Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart Lorn House, Albany Street, Oban, Argyll, PA34 4AW Tel: 01631 5679307 Fax: 01631 570379 1 December 2004 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, ALBANY STREET, OBAN on WEDNESDAY, 8 DECEMBER 2004 at 10:30 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGISES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. CORPORATE SERVICES (a) Minute of Oban Lorn & the Isles area committee meeting held on 3rd November 2004 (Pages 1 - 6) (b) Note in connection with Hearing held in An Talla, Tiree, in respect of planning application ref. 04/00176/MIN (Pages 7 - 10) (c) Report by Area Corporate Services Manager in regard to Local Public Holidays 2005 - Oban and Tobermory (Pages 11 - 12) 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) Applications for Financial assistance under the Education Welfare Grants Scheme (Pages 13 - 18) (b) Applications for financial assistance under the Leisure Development Grants Scheme (Pages 19 - 26) (c) Applications for financial assistance under the Social Welfare Grants Scheme (Pages 27 - 30) (d) Report by Director of Community Services in regard to school holidays and in- service days: 2005/2006 (Pages 31 - 36) 5. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) List of Building Warrants approved by the Director of Development Services since the last meeting (Pages 37 - 44) (b) List of Delegated Decisions issued by the Director of Development Services since the last meeting (Pages 45 - 56) (c) List of Applications for Planning Permission for consideration by the Committee (Pages 57 - 58) (d) 04/00572/OUT: Rubha Nan Ron Seafoods: Site for the erection of a storage shed serving oyster farm - Land North East of Winterton Farm, Balvicar, Isle of Seil (Pages 59 - 72) (e) 04/00574/OUT: Rubha Nan Ron Seafoods: Site for Erection of Dwellinghouse - Land North East of Winterton Farm, Balvicar (Pages 73 - 84) (f) 04/00975/COU: Gilbert MacKechnie: Change of use of land to form caravan pitches - Ganavan Pavillion, Ganavan, Oban (Pages 85 - 96) (g) 04/01295/OUT: Mr S Barton: Outline permission for one dwelling - Deerview, Taynuilt (Pages 97 - 106) (h) 04/01574/OUT: Mrs. Anne Elwis: Site for the Erection of a Dwellinghouse - Land south west of Erray House, Erray Road, Tobermory (Pages 107 - 116) (i) 04/01738/DET: Josephine Grant: Replacement of front windows (retrospective) - First Floor Flat, 126 George Street, Oban (Pages 117 - 122) (j) 04/01789/LIB: Josephine Grant: Replacement of front windows (retrospective) - First Floor Flat, 126 George Street, Oban (Pages 123 - 128) (k) 04/01904/OUT: David and Lorna Moseley: Site for the erection of a dwellinghouse - Land north west of Old Schoolhouse, Kilmore, by Oban (Pages 129 - 136) (l) 04/01933/VARCON: Mr and Mrs D Thomson: Site for a dwelling - Land west of Dunard, Glen Lonan, Taynuilt (Pages 137 - 144) (m) 04/01951/OUT: Mr David Colthart: Site for the erection of a dwellinghouse - Plot 2 Barrancaltuim Barran, Kilmore, Oban (Pages 145 - 152) (n) 04/01952/OUT: Mr David Colthart: Site for the erection of a dwellinghouse - Plot 1 Barrancaltuim Barran, Kilmore, Oban (Pages 153 - 162) (o) Report by Head of Planning in regard to Planning Appeals (Pages 163 - 164) (p) Report by Director of Development Services in regard to Asset Register (Pages 165 - 174) 6. OPERATIONAL SERVICES (a) Report by Roads and Amenity Services Manager in regard to traffic congestion in Soroba Road, Oban (Pages 175 - 178) (b) Report by Roads and Amenity Services Manager in regard to flooding in Dalintart, Oban (Pages 179 - 180) 7. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraphs are:- E1 and E4: Paragraph 9 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services. E2 and E3: Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes- (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. E1 8. ACQUISITION / DISPOSAL / LEASING OF PROPERTY (a) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to 2 Argyll Street, Oban (Pages 181 - 184) (b) Report by Director of Corporate Services in regard to 26 Alexandra Place, Oban (Pages 185 - 192) E2 9. ENFORCEMENT ACTION (a) Enforcement Ref.04/00204/ENFOTH (Pages 193 - 194) E3 10. TREE PRESERVATION ORDER (a) Report by Head of Planning in regard to Tree Preservation Order, Taynuilt (Pages 195 - 198) E4 11. DEEDS AND DOCUMENTS (a) Report by Chief Solicitor in regard to formal Deeds and Documents issued since the last meeting (Pages 199 - 202) OBAN, LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Ian Gillies (Vice-Chair) Councillor Allan Macaskill Councillor Alistair MacDougall (Chair) Councillor Sidney MacDougall Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Donald McIntosh Councillor Elaine Robertson Contact: Kenneth MacDonald, Area Corporate Services Manager - 01631 567902 Page 1 Agenda Item 3a MINUTES of MEETING of OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE held in the COUNCIL CHAMBER, MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS, ALBANY STREET, OBAN on WEDNESDAY, 3 NOVEMBER 2004 Present: Councillor Allan Macaskill (Chairman) Councillor Robin Banks Councillor Sidney MacDougall Councillor Duncan MacIntyre Councillor Elaine Robertson Attending: George Harper, Director of Development Services Kenneth Macdonald, Area Corporate Services Manager Sandy McAuslan, Estates Surveyor Iain MacKinnon, Senior Environmental Health Officer Elaine Docherty, Resource Manager, Adult Services Maureen Beaton, Social Work Neil McKay, Planning Manager Ian McIntyre, Senior Planning Officer Fergus Murray, Planning Services Neil Brown, Roads and Amenity Services Manager The Chairman introduced Mr Ian McIntyre, the newly appointed Senior Planning Officer for Oban Lorn and the Isles area. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of Councillors Ian Gillies, Alistair MacDougall and Donald McIntosh. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Elaine Robertson declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning applications refs. 03/02116/DET, 04/01270/OUT and 04/01369/DET, dealt with in items 5(d), 5(g) and 5(j) respectively of this minute, because of her husband’s position in a firm of solicitors with an interest in these matters. Councillor Sidney MacDougall declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application ref. 03/02116/DET dealt with in item 5(d) of this minute, because of his business association. 3. CORPORATE SERVICES (a) MINUTE OF OBAN LORN & THE ISLES AREA COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 6TH OCTOBER 2004 The Committee approved as a correct record the Minute of the meeting held on 6th October 2004. In response to a question from the Chairman in regard to the sale of the former Dalavich School, dealt with in item 7(a) of the Minutes, it was reported that the Head of Strategic Finance had confirmed that capital receipts from any disposal of Page 2 school estate property will be ring fenced for application to meet ongoing unitary charges. 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) APPLICATIONS FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THE SOCIAL WELFARE GRANTS SCHEME The Committee considered an application from CAB (Oban, Lorn & the Isles) for financial assistance under the Social Welfare Grants Scheme. Decision: It was agreed that no grant be awarded. Councillor Robertson, having failed to find a seconder for her amendment that a grant of £3,000 be awarded, asked that her dissent be recorded. (Ref: Report by Area Manager, Social Work) 5. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) LIST OF BUILDING WARRANTS APPROVED BY THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SINCE THE LAST MEETING The Committee noted a list dated 13th October 2004 of Building Warrants and Relaxation of the Building Standards Regulations in respect of which approvals had been issued since the last meeting. (Ref: List of approvals dated 13th October 2004, submitted) (b) LIST OF DELEGATED DECISIONS ISSUED BY THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SINCE THE LAST MEETING The Committee noted a list dated 13th October 2004 of applications for planning permission in respect of which delegated decisions had been issued since the last meeting. (Ref: List of approvals dated 13th October 2004, submitted) (c) LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE COMMITTEE The Committee dealt with planning applications as follows: (d) 03/02116/DET: J. ADAMS: ERECTION OF A HOUSE - MELFORT HOME FARM, MELFORT It was agreed that this application be continued to a site inspection meeting to be h Page 3 held on 17th November 2004. (Ref: Report by the Head of Planning dated 18th August 2004, Supplementary Report No.1 dated 21st September 2004 and Supplementary Report No.2 dated 27th October 2004, submitted) (e) 04/00138/DET: DR M MACKAY-JAMES: DEMOLITION OF FORMER WOOD STORE AND ERECTION OF A DWELLINGHOUSE - FORMER WOOD STORE, GLENCRUITTEN ESTATE, OBAN After consideration of Supplementary Report No.2 by the Head of Planning dated 28th October 2004, it was agreed that this application be refused for the reasons set out in Report dated 13th September 2004. (Ref: Report by the Head of Planning dated 13th September 2004, Supplementary Report No.1 dated 13th September 2004 and Supplementary Report No.2 dated 28th October 2004, submitted) (f) 04/00652/OUT: D. CAMPBELL: ERECTION OF A HOUSE - MELFORT ESTATE, MELFORT It was agreed that consideration of this application be continued to a site inspection meeting to be held on 17th November 2004.
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