Ptt. S^.IX62 — m — V dnm e I WSKS Thursday No 1 - i | 12th June, 1952 13ihH ay, 19 52 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE OFFICIAL REPORT (Part II—Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) (Part I - QuestionsCONTENTS and Answers) Members Sworn [CoIb. 2— 18]. , parliament secbetabiat NEW DELHI Price Six Annas (Inland) Price Two Shillings (Foreign) Dated.. PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (Part I—Questions and Ai^wers) OFFICIAL REPORT 807 808 Sardar Hukam Singh: Is the Vice­ HOUSE OF THE PEOPLE Chairman again overseas during these Thursday, 12th June, 1952. days? Shri Nanda: Yes, Sir, in another connection. The House met at a Quarter Past Eight Sardar Hukam Singh: Ts it a fact of the Clock. that he called for tenders for con s^ c- tion of certain works in connection [Mr. Speaker in the Chair^ with the Bhakra Dam and when all the ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS foreign firms had sent in their agents and submitted their tenders he decided Bhakra Control Board to go himself overseas to select the firm to whom he would give the *735. Sardar Hiikam Slnffh; Will the tender? Minister of Plannini; and River Valley Schemes be pleased to state: Shri Nanda: No. Sir. It is a differ­ ent object for which the Vice-Chair­ (a) whether the Bhakra Control man has gone—that is as far as my Board decided to recruit experts from information goes. the U.S>A. for construction of the Bhakra Dam; ' Sardar Hnkam Singh: Then what about that fact which I wanted to (b) whether it is a fact that the know, that is .whether tenders had Vice-Chairman of the Board visited been called for construction of a part U.S~A. twice to make final selection of of this* dam and tenders had been received and the foreign firms had experts for this project; and also sent in their representatives? If (c) what was the expenditure in­ those tenders had been received has curred during these visits? any one been selected? The Minister of Planning and River Shri Nanda: Tenders have been VaUey Schemes (Shri Nanda): (a) called for at different times and unless Yes, Sir. there is specific informauon as to what the hon. Member refers to I (b) No, §ir. The Vice-Chairman of cannot give an answer. the Board visited tiie U.S.A. only once in this connection. Mr. Speaker: He refers to tenders for construction work. (c) Rs. 14,900 approximately. Shri Nanda: At one time there was a proposal to give the contract for Sai^r Hiikam Singh: Have those construction to a firm of construction experts arrived on the spot or not yet? agency. After mature consideration it was decided that the work should * Shri Nanda: Some have, “^e y have be done departmentally. If the hon. already recruited eight specialists out Member gives me notice of the specific of the number that they required. tender I will give him the information. Shri Meghnad Saha: May I know Sardar Hukam Singh: Is it a fact that the name of the expert who was called one of these experts is the highest to give opinion on this question? paid official in the world? Shri Nanda: The opinion of Mr. Shri Nanda: I have no information Savage was taken regarding the selec­ about all the experts in the world and tion of the specialists to be recruited as to what everyone draws. for the Bhakra-Nangal Dam. 91 PSD Oral Answers 12 JUNE 1952 Oral Answers 810 Shri Damodara Menon: May I know, fundamental terms of a treaty of friend­ Sir, whether this recruitment coiild ship, commerce and navigation? not have been made through our embassy in America? The Prime Minister (Shri Jawaharlal Nehru): Discussions have been going Shri Nanda: Tt was found necessary on intermittently fof the last four that the Vice-Chairman should go per­ years for a Treaty of Friendship, sonally. That was decided by th^u Commerce and Navigation between Control Board—after having made India and the tJ.S.A. An agreement attempts by other means they found on several issues has been reached, that it was necessary for 'the Vice­ but there are some t)iher issues which Chairman to go. have still to be considered. Negoti­ ations to resolve these remaining Shri Jhimjhunwala: What are the points of difference are in progress. emoluments of these specialists and for what period have they been Shri Velayudhan: May I know how appointed? long it will take for the final formula­ tion of this treaty of friendship? Shri Nanda: Mr. Slowcombe has been appointed for a period of three Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: I. suggest years. Regarding the others the the hon. Member if he believes in periods vary. astrology to go to an astrologer. Steel Plant Shri Velayudhan: May I know whether a treaty of friendship on the *736. Shri Yelayndliaii ; Will the lines mentioned by the Prime Minister Minister of Commerce and Industry be will affect our dynamic neutrality? pleased to state: Mr. Speaker: Order, order. Next (a) whethec the Japanese Industrial question. Missions which visited India proposed the starting of a steel plant in Madras; Relief Scheme for Displaced and Persons (b) if so, at what stage the matter *738. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: Will stands at present? the Minister of RehabiUtation be pleas­ The Minister of Commerce and ed to state: Industry (Shri T. T. Krishnamaduri): (a) whether it is a fact that the Gov^ (a) No, Sir. emment of India have sanctioned a relief scheme for displaced persons ^b) Does not arise. under which a person who left Post Shri C. R. Narasimhan: Did the Office Savings Bank accounts in delegation visit Madras, Sir, and, if so, Pakistan or who held postal certificates have they had any fliscussions there? for which payments have not yet been received will be eligible for monthly Shri T. T. Krishnamacliari: X am not allowances; quite sure of the position. I would like notice. (b) if so, what is the rate of the monthly allowance; and Shri Velayndhan: May I know whether the. mission had a talk with (c) for how long that allowance the Chief Minister of Madras with would be payable? regard to the steel plant there and The Minister of Rehabilitiition (Shri whether the Government of India is A. P. Jain): (a) Yes. aware of that? (b) and (c). Persons having Post Shri T. T. Krisbnamachari: I have Office Savings Bank Accounts or no information. Postal Cash Certificates with a Shri Nambiar: Is there any proposal balanre or vahie not exceeding at all to start a steel plant in Madras Rs. 1,000 will be paid Rs. 75 p.m. for or anywhere in India with the help a period of 6 months, or half the total of the Japanese Mission? deposit in six eoual monthly instal-. ments, whichever is less. Where such Shri T. T. Krishnamachari: The balances exceed Rs. 1.000, relief will answer is the answer I gave to part be oaid at the rate of Rs. 100 p.m. (a) of the question—^no. for a period of 6 months. Treaty with U.S.A. Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: Has any decision been arrived at in regard to *737. Shri Velayndhan: Will the giving relief to those who held postal Prime Minister be pleased to state life insurance policies? whether it is a fact that India and the U.S.A. have reached agreement on the Shri A. P. Jain: Yes. 811 Oral Answers 12 JUNE 195:2 Oral Answers 812 Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: May I know what is the relief? ¥ t 3ft # #5T Shri A. P. Jain: Practically the same concession as had been given here. Shri A. C. Giiha: Has any agreement been reached betwe^ India and [Shri A. P. Jain: The information Pakistan as regards the payment of is given in full in the statement which pensions, Provident Fimds and Nation­ I have ^aid on the Table of the House. | al Savings Certificates? Shri Namdhari: In view of the slump Shri A. P. Jain: My hon. friend in the market, are Government pre­ alreaay knows that so far as East pared to consider the postponement of Bengal is^ concerned there is free the recovery of r^ g ees’ debts, or traffic, and so far as the West is con­ adjust them later in the 10 per cent. cerned we have been negotiating but pa3Tnent due on account of their the final settlement has not been made. claims? ' Shri A. C. Guha: There is also some Shri A. P. Jain: I thought the hon. difficulty as regards payment in East Member was aware of the Press Com­ Bengal. munique which has been issued and which has also been adequately broad­ Shri A. P. Jain: I am not aware of cast. it. Mr. Speaker: Next question. R ehabilitation L o a n s *739. Dr. Ram Snbhag Singh: Heavy Electric Plants (Import) Will the Minister of RehabiUtation be pleased to state whether any rehabilita­ *740. Sar^r Hakam Singh: Will the tion loans have been sanctioned by the Minister of Commerce and Indnstry Government of India to any State or be pleased to state: States since January, 1952? (a) the number and value of licenses (b) If so, to which States have the issued during the year 1951-52 for the loans been sanctioned? import of Heavy Electric Plants; and (c) What arethe the amounts J of loans (b) the number and value of licenses actually availed of during the same given to those States? period? The Minister of Behabllttation (Shri A.
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