THETu TS DAILY IWhere You Read It First Monday, March 31,1997 Volume XXXIV, Number 44 I -, New websi te Jumbohub strives for c community’ 4 by DAN TOBIN new standards for them.” even more. Daily Editorial Board University President John “We don’t view it as a compe- A tangled Web is being woven DiBiaggio provided funding for tition. It’s for students who want a at Tufts. Reacting to the perceived Jumbohub’s startup after Chriss more interactive site that’s chang- inadequacy of the University’s approached him with plans last ing frequently.” semester. DiBiaggio also decided AccordingtoChriss, the people I official webste, astudent-run site 1 I called Jumbohub will launch to- that Chriss should meet with in charge of www.tufts.edu have day in an attempt to better unite Howard Woolf, associate director been positive about Jumbohub’s I Tufts on the Internet. ofthe Experimental College. startup. DavidMacDonald, Direc- I--.-““I 3% I c Photo by Susan Habit “The keyword is community,” tor-of Information Services and The sidewalk (oT‘:ack thereof) in front of Curtis Hall. said sophomore Alex Chriss, the the person in charge ofthe official brains behind the Jumbohub University site, could not be idewalks are all that remain to project. “We’re trying to create a reached for comment. community of anyone involved All faculty and department complete College Ave. bridge with Tufts, from admissions to pages will be available today, al- 7 After months ofdelay, the College Ave. Bridge project, connecting current students to alumni.” though only a few student pages r College Ave. with the intersection ofthe bridge and Boston Ave., is now Operated out ofa small office in will be represented on today’s in its final stages. The project supervisor says it should be completed Eaton Hall, Jumbohub can be ac- launch. Chriss emphasized that in less than a mmth. cessedat http:llwww.jumbohub. Jumbohub will feature home pages The only work left is resurfacingthe bridge, he said. Workers are now com starting today. “The site’s by any interested students. in the “cleaning-up stage,” and the supervisor said that they plan to still under construction,” Chriss Alumni relations and Admis- remove all materials used for construction and remnants from the old said, “but we don’t want to wait sions are also currently working bridge sex.All structural work is now complete, he added. until next year to start. on pages. DiBiaggio will have his The sidewalk along the bridge, which gives students quick access “Students need something like own page. to Cousens Gym, is currently being resurfaced. Already, workers have this,” he added. “The president likes to commu- replaced the curbs on the opposite side of the street. Jumbohub currently consists nicate, and [Jumbohub] seems like The University originally anticipated that the bridge would be of mostly student-oriented ser- anotherwaytokeepwith hisopen- completed by December 1996, but problems with bad weather held the vices and areas. The“Virtua1 Ink” door policy,” said Kate Ryan, as- date back until this coming May. section features art and writing sistant to the president. The page The bridge has been elevated to allow double-decker commuter from students; “Jumbolaya” is features personal information as trains to pass beneath. State and federal funds have paid for the cost filled with various links-“a huge well as recent speeches and writ- of construction on the Medford-owned bridge. bookmark section,” according to “The president wanted some- ings, a briefbiography, and aphoto The intersection of College and Boston Ave. has become dangerous Chriss; the “Student Arena” has one else to get a read on the situ- gallery. for students, especially during the months ofconstmction when machin- chat forums and bulletin boards ation to see if it was a worthwhile Chriss emphasized that ery blocks the view of oncoming motorists. Police, however, have been for the Tufts community; and for idea,” Woolf said. “I thought it Jumbohub is still in the opening directingtraffic during construction hours in an effort to avoid accidents. campus news, the Daily‘s online was a good idea.” stages. “I’d like to see graphic Transportation to the Cousens Gym has been limited since he edition will be featured. Those working on Jumbohub artists, writers, and anyone inter- bridge’s closing. Shuttles run from the gym to the Campus Center, bui ‘‘This nopefully will be a place stress that it is not meant to com- ested in web stuffto become a part because the shuttle stops running at 6 p.m., some school officials are where Tufts students can interact pete with the University’s site. of the Jumbohub team,” Chriss still concerned that students are returning from the gym late at night. and be proud of,” Chriss said. “That was never the intent,” said. Information on getting in- “We’ll hopefully make Tuftsapio- Woolfsaid. “There’senough room volved is available at the - Scott Hirsch neer in college- websites and set for two Tufts sites, and maybe Jumbohub site.. Student activists discuss Sociologist will lecture democracy at EPIIC Wilson to cover plight of inner-city blacks by JONATHAN BLOCK meet interesting people, Iive a &ee life.” by BRlAN SC“EIDER Senior Staff Writer Senior Staff Writer Now studying English at WarvardUniver- Famed sociologist William Julius Wil- This week’s EPIIC (Educationfor Pub- sity, Ling will share her experiences in son, chosen as one of America’s 25 Most lic Inquiry and International Citizenship) China with Tufts. Influential People by Time.Magazine in International Symposium entit1ed“TheFu- Joining Ling in the discussion will be 1996,will be speakingat the Fletcher School hue of Democracy” will bring three ofthe Pinto, the former leader of the Thnorese of Law and Diplomacy on Tuesday. most important and influential student ac- underground movement of the National Wilson, who recently joined the faculty tivists in the world, as well as dozens of Council of Maubere Resistance (CNRM). of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy distinguished international figures and When the Indonesian army invaded School of Government, will present a lec- speakers, to the Tu& campus. East Timor, Pinto was I1 years old. Re ture entitled “The New Social Inequality Chai Ling, the leader of the 1989 pro- spent the rest of his childhood ‘‘runnhg and Race-Based Public Policy.” democracy student protests in Tiananmen from one place to another, hunted by the Sociology Professor Susan Ostrander Square, China; Constantine Pinto, the Indonesian my,” Pinto said. spoke highlyofWilson’s prominence. Echo- former leader oftheTimoreseunderground Pinto explained that the invasion com- inga statement made by the New York Times movement; and Lulu Johnson, the former pelled him to join the resistance move- book review, Ostrander said, “He has been head of the Afn‘can National Congress ment. “Women were raped ... in front of referred to as the most celebrated sociolo- Youth League, will converge at Tu% to their families,”Pinto said. HerecaIledthat gist in America.” discuss democracy at this year’s EPIIC the Catholic Church reported that of the Indeed, Wilson is adistinguishedscholar. symposium. 700,oOO living i~bt~iim,25O,OOO~pleHe has received 24 honorary doctorates According to the Boston were killed during the invasion. 4 Globe, Lhg and has served as president of both the spent 10 months fleeing Chinese authori- In 1990, Pintowaselectedthesecretary American Sociological Association and the ties after their military attacked students ofthe ExecutiveCommittecoftheCNRM. Consortium of Social Science Associations. William Julius Wilson protesting in Tiananmen Square, killing One year later, he was arrested and tor- He is also the author of numerous articles dependence on the welfare system. hundreds ofpeaceful demonstrators.Hid- tured for sixdays. Pinto recalls that his face dealing with the urban black poor. Wilson has. said that inner-city blacks ing in various villages, learning new dia- was swollen, and he thought they were In his first two books, The Declining essentially are forced to lead a life of“con- lects, and even having an eyelid operation going to kill him. “I just could not believe Significance ofRace 978), and The Truly centrated poverty” that most government c (I to conceal her identity, Ling was able to that I was stili alive,” he said. Disadvantaged( 1987), Wilson charged that programs cannot solve. In his latest book, slowly make her way out of China. Pinto is currently a representative 01 the plight of inner-city blacks was due to the When Work Disappears: The World of the After successfully eluding Chinese au- the CNRM to the United Nations and the fact that the changing global economy New UrbanPoor( 1996),theself-proclaimed thorities, LingarrivedinBoston,Mass.,in United States. caused many low-skill industrial jobs to liberal argued that most poor, inner-city the spring of 1990 by hiding in a wooden Johnson, the former head of the Afri- disappear from the inner city. residents want to work. The real problem, crate at the bottom of a shippingboat from can National Congress Youth Leagde, will Wilson denounces both the liberal idea according to Wilson, is that there are no Beijing. also attend discussion. Johnson led Y this that racial discrimination is the cause of jobs available. Living in the United States, Ling told a urban black poverty and the conservative see Bosion Globe repoxter that she “can travel, EPIIC, page 2 idea that inner-city poverty is caused by see WILSON, page 2 ~ _-_cs__x.”_ a- .-- II ___. .. .. --_.-..... ~ ..--- _.,.______...___.___I_.__. ___.... -l-_l_.--l... -- .... ____I_.___..__.....~...._..__.l__...__I__ _l--l---..---- ll eric eague baseball previews, page 617 11 I ‘agetwo THETUFTS DAILY Monday, March 31,1997 Donations will help orphans in Bosnia THETUFTS DAILY ~ - EPIIC P.O.
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