Library, Public X . T -*------------'-A The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar DWTO^IOTWKHKHKIWHja o BOTH FOR •f d b u e r i i . let Vol. XVI., No. 15; Whole No. 2121. BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1918. Single Copy Three Cents 3>,.JJC-JI/,.V,„•> t. J t. U..1 W!,.'»JU'WW-VW. The Liberty Loan GERMAN ALIEN ENEMIES LOOK FOR TUSSOCK MOTHS Lieut. J. W. Hassler, Changes of Place of Residence Must LIBERTY LOAN ROLL OF HONOR This Deadly Enemy of Shade Trees Threatens Ravage Campaign is On Be Reported Those who up until noon Wednesday, have subscribed for M. D., is Acquitted Liberty Loan Bonds through the Women’s Committee of Belmar" Regulations of the Federal govern­ are as follows: , ✓ Every shade tree interest is warn­ BELMAR IS RESPONDING NOBLY ment require that a German alien ed that with the coming of Warm FINDINGS SUBMITTED TO HEAD­ TO ITS PATRIOTIC DUTY. enemy—meaning any unnaturalized Abbott, Leon. Miller, Grace A. , weather the shade trees in parts of QUARTERS FOR REVIEW German—changing his place of resi­ 1 Allen, Myra Michelsohn, Eva. New Jersey are in danger of being Subscriptions Toward the Borough's dence to another place within the Avery, Marie L. Michelsohn, Ethel. defoliated by a caterpillar pest. The Prosecution Fails to Prove Avery, Ledyard Jr. Michelsohn, Ruth. Quota of §65,800 Very Satisfactory same registration district shall im­ pest is the “tussock moth,” and the Its Charges in Mock Court mediately report the fact to theregis- Barney, Blanchard Mihlon, Frank eggs from which the caterpillars will to the Committee. Martial Trial. tration officer and present his resis- Barrows, David Moore, M. Estelle. hatch are now on the trees, or on tration card for the purpose of hav­ Barrows, John Alden. Moyer, Camilla R. adjacent structures, in flat white or The third Liberty Loan drive is on The trial of 1st Lieut. J. Wyllis ing the change endorsed upon it. Bartley, Pierce S. Moyer, James & I greyish masses each about one-lialf and Belmar is wide awake to its pa­ Hassler, M. D,, was held in Borough A German alien enemy who Bearmore, Jerry. Moyer, Albert W. 3C | inch wide by three-quarters of an triotic duty of raising its quota of hall Monday evening before a Mock wishes to remove to another district Bloonisburg, Mrs. George Mortimer, Jos. inch long. $65,800 tow ard the three billions of General Court-Maytial convened for msut first-obtain a permit from the Brice, Geo. W. Newman, Emily R. Seventy towns have been visited dollars which the government asks that purpose. Over 100 spectators registration officer of the district Brown. Garrett L. Newman, Frank A. by the State Entomologist and his for to help carry on the light for were present. The trial w’as a re­ in which he is living, mak­ Bunin, Philip Newman, Oscar. assistants, eggs have been collected, wrorld-liberty. sult of a series of events which ing application on a prescribed Carter, Paul H. Newman, Buth A. and by a test, found to be capable The local committee is vigorously occurred on February 11, and form and presenting his regis­ Combs, Geo. H. Philbrick, Mary M. of producing caterpillars. Condi­ pursuing its task and that repre­ charges were prepared by Battalion tration card for endorsement. Cooper, Mrs. A. P. Philbrick, Sarah R. tions are not uniform throughout the senting the Women’s Defense League Surgeon Capt. Fred V. Thompson, Any change of residence in viola­ Dillon, Mary D. Biehl, Doris M. State, but viable eggs are sufficiently senting the Women’s Defence League M. D., under the following twelve tion of these regulations will subject Erving, Frank. Riehl, Theodore A. general to make action necessary. is particularly active under the lead­ articles of war: the alien enemy to arrest and im­ Galluccio Paul. Rogers, George E. The caterpillars may be expected ership of Mrs. A. W. Moyer. Busy Art. 61—Absence without leave. prisonment for the period of the Gaskin, Fannie. Rosenfield, Myers. X j to hatch in May and to begin their wives and young women are finding Art. 63—Disrespect tow ards su­ war. G arrabrant, John N. Ryan, Olivia. §■ j foliage feeding at once. When fully time to spare from their household perior officer. The registration officers who serv­ Haberstick, Charles. Rosenfield, Samuel || [ grown the caterpillar has a bright duties and giving up social matters Art. 66—Mutiny or sedition. ed at the original registration will Harris, Frank. Sack, W. A. red 'head, long pencils of hair for the work of soliciting subscrip­ Art. 68—Quarrels, frays or dis­ Herbert, Raymond Schnulk, Peter N. fore and aft, and stubby brushes of continue to act in that capacity in orders. tions. The Belmar branch of the Herbermann, Mrs. Agnes Siemon, Wm. F. yellow' hair on Ihe back. The gener- cases of change of residence. Art. 85—Drunk on duty. league has attractive booths at the ----------------- Honce, Jennie DuBois. Sievers, Frank C. '& al color is yellow with a black strioe Art. 90—Provoking speeches or First National bank, the post-office Jennison, Martha D. Sexsmith, Edward A. on the back. SPLENDID REVIVAL CAMPAIGN gestures. and the A. & P. store and the mem­ Kraenzlein, Alvin C. Santopolo, Frank £ The caterpillars become fully bers of the committee take turns al Art. 93—Various crimes. Evangelist John E. Brown closed Kraenzlein, Claudine Stines, Clarence R. | grown toward tbe end of June and being at the booths to give informa­ Art. 94—Frauds against the Gov­ a series of revival meetings in the Leader, Lewis J. Swain, Emma M. spin their cocoons on thc tree trunks tion regarding the bonds and to take ernment. Twelfth avenue Baptist church on Ledden, W. Earl. Titus, Geo. G. and branches, or on fences and subscriptions. Besides Mrs. Moyer Art. 95—Conduct unbecoming an Monday night, the last night being Lewis, Flora. , Thompson, E. Kathrine it houses. In July the moths emerge the committee consists of Mrs. Led- officer and gentleman. used by him in a story of his life. McGregor, Austin H. Traub, Issac § i from the cocoons and the egg masses yard Avery, Mrs. Philip Heller, Mrs. Art. 96—General article. The telling was exceedingly interest­ McGregor, Dorothy Vowles, Emma. £ are laid. Some of the eggs hatch G. W. Swain,, Mrs. Kate Sherwood, Art. 75—Misbehavior before the ing and wras a cap sheaf to all his Miller, Neil H. White, Charles ! and there is a partial second brood. Mrs. Theodore Biehl, Mrs. Samuel enemy. other discourses. Large audiences Miller, Sadie J. White, Emma C. 3>-1 Wherever possible the egg masses Michelsohn, Mrs. C. B. Honce, Mrs. Art. 81—Relieving, corresponding attended all the meetings, Sunday ’> should be gathered and burned be- E. J. Lyman and Miss M. Estelle The Third Liberty Loan may be paid for in three ways—5 with, or aiding the enemy. evenings the church* always being !<| J tween now and the first of May. It Moore, who are being assisted by a per cent, cash with subscription, balance on or before May 6th, After a very spirited and hotly filled. Many who are not in the hab­ is advised that the boys and girls of score or more of young ladies. 1918; or 5 per cent, cash with subscription, 20 per cent, on May contested trial the following verdict it of going to church dropped in ^ each community be set to work to There has been subscribed through 28th, 35 per cent, on July 18th, 40 per cent, on August 15th; or was rendered: early in .the meetings and continued £ i,save the trees from the threatened the women’s committee a very sat­ The First National Bank of Belmar will help you by accepting “Not guilty on all charges, but to go, expressing themselves as high­ ji: ] attack. Competitions and prizes will isfactory amount, but the figures payments of one dollar a week until the bond is fully paid for. recommended that a Psycho-Neuro- ly pleased w ith the evangelist. Mr. be helpful. Local instructors should have not been made public because Surely with terms as liberal as the above every one of us Mental Commission be appointed,to Browm won a warm place in the re­ ■;;; show howto identify theegg masses; of thc request of Secretary McAdoo can buy one or more bonds. exhaustively ^investigate the condi­ spect of Belmar people and when he Booths for your convenience in subscribing for the Liberty if specimens are needed they will that such statements be reserved for tion of the accused.” visits here again he will be greeted X be furnished, upon request, by the the present. Elsewhere on this page Loan will be found in the post-office, The First National Bank, Futher recommended that the by a host of friends. As a result of J; State Entomologist, New Brunswick. is printed the names of those who and the A. & P. store. Tbe women who are so unselfishly giving testimony of Pvt. W. E'arl Ledden be the meetings several have signified a their time, will be glad to assist you in making out the necessary 'si1 If this procedure is not practical, have subscribed through this com­ referred to the Bishop of this district desire to unite w^ith the Baptist j;; preparation should be made to spray mittee. subscription blanks. for ecclestiastical investigation for church and about a dozen will be o or dust the foliage of infested trees It can be said that the total amount Every store in Belmar before noon on Saturday, April 6th, appropriate action.
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