.9 I H E t ;j ^+",{i 05AA 1,,/ 40Bs9i <::..:t?i t.i.ti./ t:. tt.t1t;i.i.1, ,i B.fj6gi ! i:,'i , i I ,r i. ' I'irr.. I j, . \,J/11CIe4 l'i,,..:,,.i ';i* 4?,!yy iI l.i,,li r ] ,ir,F, 8 FORM 26 (sEERULE 4A) il Affidavit to befunrished by thecandidate before the retuming officer for thebiennial electiol to theporrncilof States from AndhraPradesh Legislative Assembly Constituency. I, DASARI: NARAYANA RAO, Son of Late Sri. Sai Raju agedabout 59 years,residelt of Hoglc No.8-2-293/821N900-A, Iloac! No.46, Jubilee llills, I{yderabad- 500 034, ca'diclateat the aboveelection, do herebysolemnly affirm/state on oathas under. n o i. I ant not accusedof anyoffence(s) punishable with imprisorunentfor two yearsor morc iu a pendingcase(s) H in which a charge(s)has/have been franrecl by tlie court(s)gl E conrpetentjtrrisdiction. * if tfle deponent is accuseclof any such offence(s) he shall fumish the following infonnation: Not Applicable i ,: il t' (i) Case/FirstInformation fl -7( (ii) Policestation(s) *-J)isctrict(s) H State(s) {f^, ftE0r Prnjatj a ,h *i,ri;Hi: Contd....2. kd ..jlf I -f-ffi,TRfrr*=#${.r / - .r/ ll2ll (iiD Section(s)of the concerneclAct(s) and short clesoriptionol'the ofl'ence(s)for r,vhiohthe candidatehas been charged - (iv) Court(s)which framedthe charge(s) (v) Date(s)on which the charge(s) (vi) Whether all or any of the proceeding(s)have been stayedby any court(s) of cotttpetcttl jurisdiction 2. I have not beenconvicted of an offence(s)(other than any ofl'ence(s))re{brred to in sub- section (1) or sub-section(2), or covered in sub-section(3),of section 8 of the Representationof the PeopleAct, 1951(43 of 1951)and sentencedto imprisonmeutfor one year or tnore. If the cleponentis convictecl ancl punishecl as aforesaid, he shall furnish the following information: br o (i) Case/FirstInformation report No.,A{os. (ii) Court(s)which which punished (iiD Policestation(s) Disctrict(s) State(s) the (iv) Section(s)of the concernedAct(s) and short descriptionof tlie offence(s)for which candidatehas been charged (v) Date(s)on which tlte sentencc(s)was/were pronottnced jtrrisdiction (vi) Whetherthe sentence(s)has/have been stayetl by any court(s)of cornpetent Place:Hyderabad of Date : 17.03.2006 Signature (.no,s+tt,t 0\lQ(qYolld) Qfl t,") VBRIIIICATION of this aflidavit aLe I, t5e above nameddeponent, do herebyveriff and declarethat the contents tiue and correctto the bestof my klowledge and belief, no part of it is false and nothingrnaterial has been ccncealed therein' Verifiecl at Hyderabaclon this 17thday of March, 2006 Signature of Ddporfent ADVOCATEHIGH COURT ( ru A/Dd{8Yl'}x'td} Clal Na l\t (:rnrrnr{ Flalrl Dqs a n ti 'l 'Fi rir '; -, il F r;i t -:'"F,. h 'i::1 FI ttI {i i;it r: i !,ii,,,lir PF?ADESI-I ()':t{J -Sr{ .st ,{ "1 fr1"t, Ar.rq-exurg-I Affidavit to be furnishedby candidatealong wlth nominationpaper Beforethe Ileturning Officer lror the electionto the Councilof States(Rajya Sabha) from Andhra PradeshLegislative Assembly Csrrsftfrengr I, DASARI NARAYANA RAO, Son of Late.Sri Sai Raju, aged 59 years, residentof l{ouse No.ffs2-293l82/A1900-A,Road No.46, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad- 500034, candidate at theabove election, do h€reb.ysolemnly affirm and state on oathas under:- 'Ilre /t\ H followingcases are pending against me in whichcognizance has been taken by the court:- I (i) Sectionof the Act and descriptionof the offerrcefor which cognizancetaken-Not applicable (ii) The Court whiclr hastaken cognizance: Not applicable (iii) CaseNo,: Not applicable Dateof orderof theCou( takingcognizance: Not applicable r R Detailsof appeal(s)/application(s)for revision, etc., if auy,filed againstabove order taking cognizance:Not applicable .u-%^ --tll$r. 2 '.- 1'lllFF". u.r. ltt, sfri f^rn- l6t{ *" ffi-T}s"\ -.,.-.- &---, a'_&Y/.t That I give fiereinbelorvthe detailsof the assets(imnrovable, movable, bank balarce,etc.) of nlysell, andmy spouseand dePendents... (Assetsin joint nameindicating the extentof joint ownershipwill also haveto be given) Details of movable assets Spouse Description Self S.No. Name:Srnt. Oasari Patlma cash 75,000.00 I Depositsin Banks,Financial lnstitutions I andNon-Banking Financial Companies I Electricitydeposit 5,200.00 '16.03.06 I Cashat Bankas on 391,263.00 I l::l Bonds,Debentures and Shares in Companies I DasariHouse of Publication(P) Ltd I 17,993,451.00 DasariPicture Palace I 4,743,846.80 BalajiEnterprises I 25,000.00 LakeVilla Orchards I 75,000.00 MahabGreen Gold I 57,500.00 SevenSeas I 500,000.00 SriLakshmiTalkies 100,000.00 I OtherFinancial instruments NSS, Postal, I Savings,LlC, Policies etc. I 1,039,314.00 MotorVehicles I Jewellery(give details of weight and value) | I a.Jewellery 5262.76 Gms I o. Sitver28.5 Kgs I I tl I Otfrerassets, such as values of claimsi interests I 60,000.00 I LandAdvance I Airconditioner 955.00 I I 2,313.0C I Computer I FaxMachine 4,015.0C I I 617.0C I Fridse I Furniture 127,207.0( I I ll 2,109.0( I Television I Typewriter 920.0( I I 1,938.0( I AirCooler I TapeRecorder 2,736.0( I I 949.0( I Stabilizer I I SriVenkateswaraBuilders I 300,000.0( 200,000.0( I MutuallyAided Co op. SocietY I 3,585,600.01 I tharat<aPrabhu Publishers (P) Ltd I I UdnayamInvestment 2,464,850.0t I Tharakaprabhu films 55,317.0r I KamakshiFilms 4,555.01 I DasariMass Media 873,779.5 I DasariFilm UniversitY 47,O28.0 I OasariFilm International 542,296.1 CineChitra 9,885.0 I Dasari n NagarSocietY 13,400.0 I fitm n tetuguProducers Council 17,500.0 I 0 I HemalaYaKumari 1,105,900.0 79,382.8B I SureshProductions I G.Purandararao 100,000.c0 100,000.ctl I P.Ramulu q I SureshFilms Dist 10,717 ,1 z,o Iz.r r9 I VNRFilms '13,079.t I DasariCommunciations l1 I Picture:NaYudamma 37,400.()0 I Loans& Advances 2,819,186.00 DasariNaraYana Rao 8,15B,114.73 I 400,Q00.00 I EVRaja Reddy I SeshaSavee Cine Creations 1,20*Q00.00 I Totalin Rs. T4Jfr,637.s5f- lr,tqgr2,qgJ! Detailsof immovableassets S.No. Description serr i l:il:"-,",.Dasari 1 AgriculturalLand I Landat KaverirajaPuram 33,630.00 I 456.00 Landat Medchal I 88,784.00 Landat M.KuPPam I Landat Thiruvalangadu 228,500.00 I 1337,940.00 Landat VaradaYYaPalem I Landat NandiYamPakkam 1556,750.00 I 2 Non-AgriculturalLand 1,174,000.00 I Landat Nangramguda I Building I 6'675,000.00 I nlatsat V'rjaya Shanthi Apartments' Chennai propertyat 900-4, Road N0.46' J.Hills, Hyd 16,5i500,804.00 I 2,6698,500.00 I nlatat BazullahRoad, T.Nagar, Chennai I Shopat VijaYawada 647,041.09 I TotalinRs. 1.821,041.00 ?J.14&13!,,$!.q[ No otherdependants trrc z\* $$$^b^-.u_.iF/ o W) ,;1 .rereinbelow the detailsof my liabilities/ overdues to PublicFinancial Institutions :- .r'dvernmentdues (Note: Pleasegive separate details for eachitem) Nameand address of Bank / Amount Financiallnstitution(s) / outstandingas -.elr$:1?99-q." VijayaBank, MJ Road,Hyderabad- Housing Loan 3,869,118.00 StandardChartered Bank, Hyderabad- Car Loan 209,275.53 Not overdue Loansfrom Financial Institutions Governmentdues Dues to departmentsdealing with governmentaccomodation Duesto departmentsdealing with supplyof water Duesto departmentsdealing with supplyof electricitY Dues to departmentsdealing with telephones Dues to departmentsdealing with governmenttransPort (including aircrafts and helicoPters) Other dues if anY orrnationTechnology and CommunicationsDept of Andhra Pradesh- LaPtoP Loan 103,575.00 Incometax including surcharge [Also lncomeTax Returns filed upto AY 2005-06 Nil indicatethe assessment Year upto noundisputed income tax is in arrears whichIncome Tax Return filed. PAN:AADPN 2804Q Givealso Permanent Account Number 2000-01 WealthTax [Also indicate the Taxreturns filed uPto AY assessmentyear uPto which Wealth noundisputed wealth tax is in arrears Taxreturn filed.l SalesTax [Only in caseof proprietary Notapplicable businessl 81.968.53 iti.;ff' w ?^f q lT 5' 4) My educationalqualifications are as under:- lligherSeconclary: MMKN Municipallligher Secondary School, Palakol, West Godavari District. AndhraPradesh. B. Com.(Discontinued) : Narasapur College, Narasapur, aflliated to AndhraUniversity. (Doy 7ro, lrlll et:vl,t)r's / ) VEI{IFICATION I, the 6eponentabove named, do herebyverify and declarethat the coutentsof this affidavii aretrue and corect to the bestof my knowledgeand belief, no part of it is falseand nothing materialhas been concealed therefrom. Verified at Hyderabadon this the lTtr'day of March, 2006. \ Dt{l'0NltlN'I' ( b4tsftu ht fr<+v$rvo (r"l'e") ,1T MARE$qfi f, p--?eS 4 S".
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