464 was, but understood it to be blood poisoning. She had The husband was again called, and proved that the onset attended 950 midwifery cases. of the abdominal pain which Dr. Grigg had stated to be Among the witnesses examined was the husband of the the first symptom of puerperal fever had occurred exactly deceased, who stated that his occupation was that of a, hours after delivery, and Dr. Grigg thereupon plumber, and that he had to attend to drains and water- gavetwenty-six his opinion that the disease was probably due to the- closets. Dr. Bligh of Tooting was closely pressed by action of the patient’s surroundings. Mr. Tickell to state the distinction which existed in this The jury here stopped the case and returned a verdict of disease as to its power of being communicated by con- Not guilty." tagion or by infection, and also what, in his opinion, was Mr. Justice Charles, while agreeing with the jury thab the period of quarantine recognised by medical men under the case should not proceed further, thought the prosecution such circumstances, but he refrained from expressing any had been very properly instituted, because the practice of4 opinion on the subject. In reply to his lordship, he attending patients after previous cases of puerperal fever explained that he was in no way concerned in the was a most dangerous one; and therefore, especially delivery of the first woman who died, but was called in after the verdict of the coroner’s jury and the bill of the three days after. Dr. Taylor, in his cross-examination grand jury, he had been reluctant to interfere earlier in by Mr. Tickell, admitted that puerperal fever, coming on im- the case. There was no alternative left to the prosecution mediately after the birth of the child, might be due to bad after the verdict of the coroner’s jury, which was "that the drainage, but thought that a patient might show slight said Mrs. Spicer came to her death from blood poisoning as symptoms of contagion within twenty-four hours. The hus- the 1esult of puerperal fever, which was contracted by her band was then recalled, and stated that the first symptoms from the gross and criminal negligence of Elizabeth Berry,"’ of pain in the abdomen occurred just twenty-six hours after and therefore they charged her with manslaughter. Now, delivery. Dr. Taylor further stated that he had advised he did not agree with that finding, and he did not think any the prisoner to use Condy’s fluid for disinfecting purposes, case of "gross and criminal negligence" had been made oat-, but had not gone into any details as to its use, as he against the defendant. imagined the prisoner with her experience would have The jury expressed the opinion that the defendant left. known these. In reply to Mr. Justice Charles, he stated the court without a stain on her character, in which that if he had delivered a person in whom puerperal opinion his lordship concurred. fever had been set up he would have abstained, after dis- infecting himself, from attending other cases for at least a month ; and his lordship pointed out that in this case the prisoner had abstained for a month and had also disinfected herself. Mr. J. R. Purdieu, Dr. Taylor’s assistant, was Medical News. then examined, and in the course of his cross-examination by Mr. Tickell stated that he had told the woman that she OF LONDON. -The is a should have come to the surgery and got permission before UNIVERSITY following list. attending other cases. He would have given the prisoner of candidates who passed in the respective divisions and permission after a month. He noticed on the occasion of subjects at the Intermediate Examination in Medicine, held his visit to the house a " very great stench in the room," in January last :- but could not say exactly from what sources it arose. Entire Examination.-First Division: Henry George Felkin, Jas. Charles Frederick John Mr. Thomas had made a Ryland Hickinbotham, Paine, Poynton,. Bond, F.R.C,S., post-mortem Herbert Campbell Thomson, Herbert James Walton. - Seconct examination of the deceased, and found the lungs con- Division: Christopher Addison, Martin Ashley, John Aaron Berlyn,. siderably congested with purulent lymph and adherent Ramon Horace Castellote, Robert Francis Chance, Dudley Willis, to the There was no evidence of bronchitis Collings, Harry Guy Dain, Herbert Fox, Bertram Harold Kingsford, pleura. Robert Casement Ernest Graliam G. Thomas or Both ventricles of the heart were filled Kirkby, Little, Davys pneumonia. Manning, Mary Ellen Rye, Samuel Robert Schofield, Walter Scott with fibrinous clots, and the abdominal cavity was filled H. Sequeira, William Shears, Geo. Nathan Oscroft Slater, Kirsop’ with fluid of a purulent nature. The peritoneal surface of B. Jas. Vickers. the abdomen was also covered with The Excluding Physiolony.—First Division: Francis Parris Piper, Courteray putrid lymph. M,tilsEl RhoLles, Edwin Sly.—.Second Division: Evelyn Lancelot, mucous membrane of the vagina was in a highly inflamed Adams, Arthur Percy Allan, Hugh Kennedy Birley, Arthur James condition, and in the uterus he found indications of recent Edge, Percy Stanhope Eves, Charles Frederick Gross, George- fever. He certified that the cause of death was Frederick llurrell. puerperal Leonard Arthur Alfred. as the result of fever. There Physiology only —First Division: Bidwell, blood poisoning puerperal Geoige Jones.—Second Divisio7t: Robert Turle Bakewell, Lullum was no part of the placenta or any membrane remaining in Wood Bathurst, Alfred Herbert Card, William Henry Jewell" the uterus, nor was there any evidence whatever of any George Martyn, Alfred Hugh Minton, Albert Paling, William Chas. Smith. injury during parturition. There was nothing in the Cunningham Park, Reginald necropsy beyond the virulence of the attack to show what The following candidates paesed the Preliminary Scientific had caused the fever. (M.B.) Examination in January :- A juryman asked Mr. Bond if, in his opinion, the prisoner Eratire Examination.—First Division: William Dyche (B.A.), Thomas. was not in Mrs. after Hillier Green, Richard Kay, Joseph Arthur Mawson, Harold BattY’ justified attending Spicer, having, Arthur Herbert Division: without ill attended a but his Shaw, Spicer.—Second Malcolm Cameron, any effects, previous case, Claude Lionel Chevallier, Horace James Harris (B.A.), Thomas lordship suggested that that was a question which the jury Clifford Last, Cuthbert Henry Jones Lockyer, William John Oakes would presently have to propose to themselves. (B.A.), Percy Allan Palmer, George H. Wheeler (B.A.). Dr. W. C. to Charlotte’s Chemistry and Experimental Physics. - *Algernon Carter Bean,, Grigg, physician Queen Lying-in ’Sydney Henning Belfrage, ’William Marmaduke Bergin, *Victor Hospital, in his evidence mentioned various causes which John Blake, Herbert Cardin, ’Felix Bolton Carter, "Walter Ernest- might give rise to this fever. Judging from the post- Cross, Edward Charles Davenport, "Alfred Dimsey, *Stewart mortem examination a considerable amount of blood must Ranken Douglas, Edward Guy Dru Drury, Brennan Dyball,. *Arthur *William Frederick Harcourt been left within of the that was Earnshaw, Dyer Frazer, have the cavity uterus, and Gervis, Henry Norman Goode, Charles Hanks, ’Charles John not without danger. If the surroundings were unhygienic, Harnett, "Thomas Hood, ’David IIorwitch, Edmund Eyre Lloyd" it would be rapidly decomposed, and lead to this disease. Leonard Freeman Marks, Joseph Thomas Marsden, *Sydney Herbert Corbett *William The of the of the disease was rather Mason, "Joseph Muir, Percy Nicol, period development James Henry Francis Nunn, ’Arthur James Pedley, *Norman against its being conveyed by the attendant. In a very Howard Pike, *David Rice, *Edward Lionel M. Rusby, *Joseph’ severe epidemic at Queen Charlotte’s Hospital (the Shardlow, Frank Addinsell Smith, *Lewis Albert Smith, *James severest he had ever women were stricken Charles Spillane. Leonard Kirkby Thomas, Charles Robert Watson,, seen) sixty-two *Morris Mortimer Wise. down with of whom died. He had care- Henry Chorley Watt, Wilks, *Harry puerperal fever, fifty Biology.—*William Boase Bennett, Lewis William Burrow, *Joseph, fully gone over the records of these cases. Only ten showed Ernest G. Calverley, *Cecil Frederick Gordon, *J. Alban Kendall symptoms of puerperal fever within forty-eight hours, and Griffiths, Thomas A. IIawkesworth, Sindia Emily Hickson, *Albert of these three bad been in the from two to three Hilton, Gwilym Prosser James, Arthur Dickson Ketchen, William’ hospital days Maclachlan M’Donald, F. Archibald Hope Michôd, Charles Hay previously. Generally speaking, when the contagion was Murray, "Herbert Ainslie Scott, *Thornas Blanchard Sellors, due to direct infection, it showed at the end of the second *Arthur Richard Harrie Skey, "John Clementson Smellie, Daniela or the of the and where the mischief Lloyd Smith, Francis Joseph Smith, -’-Graham Udale Smith, *Percy day beginning third; James *John Robert broke out he looked to external sources for the cause- Montague Smith, "Harry Spon, Steinhaeuser" early *Cecil William Stickland, *Thomas Morrell Thomas, *Edward namely, the habitation from which the patient came-the Owen Thurston, *Sydney Gordon Tippett, *Thomas Henry Wells,. surroundings—and concentrated his attention upon that, Stanley Whicher. rather than the but where it broke out Two Subjects of the Examination (under former Regulations).*— upon attendants; Colin C. Clarkson (C. B.), A. William R. Cochrane (P., B.), Adèle I.. later he regarded the mischief as due to something con- De Steiger (C., William Henry Gray (P., B.), Thomas Lambe. nected with the attendant. (C., P.), Eldon Pratt (C., P.). 465 One Subject of the Examiaanatfnn (under former Regulations). *— PROPOSKD INFECTIOUS DISEASES HOSPITAL.- William Edward N. Dunn (B,), Henry Wylie I’,lred (8.), Ernest Jermyn Hynes (B.), Harry Fulham Turner (C).
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