NOTES introduction 1 Marx on zoology; Bismarck on Coburg as studfarm of Europe, both quoted in A. N. Wilson, Victoria: A Life (henceforth Wilson) 19. prologue 1 This account based on GARF 601.2.27 Yakov Yurovsky’s notes 1920 and 1 February 1934 plus unpublished notes (fi ve in total); Empress Alexandra diary, June–July 1918, stored in GARF 640.1 and published Last Diary of Tsaritsa Alexander, V. Ko- zlov and V. Khrustalev (eds.) (henceforth ‘Alexandra diary’). Nicholas II diary, April– June 1918, GARF 601.1.217–266 (henceforth ‘ND’). These sources are also quoted in Mark D. Steinberg and Vladimir M. Khrustalëv, The Fall of the Romanovs (hence- forth Fall) 320–66. Also Greg King and Penny Wilson, The Fate of the Romanovs (henceforth Fate) 282–317 and Helen Rappaport, Ekaterinburg: The Last Days of the Romanovs, 184–202. 2 Off er of throne to Michael Romanov based on: RGADA–5, Gramota tsaryu Mikhailu Fedorovichu, poslannaya v Kostromu s arkhimandritom Feodor- itom i boyarinym F. I. Sheremetevym 2 Marta 1613 (The Charter of the Zemsky Sobor to Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich of his election to the throne, 2 March 1613) RGADA–44, March 1613, Gramota arkhiepiskopa Feodorita i F. I. Sheremeteva k Zemskomu Soboru (Formal report of the Kostroma delegates to the Zemsky Sobor on Tsar Mikhail’s consent to be tsar). Sergei Soloviev, History of Russia (henceforth Soloviev) 16.1–15. George Vernadsky, History of Russia (hence- forth Vernadsky) 5.1.278–83. Robert Crummey, Aristocrats and Servitors: The Boyar Elite 1613–89 (henceforth Crummey), 1–28. Michael: Olearius, Travels of Olearius (henceforth Olearius) 62, 191, 262. G. E. Orchard (trans. and ed.), I. Massa, A Short History of the Beginnings and Origins of These Present Wars in Moscow: Under the Reign of Various Sovereigns Down to the Year 1610 (henceforth Orchard), 30–4. Presence of Saltykov brothers as advisers: Russell E. Martin, A Bride for the Tsar: Brideshows and Marriage Politics in Early Modern Russia (henceforth Martin) 180–2. act i: the rise scene i: the brideshows 1 RGADA–44, March 1613, Gramota arkhiepiskopa Feodorita i F. I. Sheremeteva k Zemskomu Soboru (Formal report of the Kostroma delegates to the Zemsky Sobor on Tsar Mikhail’s consent to be tsar). Soloviev 16.1–12. Vernadsky 5.1.278–83. TThehe RRomanovsomanovs MMMPMP Notes.inddNotes.indd 1 005/12/20165/12/2016 114:534:53 2 notes 2 Isabel de Madariaga, Ivan the Terrible (henceforth Madariaga), Mongols 5–6; tsar title 17. Ivan the Terrible, Anastasia, brideshows 50–9. Sergei Bogatyrev, Ivan IV 1533–84, in Maureen Perrie (ed.), The Cambridge History of Russia, vol. 1: From Early Rus’ to 1689. Troubles: Chester Dunning, Russia’s First Civil War (henceforth Dunning), 33–72. False Dmitris: this is based on Maureen Perrie, Pretenders and Popular Monarchism in Early Modern Russia. Catherine Merridale, Red Fortress: The Secret Heart of Russia’s History (henceforth Merridale) 75–102. Martin 112–21; Romanov descent 114–15. 3 P. Grebelsky and A. Mirvis, Dom Romanovykh 1–12. G. K. Shchutskaya, Palaty bo- yar Romanovykh. W. Bruce Lincoln, The Romanovs (henceforth Lincoln) 26; Lindsey Hughes, The Romanovs (henceforth Hughes), 1–10. On Michael: Orchard, 30–4. 4 Madariaga 140–5, 295, 342, 357; eff ect of Ivan 371. Circassian princes/Cherkasskys: Paul Bushkovitch, ‘Princes Cherkasskii or Circassian Murzas: The Kabardians in the Russian boyar elite 1560–1700’, Cahiers du Monde Russe (2004) 45.1–2.9–30. Filaret: J. L. H. Keep, Regime of Filaret, SEER (1959–60) 38.334–43 (henceforth Keep). Michael: Orchard, 30–4. Michael character: Vernadsky 5.1.308–11. RGADA 28–44, March 1613, Gramota arkhiepiskopa Feodorita i F. I. Sheremete- va k Zemskomu Soboru (Formal report of the Kostroma delegates to the Zemsky Sobor on Tsar Mikhail’s consent to be tsar). 5 Keep 334–43. Vernadsky 5.1.205–20. Dunning 50–9; serfdom 60–73. Ian Grey, Bo- ris Godunov 13–14, 134–9, 159–62. Soloviev 16.44. Dunning 94–100. 6 Soloviev 15.27. Vernadsky 5.1.225–51. Dunning on uprising, 415–39. Michael in Kremlin: Soloviev 15.283. Filaret: Soloviev 15.160–231; Pozharsky and Minin 275– 86. Kremlin charnel-house: Merridale 130–3. Hughes 8–12. Keep 334–43. 7 Soloviev 15.240–89, 16.1–15; Filaret’s reaction 16.44–5. Vernadsky 5.1.275–83. Dun- ning 415–48. Hughes 12–14, 31. Richard Wortman, Scenarios of Power (henceforth Wortman) 9–13. Susanin: Soloviev 16.243–50. Hughes 12–13. 8 Madariaga 1–22. Dunning 28–44. Merridale 13–100. 9 Coronation: L. E. Morozova: T. B. Knyazevskaia (ed.), Kultura slavyan i Rus, Moro- zova, L. E., Dve redaktsii China venchaniia na tsarstvo Alexeia Mikhailovicha, 457–72. Madariaga 49–52. Wortman 10–16. Lincoln 30–3. Hughes 12–13. 10 Olearius 62, 191, 262. Orchard 30–4. Soloviev 17.92. Clocks, Merridale 140, 146. Amusements: J. T. Fuhrman, Alexis: His Reign and his Russia (henceforth Fuhr- man) 4–6. Paul Bushkovitch, Peter the Great (henceforth Bushkovitch) 14–16 and 28–9. 11 Soloviev 16:16–44, 96–114. Dunning 448–59. Vernadsky 5.1.283–93. Saltykovs: Martin 180. 12 Crummey 1–28, 56, 70–82, 143, 141–2; wealth lists of boyars 108. See also: Sergei Bogatyrev, The Sovereign and his Counsellers: Ritualised Consultations in Muscovite Po- litical Culture, 1350s to 1570s. Soloviev 17.85–92. Bushkovitch 14–16, 28–9. Hughes 38–9. Lincoln 82–5. Processions: Wortman 15–18. Word and deed: C. A. Ruud and S. A. Stepanov, Fontanka 16 (henceforth Ruud) 5–7. Terem culture: Fuhrman 38, 75–6. Pharmacy: Soloviev 25.11. 13 Martin 9–11; 20–1; 57–94; 170–1;174, 180. 14 Martin 169–85. Madariaga 50–9. Soloviev 16.165–6, 313. Lincoln 34. 15 Soloviev 16.129–50, 174–200, 17.105. 16 Filaret: Pisma russkikh gosudarei (henceforth PRG) 1.10–14. Soloviev 16.156–65, 17.90–3. Filaret’s vanity: Vernadsky 5.1.308–11. Lykov and Filaret: Soloviev 16.222– 4. Dunning 459–80. Filaret exiles boyars: Bushkovitch 49–51. Paul Bushkovitch, Shvedskie istochniki o Rossii 1624–26, Arkhiv russkoi istorii (2007) 8.359–81. Prec- edence: Soloviev 17.93–102; Crummey 136–40. TThehe RRomanovsomanovs MMMPMP Notes.inddNotes.indd 2 005/12/20165/12/2016 114:534:53 notes 3 17 Streshneva: Soloviev 16.166. Fuhrman 1–10. Martin 186–9. Dolgorukys: Bushko- vitch 32. Bushkovitch, Shvedskie istochniki o Rossii, 8.359–81. 18 Soloviev 16.211–25, 17.92–5. Vernadsky 5.1.345–61. Fuhrman 106–7. Bushkevich 50–1. Boyar commanders: Crummey 46–9; Fuhrman 106–7. Hughes 38–40. Philip Longworth, Alexis, Tsar of All the Russias (henceforth Longworth) 21. 19 Soloviev 17.83–4. Longworth 5–23. The Domostroi/Terem: Fuhrman 83. Bushkovitch 33. Giving birth: Lindsey Hughes, Sophia (henceforth, Sophia) 25. 20 Vernadsky 5.1.383–5. Fuhrman 7–11. Longworth 17–26. Waldemar/pretenders: Soloviev 17.55–75. Death of Michael: Soloviev 17.83–4. Fuhrman 1–4. Longworth 17–21. scene 2: the young monk 1 Accession/Zealots: Vernadsky 5.1.382–91. Fuhrman 9–15, 46–7. Young Alexei: Hughes, Sophia 5, 25. Longworth 5–11, 19–28; zealots 55–67; negro Saveli 186. Funerals: Wortman 38. Religion and ceremonies: Crummey 141. Matveev: Fuhr- man 193. Coronation: Chin postavleniia na tsarstvo tsarya i velikogo knyazya Alexeia Mikhailovicha 38. Falconry 119; technological interests 120; 2 Kindness, tact: Longworth 69, 72, 88, 135–9; Ivan 69 and 259; fury 69–72; duck- ing 113–14. Hughes, Sophia 28. Religion: Fuhrman 32–3; Crummey 141. Pharmacy: Soloviev 25.11. Alexei’s order of foreign purchases: RGADA 27.118.119–20. Kind letter to Odoevsky: V. Lamansky, Zapiski otdeleniia Russkoi i Slavyanskoi Arkheologii (1861) 2.702–6. Letters to steward: ZORI 2.786–8. 3 Brideshow organized: Martin 190–2. Samuel Collins Present State of Russia 10–12, 111–13. 4 Marriage: Fuhrman 13–15, 208–10; Martin 192–6. Hughes 30–2. Sophia 20. Rich boyars: Crummey 113–14; on Morozov potash 130–3. Fuhrman 116–34. Longworth 22–38; father-substitute 45. Morozov: Fuhrman 16–18. Collins 10–12, 111–13. 5 1648 riots and Code: Olearius 203–17. Crummey 83–7. Fuhrman 16–29. Hughes, Sophia 34. Longworth 39–46. Law code, John P. LeDonne, Absolutism and Ruling Class (henceforth LeDonne) 4, 16, 212–15. 6 Fuhrman 46–7, 131–45, 155–76. Crummey 97–100. Sophia 35–7. Merridale 156–8. 7 Sergii Plokhy, The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine (henceforth Plokhy) 97–118. Vernadsky 5.1.463–79. Longworth 65. 8 Polish war: RGADA 27.85; notebooks RGADA 27.82; 27.86. PRG 5.10–12. Long- worth 68–91, 161. Fuhrman 57–74, 105–16; Secret Offi ce 104–5. Generals: Crum- mey 46–9. 9 Fuhrman 155–79; Crummey 102. Longworth 164–73. Sophia 35–7. 10 RGADA 27.337; RGADA 27.85. Bushkovitch 24–7, 225. Secret Offi ce: Longworth 129–39 and 155. Fuhrman 81–105, 166. Crummey 28–32; 141; favourites 97; wealth 146, 113–14; generals 46–9; foreign policy leaders 56–9. Nashchokin: Fuhrman 189–92 and Crummey 97. New men: Bushkovitch 49–65. Longworth 71–2. Sex, boyars: Longworth 154. Pharmacy: Soloviev 125.11. Odoevsky/Khitrovo/Dolgoruky: Bushkovitch 21–3, 51. Miloslavsky/sex: Fuhrman 87–8. Longworth 161. Collins 110– 17. 11 Copper Riot: Fuhrman 145–53. Longworth 138–53. 12 Sophia 38–45.
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