INDEX Aboriginal title. See Radical versus Attwood, Bain, 274 aboriginal title Augustus (Rome), 128 Académie des Inscriptions et des Belles Aulus Gellius (Roman author), 130–131 Lettres, 244 de Aurelianis, Iacobus. See Iacobus de Accursius (Italian jurist), 28, 30–31 Aurelianis Acher, Jean, 40 d’Aurillac, Pierre Jame. See Pierre Jame Acta Eruditorum (journal), 165 d’Aurillac Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Austin, John, 5 Göttingen, 166, 172–173 Australia, radical versus aboriginal title Albert, Pere. See Pere Albert in. See also Radical versus Albert (Prince Consort of England), aboriginal title 246 aboriginal title, 279–280 Alexander II (Scotland), 51, 58, 83 Batman’s Treaty (1835), 274 Alexander III (Scotland), 37, 75–78, case law, 264–265, 272–273 81–82 Gove Peninsula and, 274 Analysis of the Laws of England historical evolution, 272–274 (Blackstone), 20, 172 Privy Council and, 272–273 Anderson, Edmund, 133–134 treaties, effect of, 274 d’Andrea, Giovanni. See Giovanni uninhabited, land deemed prior to d’Andrea colonisation, 272–274 Annalen der Brittischen Geschichte Yolngu people and, 274 (journal), 181 Australian High Court, English law in Annales of Literature (journal), comparative legal history and, 18–19 137–138 contributory negligence and, 292 Anselm of Canterbury (Archbishop), Court of Appeal precedent, 291–293 149 evolution of relationship with Anti-Corn Law League, 237 English law, 286–289 Antiquities of Rome (Kennett), 134 House of Lords precedent, 292 Anti-Slavery and Aborigines’ insanity defense and, 294–295 Protection Society, 282–283 Judicial Committee of the Privy Arcadia (Sidney), 101 Council and, 298 Archaeologia Greca or the Antiquities of matrimonial law and, 291–293 Greece (Potter), 134 M’Naghten rule and, 294–295 de Ardizone, Iacobus, See Iacobus de §92 cases, 296–297 Ardizone overview, 18–19, 286–289, 303–304 Ashley, Francis, 114 Parker v. The Queen (1963), Assizes of David I, 79 286–289, 295–300 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. University of Athens, on 27 Sep 2021 at 09:34:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108955195 Australian High Court, English law in Biener, Friedrich August, 161–162 (cont.) Black, David, 88, 92, 105, 117 Piro v. Foster (1943), 292 Blackburn, Colin (Lord), 189–190, 192, Privy Council and, 18–19, 287–289, 274 294–304 Blackstone, William promissory estoppel and, 293–294 generally, 16, 21–22 unified common law, importance of Analysis of the Laws of England, 20 maintaining, 290–295 Commentaries (See Commentaries unsuccessful attempts to break with (Blackstone)) English law, 300–303 in Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 20, Waghorn v. Waghorn (1942), 167–170, 172–177, 180–181 291–292 radical title and, 266–268 Wright v. Wright (1948), 292–293 research of, 22 Authenticum (a text of Justinian’s on villeinage, 313 Novels), 28–29 Blanc, Jean. See Jean Blanc de Blanot, Jean. See Jean de Blanot Bacon, Francis, 116, 118 Blount, Thomas, 132 Bacon, Matthew, 132 Bodin, Jean, 99, 104–105, 148–149, 157 Bail, 72 Boniface VIII (Pope), 64–66 Balliol, Edward (Scotland), 54, 80 Bothwell, Earl of, 105–106, 117 Balliol, John (Scotland), 53–54, 80 Bower, Walter, 80 Bancroft, Richard (Archbishop), 100 Bowles, Michael, 200 Barbados Bracton (English legal treatise), 69, 132, martial law in, 320–321 169–170 Militia Act, 308 Bramwell, George (Baron), 199 Servant Act, 308 Brandis, Hermann Friedrich, Slave Code 1661, 306–310, 318–321 216–222 slave rebellions in, 321 Brennan J, Gerard, 264–266 statistics of slavery in, 305 Brinckmann, Karl Heinrich Ludwig, Barbour, John, 83–84 245 Barrow, Geoffrey, 53–54 Britisches Museum für die Deutschen Bartolus (Italian jurist), 131–132 (journal), 181 Basilicon Doron (James I/James VI), British Association for the Promotion 97–98, 108–109, 114, 117 of Social Sciences, 254 Bassianus, Iohannes. See Iohannes British Museum Library, 242 Bassianus British South Africa Company, C. Bathurst and E. Withers (printers), 124 282–283 Batman’s Treaty (1835), 274 Brittische Bibliothek (journal), 181 Bavaria, obligation to state reasons for Britton (English legal treatise), 132 court decisions in, 207–208 Brooks, Christopher W., 87 Benevenantus, Roffredus. See Roffredus Brougham, Henry, 203, 240–241, Benevenantus (Roffredo da 246–247 Benevento) Bruce, Edward (Scotland), 54, 79–80 Bernardus Parmensis (Bernard of Bruce, Niall, 80 Parma) (Italian jurist), 64–65 Bruce, Robert (minister), 99–100 Bethell, Richard (Lord Westbury), Bruce, Robert (Scotland). See Robert I 194–195, 197 (Robert the Bruce) (Scotland) Bible Society, 238 Brudenell, Robert, 101–102 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. University of Athens, on 27 Sep 2021 at 09:34:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108955195 Brunner, Heinrich, 161–162 Chancery Reports, 133–134 The Brus (Barbour), 83–84 Channell, Arthur (Baron), 191 Bugnyon, Philibert, 131–132 Chapman, Henry, 276–277 Busby, James, 278 Charles I (England), 86, 107, 119 Charles II (England), 320 Cade, Elizabeth, 316 Chattels, slaves as, 309–310 Calasso, Francesco, 73, 147 Chitty, Edward, 244 Calderwood, David, 92 Chitty, Joseph, 191, 196 Campbell, John (Lord), 197 Cicero, 130–131, 155–156 Canada, radical versus aboriginal title Cistercians, 37–38 in. See also Radical versus Civilians (scholars of Roman law), 30, aboriginal title 33 aboriginal title, 279–280 Civil law British North America Act 1867, 274 common law versus, 17–18, 206, 223 case law, 262–263, 271 in Germany, 206 historical evolution of, 269–272 Claproth, Justus, 20, 169, 172–176, 178, possessory interests, aboriginal rights 180 limited to, 270–272 Clement III (Pope), 77 Privy Council and, 269–271 Clement V (Pope), 54 Royal Proclamation 1763 and, Cobden, Richard, 237 269–272 Cobden-Chevalier Treaty (1860), 251 treaties, effect of, 274 Code (Justinian), 129–130, 153 Tsilqot’in Nation and, 262–263 Coke, Edward usufructuary interests, aboriginal on custom, 142 rights limited to, 270–272 in Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, will of sovereign, aboriginal rights 169–170 subject to, 270–272 Harris translation of Institutes Capograssi, Giuseppe, 141–142 (Justinian) and, 132–135 Capua, James Vincent, 319 on interpretation, 155 de Caramanico, Marinus. See Marinus James I (England)/James VI de Caramanico (Scotland) and, 88, 94, 101, Case law 103–104, 115–116, 118 Australia, radical versus aboriginal on judges, 156–157 title in, 264–265, 272–273 legal fiction and, 266 Canada, radical versus aboriginal on villeinage, 312 title in, 262–263, 271 Collection des lois civiles et criminelles feudal law, 35–38 des États modernes (Foucher), in Germany, 18, 206–207 (See also 244 Seuffert’s Archiv) Collins, Justine, 15 New Zealand, radical versus Collinson, Patrick, 99 aboriginal title in, 261–262 Coluim, William, 55 radical versus aboriginal title, Commentaries (Blackstone) 279–280, 285 common law, custom and, 144–145 Cavanagh, Edward, 280 comparative legal history and, Cecchinato, Andrew J., 16, 20–22 20–21 Chamberlain, John, 96 court decisions, custom and, Chancery, 94 152–154 Chancery Cases, 133–134 custom and, 142–143, 160 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. University of Athens, on 27 Sep 2021 at 09:34:48, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108955195 Commentaries (Blackstone) (cont.) joint stock companies and, 250–251 Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen and, lessons of comparative legal history 167–168, 180–181 and, 23 integration of law and, Levi and, 21–22, 240–259 143–144 liberalism and, 253–254 interpretation and, 154–157 overview, 21 ius commune and, 144–148, 150–151 Saint-Joseph and, 241–247, 251 judges and, 155–157 similarities between laws of different jurisdiction and, 154–155 countries, 241–243 justificatory purpose of, 21–22 statistics and, 247–248, 252 ordering of law in, 140–142 translation and, 243–244 overview, 20–21 uniform laws and, 245 Parliamentary sovereignty and, Comparative legal history 157–160 Australian High Court, English law precedent and, 152–154 in, 18–19 (See also Australian radical title and, 266–268 High Court, English law in) rex in regno suo and, 145–152 challenges of, 22–23 royal prerogative and, 145–152 Commentaries (Blackstone) and, text and authority, relationship 20–21 (See also Commentaries between, 143, 146 (Blackstone)) Commentaries (Kent), 276 commercial law and, 21 (See also Commercial law. See Comparative Comparative commercial law) commercial law continuous easements and, 14–15 Commercial Law of the World (Levi), (See also Continuous easements) 21, 243, 246–247, 249–250, 252 difficulties in comparison, 8 Common law educatory purpose of, 22 Australian High Court, importance feudal law and, 16–17 (See also of maintaining unified common Feudal law) law, 290–295 generalisation and, 9–11 civil law versus, 17–18, 206, 223 Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, custom and, 144–145 19–20 (See also Göttingische Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, gelehrte Anzeigen (German legal English common law in, 169–172, journal)) 180–181 Harris translation of Institutes Communitas regni, 81–82 (Justinian), 21 (See also Harris Comparative commercial law translation of Institutes alignment of commercial law, (Justinian)) promotion of, 250–254 internal versus external legal history, arbitration and, 240 6–8 changes in commercial law, impact James I (England)/James VI of, 248–249 (Scotland) and, 15–16, 116–117 codification efforts, 250–251 (See also James I (England)/James comparative legal history and, 21 VI (Scotland) as judge) importance of comparative approach justificatory purpose, 21–22 to, 236 lessons of, 23–24 international commercial code, level of comparison, 9–11 proposal of, 251–254 metaphor and, 184 international conference of, 255–256 overview, 1–4 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 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