Folia Cryptog. Estonica, Fasc. 31: 17 (1997) Additions and amendments to the list of Estonian bryophytes Leiti Kannukene1, Nele Ingerpuu2, Kai Vellak3 and Mare Leis3 1 Institute of Ecology, 2 Kevade St., EE0001 Tallinn, Estonia 2 Institute of Zoology and Botany, 181 Riia St., EE2400 Tartu, Estonia 3 Institute of Botany and Ecology, University of Tartu, 40 Lai St., EE2400 Tartu, Estonia Abstract: Investigations during last two years (19941996) have added 13 new species and 4 varieties to the list of Estonian bryophytes. Also, several new localities for 54 very rare and rare species and two varieties have been found. Eight species are no longer considered to be rare in Estonia and two must be excluded from the list of Estonian bryophytes due to misidentifications. Kokkuvõte: L. Kannukene, N. Ingerpuu, K. Vellak ja M. Leis. Täiendusi ja parandusi Eesti sammalde nimestikule. Viimase kahe aasta (19941996) uurimistööde tulemusel on Eesti sammalde nimestikule (510 liiki) lisandunud 13 uut liiki (Harpanthus flotovianus, Jungermannia subulata, Aloina rigida, Bartramia ithyphylla, Bryum arcticum, B. calophyllum, B. klingraeffi, Dichelyma capillaceum, Pohlia sphagnicola, Physcomitrium eurystomum, Racomitrium elongatum, Rhytidium rugosum, Tetraplodon mnio ides) ja neli uut varieteeti (Lophozia ventricosa var. silvicola, Aulacomnium palustre var. imbricatum, Dicranella schreberiana var. robusta, Schistidium rivulare var. rivualre). Üks uutest liikidest (Dichelyma capillaceum) kuulub Euroopa punase raamatu ohustatud liikide kategooriasse. On leitud uusi leiukohti 54 liigile ja kahele varieteedile haruldaste ja väga haruldaste taksonite seast. Harulduste hulgast on mitmete uute leiukohtade tõttu välja arvatud kaheksa liiki ning nimestikust valemäärangute tõttu kaks liiki (Orthotrichum tenellum ja Ditrichum heteromallum). INTRODUCTION The list of Estonian bryophytes (Ingerpuu et Co., Nigula Nature Reserve, in the north- al., 1994) contains 510 species, two hornworts ern part of forest sq. no. 88, at a ditchside, (Anthocerotopsida), 112 liverworts (Marchanti- 18 July 1996, leg. K. Vellak, det. N. opsida) and 396 mosses (Bryopsida). Since Ingerpuu (TAA). 1994 several new localities have been found. JUNGERMANNIA SUBULATA Evans naaskelkulbik. Collections of bryophytes are kept in the Her- 1st loc.: Pärnumaa Co., 1,5 km from Potsep barium of the Institute of Botany and Ecology Forestry Station, in a spruce forest on of the University of Tartu (TU), in the Her- peaty soil near a spring stream, 30 July barium of the Institute of Zoology and Botany 1909, leg. J. Mikutowicz (sub nom. (TAA) and in the Herbarium of the Estonian Cephalozia pleniceps in Bryotheca Baltica Nature Museum (TAL). no.459) (Váña, 1973). LOPHOZIA VENTRICOSA var. SILVICOLA (Buch) Jones. 1st loc.: Pärnumaa Co., Sauga, RESULTS swampy birch forest near Nurme Bog, on Taxa of bryophytes new for Estonia decaying wood, 26 June1996, leg. M. Leis, Nomenclature according to Corley et al., 1981; det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA); 2nd loc.: Pärnu Co., Corley & Crundwell, 1991; Grolle, 1983. After Nigula Nature Reserve, forest ride 76/77, the Latin names the Estonian names are on a decaying stump, 4 Aug. 1996, leg. M. given for those species that are new for Esto- Leis, det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA). nia. BRYOPSIDA LEHTSAMBLAD MARCHANTIOPSIDA HELVIKSAMBLAD ALOINA RIGIDA (Hedw.) Limpr. rabe aloina. HARPANTHUS FLOTOVIANUS (Nees) Nees Flotovi 1st loc.: Harjumaa Co., Suur-Pakri Is., on harpantus. 1st locality (loc.): Pärnumaa stony ruins at the Suurkilla Village, 17 2 Folia Cryptog. Estonica June 1994, leg. & det. L. Kannukene (TAL). leg. N. Ingerpuu, det. K. Vellak (TAA). AULACOMNIUM PALUSTRE var. IMBRICATUM B., S. PHYSCOMITRIUM EURYSTOMUM Sendt. väike & G. 1st loc.: Raplamaa Co., Jalase Vil- mütshellik. 1st loc.: Harjumaa Co., lage Reserve, Karukella Alvar, on ground, Tallinn, Keemia St. 41, in the garden on 4 May 1995, leg. & det. M. Leis (TU); 2nd beds, 5 Sep. 1995, leg. & det. L. loc.: Harjumaa Co., Väike-Pakri Is., on Kannukene (TAL). shingle beach ridge of the south-eastern POHLIA SPHAGNICOLA (B., S. & G.) Broth. coast, 31 May 1995, leg. & det. L. rabapirnik. 1st loc.: Jõgevamaa Co., Endla Kannukene (TAL); 3rd loc.: Harjumaa Co., Nature Reserve, Männikjärve Bog, be- Väike-Pakri Is., moist juniper alvar tween peatmosses, Sep. 1996, leg. R. meadow on the southern part of the is- Stamer, det. N. Ingerpuu, L. Kannukene land, on ground, 31 May 1995, leg. & det. (TAA). 2nd loc.: Ida-Virumaa Co., in the L. Kannukene (TAL). northern part of the Sirtsi Bog, on a hum- BARTRAMIA ITHYPHYLLA Brid. püstlehine mock in a quagmire, Aug. 1996, leg. T. bartraamia. 1st loc.: Harjumaa Co., Ploompuu, det. L. Kannukene, (TAL). Tallinn, Rocca al Mare, on sandstone, 11 RACOMITRIUM ELONGATUM Frish. pikalehine Apr. 1926, leg. & det. T. Lippmaa (TU). härmik. 1st loc.: Harjumaa Co., Naissaar BRYUM ARCTICUM (R. Brown) B., S. & G. Is., on a sandy beach ridge of the south- arktika pungsammal. 1st loc.: Harjumaa ern coast, 14 Aug. 1993, leg. & det. L. Co., Väike-Pakri Is., on a cliff in the north- Kannukene (TAL). ern part of island, 1 Aug. 1995, leg. T. RHYTIDIUM RUGOSUM (Hedw.) Kindb. Ploompuu, det. L. Kannukene (TAL). kurdsammal. 1st loc.: Harjumaa Co., BRYUM CALOPHYLLUM R. Brown laialehine Väike-Pakri Is., on a limestone shingle pungsammal. 1st loc.: Harjumaa Co., val- ridge of the south-eastern coast, 31 May ley of the Kroodi Stream near the Kroodi 1995, leg. & det. L. Kannukene (TAL, TAA). Village, on the moist, sandy, periodically SCHISTIDIUM RIVULARE var. RIVULARE (Brid.) Limpr. flooded ground, 15 Aug. 1935, leg. & det. 1st loc.: Jõgevamaa Co., on stones on the T. Lippmaa (TU). bank of Muda River, 20 May 1975, leg. & BRYUM KLINGGRAEFFI Schimp. Klinggraeffi det. L. Kannukene (TAA, TAL); 2nd loc.: pungsammal. 1st loc.: Saaremaa Co., Harjumaa Co., Kostivere Karst Area, July Saaremaa Is., Kihelkonna-Veere road, 1990, leg. M. Temina, det. L. Kannukene about 3 km from Kihelkonna, on a big er- (TAL); 3rd loc.: Saaremaa Co., Saaremaa ratic boulder covered with limestone-rich Is., Tornimäe, on stone, 1995, leg. K. Ruus, dust, 24 July 1979, leg. & det. L. det. L. Kannukene (TAL). Kannukene (TBA); 2nd loc.: Harjumaa Co., TETRAPLODON MNIOIDES (Hedw.) B. & S. punane Tallinn, Keemia St. 41, in the garden on tetraploodon. 1st loc.: Saaremaa Co., beds, 5 Sep. 1995, leg. & det. L. Saaremaa Is., on Harilaid Peninsula, in Kannukene (TAL). central part in a Calluna pine forest, June DICRANELLA SCHREBERIANA var. ROBUSTA (Schimp. 1996, leg. H. Orav, det. L. Kannukene ex Braithw.) Crum & Andr. 1st loc.: (TAL). Viljandimaa Co., Kõpu, Tipu, near Räksi Farm in a wet forest, 10 July 1988, leg. & det. M. Leis (TU); 2nd loc.: Viljandimaa Co., Loodi, on moist meadow near the New localities of bryophytes rare Sinialliku Stream between Carex hum- in Estonia mocks, 6 June 1996, leg. K. Vellak, det. MARCHANTIOPSIDA HELVIKSAMBLAD M. Leis (TAA). ANASTROPHYLLUM HELLERIANUM (Nees ex Lindenb.) DICHELYMA CAPILLACEUM (Hedw.) Myr. juus- Schust. 4th loc.: Ida-Virumaa Co., kiilsirbik. 1st loc.: Jõgevamaa Co., in the Kaukvere Primeval Forest, on a big log, 18 Muda River on stones, 20 May 1975, leg. Aug. 1996, leg. K. Vellak, det. N. Ingerpuu & det. L. Kannukene (TAA, TAL); 2nd loc.: (TAA); 5th loc.: Raplamaa Co., Vardi For- Lääne-Virumaa Co., Kaukvere Forestry, estry, in an alvar forest near road, 54 km on a stone in a dry stream, 18 Aug. 1995, 3 from Tallinn towards Pärnu, on a log, 17 LOPHOZIA RUTHEANA (Limpr.) Howe. 2nd loc.: June 1996, leg. & det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA); Jõgevamaa Co., Endla Nature Reserve, 6th loc.: Tartumaa Co., Alam-Pedja Nature near Haava Spring, 12 July 1995, leg. & Reserve, Nugissaare, on a log, 4 Sep. 1996, det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA); 3rd loc.: Harjumaa leg. & det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA); 7th loc.: Co., Kernu Forestry, Külmallika Fen, Tartumaa Co., Alam-Pedja Nature Re- among mosses, 27 July 1995, leg. K. serve, Põltsamaa Bog, Peterna Nina, in the Vellak, det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA); 4th loc.: forest on a log, 11 July 1996, leg. & det. Tartumaa Co., Alam-Pedja Nature Re- N. Ingerpuu (TAA). serve, Kariste Bog, 1 Sep. 1996, leg. & det. BARBILOPHOZIA KUNZEANA (Hüb.) K. Müll. 3rd loc.: N. Ingerpuu (TAA). Lääne-Virumaa Co., the field of erratic RICCARDIA CHAMAEDRYFOLIA (With.) Grolle. 5th boulders in the northern part of the Käsmu loc.: Jõgevamaa Co., Kursi Forestry, sq. Peninsula, on stones, litter and mosses, no. 328, open area, on the bank of a bomb 11 June 1994., leg. M. Leis, det. N. crater, on sand, 20 Aug. 1993, leg. L. Ingerpuu (TAA); 4th loc.: Viljandimaa Co., Kannukene, det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA); 6th 1 km SE of the Tipu Schoolhouse, in a loc.: Tartumaa Co., E of Palupõhja Village, swampy forest on litter, 24 June 1994, leg. Kulu Bog, 9 May 1996, leg. & det. N. & det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA). Ingerpuu (TAA). CEPHALOZIA LOITLESBERGERI Schiffn. 3rd loc.: RICCARDIA INCURVATA Lindb. 2nd loc.: Jõgevamaa Pärnumaa Co., near Rongu Bog, forest sq. Co., Alam-Pedja Nature Reserve, former no. 165, 7 Aug. 1996, leg. & det. N. military area S of the Pedja River, on sandy Ingerpuu (TAA). soil, 30 July 1996, leg. H. Krall, det. N. CALYPOGEIA SPHAGNICOLA (H. Arn. & J. Perss.) Ingerpuu (TAA); 3rd loc.: Lääne-Virumaa Warnst. & Loeske. 5th loc.: Jõgevamaa Co., in the south-western part of Varudi Co., Endla Nature Reserve, Männikjärve Bog, on peaty soil, 4 Oct. 1996, leg. T. Bog, between Sphagnum, Aug. 1996, leg. Ploompuu, det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA). R. Stamer, det. N. Ingerpuu; 6th loc.: SCAPANIA APICULATA Spruce. 2nd loc.: Lääne-Virumaa Co., Tudu, Järvesoo Bog, Viljandimaa Co., 1 km NE of the Tipu between Sphagnum, 7 Oct. 1996, leg. T. Schoolhouse, in a forest near road on de- Ploompuu, det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA). caying wood, leg. & det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA): GEOCALYX GRAVEOLENS (Schrad.) Nees. 7th loc.: 3rd loc.: Ida-Virumaa Co., Kaukvere Pri- Jõgevamaa Co., Alam-Pedja Nature Re- meval Forest, on a big log, 18 Aug. 1995, serve, Põltsamaa Bog, Peterna Nina, in the leg. K. Vellak, det. N. Ingerpuu (TAA); 4th forest near a stream, on soil and litter, loc.: Pärnumaa Co., W of Kodaja Bog, in a 11 July 1996, leg.
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