February 7, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E79 On April 4, 1968, Mrs. King learned of her HONORING THE LIFE AND ACCOM- Scott King was prepared for a privileged life. husband’s assassination through a telephone PLISHMENTS OF MRS. CORETTA She was well-educated and married a gifted call from Reverend Jesse Jackson. While sup- SCOTT KING minister from a prominent family. Just like any porting a sanitation workers’ strike, Dr. King other mother she wanted to raise her four chil- SPEECH OF was shot on a Memphis motel balcony. In her dren in peace. But when an opportunity came autobiography, My Life with Martin Luther King HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY for her to actualize the philosophy of non-vio- Jr., Mrs. King recalled, ‘‘Because his task was OF NEW YORK lent change, she did not ignore her convic- tions. not finished, I felt that I must rededicate my- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Along with her husband and the more than self to the completion of his work.’’ Indeed, Wednesday, February 1, 2006 50 thousand black people of Montgomery, she she was compelled to fully immerse herself in Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, Coretta Scott responded to the courage of Rosa Parks, who the nonviolent civil rights movement that her King was a major reason that our Nation ad- on December 1, 1955, refused to give up her husband led. Many wives become spokes- vanced from the backward ways of segrega- seat on a city bus in Alabama. That simple act persons for their husband’s causes, yet tion. Her passing is a tremendous loss for all launched the modern-day Civil Rights Move- Coretta Scott King was unique; an ardent ac- of America. ment and changed Coretta King’s life forever. tivist in the fight against injustice, Mrs. King Mrs. King was a civil rights hero—she was Her commitment to non-violence led her to brought a new energy to the civil rights move- active in the cause before she married the trade her privilege to live under the constant ment. Giving hundreds of speeches and lead- great Dr. Martin Luther King, and she helped threat of brutality. Her home was bombed, her ing countless marches, Mrs. King overcame shape the movement as his wife, and later, his husband was repeatedly jailed, people she the challenges of widowhood and witnessed widow. knew were killed, her husband’s life was al- the successes of the civil rights movement As my friend and colleague, the great cham- ways in jeopardy. And finally one day he was and her husband’s unfulfilled dreams. pion of civil rights John Lewis, said yesterday, assassinated by a gunman’s bullet. ‘‘She was more than the devoted wife of a She did not become bitter or hostile. She Neverending in her commitment to justice, great minister . she was a leader in her did not hide in some dark corner, but she Mrs. King was appointed by President Carter own right.’’ drew on her faith in the transformative power to the United Nations General Assembly, With dignity and with strength, Mrs. King of peace. And a few days after the assassina- where she devoted herself to the development helped lead the civil rights movement for dec- tion, she led striking workers through the of Third World nations. She joined the fight to ades. For many, she was the face of the streets of Memphis. All the days of her life, end apartheid and lobbied the U.S. Congress movement. she would travel throughout the South, Amer- for sanctions against South Africa. Mrs. King We are saddened by the loss of a great ica, and the world urging respect for the dig- also coordinated a 15-year campaign to keep American and we are so thankful for her life. nity of humanity. her husband’s memory alive, culminating in As Black History Month begins today, I hope She went all out to create a living memorial 1983 with the passage of legislation intro- we will all use this month and beyond to honor to her husband called the Martin Luther King duced by Congressman JOHN CONYERS and Mrs. King, her husband and all of our civil Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change, one Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm to com- rights heroes, and to live their message of of the most visited landmarks in Atlanta. She memorate her husband’s work with a federal peace and equality, everyday of our lives. met with President Reagan, who was not in- holiday. Dr. and Mrs. King have been suc- f clined to sign the legislation, but in the end he could not deny her. She used her prominence ceeded by their four children who have each HONORING THE LIFE AND ACCOM- followed in their parents’ footsteps, carrying to mobilize the American people and built a bi- PLISHMENTS OF MRS. CORETTA partisan coalition in Congress to make her with them strong hearts, minds and voices in SCOTT KING husband’s birthday a national holiday. Be- pursuit of justice and peace. cause of her efforts, generations yet unborn SPEECH OF Two years ago, I was invited to join a civil will learn his message of peace, and they will rights pilgrimage to Montgomery, Birmingham HON. JOHN LEWIS hear about his struggle for equal justice in and Selma, Alabama. The journey was a re- OF GEORGIA America. markable experience. Led by Congressman IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I loved Coretta Scott King. She was so JOHN LEWIS, a number of my colleagues in the Wednesday, February 1, 2006 warm, so genuine, so caring. For 20 years, House and the Senate and I visited the sites she always sent me a card or a book on my of many of the civil rights struggles, including Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Coretta birthday. I will cherish those mementos al- Scott King was a radiant symbol of the best the Kings’ own Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. ways. that the American South and this nation have We experienced these places with some of I will remember Coretta Scott King as a to offer. She was beautiful, charming, graceful the activists that led the movement and relived dear friend. But the historians will remember and dignified. She was a shining light who had her as one of the founding mothers of the new the moments through their eyes. To hear them the ability to brighten the dark places, to bring share their account of the very church we America, for through her noble acts, she hope where there was hopelessness. helped liberate us all. This nation is a better were sitting in being attacked by a mob of I first met her in 1957 when I was a 17- nation, and we are a better people because segregationists was extraordinary. year-old student in Nashville. She was trav- she passed this way. However, she was not Those of us who were too young to remem- eling around America, especially in the South, only a citizen of America, she was a citizen of ber well the civil rights movement continue to telling the story of the Civil Rights Movement the world, a world still yearning to build the ask ourselves what would we have done? through song. I will never forget it. She looked Beloved Community, a world still yearning to Would we have stood up, would we have like an opera star standing on stage. She make peace with itself. Above all, Coretta questioned those in power, would we have de- wore a lovely pearl-white dress with layers of Scott King personified the beautiful, peaceful manded equality and justice? Or would we, cascading ruffles falling gently around her. soul of a non-violent movement that still has like so many Americans, have remained indif- She would sing a little and then talk a little, the power to transform America, that still has ferent? The best answer we can find to that and through her singing and talks she inspired the power to change the world. an entire generation. question of what we would have done is an- f She was more than the widow of Martin Lu- swered by what are we doing now to advance ther King, Jr. She was a leader in her own HONORING THE LIFE OF ROSE the cause of justice and equality. In 1960s right. She was the glue that held the Civil NADER Alabama, Coretta Scott King and Martin Lu- Rights Movement together and the strength ther King, Jr., battled overt bigotry. Today, we that sustained one of the most charismatic arm ourselves against silent intolerance. While HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. leaders of our time. Long before she married OF MICHIGAN we must look to our past and consider how far Dr. King, she was an activist for non-violence, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we have come, we must keep an eye toward traveling to a conference in Europe with the future knowing that the movement is not Women Strike for Peace to discuss the dan- Tuesday, February 7, 2006 over and that each one of us must continue to gers of atmospheric nuclear testing. Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor dedicate ourselves to pursuing an America Though she tasted the bitter fruits of seg- the life of Rose Nader, who at age 99 died on with equal opportunity for all. regation and racial discrimination, Coretta Tuesday, January 24, 2006, of congestive VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:57 Feb 08, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07FE8.022 E07FEPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E80 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 7, 2006 heart failure.
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