}IINUTES OF THE TTthMEETING OF DEAC. KOZHIKODE HELD ON 8thJUNE2OIS HELD AT COLLECTORATE CONFERENCE HALL. KOZHIKODE The l7'h meeting of the DEAC commenced al 02.00 PM. The District Geologist and the conr. cner of DEAC T.Mohanan welcomed the members and initiated the proceedings of the eonrurittee. The Agenda included the evaluation of four granite quarry project,two lateritequarry pro.lects. tbur ordinary earth and two brick clay project.The following members of DEAC, Kozhikode were present in the meeting. L z\sst. Executive Engineer, LSGD, Kozhikode I [)istrict Otficer. PCB. Kozhikode. -1. I)istrict Officer, Ground Water Dept., Kozhikode. -1. Sri. Sathvan Meppavur. Nominated Member :. Asst. Conservator of Forest, Kozhikode. (r. Asst. Engineer. PWD (Buildings), Kozhikode 7. l . Mohanan. District Geologist, Kozhikode. itcrn \o. l7-01 liilc No. lU3651l\8 Application for obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed ordinary earth proiect in 0.09.1157 i{a area in re survey No. 273ll of ThazhakodeVillage, Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode I)isrrict. Kerala submitted by Sri. ABDULLA K T, Malol House, Kanjirathodi, Chennamangallur P ( ).. K ozhikode. l\rcei llape4elI-Sri. ABDULLA K T Itcrn No. l7-02 I ilc \o. ll/;llll/18 ,\p|lreation fbr obtaining environmental clearance lor the pioposed ordinary earth project in 0.203 I lla rtlea in re survey No. 68 of Nochad Village, Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District. Kerala .ubr)rirtcd b1 Sri. HAMSA, Shafi Manzil, Kollarn p O." Kozhikode i!_jcct I'roponent: Sri HAMSA I tcnr \o. l7-03 lrilc \o. IL.lt5l/t8 '\p1'riicalion fbr obtaining environmental clearance fbr the proposed ordinary earth project in 0.00g0 I irr iitea in re survey No. I I I of cheruvannur village, Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District, Kerala b' Sri. T p MoosA 'rrh,irrccl MASTER. Karimbapunathil,flouse, Aavata p o., Kozhikode i'lqlr:ir l'rypenlu!-SriT I, MOOSA MASTEIT , 3 Ite m No.€ l7-04 I- ile No. H/3 781/ l8 Application for obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed laterite quarry project in 0..l5lt;l Ha in re survey No. 152128,24, 151/14. and lBof Thazhakode Village. Kozhikode lalLIk. Kozhikode District, Kerala submitted by'Sri. PREMAVALSAN K. Kadungochankandi, Choolur P.O., Kozhikode. Pro ect Pro onent: Sri. PREMAVAT.SAN K Itcm No. 17-05 File No. Hl3754l18 Application lor obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed laterite quarry project in 0.7ltt3 I Ia area in re survey No.1/3of KuttikatturVillage, Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District. Kerala submitted by Sri. AHAMMED KUNNUMMAL, Kunnummal House, Kottarnparambu I) O.. Kozhikode. I'roi ect ProDonent: Sri. AHAMMED KI-INNUMMAL Item No. 17-06 Iile No. H/395s/18 Application for obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed laterite quarry project in 0 5818 District' Kerala L{a area in re survey No.25611of PerumannaVillage, Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode submittedbySri.SURESHT,,ThadathilHouse.ChoolurP'O',Kozhikode' I)roiect Propon ent: Sri. SURESH T Item No. l7-01 Ijile No. Hl3'7't2ltB for the proposed laterite quarry/ proJcct rn Application for obtaining environmental clearance 0'32055HaareainresurveyNo.l55ofThazhakodeVillage,KozhikodeTaluk,KozhikodeDistrict. O, Oralakoth House' Manipuram P O'' Kozhikode' Kerala submitted by Sri. BASHEER O Proiect Proponent: Sri. BASHEER .lhecornmitteedecidedtodefertheabovetenitemsforsitevisittoassessthegroundrealities, l-ralrralion and discussion of field visit offour ranite uar ro ects resented in the l5'r'and l6( DEAC meeting Ite rn \o. I 7-08 (Filc \o. lll3749/18) l)rttt.rosal No: DIA/KL/MIN/14780/2018 Application fbr obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed granite quarry proiect in () 9l99lla area in re survey No. 188/2of Kodiyathur Village, KozhikodeTaluk, Kozhikode District. licmlir br Sri. MOHAMMED K K, KodaKkadan House. Poovathikkal P O., Malappuram. lllie:ct I] Io oncnt: Sri. MOHAMMED K K llre l)LAC convened its l6'h meetin g on 22105/2018 at the Collectorate Conference Hall at 03:00 l'M ouu'ards to evaluate and appraise the quarry projects. The quarry project of Sri. MOHAMMED K K. Kodakkadan House was evaluated as per the application received in the web portal. Power point prcsentation of the quarry project was done by the RQP (Recognized Qualified Person) cortccrncd. A subcomrnittee with 4 members of DEAC was formed for the site inspection as per the agenda in u Iriclr I he District Geologist, Kozhikode, District Officer, Kerala State Pollution Control Board. Kozhikode. Sri. Sathyan Meppayur, Nominated Member and Asst. Engineer, PWD (Buildings), K oz lr iliirdervere included. The subcommittee inspected the site on 2910512018 and found that the site r\ \urlirlrlc lbr the project. llrc ( onrmittce appraised the proposal based on Form IM, pre- f'easibility report, mining plan and licltl inspection olthe subcommittee and all other documents submitted along with the proposal. I hc ('ouurittee decided to recommend for issuance of Environmental clearance. ltcnr \o. I 7-09 (|ilt.\o. II/3750/l8) l)r'oposal No: DIA/KL/MIN/ 14786/20 I 8 ,\pplication tbr obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed granite quarry project in l.l-1:6lla area in survey No. 4411, 45/1 & 45l2of Keezhariyur Village, KoyilandyTaluk, Kozhikode l)istiiet. KeralaBy STiMUHAMMED ISMAYIL MAKKI, Anapparakkal House, Unnikulam p o., Kozlrikode 613574. l']roic.r l\1po454[Sri. MUHAMMED ISMAYIL MAKKI Ihc I)l:AC convened its l6th meeting on 22105/2018 at the Collectorate Conference Hall at 03:00 I)M .n*arcls to evaluate and appraise the quarry projects. The quarry project of Sri. MUHAMMED ISMAYIL MAKKI, Anapparakkal House was evaluated as peithe appliiation received in the web portrtl l)o$'er point presentation of the quarry project was done try ttre Rqf (Recognized eualified I)crsLrn ) concerned. A subcommittee with 3 members of DEAC was formed for the site inspection as per the agenda in rvhich The District Geologist, Kozhikode, District Officer. Kerala State Pollution Control llotrd. Kozhikode" and Sri. Sathyan Meppayur, Nominated Member were included. The subcotnntittce inspected the site on 31/05/2018 and found that the site is suitable for the project. 'I hc Committee appraised the proposal based on Form IM, pre-feasibility report. mining plan an(l field inspection of the subcommittee and all other documents submitted along with the proposat. l'he comrnittee decided to recommend for issuance of Environmental clearance Itcm No. l7-10 (File No. Hl3751ll8) l)roposal No: DIA/KL/MINil4783/201 8 Application for obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed granite quarry pro.jcer irr 2.3203Ha area in survey No. 172of Kodiyathur Village, KozhikodeTaluk. Kozhikode Disrricr. Kerala. by' STiASHRAF P. Pullancheri House. Valilapuzha P O., Malappuram. Proiect Proponent: Sri. ASHRAF P 'l-hc DEAC convened its I 61h meeting on 22/0512018 at the Collectorate Conference Hall at 0 j:00 PM onwards to evaluate and appraise the quarry projects. The quarry project ofSri ASHRAI. p. Pullancheri House was evaluated as per the application received in the web portal. por.ver poinl presentation ofthe quarn'proiect was done by the RQP (Recognized Qualified Person) conccrnerl. A subcommittee with 4 rnembers of DEAC was lormed for the site inspection as per the agcncla iu tt'hich The District Geologist, Kozhikode, District Officer, Kerala State Pollution Control Iloard. Kozhikode, Sri. Sathyan Meppayur, Nominated Member and Asst. Engineer, PWD (Buildings). Kozhikodewas included. The subcommittee inspected the site on 2910512018 and fbund that thc sitc is suitable for the project. '['hc Committee appraised the proposal based on Form IM. pre-feasibility report, mining plan antl field inspection of the subcommittee and all other documents submitted along with the proposal. The Comrnittee decided to recommend for issuance of Environmental clearance. Itern No. l7-ll (File No. Hl3520l18) Proposal No: DIA/KL/MIN I 1 47 37 120 18 Application for obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed granite quarry pro.iect in 0.96 I I Ila^area in survey No. 2t2A of Kozhukalloor Village, Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District. Kcrala By STiHARIDASAN T, Tharol House. Ekarool P.O'. Kozhikode' Proie ct Proponent: Sri. HARIDASAN T l hc l)l .AC convened its l5th meeting on 27 /0412018 at the District Panchayath Conference Hall at ()i:0() I)M onwards to evaluate and appraise the quarry projects. The quarry project ol Sri. IL\RII)ASAN T. Tharol House was evaluated as per the application received in the web portal. l)ou e r' point presentation of the quarry project was done by the RQP (Recognized Qualified Person) .0rtCe t tle d. ,\ sLrbcommittee with 3 members of DEAC was formed for the site inspection as per the agenda in ivhicli l'he District Geologist, Kozhikode, District Officer, Kerala State Pollution Control Board, I.,ozhikode. Sri. Sathyan Meppayurand Nominated Member were included. The subcommittee iuspcetccl (he site on 3110512018 and found that the site is suitable fbr the project. lirc ( ornmittee appraised the proposal based on Form IM, pre-feasibility report, mining plan and ricltl rrr:pection olthe subcommittee and all other documents submitted along with the proposal. i lrc ( ornnriltcc decided to recommend for issuance of Environmental clearance, [-r irlrr:rtion and discussion of field visit of two laterite uar ro ects resented in the l6th l) l'i.\( nrceting llcnr \o. l7-12 I ilc \o. 11.3344/2018 '\pplicttion lbr obtaining environmental clearance for the proposed laterite quarry project in 0.3 l5 r Iti alcu in survey No. 6713.42 of Vanirnel Village, Vadakara Taluk, Kozhikode District, Kerala bv \nrt. \lUI{SHII)A ABDULMAJEED, C V House, Kodiyura P.O.. Kozhikode. L'rUcr't I)ropouent:Sri MURSHIDA ABDULMAJEED l'hc I)liAC convened its l6th meeting on 22/0512018 at the Collectorate conference hall at 03:00 PM \)n\\ rir'(ls to e'"'aluate and appraise the projects. The laterite quarry project of Smt. MURSHIDA \lll)l . t MnJl:ED.
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