Detroit, Prairiland, Serving Detroit and Red River County since 1983 Rivercrest Sports Page 2 36th Year No. 170 DETROIT, RED RIVER COUNTY, TEXAS Thursday, May 6, 2021 75¢ Follow BP News: Detroit ISD School Board establishes a police department for school safety Detroit ISD school board administration office and The school district is in grants in the amount of up to Detroit ISD Superinten- voted to establish a DISD pick up an application. the process of completing $10,000 to purchase the car dent Kathie Thompson at Police Department to assist DISD is looking for some- all required paperwork for and other set up equipment. kthompson@detroiteagles. with safety on school cam- one with school-based law a department and securing Anyone interested in net or call the administration puses and provide security experience that can also necessary equipment. helping the school with the ☎✟✠✞ ✂ ✑✎ ✔ ✕✖✗✘✙✚✛✜ ✙✗✢✢✣ at ballgames. teach law enforcement Rockwall Police Depart- equipment cost, can contact ✁ ✂ ✄ ☎✆ ✝ ✞ ✂ ☎✟✠✞ ✂✡ ☛ ✝ ✆ ✆ ☞ ✂ classes to the students. ment has been working with of great assistance in estab- These classes will give DISD to secure a police de- lishing relationships with our students an advantage when partment vehicle for a great kids, truancy cases, and the will be posted on the Re- pursuing a career in law en- price that is fully equipped. school’s vaping issues. gion 8 job site or interested ✟☎✡✞ ✂✌✂✍✎✏ ✠ ✡ ✂ ✑✞ ✑✒✂ ✌✓✏ ☎✡ The committee has been Area Events & Updates The job for DISD Chief applicants may stop by the to become a game warden. looking for donations or Detroit ISD Upcoming Events ✜ ✙ ✗✖ ✄ ✣✌✣ May 6: National Honor Society Induction ❇ Texas Scholars May 8: DEEF Banquet ✜ ✙ ✄ ✣✌ ✣ May 13: Board Meeting May 14: Retirement Reception 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. @ High School Gym Foyer. Public invited May 17: No school ✂✍ ✝ ☎✡ ✑✍ ✾✂✎ ✙ ✄ ✣✌ ✣ ❉ ❊ ❋ May 18: ❈ ✄ ☎✡✎✿ ✑✍ ✾✂✎ ✙ ✄ ✣✌✣ ❉ ❊ ❋ May 20: ❈ May 22: AG Banquet – 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Auction ✝✿ ✑✎ ✙ ✄ ✣✌ ✣ ✡ ✑ ✒✾✑✎✝ ☎✍ ✚ ✄ ✣✌✣ ✑✎ ☎☎✎☞ ✑✆✆ ✝✂✆ ✒ ❋ ❍ ❍ May 28: ● Cuthand VFD Fundraiser Thanks Community The Cuthand VFD held this even so successful ✎✁✂✝✡ ✑✍✍✾✑✆ ✠✿✁ ✟✡✓ ✑✍✒ deserve a lot of credit. We fundraiser April 24, 2021. cannot thank you enough. This was the first time ❂✍ ❃✄✡ ✝ ✆ ❀✕✎✁ ✏ ✁ ✂ ✂❄✑✿ in 2 yrs. The fundraiser Forest Service delivered a was a huge success. Over ✑✡✌✓ ✿✾✡✄✆✾✿ ✠✡✂ ✎✡✾✞❅ ✎☎ ❀✚❁ ✑✆✆ ✓☎✾ ✞ ✑✍ ✂✑✎ ✌ ✂✑✆✿ us. It was obtained thru were served. $28,000 a grant we applied for. The Texas Scholars Program recognizes outstanding students who have achieved academic success and provided was raised. Folks from The carrying capacity of community service. Detroit High School Texas Scholar recipients are (front row from left): Alanna Harris, Abigail all over Red River County the truck is 1,000 gals. of Shelby, Madison Brenton, Chloe Grissom, Kourtnie Stringer, Daisie McCurry, Shelby Eudy and Bailea Lawrence. and beyond came out to water. This should be a Back row (from left): Ashley Langehennig, Rhett Mitchell, Kenneth Griggs, Garret Lloyd, Kelleigh Parenti and eat and bid at the auc- ☞ ✝❆ ✁ ✂ ✆✄ ✝✍ ✠ ❆✁✎ ✝✍❆ ☛✝✆ ✒ tion. Also, the people who fires. Again, thank you Savannah Hignight. (Photo by Bill Higgins) worked so hard to make very much. ❑▲▼◆ ❖P◗ ❘❙ ❚◆ ❯ ❙ ❱◆ City launches new website with new features Blossom First United Methodist Church women’s bake ✿✑✆✂ ✝✿ ■✑✓ ❏✏ ✑✎ ✕ ✖✖ ✑ ✣✌✣ ✾✍✎ ✝ ✆ ✝✍ ✟✡ ☎✍✎ ☎✟ ✎ ✁ ✂ ✆ ☎✿✿ ☎✌ ❉ By MELODY SCHMIDT ❇ Hardware. For more information, contact Pat Graham Editor-in-Chief [email protected] ✕✖✗✜ ❁✢✚✜✖✢❁✛✣ Community Threads The City of Detroit web- The Listening and Learn- support and clothing items site has a new look that will ing Children’s Library is for families at two loca- handle the billing software hosting the 2nd Annual tions: Hale Glover Com- change. Community Connections munity Center, 201 Main “Residents have asked for – Community Threads on St., and American Legion bank draft and credit card June 12 from 10 a.m. – Pavilion, 124 Monroe, in processing features but the 1 p.m. Deport. old software did not offer This will be a time to For more information, those features without a receive FREE resources of ✞ ✑✆✆ ✕✖✗✣❏✢✙✣✗✕✙✢✣ stout premium,” said Detroit City Secretary Tami Nix. “Therefore, we have been City Council Meetings Schedule looking for a while for a new program that would be cost Blossom City Council equivalent or at least offer The Blossom City Council meets on the third Thursday the features that had been of each month at 5:30 p.m. at Blossom City Hall. Call requested at a reasonable City Hall for more information. price.” The City of Detroit is currently working on a new city website with more features to ✷✹✺ ✻✷✹ ✼✽ ✭ Continued on page 8 ✤✥✦✥✧★ ✩✥✪✫ ✬✥✦★✪ ✭ ✮✯✦ ✰✥✩✪✫ ✯✦ ★ ✯ ✦✥✱ ✪✫★✥ ✫ ✪ ✲✩✯✳✥✴★✥ ✬ ✵✯✩ ✶✷★ ✸✩✬ Bogata City Council The Bogata City Council on the second Monday of ✂✑✞✁ ✌ ☎✍✎✁ ✑✎ ✚ ✄✣✌✣ ✑✎ ✎✁✂ ☎❆✑✎✑ ☎✌✌✾✍✝✎✓ ✂✍ ❲ ❲ ❉ - Detroit honors teachers in retirement celebration ter. Call City Hall or visit cityofbogata.com for more information. Detroit ISD is hosting a Retirement Celebration in honor of Dawn Malone, Deport City Council Marilyn Gatlin, and Lisa The Deport City Council meets on the fourth Monday ☎✟ ✂ ✑✞✁ ✌ ☎✍✎✁ ✑✎ ✙ ✗✖ ✄ ✣✌ ✣ ✑✎ ❳✂✄☎✡✎ ✝✎ ✓ ❨ ✑✆✆ ✣ ✑✆✆ ❲ ❲ McCarthy on Friday, May 14 ❇ from 3 - 5 p.m. at the Detroit City Hall for more information. ISD gymnasium. To honor these unsung he- Detroit City Council roes, Detroit ISD submitted a The council meets each month, on the second Tuesday, ✑✎ ✙ ✗✖ ✄ ✣✌✣ ✑✎ ❳✂✎✡☎✝✎ ✝✎✓ ❨✑✆✆✣ ✑✆✆ ✝✎✓ ❨ ✑✆✆ ✟☎✡ ✌ ☎✡✂ ❲ ❲ ❲ Q&A bio. The following are ❇ their answers: information. LISA MCCARTHY How long have you been in Detroit ISD will honor Marilyn Gatlin, Dawn Malone, and Lisa McCarthy in a Talco City Council education? Where have you retirement celebration on Friday, May 14, from 3-5 p.m. at the Detroit ISD gymn. The Talco City Council meets each month on the Continued on page 8 (Photo courtesy) second and fourth Monday at 5 p.m. at Talco City Hall. PAGE 2 || May 6, 2021 BP News Sports Lady Patriots win Bi-District Championship; Rivercrest Baseball wins Rivercrest Player area playoffs begin Friday, May 7 District; advances to playoffs of the Week Both teams were strong circle. The righthander sur- collected one hit to lead the The Rivercrest Reb- For the Bi-District play- on the rubber Friday, but rendered two runs on six hits Lady Patriots. els Baseball are District offs, all games will be the Prairiland Lady Patriots over seven innings, striking Tanguma led Bells with two Champions and are going played at Chisum High defeated Bells 3-2. Mckenna out nine and walking one. hits in four at bats. to Bi-District playoffs. School. The Rebels will Guest allowed just six hits A. Tanguma was on the The Lady Patriots are The warm-up games face off against North Hop- to Bells. rubber for Bells. The pitcher Bi-District Champions and scheduled for April 30 and kins. Game one is May 7 at Prairiland opened up scor- surrendered three runs on are off to the Area Playoffs in May 1 were cancelled. This 4 p.m. followed by game ing in the first inning, when four hits over seven innings, Bonham starting Friday, may gave the Rebels time to two at 6 p.m. Game three is Guest singled on the first striking out 11 and walking 7. Game one is May 7 at 6:30 prepare for the Bi-District May 8 at 11 a.m. if needed. pitch of the at bat, scoring one. p.m. Game two is Saturday, round of the playoffs. Rivercrest Softball Player one run. Guest, Chloe Raley, Kyndal May 8 at 1 p.m. Game three is of the Week is Macy Chil- Guest led things off in the Yaross, and Jada Torres each Monday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. dres. She had 7 solid in- Detroit Eagles end season nings on the mound and then had a 2 run bomb in with a loss to Avinger the 5th. It came down to the last in the first inning. Kain for Detroit. The righthander play, but the Detroit Eagles Wieczorek drove in one went two and two-thirds were on the wrong end of when Wieczorek singled. innings, allowing five runs a 13-12 defeat to Avinger Detroit tallied four runs on five hits and striking out on Wednesday, April 28. in the fourth inning. The three. The game was tied at 12 offensive onslaught came The Eagles launched one with Avinger batting in the from a single by Buchanan, home run on the day. Greer bottom of the seventh when a home run by Greer, and a went yard in the fourth Quinton Singletary singled double by Jackson. inning. on a 1-0 count, scoring one Avinger scored four runs in They totaled 12 hits. Greer, run. the sixth inning. The offen- Buchanan, Claude Scales, Detroit trailed by four runs sive firepower by Avinger and Jackson each collected in the third inning, but then was led by Singletary, Cade multiple hits. Buchanan and fought back to lower the Walker, and Jordan Samples, Greer each collected three final margin. They scored all driving in runs in the hits to lead Detroit. eight runs in the failed inning. Avinger tallied ten hits comeback on a double by Judson Jones was the win- in the game. Jaxon Neal, KeAurien Jackson in the ning pitcher for Avinger. Singletary, and Walker all fourth, a single by Lawton The bulldog surrendered collected multiple hits for Buchanan in the fourth, a eight runs on eight hits over Avinger. Neal went 3-for-4 home run by Brayden Greer three and two-thirds innings, at the plate to lead Avinger in the fourth, a passed ball striking out three. Walker in hits. Walker led Avinger during Kagen Carson's at bat threw three and a third in- with two stolen bases, as in the sixth, and a double by nings in relief out of the they ran wild on the base Greer in the seventh. bullpen. paths with seven stolen Avinger captured the lead Buchanan took the loss bases. Prairiland Patriots drop game to Edgewood after late score; places 3rd in District (Photos by Tony Corso Images) Prairiland (13-12, 6-6) Prairiland sat down four.
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