March 11, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E345 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS JAMI MARQUEZ awards and recognition over the last fifty JACQUELINE DELGADO years. However, many of his contemporaries HON. ED PERLMUTTER note that even though he is a recognized vet- HON. ED PERLMUTTER OF COLORADO erinarian, his true impact in this world has OF COLORADO been in his role as a passionate teacher. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES number of veterinarians he has trained, both Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at CSU and around the world is countless. His Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise caring, sharing and teaching are only a part of Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and applaud Jami Marquez who he is. His contributions to the health and today to recognize and applaud Jacqueline for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service productivity of Colorado’s livestock industry, Delgado for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Ambassadors for Youth award. Jami Marquez along with his dedication to Colorado State Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Jac- is an 8th grader at Wheat Ridge 5–8 and re- University students and his overall improve- queline Delgado is an 11th grader at Jefferson ceived this award because her determination ment to mankind are examples for all to fol- High School and received this award because and hard work have allowed her to overcome low. I am honored to recognize him today. her determination and hard work have allowed adversities. her to overcome adversities. The dedication demonstrated by Jami f The dedication demonstrated by Jacqueline Marquez is exemplary of the type of achieve- Delgado is exemplary of the type of achieve- RECOGNIZING MARCH AS ment that can be attained with hard work and ment that can be attained with hard work and NATIONAL FROZEN FOOD MONTH perseverance. It is essential students at all perseverance. It is essential students at all levels strive to make the most of their edu- levels strive to make the most of their edu- cation and develop a work ethic which will HON. JACK KINGSTON cation and develop a work ethic which will guide them for the rest of their lives. OF GEORGIA guide them for the rest of their lives. I extend my deepest congratulations to Jami IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I extend my deepest congratulations to Jac- Marquez for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge Tuesday, March 11, 2014 queline Delgado for winning the Arvada Wheat Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. no doubt she will exhibit the same dedication Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- and character in all of her future accomplish- recognize the work of one of Georgia’s great cation and character in all of her future ments. schools and my alma mater, the University of accomplishments. f Georgia, UGA, for its recent groundbreaking f research on the nutritional value of frozen HONORING CLEON KIMBERLING fruits and vegetables. March is frozen food SFC DOUG LESH month, and this study by UGA conclusively HON. CORY GARDNER demonstrates the nutritional value of frozen HON. JEFF DUNCAN OF COLORADO fruits and vegetables and will help families OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES make smart, informed decisions on how to eat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in an affordable, healthy way. Tuesday, March 11, 2014 The University of Georgia, in partnership Tuesday, March 11, 2014 Mr. GARDNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to with the Frozen Food Foundation, conducted a Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- honor Dr. Cleon Kimberling. He was recently unique study comparing the nutrient content of er, I rise to pay tribute to Sergeant First Class inducted into the Colorado Agriculture Hall of commonly purchased frozen and fresh fruits Douglas Lesh, in honor of his retirement from Fame because of 50 years of leadership in the and vegetables. This study mimicked con- the United States Army and his extraordinary agricultural industry as a veterinarian and sumer purchasing and storage habits for a va- dedication to duty and service to the United member of the Colorado State University De- riety of fruits and vegetables and the results States of America. Sergeant First Class Lesh partment of Veterinary Medicine. revealed that frozen fruits and vegetables are and his wife Amanda will be moving on from Dr. Kimberling received his Bachelor’s De- nutritionally equal to, and in many cases supe- his current assignment as the Non-Commis- gree and DVM at Colorado State University rior to their fresh counterparts. sioned Officer in Charge of the Office of the and then earned a Masters of Public Health Research such as this provides insight into Chief, Legislative Liaison’s Travel section. from the University of Minnesota. Since then, the value of frozen fruits and vegetables. UGA Army Congressional Liaisons provide an in- he has devoted his time to Colorado State found that at-home storage of fresh fruits and valuable service to both the military and Con- University students and those in the agri- vegetables can lead to significant nutrient loss gress. They assist Members and staff in un- culture industry in Colorado. His vocation has but with frozen fruits and vegetables, con- derstanding the Army’s policies, actions, oper- allowed him to focus on herd health manage- sumers receive the nutritional benefit of ations, and requirements. Their first hand ment of dairy livestock, range beef cattle and produce that is harvested and then frozen at knowledge of military needs, culture, and tradi- range sheep. His expertise in range sheep peak ripeness. Freezing is a natural pause tion is a tremendous benefit to Congressional management is unrivaled and has benefitted button that locks-in nutrition. offices. many, many producers. Dr. Kimberling’s work As families look for easy-to-prepare, afford- A native of Grass Valley, California, Ser- has taken him from the high mountains and able ways to improve their diet, they can geant First Class Lesh enlisted in the Army on plains in Colorado, to the Navajo Nation and reach for frozen fruits and vegetables and, re- August 5, 1993, and entered infantry basic to over 15 countries around the world. affirmed by this UGA research, they can know training at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Dr. Kimberling’s work has resulted in the de- they are receiving the same nutritional benefits Sergeant First Class Lesh’s assignments velopment of surgical instruments for animals, as fresh products. have taken him to Tong Du Su Shon, Korea; and tests for several diseases in various ani- Mr. Speaker, in celebration of National Fro- Fort Stewart, Georgia; Fort Carson, Colorado; mals. His inventions have earned him a U.S. zen Food Month, I wish to applaud UGA and Sacramento, California; Fort Benning, Geor- patent and brought efficiencies to the agricul- frozen food makers for their role in providing gia; Ramadi and Baquba, Iraq; The Joint Staff tural industry. He has written two books, au- American families with important facts about at The Pentagon, and the 1st Battalion 3rd In- thored five chapters, fourteen auto-tutorials, increasing nutrients to support good health. I fantry Regiment (The Old Guard). fifty-four referenced journal articles, as well as am proud to acknowledge research done in Mr. Speaker, on behalf of a grateful Nation, a host of other educational resources. Georgia that allows families to make informed I join my colleagues in recognizing and com- Because of his teaching and his expertise in decisions about the nutritional benefits of the mending Sergeant First Class Lesh for his Veterinary Medicine, he has received many fruits and vegetables they consume. dedicated service to this country. For all he ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:53 Mar 12, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MR8.009 E11MRPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 2014 and his family have given and continue to give Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. HOLLY ANDERSON to our country; we are in their debt. We wish I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- him, his wife Amanda, his son Logan, and cation and character in all of her future ac- HON. ED PERLMUTTER daughters Chloe and Hattie, all the best in complishments. OF COLORADO their future endeavors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f f Tuesday, March 11, 2014 RECOGNIZING 35TH ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE TO WINNER’S CIRCLE Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT AND AWARD WINNER, RICHARD PETTY today to recognize and applaud Holly Ander- REPRESENTATIVE KING PU- son for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge TSUNG Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Holly HON. RENEE L. ELLMERS Anderson is an 8th grader at Wheat Ridge 5– HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO OF NORTH CAROLINA 8 and received this award because her deter- mination and hard work have allowed her to OF GUAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES overcome adversities. Tuesday, March 11, 2014 The dedication demonstrated by Holly An- Tuesday, March 11, 2014 derson is exemplary of the type of achieve- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, today I come Mrs. ELLMERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment that can be attained with hard work and to the floor of the House of Representatives to extend sincere congratulations to Randolph perseverance.
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