51 i il The R nayr University of IdaI<o j<-IOSCOW, IDAHO 1969 .! Volume 73, Number 4 . ;"erat. 19, 0 - = == ~ —.o I = ce e:-r=="soII :-e C! III 5 i r 0II = ] School Board S, lri«<s s"<I<e«"s "s,-, turns down U-I <SlllS, "if-I<l ll< l I< l" WSS < bus request All-Idaho Week, a week which has been set aside'n commemoration of the 100th anniversary of NCAA col Use of Moscow School District busses lege football, will begin Monday in Moscow. will Pullman for home-game transportation of students The week long activities will be climaxed by the Idaho-Idaho State football game, which be played at and fans was denied a second time in Rogers Stadium Saturday afternoon. students to the Idaho campus for the The ISU Monday night when school trustees failed IIdaho St te University plans to bring several busloads of game. to take any action on a request from the students and marching unit will be given two nights loging on campus in fraternities, sororities and independent halls University of Idaho athletic department, officials said it was UI highly possible «tl,m %„1 A week of activities, designed to 'em State will be held at the University banquets, rallies, a living. group'ecorating that the busses used by the Lewiston recognize contributions made by citizens, of Idaho. contest dances educational school district would be made available l communities, industries, and institutions All Idaho Week will include ceremonies and industrial exhibits and a grideiron for the three Saturday afternoon football of higher learning to the progress of the honoring different areas of the state, battle between the Idaho Vandals and the games. Bob Maker of the athletic +j()ry'hf Idaho State Bengals. department said talks already are under Beginning Monday mith "Panhandle way concerning use of the Lewiston Day," the university will honor the towns busses. of Sandpoint, Coeur d'Alene, Bonners If the agreement with Lewiston can be Ferry and North Idaho Junior College. reached the busses will be provided to the Sharon Stranahan, Tri Delta, is chair- students free of charge. Dean Vettrus man of the Monday activities ASUI General Manager who is handling (769 Tuesday has been declared "North the arrangements said, "If we can make Idaho Day." Banners and posters will the necessary arrangements on insurance recognize the communities of Wallace, and so forth, Lewiston will provide the Kellogg, and Lewiston as well as thr busses. I feel certain that those problems Lewis+lark Norml School, can be worked out and the busses will be University students will pay tribute on available." (Il',r. Wednesday to the cities of Caldwell, Under the proposed agreement, l4:-'''-."„-pry( Nampa and Boise, also Northwest Lewiston will provide ten school busses Nazarine the College Idaho, tatriuAt5 College, of for approximately $75 each. The exact iso al r,l r '! and Boise State College. cost will depend on the length the busses I rhl'hhraI On Thursday, "Magic Valley Day, " shih Rl h are used and the mileage they are driven. Il ."::::~4g-".<Q,":: Twin Falls and the College of Southern An uncertain amount of money to S Idaho will be saluted. Sue Hiria, French, , r provide the busses may become available is organizing the day. from interested groups outside the Friday the cities of Pocatello, Idaho university. Any remaining costs will be r m S Falls, and Rexburg will be honored. split equally between the ASUI and the "Southeast Idaho Day," will also recog- Atheletic department. nize Idaho State University and Rtcks When university officials this summer RALLY SQUAD MEMBERS Diane Aguirre, Don Hall, and Marilee Stroble College. condemned the Vandal's Neale Stadium pose with an All-Idaho Week poster. Posters are being circulated through- On Friday evening joint dinners will be for further use, arrangements were made out Idaho to advertise the celebration. held by the Moscow and Pocatello the three home to play games at the Chambers of Commerce and students of Washington State University stadium in Idaho and Idaho State. Pullman. A combined rally and dance is planned First on the home schedule is game State million for Friday night based on the theme,: 27 when Vandals provides 5 Sept. the meet the rival $ "Here We Have Idaho." Idaho State University. Governor Samuelson will be arriving at Vandal University officials two weeks ago "BAD GUYS" are all over the Idaho campus. 10:30 Saturday to participate in the requested use of the Moscow school fur student education loans boosters are wearing black cowboy hats this season closing ceremonies of All Idaho Week. district busses to transport students to as a symbol that Idaho won't be give in to other foot- The Idaho- Idaho State football game Samuelson announced on school and from the games on a fce basis. The I -Go)ernor Don increasing the income ball teams. Jim Willms, ASUI president models one concludes the week of activities. The trustees voted to the Wednesday that he had been advised by endowment funds. The Board deserves reject request of the hats which he will present to Idaho congress- game will be held at 1:30 Saturday in because of regular board the Idaho Endowment Investment public commendation for its quick and policy. men while in Washington, D.C. (R.B.Photo) Pullman. Monday night athletic director Ed Board that it had set in motion aS constructive actions. Knecht and Dean L. Vettrus, ASUI arrangement which would provide five "Education is gaining in monetary general manager, asked the trustees to million dollars of school endowment funds benefits on a generous basis, and this is a reconsider their previous rejection and which would be used by Idaho students to source of satisfaction for students, allow use of district busses. The obtain government guaranteed student teachers, parents and all taxpayers," university representatives said the educational loans through Idaho banks. Samuelson said. S(.".:<S<IIIS II'OVll In> athletic department planned to offer free "This The Investment Board, meeting II) is one of the most gratifying transportation on a shuttle service to both actions I can think of, " Samuelson said. Tuesday in Boise, voted unanimously to students and other persons. Vettrus said "Using Idaho school funds for direct make the five million dollars available for the university would arrange necessary benefit of Idaho students through the guaranteed loans to Idaho college and insurance. cooperation of Idaho banks makes it a university students, according to John D. SC 10 tII'S 1i >S "Or nee< However, the revised request gained nr total all-Idaho beneficial arrangement. Silva, Commissioner of Finance and y action of the four trustees attending the "School endowment funds receive a chairman of the Board. Board is Student Committee for Equality in SCEE seeks to provide the extra adjustment to campus, social and Monday night session. guaranteed high rate of return, with He said that the Investment Education (SCEE) has awarded three and moral academic life better. School Dlylrrr~halrrman leery R. government guaranteed safety. Such a', preparing contracts to handle the financial, scholastic, support scholarships to students of a minority of need in order for SCEE offers 1) enough monetary Zimet had the board's official policy return is more than double what the funds servicing- phase of the loan program of many these persons disadvantaged group from throughout the support to bring each candidate selected statement read at the meeting and ther are earning at present, so the school through Idaho banking institutions, and them to be able to successfully complete in about two United States. SCEE's aid is available to all up to an equal economic level, depending pointed out that the rule stipulated the endowment fund will gain substantially in details would be finalized college. students — Mexican-Ameri- on financial need; 2) job opportunities for busses could be used only within the income. weeks. Negroes, T. D. American-Indians, and poor those desiring part time work; 3) choice Moscow school district. "Idaho university and college students Other members of the Board are Student Committee cans, SCEE, whites. of resident hall, fraternity or off-campus Zimet said, "We are not legally able te have a loan source of Idaho money to Jones, Malad; Horace S. Howell, for Equality in Education, Scholarship winners 4) choice of curriculum; and 5) tutoring transport the busses across the state enable them to start or continue their Pocatello; Steve M. Meikle, Rexburg; this year include a John will hold a meeting Friday, girl from services. line." higher education. Idaho banks which John H. Brandt, Nampa; B. Bell, Payette Idaho A Mexican H. Dean Summers, American, she is being sponsored by Persons eligible for SCEE scholar- He said the trustees have found il participate are performing a fine service Boise; State Senator Sept. 27 at 1 p.m. in the SUB. Representative Joe N. SCEE, the ASUI and EOG (Economically ships must meet the'qualifications of necessary to turn down similar requests which helps their state. Boise; State Dan Gaither, president of Lewiston; and State Poor Grant). She will be majoring in 1) having completed high school and of from other organizations asking use oi "The Endowment Investment Board Wagner, the student organizaed and of Public Instruction, Del secondary education in Spanish. being accepted by the University of school busses, "but we are not in was appointed only last spring, but has Superintendent encourages sponsored group, A Mexican-American Idaho; 2) of meeting all the scholas-'ic business." thi'ransportation produced rapid results in greatly F. Engelking, ex-officio. is being all interested students to at- sponsored by the North Idaho Association standards necessary to obtain of desiring col-a'igher tend.
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