$3.00 the catalog 2012 Professional-Grade Solar Fire Gold is now in Version 8 Astrology Software, ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © he big news is that the latest version, Solar Calculations and Tools TFire Gold v8, now offers the complete array of locational astrology tools from the acclaimed Calculation Software 2 ª « ¬ œ ® Solar Maps 3 program—including fi xed stars, New! Solar Fire Gold v8 2 ¯ ° ± ² ³´ parans, animated maps and even locational in- Galastro Deep-Space Objects 7 terpretations. Also new are fuller sets of other Nova Chartwheels 8 µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ interpretations, your choice of extra points in the JigSaw 2.2 10 main chart wheel, a professional appointments The Imperial Astrologer 12 º » ¼ ½ ¾ manager, innovative tools for teachers, over 500 New! Placidus 7 13 new timed, sourced and categorized celebrity Porphyrius Magus 13 The 65 new asteroid glyphs enable you to fi t extra asteroids charts, and more. (Details, including prices for Babylonia 13 nicely into the main wheel. upgrades from earlier versions, are on pages 2-7.) New! Celeste for mobile devices 24 Chart Collections 13 A new incarnation of Nova and Accessory Software 14 Astrological Mandalas 14 Chartwheels to com ple ment So lar Fire Astro*Music 14 AstroTides 14 strolabe’s innovative calcula- Very different in style from So lar Fire, Astrolabe Font 1 14 Ation pro gram continues in the Nova Chartwheels gives the old-time tradition of Robert Hand’s 1980s sen sa tion of be ing at a pa per-strewn Cosmic Ray Screensaver 14 Nova and Chartwheels soft ware. But desk, work ing the di als to in ves ti gate Instructional DVDs and CDs 15 in stead of at tempt ing the en cy clo - each new thought as it oc curs. pe dic com plete- Nova Chartwheels Astrolabe Reports Software 16 ness of So lar also provides an Professional Natal Report 16 Fire, the new ex traor di nary ar- Professional Forecaster 16 Nova Chart- ray of pro duc tiv- Complete Rela tion ship Report 17 wheels for Win- i ty tools for the EroScope 17 dows con cen- busy pro fes sion- Optimum Child 18 trates on pro vid- al. This in cludes a Asteroid Goddesses 18 ing as trol o gy’s free Plan ner that Mayan Life Path Astrology 19 most com plete can or ga nize not Personal Numerology 19 and in-depth only your prac- soft ware for sym- Besides having a to-do list, daily schedule tice, but the rest Interpretation Printouts 20 me trical astrol- and ad dress book, the Nova Chartwheels of your life as Astrolabe Report Printouts 20 ogy studies and Planner has a printable monthly cal en dar well. (Details on Astro*Intelligence Reports 22 dial work. that can show the tran sits to any chart. pag es 8-9.) Chart Calculation Service 23 The Stardate Pendant 21 Now you can cast charts on About Astrolabe 24 your tablet or smartphone Serving Astrologers ith Celeste, Astrolabe’s FREE astrology app, you can Wnow calculate a chart or check current astrological since 1979 conditions any time, anywhere. (See back cover for details.) The Astrolabe Catalog 2006 - 1 - Order online at HTTP ://ALABE .COM What’s new in Solar Fire Gold v8 New Locational Power New Information New Display Options Version 8 now includes the full profes- 500 new timed, Rodden-rated Now, besides having them in a sional-strength version of Solar Maps. (A or B) celebrity charts include separate extra-points ring, For locational work you can now: today’s newsmakers plus additional you can mix up to fi fty prominent fi gures from the past. Add map lines for stars, principal extra points (like stars, asteroids and Uranian planets. New Vertex interpretations and asteroids arabic additional asteroid interpretations. parts and mid- Click on map lines to jog your points) in with memory about what they signify. A new set of Arabic Parts specifi - the regular Print out helpful (and salable) local- cally addresses commodities. planets in ity reports for beginners and clients. Additional hurricane and earthquake the main wheel data for the Solar Maps module. View astro-mapping lines for mid- ring. points and aspects to the angles. Instant compatibility score: The View complete paran lines, and lists Ashtkoot (“8-factor”) system analyz- Glyphs for 65 additional asteroids of the cities that lie on them. es a couple’s Vedic Moon positions to (and recently discovered planets like score their overall chances for long- Haumea and Makemake). Add the locations of events like hur- term relationship success. Fun for ricanes and earthquakes to the maps. New bi-wheel option shows house dating—and an additional indicator cusps for both charts. Enjoy many additional map views for professional synastry work. and customization possibilities. Informative new wheels that show The latest time zone changes in an the ruling planets for terms (Egyp- improved ACS Atlas. tian or Ptolemy) and faces. New Vedic single and bi-wheels with New Convenience 120-year (and longer) dasa tables. Improved chart animation: Jump to animation from the regular chart view, change the locality of the subsidiary charts, and now move in Best of all, you can now animate the astro- weekly as well as other increments. mapping lines, moving them through time. This is absolutely the easiest way to see exactly Printable eclipse lists: Copy and when in a person’s life a transiting, progressed print either brief or detailed results or solar arc line will reach a given locality! of your eclipse searches. New Professional Tools Plus these features from the v7.3 “sneak peek” at v8: A client manager for your busy astrological practice: Now you can Lynda Hill’s in-depth Sabian symbols email reminders to clients, keep an interpretations—as an oracle, as point- appointment calendar, use your and-click interps on the wheel, and as a computer to record and email read- Sabian Symbols report you can sell. ings, time your sessions and create receipts. Also, ensure the continuing House and sign interps for Sedna, Eris, health of your business by sending Selena and the Black Moon Lilith. your clients periodic group emails. Expanded interps for natal, pro- Teacher features: Get your students gressed and transiting charts. off to a running start (or help your friends) by sending them all your Traditional William Lilly-style tallies Additional “chart art” pages in Version own preferred Solar Fire settings for temperament (sanguine, choleric, 8 include a series of charming old-style in one easily-installed zip fi le. You melancholic or phlegmatic). drawings for each Sun sign, a series for can also sign on with the Solar Fire Chart art for each zodiacal gemstone. the twelve house positions of the compos- teacher registry, so prospective stu- ite chart’s Sun, and other attractive new dents can fi nd you on the internet. For upgrade prices, see page 7. designs for sale and gift-giving. The Astrolabe Catalog 2012 - 2 - Order toll-free: 1 800-843-6682 Solar Fire Gold v8 Encyclopedically complete and exceptionally easy to use, Solar Fire Gold brings the whole vast realm of astrology easily within your reach. State-of-the-Art Calculations 10,000 years of high-precision, to-the-second geo and helio calculations from the renowned Swiss Ephemeris. 50 standard points possible in the regular wheels and tables include 6 major asteroids, Chiron, 8 Urani an plan ets, mean/true Nodes, Part of Fortune (including different day and night formulas), Eris, Sedna, Transpluto, Vulcan, the Black Moon Lilith, White Moon Selena, Aries point, Vertex, Anti- vertex, CoAsc/Dsc, Polar Asc/Dsc and Equa to ri al Asc/Dsc. Extra points in clude all midpoints be tween standard points, plus 8 Jayne es o ter ic bodies, 290 fi xed stars, over 1,000 asteroids, unlimited Arabic parts, prior lunations and eclipses, user-selected degrees, and more. You can add these to the main wheel, and to extra-points wheels and tables. Plus, you can add most of these to Solar Fire Gold’s opening screen with its Chart Pre view wheel and forecasting hitlist s and to graphic and table-style ephemerides. current transiting positions, Moon phase and eclipse information bars. The Fullest Range of Astrological Tasks “The easiest, most enjoyable to use, and most rock-solid astrol- Predictive Astrology: Many variations of progressed, directed, converse, return, pro- ogy program on the market.” fected, in gress, eclipse, lunar-phase and age-harmonic charts. Extraordinarily fl exible – software reviewer Hank Friedman and complete hitlists and transit/progression calendars. Highly customizable graphic ephemerides and linear fore cast ing graphs. Ephem er is tables for plan ets, angles, “Easy to use, fl uid and can be Fortuna, as ter oids, midpoints and other extra points. Transiting, pro gressed and fi rdar custom fi t ted to suit your own interpretations. Plus “animated” multi-ringed wheels, dials and ta bles that instantly individual require ments. update transits, progressions and/or directions as click your way through time. A pleasure to in ter act with! . Relationship Astrology: Biwheels with optional inter-chart aspect lines and cusps More than enough ap pli ca tions for both people. Tri, quad and quinqui wheels and dials. Synastry aspectarians and to keep even the most ex per i men- comparative declination strips. Love and marriage in ter pre ta tions. Com pos ite charts for 2 to15 people. Coalescent and Davison re la tion ship charts. Tran sit ing hits to a tal of you in a sus tained state of com pos ite chart, or aspects from A’s pro gressed or di rect ed points to B’s natal chart.
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