Asset Forfeiture Reporting Law Enforcement, Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces, and State Agencies OCGA 9-16-19(g)(3)(A) Agency Information City/County/State City of Atlanta Agency Name * LEA Type * Police Department ORI Number * GAAPD0000 Address 226 Peachtree Street SW., Atlanta, Georgia Phone * 404-416-4195 Does your agency Yes have assets to No report? * I hereby swear or affirm that the information contained within this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Reporting Officer/Employee Electronic Signature Lonita Broome /s/* Name * Lonita Broome Title * Chief Business Manager Download 2019 LEA, MJTF, State Agency Report Spreadsheet Upload Asset City_of_Atlanta_2017_Asset_Forfeiture_Report_.pdf 290.28KB Forfeiture Form* PDF Format Only !!!! Email Address * [email protected] Copy of form in pdf format will be emailed to this address Governing Political Subdivision (Forms will be emailed to this address) Email* [email protected] Agency Information Atlanta Police Department City/County/State Agency Name City of Atlanta Other (If City/County/State not in list) LEA Type Other (If LEA Type not in list) ORI Number: GAAPD0000 Address: 226 Peachtree Street SW Phone: 404-416-4195 Reporting Officer/Employee Name: Lonita Broome Title: Chief Business Manager Email Address: [email protected] State Totals Received For Reporting Year State Currency (Calculated Do Not Enter Value): $1,449,417.87 State Expenditures (Calculated Do Not Enter Value): $3,142,052.87 State Cash on Hand: Fed Totals Received For Reporting Year Fed Currency (Calculated Do Not Enter Value): $904,875.74 Fed Expenditures (Calculated Do Not Enter Value): $1,342,750.15 Fed Cash on Hand: State Forfeited Property Date Item Statute Value Disposition/Distribution Date Gross Net Property Date of Received Description of Property of Sale Income Income Utilization Destruction 2/6/2019 APPLE LAPTOP OCGA § 16-13-49 $107.26 Sold 9/16/2019 $107.26 $107.26 2/6/2019 APPLE IPAD OCGA § 16-13-49 $4.68 Sold 9/16/2019 $4.68 $4.68 2/6/2019 APPLE MACBOOK PRO OCGA § 16-13-49 $117.09 Sold 9/16/2019 $117.09 $117.09 3/14/2019 9MM BERETTA OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 3/14/2019 9MM BERETTA OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 3/14/2019 2007 CHEVY IMPALA OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation #2G1WT58N079187974 3/14/2019 GLOCK 21 .45 #XNT396 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 4/16/2019 SIG SAUER SP002 #SP0135196 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 4/16/2019 TAURUS PT111 G2 #TJT90494 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 4/16/2019 ROSSI 357 MAGNUM OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 4/16/2019 S&W .40 CAL OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 5/8/2019 GLOCK 22 #AYM724 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 5/13/2009 GLOCK 27 #LWN278 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 5/8/2019 TAURUS PT 24/7 #NZB87009 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/8/2019 GLOCK 21 #ADW048, TAURUS PT730 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation #1D015280 5/8/2019 TAURUS .38 CALIBER #SG46716 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/8/2019 ROSSI REVOLVER #AA956857 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/8/2019 S&W M&P P/45 #HUK3090 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/8/2019 RAVEN ARMS MP-25 #1343860 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/8/2019 S&W 9MM #DYK2283 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 5/8/2019 TAURUS MILLENNIUM G2 #SYJ10696 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/8/2019 S&W M&P SHIELD .45 #HDD4815, OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of MOSSBERG 500 #U845676 Report 5/13/2019 GLOCK 23 #KZC604 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 5/13/2019 HI POINT PISTOL #X4130218 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/13/2019 HK PISTOL #2500538, RUGER LCR OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation #54012799 5/13/2019 GLOCK 43 9MM #ABST692 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 5/13/2019 S&W .40 CAL #FXY4194 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/8/2019 SPRINGFIELD ARMORY XD 9MM OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of #XD164501 Report 5/29/2019 KELTEC .223 RIFLE #P2697, BERETTA OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of 9MM #D75909Y Report 5/29/2019 GLOCK 23 #BEXU236, GLOCK 27 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of #YVL749, AERO PRECISION AR15 Report #0006036 5/29/2019 GLOCK 42 #ACPM755 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 5/29/2019 BRYCO .38 PISTOL #1344014 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/29/2019 S&W 9MM #HZA3262, TAURUS OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9MM #TLN32202 6/18/2019 GLOCK 27 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 6/18/2019 GLOCK 26 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 6/18/2019 S&W GUN OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 6/4/2019 8000 LT 9MM #13M002390 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 6/4/2019 S&W .45 CAL PISTOL #PK092300 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 6/19/2019 DAVIS INDUSTRIES P380 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 3/25/2019 SPRINGFIELD XD 9MM #XD996042 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 6/19/2019 S&W M&P .40 #HNN2526 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 6/7/2019 HI POINT JHP .45 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 5/3/2019 SILVER DOLLAR BILLS OCGA § 16-13-49 $0.44 Sold 9/16/2019 $0.44 $0.44 6/19/2019 AK-47 GUN, PAMONA 9MM OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 4/24/2019 PHOENIX ARMS #3183160, OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of SPRINGFIELD ARMORY #US389309 Report 6/25/2019 GLOCK 23 #EGD150, INTRATEC TEC- OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9 #0055175, GLOCK 23 #XED522 6/25/2019 RAVEN ARMS P-25 #UNK OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 6/25/2019 WALTHER PPQ #FAX4350, TAURUS OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of 709 #TKM66552, GLOCK #BBF2205 Report 6/25/2019 GLOCK 30 #DTF168 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 6/25/2019 COBRA .380 #FS114091 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 6/25/2019 S&W #HRK5736 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/5/2019 BUSHMASTER XM15 #BFIT019622, OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation S&W 3000, RUGER #FC70268, GLOCK #BFBH009, S&W #CJK2478 9/23/2019 TAURUS PT140 #SV174087 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 8/6/2019 RUGER SR9 #33570162 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 8/6/2019 TAURUS G2 #TJN04618, TAURUS OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of G40 #SES41164, TAURUS 32 Report #678474, S&W SD9 #FWP5920, COBRA 38 #F80030 9/3/2019 RUGER .380 #38037723 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/3/2019 GLOCK 17 #AALM557 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/26/2019 RUGER .45, HANDGUN, S&W, OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation HANDGUN, S#543220, H&R REVOLVER, HANDGUN, SERIAL #AL89000 9/3/2019 MOSSBERG 715P, HANDGUN OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of S#EMJ3969580, KEL TEC, HANDGUN Report S#PBJ55, SILVER LORCIN .380, HAND GUND S#444615 9/16/2019 S&W 9MM HANDGUN S#DWB0532 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/26/2019 GLOCK 19 #AAF510 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/26/2019 SPRING ARMORY #S3502903 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/26/2019 S&W SD9VE, 2 MAGAZINES OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation #FZR3246 9/16/2019 TAURUS PT111 #TYI80235 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 10/8/2019 FHN 5.7 #386175411 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 10/16/2019 GLOCK 19 #KTR532 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/16/2019 KAHR ARMS CW40 #FF8847 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 TAURUS PT740 #SDU30836 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 SPRINGFIELD XDS 45 #XS69383 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 JIMINEZ ARMS 9MM #119838, OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of SPRINGFIELD XD9 #US962347 Report 9/16/2019 RUGER P90 #66235710 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 S&W MP40 #HPT3213 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained 9/16/2019 SIG SP2002 #24B083799 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 GLOCK 43 #BDXF566 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/16/2019 RUGER LUGER #86058493 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 SPRINGFIELD ARMS #XS628865, OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of RUGER #37189752, #TAURUS PT140 Report #SJY19519, DIAMONDBACK HANDGUN #DB1551858, DELTON HANDGUN #S107295 9/16/2019 GLOCK 19 #BESA642 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/16/2019 TAURUS MILLENNIUM #SCT22332 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/26/2019 SMITH & WESSON 9MM #VCV5905 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/26/2019 GLOCK 27 .40 #BAKH094 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/26/2019 BERSA BP9CC, SPRINGFIELD XD-9 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/26/2019 GLOCK 30S #WZE498 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/16/2019 GLOCK 23 #SZU389 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/26/2019 KELTEC .380 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 GLOCK 19C #SEG320 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/16/2019 COLT 1911 #602676 OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/16/2019 GLOCK 17 #EMV969, TAURUS OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of #TJT98789 Report 9/16/2019 TITAN TIGER .38 OCGA § 16-13-49 Destruction Pending at Time of Report 9/16/2019 GLOCK 27 #050FCS OCGA § 16-13-49 Retained Investigation 9/16/2019 SPRINGFIELD XD40
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