Lake Okeechobee Aquatic Plant Management Interagency Task Force Meeting Proceedings The following individuals attended the Lake Okeechobee Aquatic Plant Management Interagency Task Force meeting on 16 November 2016 at the SFWMD Okeechobee Service Center; Okeechobee, FL. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) David Lattuca Erica Skolte (Phone) Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Susanna Toledo Alex Onisko Andrea Dominguez Brent Bachelder Bill Caton (Phone) Don Fox Steve Gornak South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Mike Bodle Libby Pigman Steve Smith (Phone) Other Attendees Kurt Ramsey, Applied Aquatic Management Keith Mangus, Applied Aquatic Management Paul Gray, Audubon Florida Linda Defee, Aquatic Vegetation Control Inc. Jason Cull, Lee County Hyacinth Control District Marla Hamilton, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Phone) Lyn Gettys, University of Florida Call to Order David Lattuca called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. Roll Call was taken. He reminded the group that the Task Force meeting is available through the AT&T Teleconference Services. The meeting is recorded and the recordings are saved digitally. Meeting proceedings will be disseminated to the Task Force email distribution list and uploaded to the Task Force website: http://www.floridainvasives.org/okeechobee/ . David Lattuca reviewed the Task Force meeting proceedings from 9/14/2016. No comments were announced. Public Comment Period Paul Gray mentioned to the group that there has been Melaleuca quinquenervia sightings in the area of the Northwest Marsh, Lake Okeechobee. Mike Bodle informed Paul Gray that the SFWMD receives funding for Melaleuca control for Lake Okeechobee. Mike Bodle advises that anyone who has locations/coordinates of Melaleuca, pass along the information to Ellen Allen (SFWMD). Mike Bodle mentioned that he has been in contact with Ashley Tripp (Belle Glade) in regards to prescribe burning on Lake Okeechobee in the vicinity of the Southern Islands. David Lattuca informed the group that the Lake Okeechobee Fire Management Technical Sub-committee had a meeting on October 3rd, at the FWC Field Office in Okeechobee. A summary of that meeting can be found by contacting Brent Bachelder (FWC). FWC Status Report Susanna Toledo reported that 4322 acres of floating plants (Eichhornia crassipes & Pistia stratiotes) were treated on Lake Okeechobee since the last Task Force meeting on 9/14/2016. This included a 2000 acre aerial treatment. Oxycaryum cubense, Luziola subintegra, Hymenachne amplexicaulis & Nymphoides cristata were also treated. Currently, FWC is utilizing Applied Aquatic Management, Aquatic Vegetation Control, and Lake and Wetland Management. AMM and AVC report to Susanna Toledo. Weekly Schedule of Operations are created by FWC, and then shared with USACE. USACE then shares the Schedule of Operations on the USACE District website http://www.saj.usace.army.mil/Missions/Environmental/Invasive-Species/ and the Task Force Website http://www.floridainvasives.org/okeechobee/ . Libby Maxwell (SFWMD) mentioned that there could be a good story for a press release in regards to the management of invasive species on Lake Okeechobee. David Lattuca said he will work with USACE’s Corporate Communication Office (CCO) Erica Skolte and her partners with the SFWMD and FWC in creating a story for a news release, which will highlight the Task Force. Aerial Survey Report of Floating Vegetation An aerial survey was conducted prior to the interagency meeting on 10/4/2016 & 11/1/2016. Lake Okeechobee Interagency Flight Date October 04, 2016 Lake Elevation 15.86 (Feet-NGVD29) Summary of Estimates Area of Lake Average % SFWMD AAM FWC1 USACE 1. Torrey & Kreamer 650.00 44% 650 1000 500 450 2. Ritta 93.75 6% 150 50 75 100 3. East Wall - Coot Bay 87.50 6% 115 100 60 75 4. West Wall - Whidden 125.00 9% 120 150 130 100 5. Fisheating Bay 76.25 5% 75 100 55 75 6. Harney - Indian Prair 92.50 6% 240 75 30 25 7. Indian P. - Kissimme 53.75 4% 100 50 15 50 8. King's Bar 57.50 4% 80 75 50 25 9. Kissimmee - Taylor C 177.50 12% 190 150 120 250 10. Taylor Cr. - Chance 55.00 4% 85 75 35 25 TO TALS 1468.75 100% 1805 1825 1070 1175 Participants: SFWMD, Mike Bodle FWC1, Susanna Toledo AAM, Kurt Ramsey USACE, David Lattuca Lake Okeechobee Interagency Flight Date November 01, 2016 Lake Elevation 15.46 (Feet-NGVD29) Summary of Estimates Area of Lake Average % SFWMD AAM FWC1 FWC2 USACE 1. Torrey & Kreamer 156.00 14% 80 100 350 150 100 2. Ritta 101.00 9% 100 75 200 80 50 3. East Wall - Coot Bay 69.00 6% 75 75 100 45 50 4. West Wall - Whidden 232.00 20% 300 250 250 110 250 5. Fisheating Bay 81.00 7% 175 100 50 55 25 6. Harney - Indian Prairie 109.00 9% 320 25 100 75 25 7. Indian P. - Kissimmee 94.00 8% 220 100 30 70 50 8. King's Bar 50.00 4% 125 25 40 35 25 9. Kissimmee - Taylor Cr. 221.00 19% 225 250 250 130 250 10. Taylor Cr. - Chancey 41.00 4% 70 50 30 30 25 TO TALS 1154.00 100% 1690 1050 1400 780 850 Participants: SFWMD, Mike Bodle FWC1, Susanna Toledo FWC2, Alex Onisko AAM, Kurt Ramsey USACE, David Lattuca USACE David Lattuca informed the group that the Removal of Aquatic Growth (RAG) Cooperative Agreement DACW147-85-H-0020 between USACE and FWC is working well. David Lattuca has been pleased with Susanna Toledo’s and Alex Onisko’s management of invasive species on Lake Okeechobee. David Lattuca shared with the group that he has been satisfied with Applied Aquatic Management (AAM), Aquatic Vegetation Control (AVC), & Lake and Wetland Management applicators effort on Lake Okeechobee. Susanna Toledo mentioned that the applicators have been very proactive at seeking out and sharing locations of additional invasive species while out treating invasive floating plants. USACE continues working with USDA-ARS to conduct releases of Megamelus scutellaris, a biocontrol agent for Water Hyacinth. Dr. Minteer has a new position with the University of Florida, which will continue work on the biological control of invasive weeds. Her new email is [email protected] . USDA-ARS will continue to rear and release Megamelus. A monthly release schedule has been set for Lake Okeechobee. David Lattuca presented to the Task Force the Invasive Species Management (ISM) Branch, Removal of Aquatic Growth (RAG) Project FY16 Annual Report (Attachment #1). The report was created in order to summarize the RAG Project for Lake Okeechobee and the Okeechobee Waterway during FY6 (October 1st, 2015 – September 30th, 2016). The project tracking was for Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce, and Tussocks treated throughout Lake Okeechobee, Caloosahatchee River, and Lake Hicpochee. The data was derived from FWC’s PMARS system. The USACE annual report may differ from FWC’s project tracking. David Lattuca urged the Task Force to help invite new members and assist with scientific presentations, so that all managers will be able to benefit the overall ecological health of Lake Okeechobee. The Task Force discussed improving and performing maintenance at the 28 Kiosks surrounding Lake Okeechobee. It was agreed that many of the Kiosks need maintenance, to include covers to protect the notices from the weather. FWC Brent Bachelder spoke briefly on the Cowbone Marsh Restoration Project. Cowbone Marsh is an approximately 2,500 acre relatively ovoid freshwater marsh system that is located between open flow way portions of Fisheating Creek in central Glades County and is contained within the 40- mile long 18,272-acre Fisheating Creek Wildlife Management Area (WMA). The Marsh transects Fisheating Creek 8 miles upstream of the Creek’s mouth at the western shore of Lake Okeechobee. The Marsh is located approximately 6 miles east of US27 and 6 miles west of SR78 near Lakeport. The Marsh is approximately three times wider than the Fisheating Creek flow way corridor, and is about 3 miles in length. It is bordered by a cypress slough system upstream, and an open grassy alluvial system characterized by oxbows downstream. Brent Bachelder suggested that the group become familiar with the history of Cowbone Marsh and the possible effects that restoration might have on the Lake Okeechobee Task Force as it pertains to aquatic plant management. Currently the Cowbone Restoration is in litigation. Brent Bachelder wanted more information on the Glades County Moore Haven Canal Project. Libby Pigman (SFWMD) passed along a project report that included maps and technical drawings to the Task Force. Currently the contractor is on site, working on the project. The Moore Haven Canal is closed from Moore Haven Rim Canal to the Monkey Box. Further questions can be forwarded to Rod Braun (SFWMD) or Paul Carlisle (Glades County). FWC is accepting Aquatic Habitat Restoration/Enhancement Subsection (AHRE) funding applications. AHRE Subsection is responsible for managing, enhancing, and preserving aquatic habitat in Florida for the long-term well-being of fish and aquatic wildlife and the benefit of the people of Florida. The deadline for the application is December 15th, 2016. Questions about the application can be forwarded to Brent Bachelder. Brent Bachelder gave a Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis) update. From the October 31st Okeechobee Snail Kite update, of the 41 nests that were active at the end of September, 13 are still active and 14 were successful. There have also been 23 new nests discovered since the hurricane. One new nest is between S-129 and Indian Prairie Canal and the rest are in the Moonshine Bay treatment areas. There are currently 23 active nests on Lake Okeechobee since the beginning of November. Brent Bachelder and Tyler Beck presented on Snail Kite nesting on Lake Okeechobee at the Snail Kite Coordinating Committee meeting on 10/13/2016.
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