by Br&den. Hampden, Gifford. Buck and THE CHIiVY CHASE CLUB'S Nagel, all of whom counted with small WINNER AND RUNI4ER-UP OF point places. In this respect Yale was GOLF TOURNEY. j. like Cornell, scoring in ten out of the r. CORNELL WINNER thirteen events, although winning in only one. Michigan's thirteen points came through Smith's first and second in the sprints and Carroll's second in the mile. Princeton also uncovered a very fast v TRACKGAMES who OF man in dash W. B. Moore, for nine of the Tigers' ten It 1Here! accounted Get points by winning first in the 220 yards v and second in the 100. Worthington, Ithacans' Well Balanced Spear and Riley were the chief point winners for Dartmouth. Squad Captures Intercollegiates Summaries. Select Your Without Trouble. Final.Mile run.Won by It. V. Wlndnagle, v. AnHMBK *} :» M8M88fc. Cornell; second, H. L. Carroll, Michigan; third, jflH J. W. Overton, Yale-; fourth, H. R. Wilson, Summer Suit Stanford; fifth, R. O. Brown, Massachusetts J of Technology. Time, 4.15. Institute NEAREST TEAM 16 POINTS Final.440-yard run.Won by J. E. Meredith, University of Pennsylvania; second. E. C. Riley, Dartmouth; third, W. D. Crim, Cornell; fourth, From This Line i BEHIND SCORE OF VICTOR W. Willcox, jr., Harvard; fifth, H. J. Princeton. Time, 0.47 2-5. A new Richardson, .$15i t / « record. Final.Shotput.Won by H. B. Leversedge,intercollegiate .You'll worth 5 a whole season ot real California, height, 46 feet 2% Inches; second. get $15 plus Meredith Breaks Becords in 880and C. W. Spear, Dartmouth, 46 feet 1% inches; third, A. W. Richards, Cornell, 45 feet 11% satisfaction. You'll th<: best best tai rn. 440 and Lowers inches; fourth, E. R. Caugey, Stanford, 45 feet get looking, v vHuaEftiOT Murray 4 Inches; fifth, J. M. Braden, Yale, 45 feet % inch. lored Suit have ever wc Hurdle Mark, Final.120-yard high hurdles.Won by F. S. you TaI.iiiI fifsnfnrH' uonnrf. T. V Ullhh. 'Cornell; third. T. L. Prefcle. California; fourth, J. K. Norton, Leland Stanford; fifth, J. V. .You'll select from all th<e new styles, including Farwell, Yale. Time. 0.15. A new XI 27. record. - . 9Hlfl9KiHl giate _ _ CAMBRIDGE, Mass., May . intercollei Final.100-yard dash.Won by H. L. Smith. the Pinch back in all good plain and fancy .Cornell won the Michigan; second, W. B. Moore. Princeton; SVl^^^HIK ; M intercollegiate third, B. A. Teschner, Harvard; fourth, A. F. in Van Winkle. Cornell; fifth, H. I. Treadway, fabrics. track and field championship Yale. Time. 0.10. r / m^WM here this Final.Two-mile run.Won by D. F. Potter, : the Harvard stadium Cornell; second, J. 8. Hoffmier, Cornell; third, .Other lines ol Hand-tailored Suits, E. Frey, Cornell; fourth, J. C. Corwith, Cornell; complete afternoon, for the third fifth, J. T. Putnam, Yale. Time, 9.82 8-5. mggmm Final.High Jump.Won by W. M. Oler, Jr., the famous Fruha and year, with one of theconsecutivemost Yale; height, 6 feet 2% inches; second, F. L. including .uf-Imperial Maker, California; height, 0 feet 1% inches; balanced athletic third, tie between A. W. Richards, Cornell; J. O. Rochester makes, at $20 am up. Adlerd evenly Johnstone, Harvard, and C. C. Gilford, Yale, at 6 feet % inch. that Trainer combinationJack Final.>Hammer throw.Won by C. 0. California; distance, 155 feet 1 inch; Moakley has uncovered in many second, G. W. Leadbetter, Bowdoin; distance,Gildersleeve, 152 feet 4 inches; third, D. H. Richardson, Jjp^pJKP seasons. The Ithaca university distance, 151 feet 9W Inches; fourth,California; C. F. Hagemann, Cornell; distance, 148 feet 8tt Straw Hats Panamas athletes a total of 45 Inches; fifth, 0. A. Pudrith, Dartmouth; piled up 143 feet % inch. distance, * ^-" " v If to Yale's while the Final.880-yard run.Won by J. E. Meredith, $1.50 and $2 Values The $5.00 Kind at points 29, University of Pennsylvania; second, W. J. coast Bingham, Harvard; third, L. C. Scudder, two Pacific universities, versity of Pennsylvania; fourth, G. M. Taylor,Uni; [Cornell; fifth, C. Peterson, Syracuse. Time, **- * Stanford and California, tied for 1.53. A new record. HaBMflav 2$P^ , ?-:>*§ intercolly^ate Wii'Tl^r T^ -m WBIBai /'% Final.Broad Jump.won by H. T. third with 22 each, ton, Dartmouth;, distance, 24 feet inch; place, points M. %Worthing $3.50 W. $1.35 second. Oler, Jr., Yale; distance, 28 feet after the continent to 7% Inches; third, W. M. Sisson, Stanford; crossing 28 feet 2 inches; fourth, F. L. Maker,distance, an of the of California; distance. 23 feet 1% inches; fifth, give exhibition type F. M. Hampton, Yale; 22 feet inches. distance, 7*4 collegiate performer developed Final.220-yard low hurdles.Won by F. 8. Murray, Stanford; second, J. V. Farwell, Yale; in their state. third, J. K. Norton. Stanford; fourth, D.. M. Penn 'th & E Sts. Brown, State; W. A. IAN & fifth, Savage, The of the Californians Bowdoin. Time, 0.24 1-5. CO.,J ability Final.220-yard dash.Won by W. B. Moore, OUTFITTERS TO MEN ANI) BOYS -/ft-: ^ is attested the fact that, with Princeton; second. H. L. 8mith. Michigan; |1~2E2^^S2223C3BIBE25B3ES by third, A. F. Van Winkle, Cornell; fourth, IIEISEM outranked H. I. Treadway, Yale; fifth, F. Kaufman, small squads, they of Pennsylvania. Time. 0.21 3-5. University 18 Final.Pole vault.Won by F. K. Foss, Pennsylvania, which scored height, 12 feet 8 Inches; second, tie Cornell; W. I. Newstetter and E. L. Sewell, betweenFORMER COLGATE HALFBACK W. R. Tl CKERMAJf. NORBERT DEMPSEY. points; Dartmouth, with 14; of Pennsylvania; K. R. Curtis. Syracuse;University xi. v/. j oui» aim o. u. .y Michigan, with 13; Harvard, feet 4 inches. agei, jr., laie, at 12 BREAKS WORLD RECORD. dies were guilty of seven miscues and, WILL COACH: G. W. U. ELEVEN I TICKETS inmiu nrrrmo iima/ besides, there were errors of judgment with 11, and Princeton, with 10; | and other slow work, and the cadets | We will give TWO BOX 120-Yard lost no time in taking advantage of Bowdoin, 5; Syracuse, 3; Penn Ia SEATS TO AMERICAN Robert Simpson Goes Over MimutriiHionHV! all of the of their shortcomings Stafp 2 and Massachusetts In- Tkat Univer- LEAGUE PARK, or the High Hurdles in 14 3-5 Seconds. for they ran wild on opponents,the T. T. Sullivan, One of Stars of | . jj to or bases. PUSH mi n lent in cash, any personequivag COLUMBUS, Mo.. May 27..Robert Starting off with one run to their stitute of Technology, 1. 5 us the name and of Missouri Placed m persons giving Simpson of the University Pitcher 'Bob' Pluck credit in the first stanza the sailors sity in 1912 and 191 J, Charge address of a prospective piano today broke the world record in Neyland's felt fairly comfortable until the fourth Cornell Victory Impressive. jj| In that t) or 1 distance frame. session Blodgett team was Southern Athletes Hang Out player-piano buyer. high hurdles, making the 120yard Is Factor. that he was plainly off color.showedNot The victory of the Cornell of Hatclietite Foot Ball Forces. I was made Big I T. P. CULLEY & SON. in 0.14 3-5. Simpson's mark that he was hit hard, but he issued far more impressive than a year ago, New at at the Missouri Valley Conference meet. two passes, made a wild throw to when the Red and White athletes won Figures New Orleans. | 52i 11th St. N.W. | third that started the soldiers to the team, and needs but a « The previous record was 0.14 4-5, also by a score one-half point greater, for BY H. C. BYBD. generally capable 3 Out of the high rent district. held Simpson. run getting ana aiso a wna pitcn. Ana little more batting to make it much more r by HIT BY BALL, KNOCKED OUT as a result the cadets got six runners the field of entrants today was the T. T. Sullivan, former halfback at dangerous, and a considerably more for- G across the pan. That was enough to best that has ever assembled to has been midable opponent for Eastern. sew up the game, and after that DANA JENKINS THE STAR Colgate University, for I. C. A. A. A. A. titles. So to coach the George Washington The Outbozes Shubert. the Army lads played as thoughinning competethat appointed Maryland Agricultural College has Besides Meredith's two records, a Campi they felt they were on keen was the struggle for points foot ball team next fall. scheduled a with the team 1 Stanford man had th*» honorLeandof YORK, 27..Eddie Campi of Goes Back to Mound and Holds "easy" street, two intercollegiate records and one University game repre- NEW May and had things pretty much their own Sullivan at Colgate in 1912 and senting the United States Marine Corps t reaktng the only other mark which San Francisco outfought A1 Shubert of Middiesway. world's record were supplanted during Makes Remarkable Runs in played for Memorial That is the rent by the boards. Murray the Down to Five the battles of speed upon the fast 1913, and did some splendid work each Tuesday, day. J doing New Bedford. Mass., in a ten-round Got McFall in annual Farmers' day at College Park and *ligh hurdles in 15 seconds flat, a fifth Fifth. Harvard track. 440-Yard year. He will come here early lit of c>f a second better than the bout in Brooklyn tonight.
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