.... r ,..... -' ..... ~ - : -. --":-::'D ..........., ' .... I All forml of ) MONTH" Insurance RIL~~VER i at THEDA NEWS ~s Water st. Nova Motors Ltd. Elizabetb Ave. ST. JOI-IN'S, FRIDAY, APRIL Hl, H163 16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS ,.dOlla Blasts u.s. , ' • or _BI·oken Promise 'Reds Launch New i MIAMI, Fla. (AP);...Dr, Jose Miro Cardona re-. signed Thursday as president of the Cuban: ,Attack, In Laos Revolutionary Council and claimed President: VIENTIANE (AP)-Premier Souvanna Phouma Kennedy reneged on a promise for a second: angrily turned on his erstwhile Pathet Lao part­ Cuban invasion. i ners Thursday, accusing the pro-Communist He made the claim in a 10,OOO-word docu-I Laotians of breaking promises and launching ment, saying Kennedy promised after the Bay I new attacks on his neutralist forces that may of Pigs invasion in April, 1961, failed ~hat j again bring all-out civil war in Laos, another invasion would be mounted to end the He departed from a prepared speech to de­ regime of Premier Fidel Castro, I Iclare that he had just received word the Pathet The White House soid Thurs'j viously hy President Villeda I LaC? had launched a new attack on Phong day there \\'ould be no furlh(l', ~Iorales (If Hondnras:" lie. s'lid i Sevan, the last major neutralist position out- cOlllmcnt Oil the Cnban ex:lc: Morales. aftcr haVing mler'l 'ED kader's c1ai!l1s. Thc slatc, vicwcd side the Plaine des Jarres, Ii? i K~nllCllr i~ Washi~gtull" I',,,·tml'nt smd 1Ilond,ly jlll'J s I declnrcd m Mlallll that ~()oa,1 ~ I a tl' III e nt s on conl'crsa- ,I'cry soon, Cuba will be Iiber- , Phong Savan is about 10 milcs tions with Kcnncdy and other; atcd," I, northeast of the plain. where , , ~iI\wnll1rnt Il [ f ic i a I S II'prc: "Thc months passcd with (Ie· i the bulk of Gen. Kong Lc's neu· "hi~hll' inaccurate and dis· •spairing slowness," Wro Nn·; tralist troops now are bottled I t"rl.,ct:.. i tinucd. "DlIl'ing Ihis time, ! n~·' up_ The premier said the Pathet ~lil'o's document was rcleascd' ccil'cd Ihe same aSSUr:1l1ces 0[-; I Lao also was trying to [orce the '11i.'1' his rcsi~nali()n :IS pl'l'si. [crcel prel'iously." ' neutralist garrison from Ban rson To l" I' d.'nl of the l'lllinl'ii. Three 111:IIT' . Thcn, he sa~(,, I tl~.I ,l1It,'( I ofBan. thc aboutplain, 24 _milcs northeast llli'lllhrrs also quit, ,statcs changcd Its llUslllon "~d C\1.I.S !'01.lCY "AfoUl'; ,in~ction was [ol'cl'd upon Ihc SOllvanna assertcd that the JFK Tht' dllcument (Ies~rihl" 1\\'11' I'CI'ollllionaJ'y ol'gDniwliollS, Pathet Lao is trying to destroy CEN~ 1II'\I.\"s I:llll;l11 IlIllic\.· :IS l'iI~lIe, iRe g a I' din g U.S. policy Brl'tal'n's elder Sl'r W'lnston his loyal neutralist forces 3nd .- I MONTE CARLO Monaco' statesman to dominate neutralist . cun· \ r:,f \liro said Kenncd\' 11IInollllccd R, changes. Miro said he refcl'l·cd. " , trollcd zoncs in the divided " .' ,;,'111 .kd"illll April 20: W6t, "lIot 10 i [01' 0.110 thing tn U,S. orders fill'; Churchill 88 sports a light broad-brimmed Stetson to shield his eyes country. ah'I'Hloll Cuh,I." ,Russllm lI'oups to Ical'c ':uha i " 'd' , """""""'1;:,1,:.' ,\1 the timr. ~tiro said. I\l'II': and thcn (0 the decision 10' from the sun as he lea,.as the Hotel de Pans here for a rtve In the coun- SEES CIVIL WAR , "- I lie said thc campaign. if It i ,,,,-. :11 1I.':ly a<II'iscd, western hemis-.lcnve them ,thcre. ' try April 13 Sir Winston one of the United States' newest citizens, is succccds, will plungc Laos baek ',.-lllI'l 1'Iwrr n~tion, that "if th,~)' i "The pallcnt Ullllcd Stales • , " , . t th "I th tid I i j ','Ii III \\lIultl nllt conlllly with th.cir rh· i ~hOllld know by now.': hc s~ld. currently on a short RIViera vacatlon,-(UPI Photo). :~ ~cfo:e ~~~ 2~~~va aag:e:~~~t ! I i '\', . li~ati(in, 111 n II c I' hCIUlsphere, 'that Khrushchcv WIll change last ,July guarantceing Laos" " i Irr,llicsl the Un i ted Statcs! his strategy conlinnally and his I --"'.' II\' II'lIulel fulfil all ngl'ccments 1m·1Mb i fighting ta c tic s a thous:md p n neutrality. I SOUVANNA PHO~IA .. ,,', ,l:Ir,'·. 1111,1'11 Ill' int~I'-Amel'ican tNa·. limes, if necessar~. in the PUI'-! Sh· I I "0 AS Souvanna spoke at a Baei, or, forccs fought the civil war with c''' ;0',,:', . : suil of his ohjectives. For cOr.!-: em er religious ceremony, the smaller neutralist force tnen , li~,." I , ' .. ' ';'"r TWI' wrcks lall'r. )liro stated.! lI1unism , the word of honor is! If neutralist troops of Kong siding with the Pathet Lao. I ,,' ",,1' "Pl'l'~idcnt 1\ e nn C lly plllllned I no more than a word." . Le are put ollt of action and thc Laos is governed by a three· I ", ,"~ 111 tIll' immediate fnlurc of CUI]:!! Aftcr his l'esignation, ~1i1'O sll'ategic plain 110 miles north- faction coalition of Sou vanna's . ," G T pl. • 'i. '\ - \,' I:: '1- willt mr. His oflel's of co·oper.! stalkcd out of Ihc meeting with I cast of Vientiane is overrun. I neutralists, the Pathe! Lao of "" -,,11:"1: ~tiiln were definite and his sup.! three companions. He declared: T0 etop _. rio r. ty Pathet Lao and Laotian right· deputy premier ,Prince Soupha· " " I',' :,1:1:; port ahsolule and total." ! "I, cannot believe In words wing troops again will find nouvong and thc rightists of "l'rcsi(lcnt Kennedy assumed' (by the U,S. government) that themselves [acing each oth"r. dcputy premier Gen. Phoumi l"'fnrc Ihc world total respon. 1 sct f 0 I' t h, without defining Souvanna sa i d. These two, Nosavan. ~t'l\tlt\(; ~ibilit;· fnr thc 119611 invasion thcm, prospects for an imprc. By JACK BEST I Amel'ican republics, though the, til'itics. ,-------------------- I' I' I', , ,;, , ',-;. ,Th., li,ascD and announced his dec I· cisc ~nd distant Iibcration of . OTTAWA (CP):- Early action ~ present government of. Cal:la I Bot~ LilJ~ral Le.adcr P~a!son, i ~1i1n not to abandon Cuba." Cuba. " to take Canuda into the Organ. has becn excluded from lis ac- the mcomlllg prtme mlmster, 0 b· t Fl· ht ," , .",,,·,,.t ~Iiro recllilcd that la~t Dc· 'I' . .' izution o[ Americlln States IS . and Paul Martin, considered 1 19 , " than ccmhrr, beforc Cuban re[ugees Mlro submitted Ius reslgaa- expected to be a top.prionty LOtti Ch likely to become the new exler· r , ".' " ",- ,;', ;! ,11 II~r ill Miami',s Orange Bowl, K~n. lions. at the start of the council [oreign policy concern of the: I e ango nal a.Hairs minister, arc .on ,r~c- ';;',. " ,~' "," I" il1l' nc~h' :Icccptcd the na~ of eXile! meetmg, Then he tol~ reportm:s new Pcarson government. i III ~rd m favor of Canada 5 JOlll- "," ;,",0 ",'I", \' ,,'IT- hrl,~ndc 2500 and told the men \' the~· could have copies of hiS In somc of{jcial quartr.rs ERT ICE mg. 'F M 14 '. ;' '''I'': "'lrl'lr'it 1I'0uid be returncd to ,them document. ,thcre are suggestions that Can· OTTAB,tRO(CBp) RB th .1 The slrongest expression ofi A or ay ,- 1/,': ~;;,\'-,II'\1,tl(1l1 "in n Cree Cuba." lIe shook hands with his as~o- i ada will make the historic; 1 t d - 01 emt I this policy camc during a Com-I .,' ", '·i"1.11 ,',HI- "lIc conlirmed in thIs way."1 elates and left the counCil[' move into thc hcmispheric as-' Phoymedn I.ttal n I uDemPboytmen I mons external affairs debate -- • "r :',,, ,',,','.'111- 'l'lro 0'11 "I 'or I "pokftn prn ehamb~r . .. I s owe I e C lange e ween J 24 'hcn 'I "I"rt-In vet ' -, 5" l , I l So, " , • sociatlOn IVlthm a year. t lUS F II d ~I h I an. II .' r. "" , - II ,-- ------------ ending an isolation that is ~s e ruary an ,arc. Ieran me~ber for Essex Ea~t • . · I F I old as the OAS itself. The Dominion Bureau of Sla· i and onetlm~ head of Canada s , CAP E CANA" ERAL. fl~. transmIt them to Cape Ca.n,!lv. ' au ts However, some ticklish poli· tistics and the lederallabor de·, UN delegatIOn, declared: (~P)-The planned 22 • orblt\eral for release to ~ teleVISIOn I I tical and financial problcms will partment rep 0 r tcd Thursday I " .. ' ' It seems to me that fhght of astronaut Leroy Gordon pool to the three major U,S. net· ec laIllCa have to be considered first, dip- that 549,000 workers wcre job- the llmc was never more Ill" Coopcr .Jr. has ~een delay~d Iworks, L lomatic informants say. Con· less last month, up 4,000 fr0m gcnt for us to accept. the long- several days. pOSSIbly a wec.(. I ------ i' ceivably, these could cause still th~ previous month but down Imem~er of the Orgamzallon.o[ From. the sche~uled May 7. THE COUNTRY PARSON " res er furthel' holdups in the off·and· 11,000 [rom March, 1962. A~el'lcan . St~tes" and to Jom lau."chmg datc, It was learned I , , on movement loward Canadian This meant that 8.4 per cent thIS orgamzatlOn, .
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