¥y r«i.*4'«ni<*<ys «^J'**-'W«V--*'ii'.^-*-ft^fiai^J5>S^ lit ;.^f\^-^ ,',-l,Vj '-o^x 4 .'V >' <$• rr -. , JQO •3 ri-'-' - $> /, 1 it '- WOT'\-- /v. v -^ m VOL. iq. ATLIN, B. C,, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, .906. NC. ra-;#•*i> h'Z , Curacao, Venezuela, ,Jan. 31.— Russian'Jews, will be advocated by Washington, D. C.,T*eb. r.—jTlae TELEGEAPHIC. President Caslrcis at present visit-, many of the prominent.men .of that United Slates government, at pre­ P ' itig and-inspecting all the Venezue­ race., sent iu session, has ordered -that an CHRISTIAN, IX. lan ;gairisons, and both in them,and London, Jan., 31.—rMr. Thomas, investigation be held immediately, elsewheie .-extensive 'anil elaborate' Iliggins, liish Nationalist, and who into the cause of tlie recent wreck­ 'KING OF DENMARK"' preparations ,-ate< rapidly Hearing was yesleiday elected to represent- ing of the American steamer .Val­ |,i • 'DIED MONDAY.! completion ' in order, to oTfer a stiff the .constituency of .North Gal way, encia near Ca*>e Beale, Vancouver resistance ,lo tlie anticipated general' in-the English House of .Commons, Island. Particularly close enquiry - 1 invasion of the country b} the' was .this .morning found dead in. will be made-into the conduct, of IFrederick VIII. has '.Been Pro­ annies'of France. ' • • 1 bed from' heart failure, aud which is the officers -and crew of the lost claimed as the 'New . - • - '' attributed to-.lhe.excitemeut caused; vessel, as well as that'-of-.the officers London, Jan. 31.—The'rumblings' 7' by his campaigning during the, and crews of the steamers and tugs .Danish King. , - which have been^. heard of late election. which were sent to her assistance. against the continuation oftkeiHon.' 1 I- I -ai7 PERSONS WERE DROWNED . r St. Petersburg, Jan. 31.—The Curling: News. '•(' .IN THE VALENCIA WRECK. A. J. Balfour as 'leader of the "Un­ news ha-s 'just been received here ionist party ' continue to'.increase thal-the town-of Gomel is at present' Two Atlin Rinks Visited and De­ An 'Official Investigation Ordered' both in number" and'in volume.' A hi-Hames and threatened with total feated Discovery—Local Events. r destruction. ' The despatch also ' From Washington. -large majority of the .Unionist press" On Saturday last the two local and .also .many prominent men of, state that fierce fighting continues' rinks which ha'd the previous week that-party-are persistent in the de­ in and about that place between .•"Passenger Trains Collided and Four been defeated on their own ice by I-' .r mand that the Hon. Joseph Cham­ •the government tioops and-the revo­ the Discovery'beasoro and stane en­ ' Persons Were Killed—Franee 1 u berlain be-advanced to-.the Unionist; lutionary hordes, the 'latter having thusiasts, journeyed to our sister and Venezuela Next--Joseph' .leadership. * . , - recently-been greatlj'Teiuforccd -by - Chamberlain ;for Leadership— town an'd '-evened-up things by ad­ , * '• - , .It has beeu announced that par­ the peasantry. , 1 ministering two defeats to their for­ Murders, Assassinations andv liament-will assemble on Tuesday, '1' Butte, Mont., Jan. -3-K.—Senator mer vanquishers. The following Executions in Russia. Feb. T3th, when,the speaker will ba Clark's Butte Reduction Works, were the contesting links and their • [SI'KCIIAti TO .1'tin CLAIM.] ' 1 elected. " ' - , ( which were -'the 'largest aud most •respective scoies: The -standing 'of'the-respective Copenhagen, Denmark, Jan. 30.— costly plant of the kind in this state, C. Hickman J. Cummings parties a't present isros follows:.Lib­ King Christian IX.,' ok Denmark,' were yesterday afternoon'totally de­ W. Ii. Victors W.-Owen' ' erals, 371; Unionists, i57;-3*7ation- ' died on Monday from a sickness of stroyed by fire. The loss, which *M.-R. Jamieson :E."Ridd alists, 82, ^and Laborites, 50.-There but a.few>hours duration. .He had, is partly covered 'by.-insurance, will Fetherstonhaugh D. Ross ' been in apparently good health until are -still ten polls.to.be.heardirom.. — .6 -2.T . t exceed-half a million dollars. >• •' during his noon lunch.011 ithat day,_ - Vancouver, B.-C, Jan..31.—The P. Hampton . C. R.'Bourne 71 St. Petersburg,- 'Feb. 1.—The1 V.'Trotman J. A. Fraser when he complained of not feeling, steamship'Valencia, which founder­ government "tioops and police con-* J. Cartmel 'A."J. Burnside S 1 well-and retired to his bed-chamber ed near;Point Beale lighthouse on I-i ; itinue to make numerous discoveries C. Gilmour—T2 'J. Stables —17 to rest. The court physicians were January 23rd,,had.on board 94.pas­ -of secretty concealed bombs, bomb The next meeting between these immediately summoned but.in spite sengers, and her officer's and crew /factories, 'depots of arms and mun­ rinks promises te be quite inslcrest- of all their, efforts to resuscitate the- number -6o -persons. 'Fourteen of itions or war, 'the-manufacturing ing as, each having won one game, stricken monarch, he'passed away- the passengers and twenty-three of and collecting of which has been they will severally be desirous of duruig-tbe afternoon. "the crew succeeded in reaching land' the work of both the anarchists and. 'capturing- the rubber. .Prince Royal Frederick, aged 62, alive. The remaining T17 people • revolutionists. These discoveries WILKINSON car*. King Christian's eldest son, and are all believed to -have perished. :>*•"• have not been-confined to any par­ On Friday evening of last week who will be titled Frederick VIII. r Up to date the bodies of twenty-one, ticular province, but 'have been E. Ridd and F.'W.'Dowling played has been proclaimed the new 'King of those 'who were drowned have, made throughout 'the 'length and their.match in-the first draw of this -of Denmark. beeu recovered. ' breadth -of the "Russian empire. competition, the former winning by [Christian IX. --was :born on the' Riga,'Jan. 31'.—Yesterday a large a score of 9 to 4. mob of frenzied people attacked the' San .Francisco, "Feb. n.—As the :8th of April, 1S18, and was by birth C1/015 SCIIIvDTjTJ" JIATCHKS. prison here, ai-ii deliberately shot result of a "fire winch occurred in Duke of Sckleswig-Holstain-Sonder- On Monday night;,'last the rinks down all the sentries. -They after­ the hold of "the'United States "trans­ imrg-Glucksburg. ., He':succeeded oi" C. R. Bourne and Fv. 'RosseHi wards entered the prison and set at port Meade while she-was -lying at, -to the throne of Denmark by virtue played a well contested-match. The liberty many political prisoners. her -dock in -this-harbor last night; of treaty and the lawof ithe Danish score was 14 to i-o in favor -6T Mr. This morning while out driving three meulare dead, .twelve others :'-'l •succession on the death of -his'kins-' Bourne's rink. in the city Count Lamsdorff and were overcome by ''the heat and •man, Frederick VII., in. 1863. >He -Tuesday evening Ross' stalwarts Baron. Roenne were attacked by-a: flames'and are still-in -a critical con-: •married Princees Louise of Hesse-, warmed the jackets of J. A. Fraser's 'dition, .While four other seamen are -Cassel, who died Sept. .29th, 1858, number of revolutionists and moist combination to the tune of iS to 6. missing. 'The .cause of the fire is -and by whom he had six children,, foully murdered. On Wednesday evening the rinks not known. The Meade was due as follows: Prince Royal Frederick, Tiflis.Jan. 31.—Disturbances are of Jas. Stables and']'". Rosselli met to sail today for Manilla .with army Alexandra, Queen of* Great Britain still quite frequent .-in .this locality iu' a club schedule match. Al­ supplies. and Ireland; George I., the King of and seldom a day passes but what though "the hitter's bunch onby claim .the Hellenes; Dagmar, Dowager one faction -or another makes mur­ Tokio, Feb. 1.—l*t was officially to -be ".scrubs," they succeeded iu •Empress of Russia; Thyra, Duchess derous attacks on government offi­ given -out .here today, that Admiral defeating tlieir opponents by nine of Cumberland, and .Prince Waldc- cials. General -Griaznoff, chief of Togo, the commander >of the Jap­ points to five. anese-navy, will-visit America dm--, imar. Frederick VIII., the new staff to the .Viceroy of the Caucasus, The following are the games oT King of Denmark, was born in was murdered by an anarchist yes' ing next April. ; this schedule set for next week: 1S43. In 1869 he married Princess terday afternoon as he was entering Loudon, ,Feb. 'i.—Lord Roths­ Jan. 5—Ross vs. Bourne, •Louise of Sweden and Norway and his carriage while .in front of the child will, in the near future, send do -0—Fraser vs. Stables, has four sons and four daughters.— •viceroy's palace. The .assassin .two hundred families of English do 7—-Rossclli vs. Ross, -Ei*.] threw a bomb which exploded .at Jews to-Canada at his own personal do 9—.Stables vs. Bourne, Spokane, Wash., Jan. 30.—The GriaznofTs feet. The -coachman expense. Besides -outfitting them do ro—Rosselli vs. Fraser. -Great Northern west bound flyer and a Cossack, who was nearby, all -with, large .quantities of food, The members of the Arctic Bro­ .collided with an eastboiind passen- were also killed and .the carriage clothing, etc., each head of a family therhood, of Discovery, have chal­ lenged the A.-O. U. W., of Atlin, .ger train a lew miles'from this city was demolished. will, -on arriving hi Canada, be pro­ vided .with a-situation. to a game of curling, to lake place '/" Jate this afternoon. Although Brussels, Jan. 37.—A^couference at Discovery week after next. names and full particulars have not has been called to meet in .this city' Warsaw,.
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