UNIVERSAL LIBRARY OU_21278 0 Y Y LIBRAR L L UNIVERSA DOCTORS' DELUSIONS CRUDE CRIMINOLOGY SHAM EDUCATION LONDON PUBLISHED BY Constable and Company Ltd. IO-12 ORANGE STREET W.C.2 INDIA AND PAKISTAN Orient Longmans Ltd. BOMBAY CALCUTTA MADRAS • CANADA Longmans, Green and Company TORONTO SOUTH AND EAST AFRICA Lon ;mans Green and Company Ltd. CAPE TOWN NAIROBI DOCTORS' DELUSIONS CRUDE CRIMINOLOGY AND SHAM EDUCATION BY BERNARD SHAW LONDON CONSTABLE AND COMPANY LIMITED First published in the Limited Collected Edition 1931 Revised and reprinted for this Standard Edition 1932 Reprinted 1950 All rights fully protected and reserved PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY R. & R. CLARK, LIMITED, EDINBURGH CONTENTS PAGE A Word First xi DOCTORS' DELUSIONS I What is to be done with the Doctors? 3 Orthodox Origin of all the Heresies 5 Science at the Prow and Commerce at the Helm 8 Diagnosis, Sham and Red. 1o Battle Creek and Sir Horace Plunkett . II "My Poverty, but not my Will—" 12 The Eternal Struggle between the Old Ways and the New ....... 13 How these Doctors love one another! . 14 The Case of Sir Herbert Barker . 18 Swedish Therapeutics . 20 Economic Limit to the Period of Training 22 The Advent of the Osteopath . 22 The Electronic Rayman . 24 The Infinitesimal Dose . 29 The Game of Capping Cures . 32 The Ritual of the Guinea-pig . 35 The Osteopath as a Miracle Worker 36 The Unqualified Qualified . 39 The Inevitability of Specialization 41 Wanted: a State Medical Service 42 The Medical Profession and the State . 44 Trade Unionism on Miraculous Assumptions . 44 Lay Representation now Feasible 46 What could Lay Representatives do? . 47 Services which cannot be simulated 47 The Destiny of the Private Sanatorium. 49 Reform of Private Practice within its Limits . 5i The Key of the Street . 53 Medical Advertizing . 54 The Monopoly of Anodynes . 57 v CONTENTS DOCTORS' DELUSIONS {continued) PAGE Parliamentary Idolatry ..... 59 Medical Home-made Statistics .... 61 The Inoculation Chaos ..... 63 What the Doctors really want .... 64 The Remedy 66 Vaccination: The Jenner Centenary 69 Irish Boards of Guardians .... 102 Incantation with a Lancet. .... 102 The Alleged Military Conquest of Typhoid Fever 103 Our Peculiar People and Christian Scientists 105 The Amazing Case of the General Medical Council versus the late Dr Axham .... 110 Shall the English Medical Council conquer Ireland? 116 The Lister Superstition ..... 119 Sanitation versus Inoculation .... 125 What is a Scientific Journal? .... 130 Vivisection ....... 133 Vegetarianism ....... The King and the Doctors: An Improbable Fiction 156 CRUDE CRIMINOLOGY 165 Imprisonment ...... 167 Foreword ....... 167 The Spirit in which to read this Essay . 171 The Obstacle of Vindictiveness .... 171 The Obstacle of Stupidity .... 172 Blood Sports disguised as Punishment are less cruel than Imprisonment but more demoralizing to the Public 173 How we all become inured to Imprisonment . 174 Competition in Evil between Prison and Slum 175 Giving them Hell ...... 176 The Three Official Aims of Imprisonment 177 The Retribution Muddle .... 178 Plausibility of the Deterrence Delusion, 179 vi CONTENTS CRUDE CRIMINOLOGY (continued) PAGE Crime cannot be killed by Kindness 180 The Seamy Side of Deterrence 181 Our Plague of Unrestrained Crime 182 Deterrence a Function of Certainty, not of Severity . 184 Some Personal Experiences .... 185 Judicial Vengeance as an Alternative to Lynch Law . 187 The Hard Cases that make Bad Law 189 Possibilities of Therapeutic Treatment 189 The Incorrigible Villains ..... 191 The Lethal Chamber ..... 192 The Sacredness of Human Life from the Warder's Side ....... 193 The Price of Life in Communities 194 The Sixth Commandment .... Governments must presume or abdicate 197 The Ruthlessness of the Pure Heart 199 The Soft Cases that we turn into Hard Ones . 201 Most Prisoners no worse than Ourselves 203 Good Soldiers often Bad Citizens, and Bad Citizens Good Prisoners ..... 204 Remedies in the Rough ..... 205 Difficulty of the Undisciplined .... 207 The Indeterminate Sentence .... 207 The Economy Aspect ..... 208 Whither the Facts are driving Us 210 Crime as Disease ..... 211 Reforming Our Consciences .... 213 Expiation and Moral Accountancy 214 Familiar Frauds of the Trade in Sin 216 Revenge the Destroyer of Conscience . 216 The Sentimentality of Revenge .... 217 Man in Society must justify his Existence 218 Civilized Man is not born Free .... 219 Our Nature not so bad as our Prison System . The History of our Prisons .... vii 220 CONTENTS CRUDE CRIMINOLOGY {continued) PAGE Howard's Good Intentions .... 221 The So-called Criminal Type .... 222 How Types are manufactured . 223 Psychiatrists and Endocrinists .... 224 The Case of Queen Victoria .... 225 Prevalence of Criminal Characteristics in Polite Society ....... 226 The Root of the Evil .... 228 Recapitulation ...... 230 The Unprotected Child and the Law 234 Reasonable Murder ...... 240 On Rewards for Convictions and "Scientific" Evi­ dence ....... 243 "Trial by Newspaper" ..... 246 Plundering the Pensioner ..... 249 Six Months in Chains ..... 252 The Eternal Strife between Judge and Jury Flogging in the Fighting Services .... 260 Flogging in our Industrial Schools 281 Flagellomania ....... 282 Child-beating: A Bishop's Pastoral 284 The Logic of the Hunger Strike .... 285 SHAM EDUCATION 289 Schools and Schoolmasters ..... 291 What is Wrong with our System of Education? 321 Benefit of Clergy no longer Beneficial 325 The Etonian in the Street as Others see him 328 The Educated Working Man .... 334 Does Modern Education Ennoble? 338 Has the Intelligent Schoolboy any Right to live? 344 On the Suicide of a Bullied Bluecoat Boy 344 "Taking it like a Man" ..... 347 A Model Examination Result .... 348 A Neglected Subject of Education 352 viii CONTENTS SHAM EDUCATION (continued) PAGE An Educational Confession .... 353 Public Letters on Sectarian and Unsectarian Education 355 A Private Letter on Secular Education 363 Education and Electioneering 368 The Problem and the Solution . 369 The Rates! The Rates!! The Rates!!! . 369 The Board of Public Prosperity . 370 The Great Revolt ..... 371 IX A WORD FIRST PLEASE do not class me as one who "doesnt believe in doctors." One of our most pressing social needs is a national staff of doc­ tors whom we can believe in, and whose prosperity shall depend not on the nation's sickness but on its health. There should be no such thing as a poor doctor and no such thing as an ignorant one. The great majority of our doctors today are both poor and ig­ norant with the conceited ignorance of obsolete or spurious knowledge. Our surgeons obtain the highest official qualifica­ tions without having had a single hour of specific manual train­ ing: they have to pick up the art of carving us as paterfamilias picks up the art of carving a goose. The general education of our citizens (the patients) leaves them so credulous and gullible, that the doctor, to whom they attribute magical powers over life and death, is forced to treat them according to their folly lest he starve. Those to whom these menacing facts are known, and who are capable of understanding their gravity (including all our really able doctors), will not mistake my aim nor wish me any­ thing but a sympathetic hearing. As for the simpletons (bless their anything-but-sacred simplicity!), if they dont like it, why, they must lump it. Our mechanist-surgeons and chemist-physicians must, how­ ever, forgive me for differing fundamentally and flatly from the scientific basis (if it can be called scientific) of their crude prac­ tices. In my view surgeons and physicians should be primarily biologists. To tackle a damaged living organism with the outlook of a repairing plumber and joiner, or to treat an acid stomach by pouring an alkali into it, is to behave like a highly unintelligent artisan, and should entail instant and ignominious disqualifica­ tion by the Privy Council. There are many unlearned amateur pathologists and hygienists, from Mary Baker Eddy to George. Hackenschmidt, who are safer guides than the Harley Street cele­ brities who laugh at them, their secret being simply that they have had the gumption to guess that it is the mind that makes the xi A WORD FIRST body and not the body the mind. I also expect a doctor to be an evolutionist, and, as such, to regard all habits as acquired habits, a man being nothing but an amoeba with acquirements. Any doctor found parroting the obso­ lete nineteenth century cackle about non-acquired heritable habits and non-heritable acquired habits should be removed to the nearest museum of quaint antiquities. I hope this is clear. If not, please read the preface to my Back to Methuselah until it is clear. G. B. S. 1931. Xll DOCTORS' DELUSIONS Invited to contribute to a series of articles in a Manchester paper in reply to the question "Have We Lost Faith?" Mr George Bernard Shaw gives his answer in this single sentence: "Certainly not; but we have transferred it from God to the General Medical Council." I B DOCTORS' DELUSIONS WHAT IS TO BE DONE WITH THE DOCTORS? From The English Review, December 1917 to March 1918 IN the English Review for October 1916, a protest was made against the denial to wounded soldiers of any treatment except that of legally qualified operators. This would at first sight appear a very necessary measure of protection for the soldier against unskilled treatment. And if the legally qualified doctor was a completely qualified healer, nobody would question its entire propriety. Unfortunately he is not so qualified, as might be expected from the fact that we have only his own word for the completeness of his equipment and his proficiency in his art. There are now several techniques which he has not acquired and cannot afford to acquire. He is, therefore, bound to denounce them as delusive quackeries or confess his insufficiency. This would not matter if the public could always choose freely be- tween the legally qualified doctor and the unregistered practitioner whom the legally qualified doctor calls a quack.
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