THE MASTERS 大師級 USA 美國 2020 | English | Colour | 275min Director Frederick Wiseman Producer Frederick Wiseman, Karen Konicek Cinematographer John Davey Editor Frederick Wiseman Sound Frederick Wiseman, Christina Hunt, Emmanuel Croset Production Zipporah Films, Inc. World Sales The Party Film Sales City Hall 波士頓市政廳 I made City Hall to illustrate why government is necessary for people [導演的話] to successfully live together. City Hall shows a city government 我拍《波士頓市政廳》,闡明人民能合群而居,政府不 offering a wide variety of important and necessary services to a 可或缺。影片展示在人口代表着美國多元文化歷史的主 major American city whose population exemplifies the history of 要城市,市政府如何提供一系列重要且必須的服務。波 diversity of America. The Boston city government is designed and 士頓市政府的規劃,正是在符合美國憲法與民主價值的 strives to offer these services in a manner consistent with the 原則下,致力提供這些公共服務。它與特朗普代表的一 Constitution and democratic norms. Boston’s city government is the 切,正正對立。 opposite of what Trump stands for. [影評摘錄] Frederick Wiseman 《波士頓市政廳》是懷斯曼在《小鎮大國度》後又一力 In the ample filmography of Frederick Wiseman, City Hall follows 作,無疑是他歷來政治取態最鮮明的一部,代表着對美 immediately after his previous film Monrovia, Indiana. The new film is 國民主(林肯總統在《蓋茲堡演說》定義的民有、民 undoubtedly the most explicitly political ever made by this venerable 治、民享政府)的信念,同時抗衡特朗普致力摧毀美國 director. It stands as a profession of faith in American democracy (as 制度的這個噩夢。透過拍攝如何善用政策提供公共服 defined by Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address – “government 務、推動社會共融,影片提供了可行的榜樣。正如波士 of the people, by the people, and for the people”), as well as acting 頓市長在片中所言:「我明白單在波士頓,我們無法解 as a counterpoint to the nightmare of Trump’s effort to demolish 決美國所有問題……但可由一個城市做起。」 American institutions. By filming what amounts to a virtuous politics of public service and inclusiveness, City Hall offers an alternative 拍過美國各州後,懷斯曼重返出生地,那是他作為東歐 model. As the mayor of Boston says in the middle of the film: 猶太移民之子成長之地。從玻璃幕牆到富殖民地色彩的 “I realise in Boston we can’t solve the problems of the United States 紅磚小屋,形形色色建築的畫面穿插其中,可感受到他 of America in here… All it takes is one city.” 的無比喜悅,就像小男孩對公共工程目眩神迷,即使是 垃圾車碾壓廢物、道路修葺、為消防車噴漆,一切看來 Antoine Guillot (journalist at France Culture) 洋洋壯觀。 Frederick WISEMAN was born in Boston, USA in 1930. He has created over 30 SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 documentaries examining social issues and institutions. In 2016, he received an Honorary 1967 Titicut Follies 誰主瘋騷 Academy Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 2001 Domestic Violence 家庭暴力啟示錄 弗德烈懷斯曼 1930 年生於美國波士頓,耶魯大學法律系畢業,及後旅居巴黎,1967 年開 2013 At Berkeley 直擊柏克萊 始執導,專門拍攝美國社會日常生活題材的紀錄片,成為享負盛名的紀錄片大師。2016 年 2015 In Jackson Heights 紐約巴別塔 獲奧斯卡頒發終身成就獎。 2017 Ex Libris: The New York Public Library 紐約公共圖書館 波士頓市政廳 ©Wolfgang Wesener 2020 City Hall 90.
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