No. 12. ------ --/-. -------C I-IETtF:-lS it is espcdient to the Act No.-. 10 of 1855-6, " 'l'u provide for the Election of' Rlvnlbcrs tu serve in thc Par- liamcnt of South Australia," and ihc Act E (?. 8 of .l$!?(jj'' To nrrlend an Act to provide for the election of JZcmbers to wlvc in he Parliament of Sout h hustralia,"also the Act No. 32 of lH55-fi "'hmake ft~rtherp-o- vision for the elcctioa of Mcnlbcrs toC--- sc~vSGZFZP8rliitmcnt of South Australia: " Be it therefore Enacted, by the C+ovcrnor-in-Chief of the Province of South Austrdin, with thc advice and curlsent of the 1,egislatiue C:ouncil and House of Assembly of the said Province, ill this yreserlt Yarliarncrlt assemblcrl, as follows- 1. From and after the passing of this Act the three before-mentioned- -- Nos. load32,1865- 6 &H/- and No. 8, 1856, Acts, shall bc a1111 the same are hereby rep~ale~rxceptin su far as rtpalrd. *4 ()I QLA the same may rcpcd my Act or part of' any Act. 2. For the pnrposc of clccting Mernhcrs of the I&slative C'oimcil, Pmvinc r to form one the said Yroviuce shall forin one clcctoral district ; arid thc S- ckctoral districts specilicd in Schedule ~;~rthk~ct%ncxcd,shall Housc: ui Assembly. form elpctoral divisions--- - of such di~trict; and for the pq~oseof dcctin,o Nembrrs of the Eowe of :',ss~rnhly, the anid Pmviii~hall be divldcd into scoent6 rlectoral clistrklii, nhich shall haw tllc nam& and bou~iclurics,and shall ret1u.n the number uf Members spccificd in the said Sch~ihde. 3. Tbc Governor shall, from among the persons rcsident in Ap~)oiutnrentof the district, appoint a proper person to be the l%et~xrningOfflcer ""'"""'flfi""- of each electoral district; aid in case of absence from the Pro- IL viac~ vince, death, sickness, or other cause disabling any Returning Officer from acting, the Governor may at any time appoint some other person to act in the stead of such Returning Officcr; and every such appointment shall be valid, until such appointment shall be cancelled, and some other person appointed to be Returning Officer; and every Returning OfIicer may appoint such clerks, deputies, and other subordinate officers as may be necessary to carry this Act into execution. P~OV~~Oh CBSF the 4. No candidate for election, in any electoral district, shall be com- Returning Officere begndte, petent to act as a Returning Officer at such election: and in the other deficiency of event of any inability or incornpetcrlcy of any person appointed to officers. act as Returning Officer, or to perform any office or duty in execu- tion of this Act, the Governor may appoint &h other persons as he may deem fit, to perform such office or duty, Returning O5cer for Huuse of Assembly to 5. The Returning Officer for each clcctoral district shall be be Dcputy Returniug a Deputy Returning Officer for the same, as an electoral division, for Officer fur Legislative Council. the election of Members to serve in the Legislative Council; and shall, within such division, haw and exercise a11 thc powers and perform the duties of a Eeturning Officer, with regard to thc formation and revision of lists of voters, and claimants, and of the electoral roll, and of all matters relating or incident thcrcto, ancl the appointment of clerks and deputies, and other oficers. Toting places. 6. For each of the electoral districts and divisions, thcre shall be, within such district or division, such voting places as mentioned in Schedule B, to this Act annescd, and no othcr. W'---. W'---. ~ormsof noticcs of 7. Between the first day of March and the thirty-first day of claim to be led with F,, electors. March in every_yeaTe 'l'own Gksof Corporations, and Clerks A&rrr-/fly appointed- by the Dish-ict Councils unrlcr ()rdinancc No. l(i,lSG!.& in .' such part of any electoml district or division within the respective limits of any Corporation and District Council, ancl in such part of any such district or division without such limits, thcu the police shall------- cmlse to be--- left at the resiclcnce of cvcry prrson within the district, a notice according to thc fbrrn of Scllcdule C, to this Act nnncxed, req~;iliXg all persons entitled to vote in the election of R1embei.s of the Lcgslative Council and Housc of Assembly, to fill in and sign the notice of their claim to be placed on the electoral roll for either or both fIouses of Parliament, as they may be entitled ; ard the occu- pier is hereby required to give notice to all male persons, of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, resident at such dwelling-house, of the receipt by him of such farm of claim, and that they are required to fill np and sign the same; and eve.1.y such Clerk shall receive for such service the sum xncntioncd in Schedulc I to this Act annexed. be 8. Between thc first day of March -3 and the seventh day of ,v" Noticeiven by to Returningvoter8 &~cerof the Province hiarch in every yeashe Iteturnji~gOfficer for the Province shall 7<fir of time sending in C~LUSCfo be published a notice, in the South Australim Government notice of claim. Gazett~,and in two newspapers published in Adclaide, notifyin5 to all persons, entitled to vote in the election of Members to serve 111 the Leeislative Council and Housc of Assembly rcspcctively, that the notxe aforesaid is about forthwith to be delivered to thewoccupicrof every every dwelling-house, and that all persons claiming to be inserted in any elcctoral list, must insert their names in the Schedules of such notices as thereby and therein required, or they will not bc entitled to vote at any election during the ensuing year; and every person to whom the said notice slzall be addressed sllnll forward the same, within seven days from the receipt thereof, either ycrsonally or through the Post Office, as stated in the said notice, under a penalty of not more than Twenty Shillings, to be rccovered in a summnry way before two Justices of the Peace of the Province. 9. The Returning Officer of every electoral district or division shall, on or before the first day 01 &ky in every year, make out n list to be callca the clcctoral hst, h6viCr .the nurrics in such list arranged in alphabrtical order, unaer the headings of the subdivisions of the district iuto voting places, according to the form of the Schedulc: hereto annexed, marked I), of all persons rcsident within his clirision who may have forwarded thcir &ims to him in manner aforcsnid, as claiming. io be entitled to vote in elections for AIetnbers of the Legislative Council, and alike list of all persons claiming to be crititled to vote in elections for AIcrnbers of the Housc of Assembly for such district ; and shall sign, clate, and certify such list to bc correct, and shall cause the sarvle to be either printed or fairly and legibly transcribctl and forwarded (by post) to the place of meeting of every Corporation or District Couucil within thc elcctoral district to wLich the said list refers, and also to any police station in any such district beyond the limits of a Cor- poration or 1)istric.t Conncil; and tllc said --lists shall be 1xyt !)pen to public inspection at all rcasonnl~lchours at snch places respect~vdy until the twvuty-first day of thc snrnc montlr of May, I-- CI 10. Any person, having made such claim as aforesaid, whose name havc their names in-. shall not have been inserted in any sucli electoral list, and who shall scrtd on elet tural claim to haw his namc inserted therein, shall, on or beforc the lists. twenty-first day of May, give notice thereof to the Returning Officer, in the forrn of the 8chcdule to this .4ct annexed, marlied E, or to the like cffcct; ancl any person whose name shall have becn inserted, or who shall claim to have his name inserted, in any such clcctoral list may object to any other person as not en- titled to have his name retained therein; and any person so objecting shall, on or before the t\~erltv-fifthday of Rlny, givc, or causc to be given, to the Returning ~fficer,and also to the person objected to, or leave at his place of abode notice thcreof, in writing, accordi~lg to thc forrn in the Schcdule to this Act annexed, ma~kedF, or to List of claimants,. the like effect; and the said Returning Officer shall include the names of all persons so claiming to be iilscrted on each electoral list, in separate lists, according to the form in the Schedule to this Act List of persons ob-. annexed, marlicd G ; and the ilamcs of all persons nbjccted to in jccted to. separate lists, according to the form of the Schedule to this Act annexed, n~arlicdH, within four days from the receipt of such last- mentioned claims ; and shall cause copies of such several lists to be forwarded to the places aforesaid four days prior to the holding of the Annual Court of Revision, as hereinafter provided ; and the said Returning Officer shall likewisc kcep separate lists of the panics of all persons so claiming as aforesaid, and also separate lists of the names of all persons so objccted to as aforesaid, to be perused by any person without payment of any fee, at all reasonable hours during such four days (Sunday excepted), and shall allow any person desiring the same to take a copy of each of such lists, on payment of a sum of One Shilling for each copy so taken.
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