I ■ JIJlY 3, 1971 6p weekly USA 30 cents EMERSON, LAKE and PALMER In ballet! The group, a speaal light show. CUrTently resting alter sensational tours of America " W e hop6 to do it in the Sprin{J, ... 0.-., Lak• tokt.. the MM and Europe, have been invited to take part in a mixed this wnk. •• And It 'MU be lilmed for TV and ~ cln41m11. W'e want it to be mot't: than )ut1: the ut ual group with orchtwa media event planned by the Frankfurt Ballet Company thing. Each indivklual membet of the orch.. tra would be miked and Philharmonic Orchestra. to achie111: • t.Mee with the group.ff A ptOpOM that- the 9foup ptrfonn their version of Mus,. tf the performenc:es in F-rankh.wt were auccusrut ~ RP •Ot'SJ'ky's •• Pktwes At An bhib,tion #0 has bNn made by balitt would be taken 10 othef oountrios for further conciert.s. director of tho baQel, John Ntume,,.,. Choteog,-pny WO<lld bt Keith Emerson has WOfked with sev«al othe, famous or­ arranged to fit the various moocfa of 1he piec,,, tooHly based chhtrn. Mleludi'lQ the New York Phllharmo,ilc. Ind Sinfonia on the Ruulon _ _.. original W0<1t of London. TivN mov-.bl• s tegM w04Ad be incorpom:•d in the pre­ • ElP ere featured in this we.ic.'"s Ntf.1 Band Breakdown - u.ntadon t o acc:ommodate the g<oup, ord'latra end ballet and sn p;,gea 20 and 21. Hancock sets Fashionable Fairport •••• F AIRPORT CONVENTION, whose sound and on,y Simon Nicol remains from the original lino• British debut helped to make electric folk commercial. vp that f4'.tt116d Ju:dy OybJa as vocalist.. &andy Den­ THE HERBIE HANCOCK Sextet has ney took over tile vocal spot in 1968 and various have finally amved. personnel changes Led to the fo,rme1k>n of sevanil been booked to play at Ronnie Their afbum. "Angel Delight," releNed only Int 0 Scott's Club, London, for a ten-day week.. has jumped int'o lho MM 1fbum eh:trt at No. 26 ~ 0:~et~~~Jk J~':~ay, Judy formed Trader season next month. -the f8<Stest choir't tnlry th$ group has yet scored. Hom. Ashley Hutdungs fom,ed Stee.leye Span and Hancock, who played piano in the A sleepy oave- Sw.'lrbriek. the group·, violinist, Ian Matthews formed Southern Comfort a~kened by the MM on Tund,ay mornll'lQ~ comnlCJ\• last to leave the group was gUlluufst R1ch:ard Miles Davis Sextet throughout tM ted: "I am absoluttty knocked out. t>aoody incradu• Thompgon who quit •artier this yea:,. latter half of the Sixties, will open !;:·h~•:ftf Ju$t heen tel•ased a couple of weeks The group are pJanning ct nationwide Arnencan tour on Monday, July 26, and play until for the ea,ty autumn end tt~ l'Otl#n '°' 1 tour of August 4. "I haven't thought about chars en1ries y11 and 8rfllsh cstie:s 1n Novomb•. • The sextet consists of Eddie never take these thing$ for granted, July dates fO< the group are: Hobbits Garden. - Of cour$8, We were wonde,ing Whether we would 1 Henderson (trumpet). Julian Priester do as well w,th AJchaird (Thon,,pson) having left. You ::=~::"<s(:>M::~~~ ';r::;_~ ~;t'(sf.'1?0~~ ~':t (trombone), Benny Maupin (teno,-), can't help bul wond41-r bvt we a111alt very happy with Chehenhom (16), Beltry, Sutton Co1dfiofd (17), and Buster Wilhams (bass), and Al the album. What t want to know 1$ whether h will Men\Oriel Thoatrt, Chichester (25). Heath (drums). This wflf be their r,et me an e 1< tra hour in bed ln the mo,ning," SWirtlriCk i-s appearing with MartJ,, Cwthy •t the Fairport have been tog-ethtir thre, ...nd-e~halr yeiWS Lincoln FesOvaf on JuJy 24. British debut. p_.):t: 2-M £LOOY MAK£R, July 3, 1971 Melody Melody Family ban Maker Maker POP 30 the Albert FAMILY have banned lhe Albert Hall. Tht group, SINGLES ALBUMS who are set for a British tour in November, have ( 1) CHIRPY CHIRPY CHEEP CHEEP been offered a date at London's major venue - Middle. of the Road, RCA 1 (1) STICKY FINGERS , , , Rolling Stones. Rolllng Stonos Records but turned it down ·on the grounds of poor 2 (2) BANNER MAN . .. Blue Mink. Regal Zonophone 2 (2) RAM ..... ......• Paul and Linda McCanney. Apple acoustics 3 (4) HE'S GONNA STEP ON YOU AGAIN 3 (4) TARKUS ................. -·· Emerson, Lake end Palmer. Jsland Manager John Kongos, Fly 4 (3) TAMLA MOTOWN CHART8USTERS Vol 5 Tony Gourvish 4 (11) CO-CO .... ... ....... ...... Sweet, RCA Vtvious Artists, Tamla Motown told lhe MM 5 (3) I DID WHAT I 010 FOR MARIA 5 (5) BRIDGE 01/Ell TROUBLED WATER this week : Simon al'ld Garfunkel, CBS ,;we hav~ Tony Choistie. MCA 6 (8) $Pl.IT ........•••.•........•... , ............. Groundhog$. Libert)" play~ there 6 (5) about five LADY ROSE .. .. .. .. .. • .. Mungo Jerry, Dawn 7 (9) 4 WAY STREET Crosby. Stills, Nash and Young, A1lan1ie 7 (10) timfs and DON•T LET IT DIE ... Hurricane Smith. Columbia B (S} MUD SLIDE SLIM AND THE BI.UE HORIZON 8 (7) l'M GONNA RUN AWAY FROM YOU never bee.n James Taylor. Wamer ·Brothers banned like T"mi Lynn. Mojo 9 (7) HOME LOVIN' MAN ..................... Andy Williams, CBS many othe:r 9 (14) JUST MY IMAGINATION Temptations. Motown 10 (10) RaJCS OF THE PINK FLOYD ............... • ...... Sterlino rock acts. The Ja,5t tima we 10 (6) KNOCK THREE TIMES .................. Dawn, Bell ~~~it~1e:s'i--ofi. THE.m<ENTIES........ ............. MCA 11 (17) I DON'T BLAME YOU AT ALL ~; mi played the,.e Wa1do Oc Los Rios. A & M was in N'ovem­ Smokey Robinson & the Miracles, Tamla Motown 13 (23) LIVE FREE . .... ... ..... .. ................... Island ber la.st year. 12 (8) I AM ... I SAID .... ........ .. Neil Diamond, Uni (25) EL PEA ••. .... .., . .. • Variou,s A,iists, l.sl•nd ''The aroup 13 (12) HEAVEN MUST HAVE SENT YOU Elgins. Motown 15 121 THE YES Al8UM ........................ Atlantic always find the 14 (13) OH YOU PRETTY THING ... Peter Noone. RAK 16 17 COLOSSEUM LIVE ........ .•.. • ...........................Bronu- _ :n~uecc,ld .ero~~ 15 (26) PIED PIPER ............... Bob and Marcia, Trojan 17 19 THIS IS MANUEL ,. ... ..... .. Menuel. Studio Two JH, time we 18 16) SONGS OF LOVE ANO HATE ........ Leonard Cohen. CBS play'cd lherc ~ 16 (9) MY BROTHER JAKE ................. Free. lslend 16 SONGS FOR 8EGIN_N6RS •.......••.. Graham Nash, Adan11t s.,iid 1tftc·1wud$ 17 (27) WHEN YOU ARE A KING ... White Plains. Deram 20 14 ANOY WILLIAMS GREATEST HITS ....................... CBS that we wouJd 18 (15) INDIANA WANTS ME R. Dean Taylor, Motown 28 IT'S IMPOSSIBLE .. ..... ••• .. ..•..•..... Per,y Como. RCA not go back and 22 18 SINATRA ANO COMPANY ..... -..... Frank Sinatre. Reprise thi:s Umc we 19 (16) RAGS TO RICHES ..... • .... Elvis Presley. RCA 23 AFTER THE GOlD RUSH ........ ,. •• Neil Young, Reprise •~o to •tJck 20 (30) ME ANO YOU ANO A DOG NAMED BOO ·24 SOMETHING ELS.E .... ...... Shirley Bassey, United Artists lo our wo«J,." An altttnl• Lobo. Phillps 25 FRANK SINATRA·s GREATEST HITS Vol 2 . ....... Rcprlse tlve London 21 (-) BLACK ANO WHITE ......... Greyhound, Trojan 26 (- ANGEL DELIGHT ..... .•• Fairpon Convention, lsJand ven.ue l.! beina 22 (21) LAZY BONES ..... ... Jonathan King, Decce 27 (26 •AQUALUNG ....... , .• , .......... Jethro Tull. Chrysatis nt,i:oUate<I, 28 (28 NANTUCKET SLEIGtfRIOE ,... , ., .... Mountain. l&land The a:rou:p 23 (19) I THINK OF YOU ............ Perry Como. RCA LEO ZEPPELIN Ill ... .. Atlantic have a new 24 (-) PICTURES IN THE SKY Medicine Head. Dandelion 3029 1-21 BEST OFT. REX .. .. ~... .... .... .. .... .. Fly single "In My Own Time " ra• 25 ( 24) JOY TO THE WORLD ... Three Dog Night, Probe Two 1illes tied for 13th, 18th encl 20th po$itions lease(:! this 26 (29) IF YOU COULD READ MY MINO WH.k at'ld in Aua.u:s~ the)' Gordon Lightfoot. Reprise slart recording 27 (20) BROWN SUGAR Rollong Stones, Rolling Stones o nCw album. 28 (18) MALT AND BARLEY BLUES America's Top 30 LPs Tha N<>vcm• McGuinness Flint. be.r concert tour Capitol ls promo,ed by ROGER CHAPMAN: cold venue 29 (-) RIVER DEEP-MOUNTAIN HIGH 1 (1) TAPESTRY .... CaroJe King, Ode Jobn and Tony 2 (4) JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR ...................... Oecco Smilh and Supremes/Four Tops. Tamla Mo1own \•enuts .;Ire.ad)' M:t Include of Stan's tout. I un<tef'\IUnd 30 (25) MOZART 40· ......... Waldo De Los Rios. A & M 3 (3l RAM ,, ..................... Paul end Unda McCartl'!ey, Apple 1 4 (5 CARPENTicRS ............., .................................. A & M ~a;n1.,!\':reho:: tto:~ ~~!c~~ ~~o ~!~,t~ ief~C:r!"o~?; 5 (2 STICKY FINGERS .............. Rolhng Stones, Rolling Stones N~em~r 1. Other venues a rew tn-Orc wkks to 40, and 6 (6) MUD SLIOE SLIM ANO THE BLUE HORIZON arc She.iJield CHy Hall (2), Sl I had to iron O\U com- Jarr..cs. loylor. Warner 8rothers Gf0rge'1 Ha.II, Bra4Cotd (4)i ~':'i:~!J l~: ~ b~v~ 7 (7 1 0 ~=i AQUALUNG •-.................. ~·······..... Jethro Tull, Reprise 8 (17 ARETHA LIVE AT THE FILLMORE Arethe Franklin, A1lan1Jc l~~-b}~ ~1~ "H!h. ~=, ,nay itill be called uPon,- ll 7), Col!.ton Hall, Bristol (9), would bto. • pteuure to help 9 (8 4 WAY STREET ... Crosb.y, Stills, Nash end Young. Atlenuc TOWnl H2II BlrMingham (l2), SUln OVt Jf nftesw.ry:• 10 (10 UP TO DATE ........... .................. Partridge F1mily. Bell 11 (11 SHE'S A LADY .....,, .................. ,, .... Tom Jones. Parrot CulldhallCily ll•. II; PorUtrOuthN•wcasolo ((J16, .,. BUKK. A WHITE DIES 12 (9 SURVIVAL ................... , ..., ., •. , Grand Funk. Cepitot Dome Bri~ton (l 7), AB • 13 (12 GOLDEN BISCUITS ........
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