FREE But donations Martin County accepted. Click above WEDNESDAY, “Celebrating the rich history of Martin County and the AUGUST 20, 2014 people who make it great.” JOYeaUr 5, Issue 34 • MRartin County, NIndiana • Ten pagAes L www. martincountyjournal.com • [email protected] • Cell: 812-259-4309 • Fax: 888-380-2761 • PO Box 148 Loogootee IN 47553 Loogootee Schools ISTEP scores improving By COurTnEy HuGHETT three percent, math up by five percent, sci - He said that three minutes were shaved off site for all entities. Martin County Journal Publisher ence up by three percent, and down one per - each class this year to allow for homeroom In other business, the board approved the cent in social studies. time and students who struggle in certain girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball teams to Curriculum Director Mike Tippery gave Board President Scott Hall said that the areas to receive remediation. do a golf scramble. the Loogootee School Board a report on the public has raised questions regarding what Superintendent Dr. Joan Keller reported on The board accepted the resignation of spring ISTEP testing, at their meeting Tues - the school is doing to help improve test the 2015 budget. She explained that the Linda Bledsoe from the cafeteria. day night, August 19. He said that the stu - scores. Tippery replied that English teachers budget for this year was $6,883,750 based on The board approved the following person - dents finished above state average on 15 of came back over the summer and spent a day a student count of 906, with kindergarten stu - nel actions: the 19 areas tested. He said when averaging doing curriculum mapping and alignment. dents only counting as half. This year she is -Shirley Jeffers as Title I Instructional As - all the scores together, students scored three He said teachers are scheduled for training expecting the count to be around 878 stu - sistant percent above state average on the English and are going to other schools that have had dents so the budget was put in for -Drew Gray as 6-12 vocal music teacher portion of the test, four percent above in success on ISTEP. He also noted that the $6,451,690. -Pam Hall as part-time library assistant math, nine percent above in science, and 15 school has signed up for Acuity training and This is the last year budgets must be ad - -Brice Wilson as four-hour cafeteria percent in social studies. Compared to the will be the regional training center in Sep - vertised in the newspaper. Next year it will worker scores from last year, English was up by tember. go online to Gateway, the state’s budget web - (See ‘LOOGOOTEE’ cont. on page 2) Shoals School Board accepts resignations, staff changes Meeting minutes provided by Andrea request from Austin Malone to attend a prin - -Boys’ basketball team to hold golf outing proved the junior/senior high drug policy. Qualkenbush, Shoals School Corporation cipal’s refresher course on teacher observa - at Eagle View Golf Course on September 13 The board approved a resolution to reduce Secretary tions and evaluations at the SIEC in Jasper -Culinary Arts Department to continue op - the bus replacement fund by $50,000. The Shoals School Board met Thursday, on August 26, 2014. erating Rox Café for staff lunches and holi - The board approved a resolution to transfer August 14. Board Member Tony Cundiff was The board approved the following coach - days $100,000 from the transportation fund to the not present. ing recommendations for the 2014-15 school -Volleyball team to sell t-shirts to fans and rainy day fund for the budget year ending The board accepted the resignation of year: Tim Sorrells as boys’ varsity parents 2014. Stacey Fox from the position of elementary assistant/JV basketball and varsity baseball Mrs. Roush provided the board with infor - Mrs. Roush requested approval from the teacher, Seth Taylor from the position of coach, Wes White as girls’ varsity softball mation regarding bid pricing for milk and board to attend the IAPSS Workshop on Sep - teaching assistant, and Anthony Lee from the coach, Brad Peterson as junior high cross dairy products for the 2014-15 school year. tember 15-16, 2014 in Indianapolis. The summer mowing position. The board gave country coach, Dennis Green as varsity soc - The school receives member pricing as part board approved. Mrs. Roush approved to hire someone to re - cer volunteer, April Sutton as varsity cross of the Southwest Indiana Food Co-Op. Mrs. Roush recommended the board ap - place Anthony Lee for summer mowing. country and junior high cross country atten - Mrs. Roush reviewed details of the 2015 prove the Good News Club to meet on The board hired Sherri Braun and Kaylee dant, Mary Ellen Baker as junior high soccer budget, capital projects plan, and school bus Wednesdays after school in the cafeteria dur - Diamond as Title I Teaching Assistants, attendant, Michaela Jones as girls’ varsity replacement plan with the board. A public ing the 2014-15 school year. She also recom - Shannon Wagoner as junior beta club spon - basketball volunteer, Jeff Cooper as varsity hearing on the 2015 budget will be held on mended they have permission to use the sor, Kathy Collins, Kevin Brett, and Lonnie softball volunteer, and Adam Terry as varsity September 11, 2014. elementary library, music room, and multi- Hawkins to serve as substitute/ECA bus driv - softball volunteer. The board held a second reading and ap - (See ‘SHOALS’ cont. on page 2) ers, Ashley Hawkins, Karen Hickman, Mar - The board approved the fourth grade to ilyn Jones, Jared Sheetz, Tammy Gore, and take a field trip to the Martin County Fair - West Boggs Fisheries Renovation Open House Clark Gray to serve as substitute teachers; grounds for Farm Fair on September 25, the The Daviess-Martin Joint County Parks Boggs Lake that is scheduled for the end of Terra Boyd as a special education inclusion band to Jasper High School to see perform - & Recreation Department (D-MJPRD) will September 2014. Information will include, teacher in the elementary, Anna Farhar as a ance of Marine Corp Band on September 6, host an August 28 open house by the DNR lake drawdown schedule, fish salvage, fish special education teaching assistant in Mrs. to Mitchell for Persimmon Festival Parade on Division of Fish & Wildlife to give anglers eradication, and restocking of fish. Other Baker’s room; and Christina Henninger as a September 27 and to Bloomington for IU and other interested parties an opportunity frequently asked questions will be ad - Title I Teaching Assistant as well as to sub - Band day on October 4; and the chorus to to learn more about a plan to improve fish - dressed, such as how and when the lake is stitute for Leeza Adams during her maternity Festival at Bloomfield on October 7. ing at West Boggs Lake in Loogootee. expected to refill and how long it will take leave. The board approved the following The open house is from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for the renovated fishery to recover. The board approved a professional leave fundraisers: at the West Boggs Park Activity Center, at West Boggs Lake has been invaded by the intersection of Deckard Road and Crane gizzard shad, which compete with bluegill Lane inside the property. Entry to the park and small bass for food. In lakes with giz - will be free for people attending the open zard shad populations, bluegill growth is house. stunted and the bass numbers decline. The Division of Fish & Wildlife and the More information on the West Boggs D-MJPRD and will outline the plan for the Renovation project can be found at: Lake and watershed renovation of West https://secure.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/7418.htm. U.S. 231 in Martin County to close for pipe replacement Weather permitting, U.S. 231 will be http://facebook.com/INDOTVincennesDis - close for four work days beginning at 8 a.m. trict and http://twitter.com/INDOTSouth - on Monday, August 25. The Indiana Depart - west, or access INDOT’s TrafficWise ment of Transportation will be replacing a Traveler Information Service at drainage pipe under U.S. 231 about one http://indot.carsprogram.org. mile south of S.R. 645 near the Martin/Daviess county line. Country Day August 23 Local traffic will have access up to the Country Day in Loogootee will be held work zone where all lanes will be closed again this year on Saturday, August 23. The and no through traffic will be allowed. The purpose of the event is to honor local farm - official detour follows U.S. 50 between ers and what they provide to the commu - -Photo provided Washington and Loogootee, I-69 and S.R. nity. The event will be held at the Scholarship winner 58 through Odon. Loogootee City Pool. The event will begin VFW Post 9395 Commander Phillip Barrow is proud to announce this year’s schol - INDOT reminds motorists to follow the at 7 p.m. Special guests will be Jackson arship winner is Hannah Walters. Hannah is a graduate of the Loogootee High School posted work zone speed limit, use caution Young and local artists. For ticket informa - Class of 2014. Her plans are to attend IuPuI and study pre-pharmacy. Hannah is and consider worker safety when traveling tion, visit Country Day on Facebook or call the daughter of John and Amber Walters. As the selected winner, Hannah will receive through a work zone. For construction up - Jennifer 812-296-0000 or Sue 812-631- $1,000 a year for four years. Shown is Commander Barrow presenting the check to dates and traffic alerts, follow INDOT on so - 2662.
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