
Serving the Stat. Th Weather University of Iowa ,...J., CIIouQ with UlUe ;hdIe .. lealpenlure. Campus and Hlp Ia Ole 51's. MUd Iowa City rrNa,. &arD1Bc Hider oman .nUl ..ew names III Ule eYelllv. Elt. 1 US - loP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Thursday. November 10, 1955 Card Parade Hmm~m, Four' Aces! Honors New outh Africa ,W ·alks Out Councilman,' When Councilman-elect Philip Morgan, SUI professor ot sani­ UN Racial P ob~ ' tary engineering. a !.tended the reg u I a r engineering faculty luncheon Wednesday, he prob­ 2d ably didn't expect more than the usual congratulations on his election, Morgan 'was surprised whcn To ithdraw' four of his faculty lriends lert the luncheon in the Iowa Me­ morial Union alcove and re­ turned carrying placards "hon­ This Session orin," him tor winning the elec­ A plan to r~striet campus park­ Itlon. Some of the signs were in Ing on a I:eographic basis meL UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (/PI French and Chinese. - The Union ot South Africa with tlI~ unanimous support of walked out of the United Na­ 'On to WlL!lhln~n' the Student Council Wednesday tions W.esday In bitter prote ~ t Most wished Morgan luck on nleht. The plan w $ sucgeated O\'er a ON decision to press In­ the new job, and some pro­ al the s cond open meetln, ot quiry into South Africa's racial claimed: "On to Washington the student p rking committee secre,aUon policies, with Morgan." lt was the second walkout of • "P.F.M. Means Put Faith In last Thur day. the lOth Oeneral Assembly . Morgan," "Pinch Pennies with As proposed. a zOlle deslflla l­ France withdrew Sept. 30 be­ Phil," "Morgan tbe Mighty," and ed as within e sy walkinll dls­ cause the Assembly voted to take "Mortgage Your Fulure with tant.c ot Old Capitol would be up the questIon ot Algeria. Morgan," were some of ct.he most . J. W. Milam Roy Bryant lleDe'W S .....eaaUoll Probe marked out. Student car owners spectacular expressions.. W, C. dl! PIe is, chairman I Congratulations for the other living within this zone would re­ 'he South African dclegatlon, two Councilmen-elect were not ceive stickers which would pro­ ,nnounced the withdrawal after so unusual. hibit them from parkin, In Uni­ Jury Fails Indid he UN Special Political Com­ To mittee v9ted 27-' for renewing I " Winners Conrratulated versity lots, work or a commission created "People on the streets and my HaDd~pped S~u'enll .hree years ago to study the , . !ellow workers congratulated Those students who are physi­ South African racial situation, man, ...... PhI. " .., Ilu. I me," mid Louis Loria, "It is cally handic!lPped or who live He sald It would be for the wonderful to see so many Iowa 2 for Till Kidnaping WITH TEl\lPERATURES DROPPINO IhouJIW ., most Iowa •• tura to Indoor reereall.. IUell sa a. luratlon ot the prescnt session Citlans take an interest in their out5lde the zone would be Is­ "ame of cards. This little wide-eyed Pekln,eljI, TI-Au, eelDll to think Ibe hal eome up wlUI a ,Nd GREENWOOD, Miss. (A')-A Leflore (:()unty grand jury V{edncs· Ichedulcd to end Occ. 10. councilmen and in municipal su done typC of stlc:kcr enabling hand a sbe takes her tint It'!ISOD at this new ~,me. day declJned to Indict LwO white men on char~cs of kldmlplng Em· Du Pk!n1s labeled India as the politics in generaL" them to park on any unlverslt,y m tt Louis Till, 14, ChlCII 0 Negro. , leader In inc deQlslon of the Po­ George Dvorsky, the third lot. The decision freed Roy Bryant, 24, al)d his halt brolher, J. W. ltieal Commlttec, He accllsed , Councilman-elect, said ~ople he Residents of dormitories with Milam, 36, of all charges In the famous case, India or ..conducting a "vendetta" knew, and a great number 01 parking facilities would get an­ A lrlal Jury in nearby Sumner six weeks ago (ound the white .,ainst ::5Outh Africa since vlr­ those he did not, stopped him on san .III hio IS ... other type sticker enUtling them storekcepcr$ Innocent of mur­ Ually the founding of the UN 10 the street, congratulated him, to park In the qormltory lots, but dcrinlt Till. years alto. and wished him luck in his new . ' not In other university lots . All Wblte Jury . U.. O."DOIMII Probe job. The united Slates, among 13 Iowa Flel' ParlrJDa' Circuit JudIe Arthur Jordan Misled;lowa French Name. .ountrles whleh abstained In thc , , . 911nounced the grand jury's de­ * The dormitory parking areas voting, hIld appealed against con­ * * On would be reserved for residents cision to waiting newsmen stier InuaUon or the , commission. and additional space would be he discharged the 20-man, all Issues LONDON (JP) - Prime Minister Anthony Eden Wedne day ac­ Rep, Ches\cr E, Merrow (R­ Land provIded as dorml~ry .tonge New Leader white grand jury. On Toll Road ~.H.), the U.S. delegate, callc.:! cused the Soviet Union of creating war tenslqns in Europe and the area when the Old Iowa Field • Bryant and Milam reportedly Middle East. Its work "of no practlclll value." ROCK, ISLAND, 111. (JP)--Sta'e parking is expand cd. were, working In nearby co~ton It South Alrlca had boycotted III The British leader said was Impossible to reeonclle Solliet ac­ Rep. Richard St~ngel (D-Rock The restrictions would apply fields and could not be reached Get 4-1 O'K tions with protestations that they wi h to enli the cold war in the Island) said Wednesday Gov. IirMorocco neeUnas of the Special Commit­ " from 8 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. and immediately (or ' comment. ce dealln, with racial segrolla­ new spirit oj Geneva. Stratton "deliberately mjsled" Total votes cast in Tuesday's Eden denounced attempls to keep Germany divided but reserved would be enforced by the unl­ PARIS (JP) - France Wednes­ The crand ju~y'S action can­ llon, but returned for a vote on municipal election for the an­ the lowa Toll Road Commission ver Ity poUce. day named a new governor tor celed the $10,000 bORds each his heavi t aHack on tlIe Rus­ about coo tructlon plans for the resolution ,ubmitted by 17 na­ nexation ot eight plo(s 01 'land Another meeting' of Ihe stu­ M(lrocco in expectation that Sul­ posted for freedom while wail­ Ions, mostly from the Asian­ sians for shlppln, arm.. to the Aurora-Quad CIties turnpike, to the city ran near' .\.he 3,900 Arabs. dent parking committee is sched­ tan Mohamed Ben Youssef will Ing for a decision in the ,kIdnap­ Arab bloc, mark. Israel, Egyp,t Stengel said Illinois' contract uled tor 7:30 tonight in the return there next week and de­ ing case. The reIOlution which now gOOd The Prime Minister gave the with the syndicate financing Its Ballots averaged about 3,100 in traditlona I OutllM of British for­ House Chamber 01 Old Capitol. mand home rule, The halI brothprs were charred before the General ,ASsembly for $415 million toll road program favor ot each proposal to about eign policy at the annual lord The govcrnment picked Andre In Leflore County with kidnap­ (lnal approval, called on the Un­ 800 against with the largest mar­ sets conditions which make It Dubois, a career administrator Ing last Aug. 28 after Mose ion of South Alrlca to abide by Feud· Retards mayor's dinner In the City of impossible for construction on * * * gin of approval for annexation London, who was born of French parents Wright, 64, Till's .sharecropper the UN Charter's provisions "to of a tract between Lower Mus- While describ­ the Aurora-Quad Cities segment in Bone, Allterla. In 16 months uncle, aid two white men took promote the respect of human k to begin be rore 1961. Panacea Logs, caUne Road and the Chicago, Peace:' e Ing reports from. as Paris police chief he made :l Till aWlly for allegedly making rights aod fundamental freedom' Rock. Island and Pacific Railway Geneva as not Denies Promise name for hlmsel! by silencing obscene remarks to Mrs. Bryant. without 4J.tlncUon as to race." Company right-or-way, east of DENVER (JP) - President Ei- good, Eden said The governor', oUlce denied noisy auto horns and barring Bod,. Found the city limits, The vote here as a veteran of, that Stratton had promiseci the Show in Doubt trucks from the capital's narro,v was 3,174 yes to 735 no ballots. senhower, "eager to get going" streets In busy afternoon hours, A body ",:as found In the TaI- man y negotia- Iowa officials that the link The Student Council was told • lahatehle Rl\ler three days later. AIl 'the areas under considera­ to Washington, closed out Den­ \Ions with the' would be constructed at sny spe- Wednesday that there may ,be no Rr. Iden& GeDeral , Russia 1 akes tion were passed with heavy ma­ ver business conferences Wed­ R us s la n B cific time, Panacea Ihls year, unless the Dubois' title will be French Wright and Till s mother. Mrs. jorities. The lowest majority nesday with a decla~ation that Ihey were The contemplated highway show develops more rapidl)' than resident general In Morocco, Mamie Bradlcy of Chicago, Iden­ vote was cast on a plot between surprising from Aurora to Rock ]sland - Is now thought possible. Under the present treaty be- tifled It as Till. Softer Stand , Highway 6 and the Iowa River outbursts ot Israeli - Egyptian And he oddcd, "1 part of the big Illinois toll road Kay Taylor, N3, Tulsa, Okla., tween Fr!lnce and Morocco, he But defense attorneys In the J,est of Iowa City, extending to fighting "retard our scorch for will not bnly represent French murder trial presented three Coralville.
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