wmm RIL 2i, | |!P TiftySenmi Ytar, Number 70 5 Thursday, April 24,1941 ERALD Established 1889 and Summit Record FRED L. PALMES. Editor 3q A COPY JOHN W. CuFti Editor Emeritus $2.50 \ Yi \R J. Kinvix CARTIR, Business Manager Four Masons Honored 73 Piece H. S. Band Mayor And Common Council Elected Yesterday For Youth Week Pre Poll Labor vs. Defense Forum Set For At Ready for Contest of Lincoln School Tuesday; Independent Club Of Overlook Lodge Music Association Expands Panel; Downes In As Moderator Four members of Overlook Lodge After weeks of special Intensive 1 N'o. 163, Free and Accepted MOHOHS, practice under the leadership of j 1.1-4 minute i h.nii_;c in \> . tin- Summit Iti'le were honored last night at the their director J. Fred Muller, Sum- lnlt'- '1!' .al..,: |i;!iit'! dKt'ii^i'jii. 'fit; thousandth regular communica- mil High School's band of 73 pieces I in.iHy aiiHuuinvd tin- Y M il.t- bet;!! sdlC'llllt tion of the lodge by being present- Is anxiously awaiting Saturday' 1 ed with token* aymbollc of their morning, May 3 at 5 at which time tin .iiu'' >lii Seii< lie-.' l iv c\ cinm;, the 2,'' membership of 50 or more years. they will leave from in front of the S.I5 i •Vluck The Masons BO honored were High School in three buses for At- 1 tin forth- r-!i:UlK(1 i' that George C. Baker, for many years lantic City to enter a contest that p.llld uf notable;; mi secretary of the lodge and now for day sponsored by the National will proportionately more than 20 year* secretary of Music Education Association. At Research Group Here regular part of thc program In- increase (he a< tendance. Another Overlook Chapter, No. 44 R. A. M.; volves thc participation of banda, ciinirili.iil in;: I' a <•! ii r indicating Benjamin J. WeBtenrelt; Atwood orchestras and instrumental groups Elects Otto F, Taylor ureater ini«-r«•si is thai the assem- L. DeCoster and Charles W. Cox,from secondary schools from ten lily-line vs. the picket-line issue the latter two in absffntla because States in th» North' Eastern part of bus suddenly he:'.(iiue as hut as last o( reasons beyond their control. the United States. More than 6,000 At Annual Meeting week's weather. These men were made Mason%on students from these are expected to the prominent speakers these respective dates: In order 1 attend the program and participate At its third annual incelini; ;it already assigned to the round table above mentioned: March 25, 1890; Acting Superintendent of Schools ; Canoe ftrnnk Country Clult Wed- | aif Father Lambert Dunn of this October 15, 1586; November 19. A. J. Bartholomew states this Is the nesday «?veiiiiiK. the Summit Civic i.Newark l-ahor Keliitinns Hoard; j Irvin.u Aliiainsnn. president of the 188.1 and June 24, 1890. The pre-'first time the Summit band has \ Research (Jrimp elected Otto F. sentation was made on behalf of participated in the music conven- '.New Jersey Stnte industrial I'liion ' Taylor as chairman to succeed U'uuncil, and .lames I). ImwiH's, pro- the Grand Lodge of New Jersey by tion because of its usually being I Kriient F. Loatheiu who reniKncd tin; guest speaker of the evening. held at some point remote from | fessor uf political economy and cx- ; last wfttk ill order to a'cejit Iho in- [ ciindidate for congress, who will act. II Past Grand Master Ralph E. Lum bunimit. Muller expresses the be- 1 lief that participating in auch a vitutiitli 4tf the Summit UepulOlcau •at! modcralor. For ••management'* tfW of Chatham. program Is a distinct encourage- Club to seek the Republican inayor- 'side, tin1 Summit lailepeiuli'iil Club "Most Significant Period" ; alty nuniinatioii in the primaries consiili-rs itself cunallv fortunate m ment to tho boya and girls consti- 1 tuting the music group's. ; next Septeniher. Mr. Taylor has bavin;; such a chuici of speaker:) The nearly 200 members of the : been head of the Finance Commit- In addition to the band's enter- tliiit (he two ol must interest to the fraternity who crowded Into the tee of the (iron p. He is an account- community have yet IK bo nur'eorf lodge rooniB were rewarded with a Ing the contest, the twelve students from the High School who partici- ' ant. ii|nm. There IM. however. ,i distinct, most thought provoking address by- I The ejiv lion of officers for the prnhahility (but Mr. Albert llawkes, Mr. Lum, speaking exclusively to pated In the New Jersey All State coining year took place at the con president of the Ciinuoleiun Com- the Masons, but yet with interpre- Orchestra and Chorus at the State Teachers' Convention last Novem-' elusion of a dinner meeting which pany, will lie one of these. tation in relation to the evolution Standing left to right: Councilmen Edward Stahl, Charles Sweeney and Frank Sommo; Mayor Thomas Underhill; and w;m attendoi l»y city officials and lurniii Hell Timed iif present day eventJ. Ho said in ber have also been Invited to per- addressed hy I»r. \V. A. Carpenter, form during part of the May .'ird This foru'm, a prelude to Henry part: Councilmen Virginia Bailey, Henry DeLuca, Raymond Bonnell and James Kietzman. The election was held yesterday at ' cbairmnn (if }!ie Department of program. Schmidt, Jr.'s IIml "American Opin- "We are now living in the most the High School. I'olitic-s at l'riri(».i»ton and by Wade significant period in history, the The Board of Education has ap- ion Poll" set for May 1st and 2nd Following is the list of officials and boards appointed last night by Mayor Underhill to act with him and the Council 1 II. PoHlon. presulent of the I'11 ion in the l,ackiiwuun;i station hsjs been shifty and change being vastly proved a special appropriation of <*oulity Taxpayers' Association, Inc. greater than any over the past $175 to pay for the transportation during Summit Youth Week, May 5 to 10: City Clerk, Carol Key; City Treasurer, Margaret Mills; Executive Official. Earl hlmed by the Independent ('hlb to Other officers eli-ctcd at. the create (he greatest amount of civic 1,941 years. of tho group to and from the shore Christman; City Solicitor, Fred Libertino; Receiver of Taxes, Rolf Bruckner; City Engineer, Nunzio Pcrcario; Police Court rileetitif,' are: Vire-cliairinaii, John "We can view the present either resort. While In Atlantic City, the Justice, John Williams; Court Clerk, Allen Gross; Chief of Police, Rocco Mancuso; Fire Chief, William Biehler; Building interest in Summit, Short Hills, headquarters of the band will be at ; <!. MacKcihnie; Treasurer, Harold Millliimi and Mapleunod. with apprehension and all the ac- Inspector, Derrel Nevins; Overseer of the Poor, Virginia Smith and assistant, Kathleen Brenn; Superintendent of Schools, T. <!rav«-s. Jr.: Secretary, (larvii-e companying emotions or we can the Hotel Morton, Virginia avenue, (There will \w ;i special meeting from "which hostelery they will Carol Chur; Police Commissioner, Albert Bazarian; Postmaster, Joseph Costabile; Board of Education, Jeanette Levine, ,11. Ridings; (ither members of the ill Short Hills lolliuht between view It with hope. Which view one executive commit tee: William I*. takes will depend entirely on hlm- leave Sunday night, May 5th to re- Monica Libertino, William McNeely, Jean Aronson and James Baker; Board of Health, Walter Reiter, Dorothy Neville, Adele- ciiininilleeH of the. Summit and out- turn to Summit. Sharpe, Leonard K. iWsi, Itoberl C. of-town Independent clubs in order Hclf. 'What will you have. Take and Distelhurst, Jeanne Cawley and Paul Flynn; Board of Recreation, Leona Caporoso, Concetta Circella, Janet Donio, Ruth HaRt'ii, \V. Kenneth Itohertsoii. The to complete arrangements for tho. pay for It.1 Sitting In yesterday at one of the band's practice sessions, this writ- Oakes, Theodore Schultz and Harold Collette; Board of Zoning Adjustment, Fred Pike, Samuel Jones, Jr., and Grace ' nominalini; committee cunipriscd survey's inter-community expan- "All in all, faith Is the most pow- Drake; Tax Assessors, Alan Markham, Allan Dampman and Frank Roan. I Richard Moser, .lames L. llaiuar, sion). erful force in the world today. If er was Impressed by the enthus- 1 iasm and energy which each mem- ' John J. lleavey. The local clilli'rt purpose in in- 'we want an orderly world, we will intj Official* liuists auuiirating these open forums in Bet out of w!»t i»«^i»t4Bit; ~ ber is displaying. "Do the right primarily educational. Future xes- "In this world, the institution or thing at the right time" Is the City officials who were quests Hions will bo pre'pareil by..demo- Masonry serves M a tremendously pledge the group has given Muller 11 Men Called May 2 Theatre Guild Plans iiu luded Mayor <>iiifio F. Forstcr; cratic process to put questions of rich whool of spiritual wisdom. preparatory to ita ehort trip i President of the Common Council tho hour on trial. Tuesday's meet- Doubt* Fall of DeraoerMr Muller has received further assur- Maxwell Lester: Councilnien Betts, Ing is specifically designed so that ance from the band that he can Red Cross Benefit For Military Service TOWN Boye, niand. (Willis....Jl.ruslow,** J. the people may consider all the evi- "I doubt if the democracies' will count on «ach student, for the best • Koss Tuttle. proHideut of the Board | . ,„ „,,, |, ..i) . , , . ,, lie destroyed and After this chaos (k>n( ( !/;l ()I ( r( nm ( aM he has musically and otherwise and The Summit Little Theatre (iuiid, of Education, and hrnest V.
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