27 th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2020 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Unit for Mineral Technology Fathan Bahfie, ST Dept of Pyrometallurgy The Utilization of Biomass (Corn Cobs and Palm Kernell Shell) as Ecofriendly 1 Male 50,000,000 Surabaya, 18 December 1990 Jl. Ir. Sutami Km. 15 Lampung Selatan Reductant for Smelting Nickel Laterite Lampung 35361 T. (0721) 350054 / F. (0721) 350056 Samarinda State Agriculture Polytechnic Dept of Agricultural Technology Netty Maria Naibaho, S. TP., MP., M. Sc Majors of Plantation Product of Technology Application of Essential Oils from Kaffir Limes (Citrus Hystrix DC) Leaves as a 2 Female 50,000,000 Bandar Hinalang, 02 October 1985 Kampus Gunung Panjang, Samratulangi Preservative to Improve the Shelf Life of aRaw Chicken Meats Samarinda Sebrang - Kalimantan Timur 75131 T. (0541) 260421 / F. (0541) 260680 Muhammadiyah Semarang University Fac of Nursing and Health Science Luthfia Dewi, M. Gz 3 Female Jl. Kedungmundu Raya No. 18 Dietary b -Carotene Consumption: How Effective is It for Diabetic Rodent? 49,430,000 Kudus, 04 April 1993 Semarang 50273 - Jawa Tengah T. (024) 7674-0296 / F. (024) 7674-0291 Widya Mandala Catholic University Fac of Engineering Synthesis of the Highly Accessible and pH-Responsive Hollow-Core ZIF-8 (HC@ZIF-8) Maria Yuliana, ST., Ph. D Dept of Chemical Engineering 4 Female using Polystyrene as the Hard Template and Its Application for Cancer Therapeutic 49,776,000 Surabaya, 06 July 1986 Jl. Kalijudan NO. 37 Drug Delivery Surabaya 60114 - Jawa Timur T. (031) 389-1264 / F. (031) 389-1267 Gadjah Mada Univeristy Fac of Mathematics & Natural Sciences Dr. Muhammad Idham Darussalam Mardjan, Dept of Chemistry Development of g -Lactam- and d-Lactam-Quinoline Hybrids as Antiplasmodium 5 S. Si., M. Sc Male 49,747,000 Jl. Sekip Utara, Bulaksumur POS BLS 21 through One-Pot-Reaction Sragen, 17 July 1989 DI Yogya 55281 T/F. (0274) 545188 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Center for Oceanography Dept of Marine Biogeochemistry & Biogeosphere Dr. A'an Johan Wahyudi Assessing Spatio-Temporal Variability of Ocean Carbon on Sunda Shelf for 6 Male Research Group 50,000,000 Bojonegoro, 20 January 1983 Development of Regional Ocean Observing System Jl. Pasir Putih 1, Ancol Timur Jakarta 14430 T. (021) 6471-3850 / F. (021) 6471-1948 Sekolah Tinggi Farmasi Mahaganesha Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) using Extracts of Zanthoxylum apt. Gusti Ayu Dewi Lestari, S. Farm., M. Si Fac of Pharmacy 7 Female acanthopodium DC., Spondias pinnata (L.f) Kurz., Ocimum sanctum Linn. And their 45,410,000 Mataram, 19 February 1987 Jl. Tukad Barito Timur No. 57 Antimicrobial in vitro Denpasar - Bali 80226 Sebelas Maret University FMIPA - Dept of Chemistry Dr. rer. Nat. Witri Wahyu Lestari, M. Sc Modfification of Green Synthesized MOF type of MIL-100(Fe) with Mesoporous Silica 8 Female Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A 50,000,000 Demak, 22 December 1980 Nanoparticle (MSN) and Its Application in Curcumin Slow Release Kentingan, Jenres, Surakarta 57126, Jateng T/ (0271) 669376 / F. (0271) 663375 Science and Technology Research Grant 2020 Page 1 of 32 Date: 07 Sep 2020 27 th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2020 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Gadjah Mada University Fac of Engineering Dr. Wawan Budianta, M. Sc Remediation of Mining Waste by Natural Zeolite in Small-scale Gold Mining in 9 Male Dept of Geilogical Engineering 50,000,000 Klaten, 02 January 1977 Wonogiri District, Central Java, Indonesia Jl. Grafika 2, Kampus UGM - DI Yogya 55281 T. (0274) 513665 / F. (0274) 589659 National Nuclear Energy Agency Center for Accelerator Science & Technology Imam Kambali, M. Phil., Ph. D Dept of Particle Physics Anti-bacterial Properties of Ag and Cu-Doped Titanium Nitride Coated on 316L 10 Male 49,800,000 Mojokerto, 05 May 1980 Jl. Babarsari, Kotak Pos 6101 ykbb Stainless Steel Applicable for Medical Divices DI Yogya 55281 T. (0274) 488435 / F. (0274) 484436 Parahyangan Catholic University Fac of Industrial Technology Green Synthesis of Biometallic Iron-nickel Nanoparticles using Leucaena Hans Kristianto, ST., MT., IPM 11 Male Dept of Chemical Engineering leucocephala seeds Extract and their Application in Synthetic Dyes Wastewater 50,000,000 Jakarta, 01 December 1989 Jl. Ciumbuleuit No. 94 Bandung 40141, Jabar Treatment T/F. (022) 203-2700 Airlangga University Fac of Science & Technology Rico Ramadhan, Ph. D Dept of Chemistry Phytochemicals Investigation, Antidiabetic, and Antioxidant Potential of Wild Nutmeg 12 Male 48,871,500 Balikpapan, 18 June 1985 Jl. Muyorejo Campus C, Surabaya 60115, Jatim Species (Myristicaceae) growth in East Kalimantan Tropical Forests T. (031) 593-6501, 592-4617 F. (031) 593-6502 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Abdi Wira Septama, Ph. D Research Center for Chemistry Bacteriophage Infectin Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Isolation, Characterization and 13 Male 40,720,000 Sungai Penuh, 12 September 1984 Kawasan PUSPITEK Serpong, Evaluation Its Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Activities in vitro Tangerang Selatan 15314 - Banten Widya Mandala Catholic University Fac of Engineering Shella Permatasari Santoso, Ph. D Dept of Chemical Engineering Metal-Phenolic Nanonetwork (MPN)-Functionalized Bacterial Cellulose Aerogels for 14 Female 48,925,000 Surabaya, 09 November 1990 Jl. Kalijudan NO. 37 Highly Efficeinet Removal of Nitrate and Phosphate from Eutrophic Water Surabaya 60114 - Jawa Timur T. (031) 389-1264 / F. (031) 389-1267 Brawijaya University Siti Mariyah Ulfa FMIPA - Dept of Chemsitry Design and Synthesis of Novel Thymoquinone Analogs as Anti-Inflammatory Drug 15 Female 48,524,500 Jombang, 06 April 1981 Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Jatim Expressed by Suppression of iNOS in Rat Hepatocytes Cell T. (0341) 575835 / F. (0341) 554403 Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Fac of Science and Data Analtics Dr. rer. Nat. Arif Luqman Dept of Biology Rhizosphere Microbiota Transplantation (RMT)L an Attempt to Cultivate Crops in 16 Mojokerto, 12 March 1990 Male 50,000,000 Keputih, Sukolilo, High Salinity Soil Surabaya 60111 - Jawa Timur T/F. (031) 596-3857 Science and Technology Research Grant 2020 Page 2 of 32 Date: 07 Sep 2020 27 th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2020 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE National Nuclear Energy Agency Center for Applied Nuclear Science & Technology Isa Mahendra, DVM, M. BiomedSc 17 Male Dept of Lebeled Compound & Radiometry Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer using 131 l-labeled Rutin Tracer in a Mouse Model 50,000,000 Surabaya, 29 December 1989 Jl. Tamansari No. 71 Bandung 40132 T. (022) 250-3998 / F. (022) 250-4081 Balai Besar Kulit Karet, dan Plastik - Kementrian Perindustrian Dr. Sc. Bidhari Pidhatika, ST., M. Sc Dept of Sarana Riset dan Standarisasi (SARS) 18 Female Starch-based Plastics with Enhanced Natural Colorant Adhesion by Plasma Irradiation 49,890,000 Jakarta, 17 January 1980 Jl. Sokonandi No. 9, DI Yogya 55166 T. (0274) 512929, 563939 F. (0274) 563655 Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Teknologi Industri dan Rekayas Sistem (FTIRS) Ika Dewi Wijayanti, ST., M. Sc., Ph. D In-house Manufacturing and Developing of Electrospinning Machine for Producing 19 Female Dept of Mechanical Engineering 50,000,000 Tanjung Pinang, 02 December 1985 Nanofibers to be utilized as the Negative Electrode of Ni-MH Battery Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111 T. (031) 594-6230 / F. (031) 592-2941 Padjajaran University Lidya Chaidir, Ph. D Fac of Medicine - Dept of Microbiolgy MPT64 Gene Mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates from TB Patients in 20 Female 49,997,750 Bukittinggi, 19 January 1981 Jl. Eijkman No. 38 Bandung 40161 Bandung, Indonesia T. (022) 203-2170 / F. (022) 203-7823 Institut Teknologi Indonesia Dept of Chemical Engineering Hybrid Photo-Biocatalyst Consisting of Titanium Dioxide, Chirophyll, and Carbon Marcelinus Christwardana, ST., MT., Ph. D Jl. Raya Puspiptek Serpong, 21 Male Nanotubes on Flexible Cellulose Nanopaper, and Its Utilization in a Photo- 50,000,000 Surakarta, 15 April 1990 Tangerang Selatan 15320 - Banten Bioelectrochemicals Cell for Energy Generation T. (021) 756-0542, 756-0545 F. (021) 756-0542 Indonesian Institute of Sciences Gedung 452 Pusat Penelitian Kimia LIPI Dr. Yenny Meliana A Novel Method to Determine Water Solubility of Microplastic as the Hydrophobic 22 Female Kawasan PUSPITEK Serpong 50,000,000 Curup, 17 October 1976 Components in the Dipersions System Banten 15314 T. (021) 756-0929 / F. (021) 756-0549 Indonesia Research Center for Veterinary Science Fac of Sain Veterinary Dept of Parasitology, Biology Molecular Drh. Fitrine Ekawasti, M. Sc Detection and Molecular Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii from Indonesia 23 Female Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 30, Kotak Pos 151, 50,037,420 Kendari, 01 July 1984 Traditional Food "satay" Bogor 16124 - Jawa Barat T. (0251) 833-1048, 833-4456 F. (0251) 833-6425 Science and Technology Research Grant 2020 Page 3 of 32 Date: 07 Sep 2020 27 th INDONESIA TORAY SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH GRANT 2020 APPLICANTS NO NAME GENDER UNIVERSITY TITLE OF RESEARCH PROJECT PROPOSE Bangka Belitung University Fac of Engineering Dept of Chemistry Adisyahputra, S. Si., M. Sc 24 Male Kampur Terpadu Univ. Bangka Belitung MIPs Electrode Based Oil / Lard Detector on Food Products 37,908,000 Kayuara,
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