TheThe eeKiloKilo --WhatWhat Monthly Newsletter of the San Angelo Amateur Radio Club November 2010 San Angelo Amateur Radio Club’s 86th Birthday Celebration and Scout Jamboree on the Air Just a quick update on the Clubs Birthday/Anniversary/Special Events Station and the Boys/Girls Scouts Jamboree -on-the-Air (JOTA) that was held Saturday, 16 Oct 2010. We had a total of 22 members and guests at the club this year and we also had two of our members, Gary, W5ETJ and Tom, K4OTM, down at Camp Sol Mayer for the Boys Scouts Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA), which was also on this weekend. Hughbert, KC5NPC, purchased the fixings for BBQ'ing some hamburgers and smoke sausage for everyone at the party. Tom, W5UFO, had his 1920 Ice Cream making machine at the birthday party and was making some really good ice cream, as always, with plenty left over for anyone who wanted more. The 86th Anniversary / Birthday Cake was also really good again this year and we had plenty of cake left over. Gary, KE5TXL, was taken pictures for us, again this year. With both Gary and Tom down at Camp Sol Mayer, we had a good time with the special event/JOTA station at the club house. We were able to establish a very good connection from the SAARC club house, on 40 meters, down to Camp Sol Mayer this year, that remained up the entire time until we all called it at around 1600 hours (4 PM) and started the close down of the stations at both locations. The club station used both the dipole (for 40/80 meters) and the beam (for 10/20 meters) and made many contacts for both the special event station and for JOTA. We made contacts for Hawaii and Great Britain and many stations state side for the JOTA and the special event station. Many of us at the club house were surprised at the ease and carefree, at which most of the younger scouts, that talked to us and to other stations on the air that we also had contacts with. Anyway, a good time was had by all. It would not have been so successful without the help from many of the club members and with the constant communications we had between the SAARC club house and Camp Sol Mayer and the many operators that we had to help with the event. We would like to say 'Thanks' to all who participated and helped with the Clubs Birthday/Anniversary/Special Events Station and the Boys/Girls Scouts Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) for this year. A good job by all. Report by Mike Dominy/KD5URW See Photos on page 3,4 (Continued on page 3) Upcoming Special Events November 13 - Amateur License Exams, 1:30 p.m., Angelo State University (ASU), Centennial Village housing complex, Commons Building, Ave N. and Rosemont Drive. December 4 - Skywarn Recognition Day Special Event Station, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., National Weather Ser- vice, December 9 - Annual Eatin’ Meetin’ , Blanik’s Village Café, 7 p.m. Make reservations. Contact Hughbert Robinson/KC5NPC , [email protected], 325-949-7478, 325-895-5166(CELL). 2011 Officer Nominations and Ham of the Year Award It is time to start thinking about who you want to run for all the offices this year. It is not hard and you can make a difference. Give it some thought. We will take nominations from the floor at the next meeting. Also, it is time to select Ham of the Year. Look around and see who has been the most active in helping the club and others in pursuit of this great hobby of ours. Send Nominations to Ralph Stout-KA5ULE, President Page 2 The eKilo-What November 2010 Scanner Jack’s Corner TAXI 152.390 157.65O de Jack Roberts/KB5TMY TRASH TRUCKS 855.2875 Monitor these frequencies for road and school WRECKERS 152.270 closures due to winter weather. CARR 155.145 155.835 155.925 For road conditions call 1-800-452-9292 or Monitor these frequencies for school closures. monitor these frequencies. SAISD BUS 461.050 FIRE EMS DISP 460.600 SAISD MAINT 461.375 TX DOT 151.025 151.055 153.020 IF THERE IS HIGH WATER ON THE ROAD DO REACT 462.675 462.600 NOT DRIVE THRU IT. CODE BLUE 463.675 -TURN AROUND, DON'T DROWN- SA STATE PARK 159.270 159.345 Emergency Communications The Tom Green County ARES group held their monthly meeting on 21 Oct 2010 with a good meeting dis- de Mike Dominy/KD5URW - Emergency Coordinator cussing the upcoming Simulated Emergency Test (SET), set for 30 October 2010, for the group. The group had a good discussion, about the upcoming SET exercise, over what October ARES Net Report communication nets to use, what type of messages and how many we should look at passing during the exercise, the Date Net Ctrl Check-ins Time Freq various locations that the group members will be assigned to 10/4 KD5URW 15 15 min 444.350 and who would be assigned to the city/county Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during the SET. We reviewed 10/11 KD5URW 14 18 min 444.350 what need to be done to install a 2-meter beam on the roof 10/18 KD5URW 16 15 min 444.350 of the EOC before the SET. The SET will be detailed in a separate report. With time permitting, the group reviewed 10/25 KD5URW 14 14 min 444.350 other agenda items and talked about another work day at the EOC and a work date to start work on the group’s new up- coming project and some training dates for training with the WebEOC at the EOC. Tom Green County ARES Net October was a busy month for us, with Skywarn being Meets every Monday night at 8:30 CST (2030 hr) on operated several times this past month. We had some real the 444.350 MHz (Pl 162.2) .(N5SVK). The net can also be emergency concerns on two main occasions, with some very reached by Echolink at WB5VRM-R or Node 412402. big storms coming into the Concho Valley area that had Other frequencies are announced on Concho Valley Net at some very high winds, possible a few tornados, like the one 8:00 pm. that came close to my home QTH location, within the San Angelo National Weather Service (NWS) watch area. The Activities one good thing from those storms was the good old West Texas rains that came at the right time to help relieve some Total # of ARES members: 19 Change since last month: 0 of the wildland fires that we where having in the area. Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 6 I wish to say a big Thanks to all who attend the meet- Man hours: 96.0 ings and wish to invite anyone to our meetings to see what Number of emergency operations this month: 3 the Tom Green County ARES is all about. The next TGC- Man hours: 14.5 ARES group meeting is set for 18 November 2010 at 7:00 Total number of ARES operations this month: 9 PM at the San Angelo ARC club house. Total Man hours: 110.5 73s, Stay Safe and Happy DXing. Wanted: Cushcraft A3WS. Wanted: Not in working order, amplifier, for parts. Wanted to borrow: Gin Pole and tower climber to take 40 foot tower down. For Sale: Lionel Keyer (no name plate) Looks like early Vibroplex keyers: $65, Heathkit Keyer/oscillator HD1410 modified for external keying $30 Contact Bill-WB5ZAM at 325-657-0943, or:[email protected] or [email protected]. PagePage 3 TheThe eeKiloKilo-What-What NovemberNovember 20092010 Jamboree on the Air Station at Camp Sol Mayer Attached are a few pictures of the JOTA station Tom Austin/K4OTM and I operated at Camp Sol Mayer. We were able to establish a very good connection with the SAARC club house on 40 meters that remained up the entire time. Equipment used was an Elecraft K3 into a Buddipole at 18'. A number of Scouts stopped by and were able to talk to our club members in San Angelo as well as hams in other areas including Shreveport, LA and SE Oklahoma. We were surprised at the ease at which most of the younger scouts took to the microphone with little or no coaching. They must teach PTT in grade school now (ha). We also were able to demonstrate the use of EchoLink by establishing an iPhone/EchoLink QSO with Bill Tarn/ AE5AW via the N5SVK 444.350 repeater (thanks Bill and Don). Anyway, a good time was had by all and would not have been as successful without the constant communication be- tween our station and the SAARC club house. Thanks to all who participated. Report by Gary Chafin/W5ETJ (Continued from page 1) SAARC 86th Birthday Pictures (Continued on page 4) Page 4 The eKilo-What November 2010 Recent CVCOG Interoperability Data and Radio Systems, Jim Koca/N5PIY Programs January ‘10 February ‘10 Tour of the San Angelo Public Safety Communications Facility, David Berhend/KB5FNK March ‘10 Tour of the San Angelo National Weather Station, Hector Guerrero/KC5BRB April ‘10 San Angelo/TGC Emergency Management Department, Ron Perry/KB5UPE May ‘10 Q codes, Band Limits, Ralph Stout/KA5ULE June ‘10 Field Day July ‘10 National Weather Service, Dr. Steve Lyons August ‘10 EME, Glenn Miller/AA5PK September ‘10 Kenwood TS-570, Charlie Royall/WB5T October ‘10 SAARC’s 86th Birthday Party November ‘10 (Continued from page 3) More SAARC 86tghBirthday Party Pictures (Continued from page 5) QSL OF THE MONTH- 6Y0B= US ham, W2GB has a reciprocal call, and this is a view from his vacation shack in Jamaica.
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