j i WATCH FOR OCR ' 54th ANNIVERSARY l l n a n s i r o n m '■ ISSUE JUNE M GARWOOD C R A N F O R D KENILWORTH Vol.- L. No- 20. CRANFORD,. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1943 , FIVE CENTS A rm y Norse < 50th Anniversary Have Perfect Record for War Stamp Purchases ‘ e l Fill Vacancy Mrs. Atkins Issue Ncact W eek List: Latest: The ' Cranford Citizen and t m t m * On .Defense Chronicle’s 40-page 50th Anni­ Resigns versary Issue wOl' be published ' n s Group of . next Thursday. It will contain many pictures o f .Cranford in Council Co-chairman erf . begone days as Well as a history 'HI L ife * Selectees m Red Croaf Blood \;. of the community during the past t- ilf century, as glqaned from tile T, i McLaughlin Named; . Bank Leaving Town . !liles of the Chronicle, the Citizen .... Cranford, Garwood, 1 and the Citizen and Chronicle. D r. Best Appointed i The resignation of Mrs. Sir! Atkins- Extra copies arching printed, $ Clark Men Will . ' Evacuation Officer . ... as co-chairman of the Blood Bank of x but to be sure of getting an addi­ the Cranford - Garwhod - Kenilworth . Report Wednesday . Township Engineer Thom- tional copy for a friend,.relative Chapter, American Red Cross, was or - biy in service, who, may not A large group of selectees, M J. McLaughlin was appoint­ 4p- ■» V.-i*jp sj received with regretfat the regular now be .receiving the paper, res­ & meeting of the executive board last i from Cranford, Garwood and . ervationsi.should bp made imme­ ed to the Defense Counci it'rjj-S-*. S'i Thursday afternoon in Cleveland Clark will leave here Wednes- .School. .Mrs. Atkins' resignation will diately with newsdealers so they T uesday night by.the Town- may have ample papers on hand. - b ' ' - ;► !day for Newark.-to undergo ih ip Committee to till a vacan­ be effective September 1 as she is moving to Florida but plans to return physical examinations and ar­ cy w h ich las existed since for­ to take charge ot the August bank. my inductions, it was an­ mer Commander Herbert R. Mrs. R. O. McGary was appointed to nounced yesterday by L. B. ’ Winckler resigned last N ovem ber. replace her, on her recommendation. Dentel blimc Pklured above are members of Miss Mary Duggan’s home, room ! Hazzard, chairman of Local Board 5. Mr. McLausblin, ’ who. has done ■ LT. ULA O. SDBERN. C. 8. A. Also received'with regret was the ] Those ordered to report Wednesday considerable work In the dem oltion, In the Cranford High 8cbool'Who have s perfect record during the past Mm. SUbem ef 7' Nennandie resignation of libs. Chalmers K. year for weekly purchases of war bonds and stamps. Shown in the ! arc as follows: - rocue and repair unit, will replace Place has received her appoint Bryce as co-chairman of the Canteen picture are Enas Alliaon, Peggy Austin, . Norman Christian, GalUe [ From Cranford or formerly from . L B. Haxzard ais chairman of the Corps. Mrs. Bryce is now a nurse’s Plea Made — a sresai Uewtenaat In Cramp, Mary Deitrteh, Mary Frances Eaihart, Clifford Eger,- Robert i Cranford— unit, and Mr.-Sazzant-will-be trans­ the Amur Name’s Cerasaad will aide and thls work occupies her full Fast Margaret Ford. MarUyn Friedman, Grace Gallo, Fhyllls Gllcher, [: - Robert Arndt, 526 South ave.; E. ferred to th eE m ergen cy Housing Jime. '. ripsrt ferdety July 1 to the Bte- Dick HaJach, Donald Bird, Ernest Hobble. Norman Hughes, Larry Kre- [ Isaac L. Baldwin, 390 Centennial Unit The later will .relieve John R. It was announced that phone calls bapm, Jane Leffler, Marion MeDtannld, Marion Momot Carolyn Mailer, Ih a b W d at Pert Hsucock. School Trustees WiH j ave. • ■ . requesting information or. help from Walter Onatenaan. Donald Pitcher, Ruth Foynter, Eleanor Policy, Ray­ Cooney so that be may devote more 8he la a gmdwate of Elisabeth Arthur H. Bauknight, 19 Hayes St. time to the Community War Services the chapter’s many, services will be Give “ Serious Study" mond ScheUer, David 8emonlte, Jack Skem tt Dick Snyder, Helen Snt-' j Araic Billings, 30 North ave. - General HaspHal Bchsol ef Nnm- received six days a week. A new ton, M ntny Terrill, Eleanor Thall, Emil Tobler, Spencer Traver, Celeste .;^^..oLwhldj.hRiijpM t!j»aw_J ___ _To.SuggeiriQm_____ i Thomas F. Brown, 12 Hayes si. The communication .from the De­ Hmffi rlaea-eUMl-and-iiJaued -to- pterie'hK 'B een Tnitallea^n lh'e cHapT Tm vln..Joan_Van ,OriroPC-J»nd.grorfe_E,.B<^ d lw tp r^ stamp and pstwmte duty nurstag last year. bond sales IliUie high school. -p—Pegc-Lr-Gannon-.-Bl-BumsMe-aYe:-- fense Council, in which Mr; Mc­ tor’s headquarters in Cleveland The Board of Education will give | ..James S. Cox, 112 Hjgh st Laughlin’s appointment Was recom­ She has recently teen on' the School, CRanford 6-0871. “serious consideration’’ to reestablish numinf staff a t the hospital. She | Clarence C. Culbreath, Elizabeth. mended, also advised that Dr, Howard Mm. George H. Bates reported on ing a dental elinic in the pubiic | Charles J. Cummings, Jr., 22 Parker has lived la Cnnfocd for live H. Best, supervising principal of a jmnference she had attended last schools next fall when it begins dis­ $175,000 Apartment ave. yean and Is a graduate of MH1- schools, has teen selected as evacua­ week at the Essex House in Newark cussion of the budget for the 1944-45 S ch o o l Has Robert E. Curtis, Weymouth, Mess. • tion officer and chief of emergency viBe Htch School in Mtilrtlle. of the regional directors. school year, it was announced Tues­ To Be Started Soon I James E. Davis, 12 Eiise St. welfare o f the council. H e w ill re­ They'stated that Cranford's Red Cross day night at a meetihg of the trustees Among building permiurapproved ; Charles B. DcGroat, East Orange. port diredlly to Commander C. K. work is progressing satisfactorily. - after a plea for_the clinic had-been by the Township CommiUee this.weck F in e War .. Russell Demkovitz, Elizabeth. - - - .... - Sellers. , • An electric fan and an electric re­ made by representatives of nine local was one to Kahlcrest Homes, Inc„ for Curtis R. Durham, 101 High aL ' Approval was" given the renewal Junior Service frigerator are needed by the workers organizations. the building of garden type- apart­ Stamp Record William R. Freeman, 22 Parker ave. of the following tavern licen ses: Hess to equip the Cleveland School head- Miss Jane Maxson, a representative ments in Lincoln Park, east, housing- Winton H. Flrcy, Avcnel. Tavern, 1 South Union avenue; the quartern and anyone wishing' to of the Junior Service League, was \ The average weekly purchase of - John W. Hcnder, 14 Roger ave. League Reelects 80 families. - ' _ ■ Lodge, 3-5-7 South avenue; R iverside donate these items to the group may spokesman for the delegation, which war. bonds and stamps in Crafiford George T. Hilbert, 15 Munsce dr. ! Inn,_5B North avenue, east; Mike’s contact_the..offlce.___ ___ _____ includcdjrepresentatives oLthe P.-T Valuation of the apartment build- Bernard L. Jefferson, Dinwiddle; High Sehool, Elnee,.the ralcs plnn tVas Tavern, 415CentenriIal avenue, and Airs. C W. Cox The following May reports were A. Council, High School P.-T. A„ lngs is llsted as $175,000 and permit Duke’s Tavern, S24 Centennial ave­ given: Production, 422 articles Lions and,, Rotary Clubs, Margaret fees amounted to $353. - ' started niore than a year ago, has Marccllus Koon, 4 McClellan st nue. Licenses of these package goods Mrs. Clifton H. Cox was reelected shipped; surgical dressings, 18,773 Greene Guild, Village Improvement Thomas V. Albert, well-known been $3,040_.it was announced this Albert R. Mokatcnas, 470 Brook- stores also were renewed:. Seller’s president of the- Junior Service dressings made;' csihtoen corps, 165 Association, Visiting Nurse Assocls- week by Gebrgo Beam, faculty ad­ side pi. tion and Woman’s .Society o f Chris- local builder, who developed Heather- Frank J, Martz, 42 W. Holly st Liquor Store, 104 W alnut avenue; League at; the annual banquet and people fed at the last Blood Bank and viser. During the-period, the pupils Breen’s Liquor Store, 20 North groups fed each week at the Newark tion Service of the Methodist Church. meade Hills, Oak lane, Denman place, Washington McKcnsic, Westfield, meeting last Friday at the home of ond faculty of the\school have pur­ Union avenue, and Bamett'a Wines shipping center; motor corps, 127 Miss .Maxson said examinations as well as building a number of homes . Alfred H. Meyer, 504 High st and Liquom, 9 Walnut avenue. Mrs. E. E. Dey of Central avenue. trips; nurse's aides, 4,500 hours of have shown that the dental clinic in on Springfield avenue and in other chased a total o f $108,554,10, which is George K. Miller, 111 Elm st . Irvin. Muldrow, 22 Buchanan s t : J. H. Wallace, president oT> the Mrs. James R. MacDonald was re­ hospital work (since inception of the Lincoln School could be repaired at sections of the -community, is head one of the outstanding.'records made Swiss Screw Machine Products Co. flected treasurer and new officers in­ corps); and staff assistants, approx­ a cost of $46.76', and that a concern of Kahlcrest Homes, Inc. by any school of its size In the State. Edward Naringi, 9 Hayes st - of Westfield, was granted permission imately 600 hours of work at Blood which has made a check of school .
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