The Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 49 Vol.27, No.1, 49-56, 2002 ENDOCRINOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF TOXIC EFFECTS ON THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM IN RATS TREATED WITH 5-FLUOROURACIL FOR 2 OR 4 WEEKS Setsuko TAKIZAWA and Ikuo HORII Department of Preclinical Science, Nippon Roche K. K., Research Center, 200 Kajiwara, Kamakura, Kanagawa 247-8530, Japan (Received October 25, 2001; Accepted December 11, 2001) ABSTRACT — Endocrinological assessment of male reproductive toxicity was carried out in SD-Slc male rats treated with 5-FU (0, 20, 30 mg/kg/day) orally for 2-week or 4-week term. Serum hormone levels including GnRH, FSH, LH, prolactin, total and free testosterone, inhibin B, pro-alpha C, and activin A were determined as well as histopathological examination of the reproductive organs. The 5-FU treated groups showed histopathological changes in the testis such as degeneration of seminifer- ous epithelium. An obvious decrease in serum testosterone level was observed with a reduced organ weight of the seminal vesicle and prostate. However, no significant changes were noted in serum LH or FSH levels, nor in the morphological examination of the Leydig cells. Decreased serum levels were noted in activin A and prolactin. An increased serum level was noted in GnRH and pro-alpha C whose synthesis is regulated by FSH. Serum inhibin B levels showed a tendency toward decreasing with morphological change (vac- uolation) in Sertoli cells. These results indicated that male reproductive toxicity induced by 5-FU would be augmented by decreased serum prolactin and testosterone levels as well as a decreased func- tion of Sertoli cell, in addition to the direct cytotoxic effects on germ cells. It is suggested that these endocrinological changes related to male reproductive toxicities can be detected even in the 2-week- treated study. KEY WORDS: 5-FU,Rat,Testis,Testosterone,Prolactin,InhibinB INTRODUCTION toxicity of germ cells during spermatogenesis through antimetabolic activity of 5-FU mediated by an inhibi- Themalereproductivetoxicityof5-fluorouracil tion of thymidylate synthetase and an erroneous incor- (5-FU; antimetabolites) has been investigated in exper- porationintoRNAandDNA(O’Dwyeret al., 1987; imental animals (D’Souza and Narayana, 2001; Horii Pinedo and Peters, 1988; Schuetz et al., 1984; et al., 1985; Miyazaki et al., 1974; Russell and Russell, Waxman et al., 1990). 1991), and some morphological changes such as In addition to the morphological assessment of defects of spermatogenesis, atrophy of seminiferous male reproductive organs such as the testis and seminal epithelium, and decreased organ weight of the male vesicle, endocrinological evaluation gives useful infor- reproductive organs (seminal vesicle and prostate) mation for clarifying the toxicological mechanism were demonstrated. It is known that male reproductive through an endocrinological axis. Male reproductive toxicity of 5-FU is primarily caused by the direct cyto- toxicities would often be managed by the feedback Correspondence: Setsuko TAKIZAWA Vol. 27 No. 1 50 S. TAKIZAWA et al. mechanism of toxicologically responsible hormones in in the 2-week study. All rats in the 2- and 4-week tox- terms of toxicological intensity and property. Although icity studies were killed at 10 weeks old. The 0-4W endocrinological assessment of 5-FU was performed group was used as control in both studies. in female rat (Kuo et al., 1975), male reproductive tox- icity has not been evaluated endocrinologically. Dose selection rationale In this study, endocrinological assessment was In a 4-week repeated oral toxicity study of 5-FU carried out in rats treated with a low dose of 5-FU for 4 in Wistar rats, mortality was observed at 42 mg/kg/day weeks or low and high doses of 5-FU for 2 weeks, and and above, and an inhibition of body weight gain and changes in endocrinological parameters were clarified. hematological changes were noted at 30 mg/kg/day A possible toxicological mechanism through the endo- and above (Miyazaki et al., 1974). A 5-week repeated crinological axis was also investigated, as well as a oral toxicity study of 5-FU in SD rats showed a mortal- correlation of dose and treatment period. ity at 40 mg/kg/day (Horii et al., 1985). An inhibited body weight gain, hematological changes, and a MATERIALS AND METHODS decreased organ weight of reproductive organs were noted at 20 mg/kg/day. Based on these results, 20 mg/ Animals kg/day in the 4-week study and 20 or 30 mg/kg/day in SD-Slc male rats (12 males at 5 weeks old for the the 2-week study were chosen as the dose levels that 4-week study and 12 males at 7 weeks old for the 2- must induce some reproductive toxicity without severe week study) were obtained from Nippon SLC Corpora- inhibition of body weight gain and hematological tion (Shizuoka, Japan). After 1 week of acclimatiza- changes. tion, 10 healthy animals (5 rats/group) were selected for the experiment. They were housed individually in Experimental testing design metal cages in a room with a temperature of 22 ± 2°C, On the day next to final dosing (13:00-15:00), a relative humidity of 55 ± 10%, and a 12-hr light/dark animals were euthanised by carbon dioxide, and blood cycle (light: 7:00-19:00). Standard diet CRF-1 samples were collected from the heart. Serum samples (Charles River Japan, Ltd.) and tap water were given were stored at –40°C until endocrinological analysis. ad libitum. The animals were classed according to their Male reproductive organs were removed, weighed, and body weights and allocated randomly to groups using a fixed in Bouin’s solution (testes and epididymides) or computerized randomization program. 15% buffered formalin (seminal vesicle and prostate). HE staining specimens were histopathologically evalu- Test article and dosing ated by microscopy. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) was provided by Nippon RocheK.K.5-FUwasdissolvedindistilledwater,and Measurement of endocrinological parameters administered to male rats by oral intubation for 28 or Serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and 14 days at a dose level of 0, 20, or 30 mg/kg/day with luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were determined by an administration volume of 10 ml/kg body weight. radio immunoassay (RIA) kit supplied from NHPP, Volumes for administration were calculated based on NIDDK (Bethesda, MD, USA). Prolactin (Rat prolac- the most recent body weight. tin (rPRL) [125I] assay system, Amersham Life Science, Buckinghamshire, UK), total testosterone (DPC total Animal experiment - dosing design testosterone kit, Diagnostic Products Corporation, Los Two-week and 4-week treatment periods were Angeles, USA), and free testosterone (DPC free tes- chosen to investigate endocrinological properties and tosterone kit, Diagnostic Products Corporation) levels if the changes observed in a 4-week study can be were analyzed by RIA. Gonadotrophin Releasing Hor- detected even in a 2-week study that is needed essen- mone (GnRH)(Endokit Red TM LHRH, CYT Immune tially to support human clinical trials. In a 4-week Sciences, Inc., MD, USA), inhibin B (Inhibin B assay repeated toxicity study, animals were treated with 5- kit, Serotec, Oxford, UK), Activin A (Activin-A assay FU at a dose level of 0 (0-4W group) or 20 mg/kg/day kit, Serotec), and pro-alpha C (Inhibin pro-alpha C (20-4W group). In a 2-week repeated toxicity study, assay kit, Serotec) were measured by enzyme-linked dose levels of 20 (20-2W group) and 30 mg/kg/day immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All analyses were per- (30-2W group) were chosen. The age at the start of formed in duplicate. dosing was 6 weeks in the 4-week study, and 8 weeks Vol. 27 No. 1 51 Endocrinological assessment of male reproductive toxicity induced by 5-FU. Statistical analysis B level. Two rats which showed vacuolation of Sertoli Differences between the control and drug-treated cells had the lowest level of Inhibin B. Activin A was groups were evaluated by Student’s t-test (Gad and distinctly decreased in all the drug-treated groups (Fig. Weil, 1982). p<0.05 was considered statistically sig- 2). nificant. DISCUSSION RESULTS In this study, histopathological examination Body weight revealed degeneration of seminiferous epithelium and The 20-4W group showed an inhibition of body vacuolation of Sertoli cells in the testis, and desqua- weight gain, and the 20-2W and 30-2W groups demon- mated cell debris in the ducts of epididymis in rats strated a decrease of body weight during the experi- given 5-FU. 5-FU caused no histopathological changes mental period. in the seminal vesicle or prostate in spite of a decreased relative organ weight. Similar lesions in the male Organ weight of reproductive system reproductive system, referring to reduced organ Regarding absolute organ weight, 5-FU caused a weight, defects of spermatogenesis, and so on, were significant decrease in weight of the testes, epidid- noted in previous studies on 5-FU (Miyazaki et al., ymides, seminal vesicle, and prostate in correspon- 1974; Horii et al., 1985; Russell and Russell, 1991; dence to a decrease in body weight. On the other hand, D’Souza and Narayana, 2001). abrupt body weight loss led to feigned results in rela- It has been known that the pharmacological tive organ weight: the testis and epididymis. In con- effects of 5-FU were mediated through the following trast, the relative organ weights of the seminal vesicle mechanisms for cytotoxicity: (1) Inhibition of and prostate were decreased in the drug-treated groups thymidylate synthetase (mutilation of deoxyuridylic (Fig. 1). acid and catalysis in the synthesis of thymidylic acid) resulting in a decrease of thymidine and inhibition of Histopathological examination of reproductive sys- DNA synthesis (Waxman et al., 1990); (2) Direct tem incorporation into nuclear RNA, resulting in process- Histopathological examination revealed degener- ing errors during formation of cytoplasmic RNA ation of seminiferous epithelium in testis and desqua- (Pinendo and Peters, 1988) and (3) Incorporation of mated cell debris in ducts of epididymis in the drug- residues into DNA, resulting in DNA damage treated groups.
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