E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1995 No. 72 House of Representatives The House met at 11 a.m. and was lead the membership in the Pledge of TIME TO BRING THE AMERICAN called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Allegiance. PEOPLE INTO THE BUDGET DE- pore [Mr. INGLIS of South Carolina]. Mr. DURBIN led the Pledge of Alle- BATE f giance as follows: (Mr. BENTSEN asked and was given DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the permission to address the House for 1 PRO TEMPORE United States of America, and to the Repub- minute.) lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, the Re- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. publican majority is getting ready to fore the House the following commu- f make dramatic changes in the Medi- nication from the Speaker: care program. I am concerned that the WASHINGTON, DC, American people will not be included May 3, 1995. THE PRESIDENT'S RELEVANCE AND MEDICARE in this debate. I hereby designate the Honorable BOB The Republican majority has already INGLIS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this (Mr. DELAY asked and was given per- day. missed the deadline to submit a budg- mission to address the House for 1 NEWT GINGRICH, et. To balance the budget and save $1 Speaker of the House of Representatives. minute and to revise and extend his re- trillion over 7 years will be a difficult f marks.) task, I admit. However, the Republican Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, earlier this majority should submit a plan which PRAYER year, Bill Clinton proclaimed he was we all can review. The Republican ma- The Chaplain, Rev. James David relevant to the legislative process. jority makes promises without making Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- Since he is still President of the United the tough choices on how to achieve er: States, I certainly hope he is relevant, their goals. With this ardent petition, O gracious but as time goes on, I begin to wonder. The Republican majority plans to cut God, we pray for the gift of wisdom in The debate on Medicare is just one Medicare by $300 billion over 7 years. our hearts and in our actions, that example of the President's slipping rel- These cuts will hurt seniors and result what we ask or think or do will ad- evance. in higher costs. It is estimated that vance the good of the Nation and be to Republicans in the House and Senate this will add $900 in out-of-pocket ex- the benefit of every person. May we are taking steps now to save Medicare penses for seniors in 2002. have perceptive minds and discerning in the future. Democrats have been responsible in hearts; may we be astute in our judg- reforming Medicare. In the 1993 OBRA Our plan will preserve, improve, and ments and show mercy in our decisions bill, Democrats voted to strengthen the protect Medicare far into the next cen- so that the gift of wisdom will be our trust fund and made it solvent for an heritage and our legacy. Bless us and tury. additional 3 years. No Republican all Your people this day and every day, But comprehensive Medicare reform Members supported these important re- we pray. Amen. will take bipartisanship, statesman- forms. f ship, and cooperation. I am also concerned that any Medi- Unfortunately, the President has de- care cuts will affect the health care in- THE JOURNAL cided to walk away from this problem. dustry. In my district, reduction in in- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. In fact, he has rejected Republican at- direct medical education and direct INGLIS of South Carolina). The Chair tempts to get the administration in- medical education will have devastat- has examined the Journal of the last volved in solving the Medicare prob- ing consequences. I represent the Texas day's proceedings and announces to the lem. Medical Center which has two medical House his approval thereof. I urge the President and his advisers schools. Any medicare reductions in Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- to join Republicans in saving Medicare. these payments will negatively impact nal stands approved. Actions speak louder than words, and the Houston area, and I will work vig- f if the President wants to be relevant, orously to oppose these reductions. he has to act relevant. If we are going to balance the budget, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the American people should be in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- volved and we should all contribute tleman from Illinois [Mr. DURBIN] will fairly to the solution. Without a plan, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 4513 H 4514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 3, 1995 I cannot judge whether this goal will lion in budget cuts to $1 out of every $3 Well, he was here last time. He was be met. that the Federal Government now trying to do it. We were trying to do it The American people deserve to spends, so they have run up against the with him. We got no help there. know the details of a plan and we have cruel facts that they have promised Let us get this budget out. Let us see the responsibility to ensure that they more than they can deliver, and it what we are going to do to get this are included in this debate. looks like the beneficiaries of that will thing balanced, and let us stop seeing f be the wealthy of the Nation, and the the whining for help from the White victims will be the health care of the House. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE senior citizens. f CONTRACT WITH AMERICA f (Mrs. SEASTRAND asked and was given permission to address the House THE 175TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CONTINUING TO WORK FOR THE for 1 minute and to revise and extend HOUSE COMMITTEE ON AGRI- AMERICAN PEOPLE her remarks.) CULTURE (Mr. JONES asked and was given per- Mrs. SEASTRAND. Mr. Speaker, dur- (Mr. ROBERTS asked and was given mission to address the House for 1 ing the last 3 weeks, I held 11 town permission to address the House for 1 minute.) meetings, 3 senior citizen conferences, minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, while home and a very successful agriculture con- marks.) during the 3-week recess, I traveled 17 ference. I always ask those in attend- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. Speaker, doubt- of 21 days, visited 15 of 19 counties that ance to tell me what they were hearing lessly, we will return in just a moment I have the privilege to represent, ap- about the new 104th Congress. to the 1-minute handgrenades back and peared on several radio talk shows, and Here is one letter I received last forth. But first this happy birthday held numerous town meetings. week: greeting. Overall, people are optimistic about DEAR ANDREA: You asked the question, My colleagues, as chairman of the the direction the new Congress is ``What are you hearing?'' House Committee on Agriculture, we going. People believe Congress is start- Our son said, ``The Republicans have a are 175 years old as of today. As we ing to represent the working man and chance to do something, but they will prob- begin our work on the 1995 farm bill, it woman and passing commonsense legis- ably drop the ball.'' A 17-year-old cynic. Now is appropriate for us to take a brief mo- he says, ``They did it. The Republicans did lation. I sincerely believe we are in the it.'' ment to reflect on the long and distin- process of rebuilding the public's trust My cousin in Santa Barbara said her hus- guished story and history of the com- in Congress which was lost after pre- band is so excited she was not able to tear mittee. vious Congresses neglected to listen to him away from the TV coverage for the first April 29, 1820, Congressman Lewis the people. 100 days. Williams of North Carolina, introduced In the next few months we will all In general, people say, ``We can depend on a resolution to create a Committee on have to make difficult choices. But we, the freshmen in the Congress to stand to- Agriculture in the House of Represent- gether and do what they said they could do.'' as elected officials, must continue to Congratulations on the Contract With Amer- atives. Since that time, we have re- use common sense when drafting, dis- ica. Thank you for your very hard work. mained true to the original purpose of cussing, and voting on legislation. We Sincerely, the committee that was stated by Con- must continue to work for the Amer- MARY KAY DANA. gressman Williams, to guard and pro- ican people. NIPOMO, CA. tect the great and leading substantial Ultimately, we need to stay focused f interests in this country. to the commitment we made with the Hey, the House Ag Committee over American peopleÐto again make REPUBLICANS HAVE PROMISED the break, 16 hearings, 5,000 farmers in America a great country. MORE THAN THEY CAN DELIVER attendance, over 600 witnesses.
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