A Publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Number 1 • March 2005 SOCIETY NEWS CONFERENCES PARTICLE ACCELERATOR CONFERENCE May 16-20, 2005 www.sns.gov/pac05; [email protected] Knoxville Convention Center Knoxville, Tennessee he 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (PAC05) will take place on May 16-20, 2005, (IEEE), through its Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Tat the Knoxville Convention Center (KCC) in Society (NPSS), and the American Physical Society Knoxville, Tennessee. The conference will cover new (APS), through its Division of Physics of Beams developments in all aspects of the science, technolo- (DPB). The conference also serves as the annual gy, and use of accelerators. It will also provide a com- meeting of the DPB. The hosting institutions are munication channel for accelerator scientists and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and engineers and for those interested in accelerator Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility applications. The conference is open to the public, (JLab). The conference is supported in part by the and all individuals with an interest in particle acceler- U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science ators are invited to register and attend. Foundation. This is the 21st biennial conference in the series In addition, the year 2005 is a special year for the and is organized under the joint auspices of the community because the United Nations has declared continued on page 3 Norbert Holtkamp Swapan Stuart Henderson Kathy Rosenbalm Conference Chair Chattopadhyay Local Organizing Conference Scientific Program Chair Committee Chair Coordinator NUCLEAR & PLASMA SCIENCES SOCIETY March 2005 1 IEEE NUCLEAR AND PLASMA SCIENCES SOCIETY NEWS TABLE OF CONTENTS is published three times per year by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855. Particle Accelerator Conference . .1 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: The 2005 Real Time Conference – RT2005 . .5 Albe Dawson Larsen 15th IEEE International Pulsed Power Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Conference . .7 MS-66 ICOPS 2005 International Conference on 2575 Sand Hill Road Plasma Sciences . .8 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Tel: +1 650 926 2748 Radiation Effects Conference . .9 Fax: +1 650 926 5124 Final Report 2004 Nuclear Science Symposium E-mail: [email protected] and Medical Imaging Conference . .10 President’s Report . .16 EDITORS EMERITUS: W. Kenneth Dawson Secretary’s Report . .17 TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall Class of 2008: The Newly Elected AdCom Vancouver, British Columbia Members Canada, V6T-2A3. Uwe Bratzler . .20 Tel: +1 604 222 7455 Christopher Deeney . .20 Fax: +1 604 222 7307 E-mail: [email protected] Ronald J. Jaszczak . .21 New Technical Committee Chairs John F. Osborn Jean-Pierre Martin . .22 507 Elmhurst Circle Ilan Ben-Zvi . .22 Sacramento, CA 95825 Tel: +1 916 641 1627 Daniel O. Jobe . .23 Fax: +1 916 641 2625 Gerald Cooperstein . .24 Thoughts about Edward J. Hoffman . .24 IEEE MAGAZINES AND NEWSLETTERS: Robert Smrek, Production Manager Open Letter to IEEE NPSS . .25 Paul Doto, Newsletter Coordinator Computer Applications in Nuclear Sciences Contributors to March 2005 IEEE NPSS Newsletter in Alphabetical Technical Committee . .26 Order: Igor Alexeff, Hugh Barnaby, Robert C Baumann, Ilan Ben-Zvi, Fusion Technology Committee . .27 Uwe Bratzler, Robert Cauble, Gerald Cooperstein, Magnus Dahlbom, News from the Nuclear and Medical Imaging Alberta M. Dawson Larsen, Christopher Deeney, Alberto Del Guerra, Sciences Technical Committee . .28 Paul V. Dressendorfer, Teresa Farris, Philip Heitzenroeder, Carolyn G. Hoffman, Richard Jacobsson, Ronald J. Jaszczak, Daniel O. Jobe, Shu Radiation Effects Technical Committee . .29 T. Lai, Patrick Le Dû, Irvin R. Lindemuth, John Maenchen, Yitzhak Radiation Instrumentation Technical Committee .30 Maron, Jean-Pierre Martin, Lloyd W. Massengill, George H. Miley, Results of Awards Committee Evaluations . .32 Akira Mizuno, William W. Moses, Kathy Rosenbalm, Stanley O. Report from the Publications Committee . .33 Schriber, Ronald Schrimpf, Bruce P. Strauss, Magesh Thiyagarajan, Martin P. Tornai, Benjamin M. W. Tsui, Craig Woody Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award . .37 Publicity releases for forthcoming meetings, items of interest from New IEEE Fellows local chapters, committee reports, announcements, awards, or other Robert Christopher Baumann . .38 materials requiring society publicity or relevant to NPSS should be Shu T. Lai . .38 submitted to the Newsletter Editor by April 15, 2005. Irvin Raymond Lindemuth . .39 CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES Yitzhak Maron . .40 News articles are actively solicited from contributing editors, particu- Lloyd Wilson Massengill . .40 larly related to important R&D activities, significant industrial applica- Akira Mizuno . .41 tions, early reports on technical break-throughs, accomplishments at Stanley O. Schriber . .42 the big laboratories and similar subjects. Bruce Paul Strauss . .42 The various Transactions, of course, deal with formal treatment in Benjamin M. W. Tsui . .43 depth of technical subjects. News articles should have an element of general interest or contribute to a general understanding of technical Society Awards . .44 problems or fields of technical interest or could be assessments of Other Awards . .44 important ongoing technical endeavors. Call for Award Nominations for 2005 . .46 Advice on possible authors or offers of such articles are invited by the Will Radiation-Hardening-by-Design Work? . .48 editor. Better Ethics Needed to Improve Energy © 2005 IEEE. Information contained in this newsletter may be copied without per- Distribution . .50 mission provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commer- cial advantage, and the title of the publication and date appear. Printed in U.S.A. 2 March 2005 N U CLEAR & PLASMA SCIENCES SOCIETY it the World Year of Physics in honor of the City” event, banquet, awards ceremony, and 100th anniversary of Einstein’s three discover- one CD-ROM of the proceedings. The regis- ies that had, and still have, a remarkable impact tration fee does not cover additional banquet on accelerator science (light quanta, Brownian tickets, the Saturday SNS tour, or companion motion, and the special theory of relativity). tours. When signing up for these additional On Wednesday afternoon of the conference, a activities, an additional fee will be added, as special session—organized by PAC and its sis- indicated on the registration form. A link to ter European and Asian conferences EPAC and the Knoxville Tourism and Sports Corporation APAC—and a cultural event will honor this is available for more information about the anniversary, with participation from the public, companion tours and pre- and post-conference local officials, and government representatives travel packages. from various agencies. The conference chair is Norbert Holtkamp SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM of ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). The organization of the scientific program is The PAC05 Scientific Program Committee, similar to previous conferences in this series, with plenary sessions on Monday morning chaired by Swapan Chattopadhyay of JLab, has Charlie Horak and Friday afternoon. The opening plenary already structured the conference program. Editor-in-Chief The program, publication instructions, and all session will feature talks by B. Barish other relevant information are available on the (CalTech) on “Linear Collider Technology conference web site at www.sns.gov/pac05. Decision,” W. Nazarewicz (University of The head of the Local Organizing Committee Tennessee) on “Science of Rare Isotope is Stuart Henderson of ORNL/SNS. Accelerator (RIA) and the Project Status,” J. Additional information can be obtained from Seeman (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) the Conference Coordinator: on “PEP-II/KEK-B Operational Status,” T. Roser (Brookhaven National Lab) on “RHIC Kathy Rosenbalm Operational Status,” and D. McGinnis (Fermi Oak Ridge National Laboratory National Accelerator Lab) on “FNAL Spallation Neutron Source Tevatron Operational Status.” The closing Bethel Valley Rd., Bldg. 8600 plenary session talks will include T. Mason Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6477, USA (ORNL/SNS) on “Science with SNS,” P. Phone: (865) 574-0558 Schneider (DESY) on “XFEL/Short Pulse Fax: (865) 576-3041 Science,” and C. Jarlskog (Lund University) E-mail: [email protected] on “Physics Expectations from Future Privy pensée Accelerators.” Two plenary talks have not yet More than 1700 abstracts have been been finalized. Privacy is like received for PAC05. The proceedings, which The five-day conference will include about will be edited by a team representing accelera- 20 oral sessions, with more than 200 invited property in this: tor facilities from all over the world, will be speakers and selected contributed papers. that while a few published by IEEE and will be available on Seven poster sessions, sized to accommodate people ought to CD-ROM and on the Joint Accelerator more than 1400 posters, are scheduled. Conferences Web Site (www.jacow.org). All Presentations will be grouped into the follow- have less of it, abstract and paper submissions must be ing sessions: most people uploaded through the web system. Authors are • accelerator technology ought to have also required to bring a hard copy of their •advanced concepts paper and a completed IEEE copyright per- • application of accelerators; secondary beam more of it. mission form to the conference. facilities: neutrons, muons, neutrinos
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