INSTITUTION VALUE INSTITUTION DESCRIPTION 500991 2nd Military Medical Univ China 500135 2ND Mosc Pirogov MED In 008439 A.T.E.S. Technical Inst 500396 Aarhus University 500434 Abadan Institute of Tech 004999 Abilene Christian U Dalls 003537 Abilene Chrstn University 001541 Abraham Baldwin Agrl C 500292 Acad of Mining & Metallur 002665 Academy of Aeronautics 500523 Academy of Economics 500211 Academy of Management 003228 Academy of The New Church 500532 Adam Mickiewicz Univ 001345 Adams State College 500891 Addis Ababa U Medical Faculty 002666 Adelphi University 029255 Adio Inst of Strt Chiropr 002860 Adirondack Cmty College 029021 Adl Mgmt Ed Institute 002234 Adrian College 001627 Aero-Space Institute 500907 Aga Khan University, Pakistan 500193 Agakhn University 001542 Agnes Scott College 500252 Ahmadu Bello University 501042 Ahvaz Jundishapur U of Med Sci 500900 Aichi-Gakuin University, Japan 010056 Aiken Technical College 007582 Aims Community College 500056 Ain Shams University 003009 Air Force Inst Technology 012308 Air Force,Cc of The 500986 Akita University, Japan 003123 Akron Main Campus,U of 010818 Akron Wayne Gen-Tech C,U 001002 Alabama A & M University 001003 Alabama Christian College 001052 Alabama In Birmingham,U 001055 Alabama In Huntsville,U 001005 Alabama State University 001051 Alabama,The U of 008306 Alameda,College of 501002 Al-Ameen Medical Col, Bijapur 001064 Alaska Anchorage Cc,U of 029117 Alaska Bible College 001063 Alaska Fairbanks,U of 001067 Alaska Ketchikan Cc,U of 001061 Alaska Pacific University 001069 Alaska Sitka Cc,U of 500509 Al-Azhar University 004749 Albany Business College 002885 Albany College Pharmacy 001543 Albany Junior College 002886 Albany Law School 002887 Albany Medical College 001544 Albany State College 002917 Albemarle,College of The 001374 Albertus Magnus College 002235 Albion College 500517 Albion College 003229 Albright College 002662 Albuquerque,University of 002396 Alcorn State University 003806 Alderson Broaddus College 001007 Alexander City State Jc 029301 Alexandria Area Vo-Tc Ins 500349 Alfateh University 029049 Alfred Adler Inst of Chic 002668 Alfred University 001951 Alice Lloyd College 500179 All India Inst of MED Sci 001111 Allan Hancock College 002057 Allegany Cmty College 004051 Allegheny Co Alleg Cam,Cc 004052 Allegheny Co Boyce Cam,Cc 007184 Allegheny Co South Cam,Cc 003230 Allegheny College 001901 Allen Co Cmty Jr College 003417 Allen University 003232 Alliance College 003986 Allntwn C Snt Fran Desals 002236 Alma College 002592 Alma White College 002237 Alpena Community College 003233 Alvernia College 003832 Alverno College 003539 Alvin Community College 010813 Am Ac McAllister Fun Sv 012447 Am Acad of Dramatic Arts 010460 Am Bapt Col of Abt Sem 029329 Am Indian Bible Inst 500440 Am Sch of Class Studies 500954 AM University, Aligarh, India 003540 Amarillo College 012448 Ambassador College 007465 Amer Acad Dramatic Arts 001120 Amer Bapt Sem of The West 001126 Amer Bapt Sem W-Covina 010310 Amer Christian College 011947 Amer College of Commerce 011941 Amer College of Puerto Rc 029134 Amer Conservatory Theatre 001070 Amer Grad Sch of Mgmt 003963 Amer Instit of Business 010010 Amer Samoa Cmty College 001628 American Academy of Art 029018 American College 001629 American Consv of Music 011006 American Inst of Drafting 002114 American Intrnatl College 009552 American River College 011854 American Technological U 500022 American Univ of Beirut 001434 American University 002115 Amherst College 001784 Ancilla Domini College 001785 Anderson College 003418 Anderson College 500533 Andhra Pradesh Agri Univ 500392 Andhra University 009292 Andover College 008173 Andover Junior College 002116 Andover Newton Theol Sch 001545 Andrew College 002238 Andrews University 006661 Angelina College 003541 Angelo State University 002117 Anna Maria College 500200 Annamala University 002058 Anne Arundel Cmty College 001375 Annhurst College 002332 Anoka-Ramsey Cmty College 001113 Antelope Valley College 005019 Antillian College 009759 Antioch C Eastern Region 003010 Antioch College Main Cam 008795 Antioch University 007430 Antonelli Sch of Photogr 500389 Aoyama Gakuin University 007544 Appalachian Bible College 002906 Appalachian St University 002239 Aquinas College 001632 Aquinas Institute 008072 Aquinas Jc At Newton 004073 Aquinas Jr Col At Milton 003477 Aquinas Junior College 001346 Arapahoe Cmty College 500362 Arist U of Thessaloniki 501016 Aristotelian Univ., Greece 029142 Ariz College of The Bible 001081 Arizona State University 001071 Arizona Western College 001083 Arizona,University of 001101 Ark At Little Rock,U of 001109 Ark Medl Sci Campus,U of 001087 Arkansas Baptist College 029189 Arkansas Col of Tech 001088 Arkansas College 001108 Arkansas Main Campus,U of 001086 Arkansas Pine Bluff,U of 001091 Arkansas State U Beebe Br 001090 Arkansas State U Main Cam 001089 Arkansas Tech University 001085 Arkansas-Monticello,U of 029279 Arlington Baptist College 500456 Armed Forces Medical Coll 001115 Armstrong College 001546 Armstrong State College 003011 Art Academy of Cincinnati 001116 Art Ctr College of Design 029187 Art Inst of Atlanta 010195 Art Inst of Ft Lauderdale 008350 Art Inst of Philadelphia 007470 Art Inst of Pittsburgh 029314 Artesia Christian College 500194 Arts & Sci Univ, Rangoon 500172 Arya Mehr Univ of Tech 500436 Asahikaway Medical College 001952 Asbury College 001953 Asbury Theological Sem 007814 Asheboro College 004033 Ashevl Buncombe Tech Coll 003012 Ashland College 500013 Asian Institute of Tech 011150 Asnuntuck Cmty College 012120 Assemblies God Grad Sch 500344 Assiut University 500875 Assiut University, Egypt 011208 Assocd Beth Rivkah Schs 500467 Assumption Bus Ad College 002595 Assumption C for Sisters 002118 Assumption College 500215 Ath Grad Sch Eco & Bus Sc 003013 Athenaeum of Ohio 001008 Athens State College 001547 Atlanta Christian College 001549 Atlanta College of Art 012165 Atlanta Junior College 001551 Atlanta University 002908 Atlantic Christian C 002596 Atlantic Cmty College 002119 Atlantic Union College 011385 Atlantic,College of The 008310 Auburn U At Montgomery 001009 Auburn U Main Campus 002334 Augsburg College 001552 Augusta College 001633 Augustana College 003458 Augustana College 001634 Aurora College 003543 Austin College 002335 Austin Community College 012015 Austin Community College 003478 Austin Peay St University 003544 Austin Presb Theol Sem 500156 Australian National Univ 501044 Avadh University, Faizabad 003702 Averett College 002449 Avila College 011990 Ayelt Hashachar Tchrs Sem 001117 Azusa Pacific College 501010 Baba Farid Univ. of Health Sci 002121 Babson College 003147 Bacone College 011074 Bainbridge Junior College 029120 Bais Binyomin Academy 011188 Bais Yaakov Seminary 004673 Baker Jr Coll of Business 001903 Baker University 001118 Bakersfield College 003014 Baldwin-Wallace College 001786 Ball State University 002060 Baltimore Hebrew College 002061 Baltimore,Cmty College of 002102 Baltimore,University of 501020 Banaras Hindu University India 500072 Bangalore University 500486 Bangl U of Eng & Tech 500181 Bangledesh Agricult U 500495 Bangledesh Tri-State U 002035 Bangor Theological Sem 002669 Bank Street College of Ed 002670 Bapt Bible Col & Sch Theo 003419 Bapt College At Chastn 029152 Baptist Bible Col of Denv 013208 Baptist Bible College 029252 Baptist Bible Institute 001635 Barat College 002909 Barber-Scotia College 002671 Bard College 002708 Barnard College 501043 Barnaul State Pedagogical Univ 003400 Barrington College 001466 Barry College 001119 Barstow College 003151 Bartlesville Wesleyan C 004608 Barton Co Cmty College 012044 Basic Inst of Tech 007819 Bassist College 002036 Bates College 012599 Bauder Col Spec Car'r Ed 011599 Bauder College 009784 Bauder Fashion College 010328 Bauder Fashion College 011574 Bauder Fin & Car'r Coll 010297 Bay College of Maryland 002240 Bay De Noc Cmty College 002122 Bay Path Junior College 003965 Bay State Jc of Bus 010015 Bayamon Cen University 004948 Baylor College Dentistry 004949 Baylor College Medicine 006967 Baylor University 029182 Bay-Valley Tech 029026 Beacon College 005204 Beal College 008558 Beaufort Co Cmty College 009910 Beaufort Technical Coll 006807 Beaver Co,Cmty College of 003235 Beaver College 002159 Becker Jr Col Leicester 002123 Becker Jr Col Worcester 003807 Beckley College 003546 Bee County College 004761 Be'er Shmuel Talmudicl Ac 500319 Beiging Inst of Iron & St 500545 Beijing Inst Aero & Astro 500491 Beijing Normal University 500920 Beijing U of Chemical Technlgy 500493 Beijing University 501012 Belarusian State Medical Univ 002397 Belhaven College 001954 Bellarmine College 001636 Belleville Area College 003769 Bellevue Cmty College 009743 Bellevue College 002910 Belmont Abbey College 003479 Belmont College 009941 Belmont Technical College 003835 Beloit College 500536 Belo-Russ Polytech Inst 011991 Belzer Yesh-Machzikei Sem 002336 Bemidji State U 500406 Ben Gurion U of The Negev 003420 Benedict College 010256 Benedictine College 001435 Benjamin Franklin Univ 002911 Bennett College 002673 Bennett College 003682 Bennington College 002124 Bentley College 001955 Berea College 007826 Berean Institute 004736 Bergen Community College 009076 Berkeley Sch-Hicksville 007421 Berkeley School,The 007502 Berkeley School,The 007394 Berkeley School-New York 002126 Berklee College of Music 002127 Berkshire Christian C 002167 Berkshire Cmty College 001554 Berry College 011922 Beth Hatalmud Rab C 011192 Beth Hmdrsh Shaarei Yosh 004767 Beth Jacob Hebrew Tchrs C 009227 Beth Jacob Tchrs
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