIEF.;of the Landon forces is the invading Italians. WASHINGTON, May . l.—Spokes- that they"; 'will have not far from ^300" The Negus called upon every able- BULLETIN bodied citizen to take up arms and join ST. LOUIS, May 2.—(&)—A spe- men for business .laid down a barrage votes on the" first ballot, and that their the legular troops tomoriow in a de- man will be nominated on the second cially chartered Douglas Airliner again today, w h i l e , backstage, the com- fense of the capital. bearing Alvin Karpis and ' several mittee's experts sought means of. rais- or third. It is possible this idea may This army, part of it volunteer, will Department 'of -Justice agents ^ng $337,000,000 of additional revenue. riot work out and an entirely different be led by Ras Getachou, governor of landed 'at Lambert-St'. LbiiiV niurd- Kaffa and Gofa provinces. u Witneses representing the New York selection emerge. It is possible the Emperor Haile Selassie, who returned cipal airport at 11:46 tonight. Landon candidacy may be 'dealt a Rep.-MarioA Zioncheck, Democrat of Washington, again has incited the Board of Trade and the Philadelphia suddenly yesterday from the northern Jty The Associated Press ire of" the la'v and •police of Alexandria, Va., have been ordiied to bring front, told his soldiers to cairy enough Chamber of Commerce condemned as damaging blow in the California pri- him in if he visits the city again. He failed to appear on changes of leck- NEW ORLEANS, La., Mayl.— A l v i n maries next iveek, but at this time food to last them for five days. He as- unsound and as "an outrage" the ad- less driving and disorderly conduct. The "playboy" of Congress is shown serted ,Ethiopia has only .made a Karpis, public enemy No. l of the Unit- ministration plan for taxing corpora- there seems considerable ground >for above after his recent marriage to Rubye Nix of Texas, a.WPA stenog- "strategic letreat" and the war is far ed' States, was captured tonight ' at a ttons according to how much of their the Landon confidence. Of course, ef- raijher. |. from over. downtown apartment building without earnings were turned into surplus. fective work is being done in his be- This lofty capital is virtually deserted ,he firing of a shot by a squad^of be- Other business men, including a dele- half, but: his big asset unquestionably except for a large force of police dele- gation selected by the Chamber of gated to maintain order. Thousands of .ween. 15 and 20 'officers led .personally Commerce, of the United States, wait- is the conviction that he fits the situa- Alexandria, Va.,, Police Wold natives have fled and most foreigners by J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the Fed- ed a 'turn to speak int opposition. tion geographically better than any- have sought refuge m the various lega- Alvin Karpis eral Bureau of Investigation., • They took -the stand in the commit one else. tions. An Italian airplane loitered over Alvin Karpis, Public enemy No. Karpis, known 'to 'th'e underworld as tee's public hearing after ' the Treas- To Bring in Rep. Zioncheck fields near the city today. 'Old 'Creepy," was trfe last"' of the 'in- —o— 1 to everyone but J. Edgar Hoov- ner circle of the Karpis-Barker gang ury's defense'of the'bill had 'been'com- IT IS INTERESTING to note the var- Ethiopia, asserted the emperor, -will er and his G-men,' walked into a 1 pleted with an argument that corpor- fight "until the last soldier and the trap set by Hoover and his agents to be rounded up. Seven ot'this band ation surpluses were not .used, during ious ways.in which the Roosevelt press Capricious Lawmaker Fined last inch." at New Orleans yesterday after a of' bank ., robb'ers and.' kidnapers are the depression to maintain employ- agents, official and unofficial, are trying Woman Beaten Reappearance of the ruler here dis- trail of crime that included two dead; 'the rest^in jail. „,..., ginent and dividends. Business repre- to "soak" him. One argument asidu- $66 and $200 Bail Or- closed that he has not shaved his beard The one-Kme , " m a r b l e fchampionr- of kidnapings. The bad man was Topeka, Kas.,""'is,chargedwith partici- sentatives have contended otherwise. ously promoted Is that the "interests" dered Forfeited by Judge. (as Italian icpoits said). captured without ' a shot being George C. Haas, director of research "The majority of our army is not fired. pating in two; famous kidriapingV One in the Treasury ^Department, and, final are back,of him and he has some ne- In Chattanooga destroyed and the morale of the troops was the $100,000 abduction of, - W i l l i a m Kit 'J'lic Associated I'ress A. Hamm., ' Jr., ; Str Paul? t i r e w e r f ? on witness for'the administration, ran in- farious connection with the Standard ALEXANDRIA, Va., May 1.— P o l i c e is ; excellent," he told The Associated. to' the first hostile questioning from Press. June 15, 1933. - T h e bthe'r was the '$200,- Oil. Another new one is that he is Home iDies were told here tonight to seize Repre- 000 " k i d n a p i n g -of- Edward' G.'-Breiner, the' committee. -Senior Bailey (D-NC) supported by "reactionary politicians, "The Italian advances are important Michigan Police challenged several of his arguments sentative Zioncheck the fust time he in length, but insignificant m width president qf« St. Paul's Commercial who do not believe the party can win State b'ankfjanuary^l?, 1934. and so to a lesser extent 'did Senators Passes Away After Mumbling sets foot, or automobile tire, within and far from bringing the invader a ,fGeorge (D-Ga) and King CD-Utah). in 1936 and, through Landon, want to decisive victory, as claimed by him. He was'wanled<on'''' i a , this quief and historic city again. "Even occupation of Addis Ababa Throw Out Net der in'connection^with^the slaying of 'Would Boost Surtaxes control the party machinery in 1940. Incoherently, Indical ing Failing to appear in police court 1 does not signify destruction of the em- Sheriff. C. R. Kelley; at - W e s t Plains, Experts' for 'the ' committee "during' Still another is that he is just a pool- She Knew Assailant.' to answer charges of reckless driving pire. Mo., on Decemb'er 19; 1931. , the day dissected various proposals for Kansas dumbbell, selected by some very and disorderly conduct, the recently Uome Set To Celebrate ForBankBandifc Since , those.j crimes ,,he ihas -escaped closing the $337,000,000 gap noted by sinister creatures whose main idea in Hy 'I'hn/Aiufocfatcil Pi'rsa wed congressman was fined $6t>, and police traps",many tiniest ^,% ^ ? \..' Secretary Morgenthau between the $200 bail posted by a professional bonds- ROME, May 1.—<#>)—Fascist troops life is to oppress the poor. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn^, May 1.— were reported pressing relentlessly to- Five Robbers Make off will ./.Karpis'iwas^- t a k e n "into" custo'dy/ a l o n g - House bill and President Roosevelt's Brutally beaten and kicked during n man was ordered forfeited. with Fred. Hunter, 37,\ suspect 'in' the request. —:'O— "The next time you see this gentle- ward Addis Ababa tonight and Italians daylight attack, Mrs. Eula Mae Mc- were tense in expectation of official $505QOO , from anch o ,$34,000^ Garrettsville, ,0;, \ m a d l .robbery, The l&test.-suggestion, , offered;by ALL THESE arguments tend to be- man," said Judge James R. Duncan, and. a woman whose- name was not Connell, pretty wife of a theater man- "seize.him under a car word to give free reign to their na- Detroit Bank.
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