Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-9-1973 The BG News May 9, 1973 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 9, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2851. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2851 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Independent Bowling Green, Ohio Student Wednesday, May 9. 1973 Voice THe BG news Volume 56/Number 110 Cameras to watch campus' east end By Jim WiiMrou deterrence. Shaffer said, "1 would cut down the number of attempts at Staff Reporter think it would see much more than a vandalism and assaults man on foot patrol We could cover A two-camera system which would twice the area with the cameras and "Statistics show that crime survey the east half of the campus then send a man to the trouble spot " decreases as police coverage from the lop ol the Library should be in increases," he said. use next fall. Dale Shaffer, director of He added the cameras would be "a The cameras will be capable of Campus Safely, said yesterday supplement to the men on foot patrol, automatically scanning a 359-degree ' Shaffer said the two cameras will not a replacement radius from the top of the Library, he have four functions said -To help assure the safety of "I HOPE it's dependable. I pedestrians (rom assault. anticipate it will do everything 1 He said he originally planned to -To help provide protection against mentioned." he said install the cameras near parking lot vandalism in parking lots. six But he has since felt that they -To monitor and help provide traffic If the system is successful. Shaffer would not be justified there The Newtohete by Suv.n L Hainan number of complaints has dropped control at athletic events, especially said he will attempt to get a similar Dim Students studying in the library yesterday were momentarily 'caught in the system on the other end of the campus, from about 44 incidents of vandalism in |l ' basketball and hockey games. dark' at libraries across the country dimmed their lights in a symbolic protest -To be used as a fire prevention possibly locating the second system on that area two years ago to about 11 per over a planned cutback in federal funding. measure by possibly spotting fires top of Offenhauer Towers quarter, because of increased view before they are noticed by anyone else He said he hopes the cameras will patrolling, he said THE CAMERAS would cover most of the area between the Education Bldg and Mercer Koad and the area between Ridge Street and Wooster Communication school not feasible' Street. Shaffer said The cameras will be connected to two nine-inch monitors in the Campus Debate centered on whether University's visibility and prestige in speech department, argues that speech sities in this and othn stales haw A School of Communication at (he Safety office and will be manned by communication meant merely mass the United States and other departments should not lie failed to provide relevant avenues to University is not feasible at the present dispatchers around the clock, he said communication-journalism, pub- But another part of the committee disrupted unless highly valuable re- thinking and doing lor the student." he time, according to the report of an lishing and broadcasting-or any area said attaching another label to a grad- sults could be obtained said The entire system will cost $20,000 exploratory committee released yes- Shaffer said $15,000 will be provided by related to communication. uate's record would not improve his or According to the report, members ol AFTER STUDYING the proposal. terday a federal grant through the admini- The broad definition would include her standing in the professional world the speech department decided on June ADEC suggested to President Moore The committee was appointed in language theory: culture and the arts, There is little evidence that proles 1 there was no great wed for a School that the proposal be deterred until the stration of justice division in January. 1972 by University President public relations, literature, drama, sional schools are rated that highly, it ol Communication nor was there any entire issue ol academic reorgani/.i Columbus The other $5,000 will come Hollis A Moore Jr Members were from the Campus Safety equipment advertising, psychology and sociology said willingness to divide the speech dep.n t tion is addressed by Dr Kenneth chairman Dr Thomas Kinney. asso- of communications, and graphic, re- The committee questioned whether nient to form the school Hothe provotl designate ■ budget for this year. ciate professor of English. Dr. John search and human communication faculty members from existing depart- Dr, Moore said vesterday. I'm a Shaffer said a similar system has I'ettibone. associate professor of been in use at Case-Western Reserve The committee concluded that "all ments would be willing to realign IN EFFECT, the exploratory com- little disappointed when 1 gel a report journalism, and Dr Raymond Tucker, University in Cleveland for about a education involves communication of themselves into a new school mittee has decided to set aside the that nyi lei i nol move ahead He professor of speech said the report does not table the issue year one sort or another, and the biggest One committee member said a divi- issue until a later date. The committee submitted its final forever, but only says we need to ap- "Similar closed-circuit systems are problem facing a planning committee sion ol departments would sacrifice the Dr I'ettibone opposed the decision report to the Academic Development proach this in a different way used at many large factories and would involve selection of the most educational effectiveness of the saying. This theme, simply stated, is Evaluation Committee (ADECi March He said he thought it unrealistic to "•hospitals to monitor their parking lots appropriate elements of the large num- existing department. that there is no need to establish an 20 with a 2-1 decision that the proposed wait In decide the fate ul the School of as protection against vandalism." he ber that might appropriately be con- According to the report, the commit- integrated communication unit on the school is not feasible at this time. Communication until the University is added nected." tee sensed varying degrees of depart- campus at the present tune, but thai academically reorganized a- ADEC The bids for the system should be in mental defensiveness and felt there tomorrow might be a better time to THE DISSENTING vote was cast by suggesled by the end of June, he said "We hope THE COMMITTEE split on the qucs was a large degree ol reluctance to examine such an innovation Dr Petttbone. tion of whether a School of Communi- express commitment to support a "Of course, this is nonsense Tomor- I don't think we have to wail for to have it installed this summer to be The report suggested that further cation would increase a graduates School of Communication due to his- row is never a better time to invest i anything on such a grand scale before a muse for the fall." he added study of such a school involve de- chances of employment. torical and personal animosity between gale new approaches to training pro- decision is made," he said signing a model to explain how the The School of Communications pro- HE SAID underground cables will One portion of the committee said members ol the speech and journalism grams school would operate and what aca- posal will be a top priority when Dr run from the cameras (o the monitors students would graduate from a profes- departments." "Certainly tomorrow is not a good demic areas should be included Hothe begins work at the University in the Campus Safety office. sional school rather than from a time to create visibility when the The main problems the committee June 1. Dr Moore said "The cameras are not such that we "major" and this would improve the DR. LEE MIESLE, chairman of the linage is declining because the univer- dealt with were. could see into a window, but we could -A definition of "communication". see a person breaking into a car." he said •-The possibility of a School of Com- 4 issues defeated; 1 in doubt He added that the cameras would munication increasing chances of also work at night "The cameras can employment for graduates. perform to low light levels and will be -The coordination of faculty from able to distinguish an object in total existing departments (or the school darkness. ' Shaffer said He said they will also be equipped THE COMMITTEE attempted to de- Ohioans approve state lottery |< i with zoom lenses so the dispatcher will fine "communication and what be able to get a closer look at a courses currently taught would fit the situation definition, but no final decisions were COLUMBUS lAPI - Ohioans gave a members would be appointed by the holding public office, was defeated. ISSUE 5. a proposal that would have Regarding the effect on crime made. 2-1 approval Tuesday to a proposal that house, three by the senate and three by Sponsors said the provision was not allowed Ihe general assembly to paved the way (or a state lottery.
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