This printing of DCC RPG See http://paizo.com/ enchantments, personalities, Your Contributions are Your the Open Game Content You Quick Start Rules is done pathfnderRPG/compatibility teams, personas, likenesses original creation and/or You Distribute. under version 1.0 of the Open for more information on the and special abilities; places, have suffcient rights to grant 11. 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Gary copyright © 2017 Goodman and means any work covered Content distributed using rights, title and interest in and Gygax and Dave Arneson. Games, all rights reserved, by this License, including this License. to that Product Identity. DCC RPG Quick Start Rules, visit www.goodman-games. translations and derivative 3.Offer and Acceptance: 8. Identifcation: If you distrib- 3rd printing, copyright © 2019 com or contact info@ works under copyright law, By Using the Open Game ute Open Game Content You Goodman Games, all rights goodman-games.com” but specifcally excludes Content You indicate Your must clearly indicate which reserved, visit www.goodman- DCC RPG Quick Start Rules Product Identity. (e) “Product acceptance of the terms of portions of the work that you games.com or contact info@ is copyright © 2017 Goodman Identity” means product and this License. are distributing are Open goodman-games.com Games. Open game content product line names, logos 4. 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DCC RPG STARTER RULES These starter rules were written specifically to introduce judges and players to the DCC RPG system. In some areas, rules have been condensed and simplified. These rules will serve primarily to get char- acters through their first level 0 adventure and their first level 1 adventure. Although the rules go up to level 2, you won’t have the full play experience until you buy the core rulebook. This starter document should be enough for you to realize how much fun the game is. For the full DCC experience and play at levels up to 10th, please refer to the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rulebook! THE CORE MECHANIC THE DICE CHAIN he core mechanic in DCC RPG is the d20 roll. You ne of the most fun aspects of using funky dice is will frequently be asked to roll 1d20 and add or getting to roll those dice! Many traditional RPGs Tsubtract modifiers. The goal is to roll high and beat Outilize modifiers to dice rolls as a way to express a DC (Difficulty Class). Sometimes the DC will have specific improved success or failure in an action. For example, an at- terms, such as an Armor Class, or AC, which is a combat tack with an off-hand weapon may incur a -4 penalty.
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