Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report Final ERM GmbH Kinali – Tekirdag – Canakkale – Savastepe Siemensstr. 9, Neu-Isenburg Motorway Project: Germany, 63263 Malkara – Canakkale Section (including T: +49 6102 206 0 1915 Canakkale Bridge) F: +49 6102 206 202 [email protected] To: COK A.Ş. http://www.erm.com March 2018 The business of sustainability FINAL REPORT ERM GmbH Environmental Resources Management Kinali – Tekirdag – Canakkale – Savastepe Motorway Project: Malkara – Canakkale Section (including 1915 Canakkale Bridge) Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report Prepared for: COK A.S. ERM GmbH Neu-Isenburg March, 2018 Raimund Vogelsberger Dana Bratu Sitz der Gesellschaft: Neu-Isenburg Siemensstrasse 9 D-63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: +49 (0) 61 02/206-0 Fax.: +49 (0) 61 02/206-202 Name Name E-Mail: [email protected] http://www.erm.com Project Director Project Manager This report has been prepared by ERM GmbH (ERM) with all reasonable skill, care and Geschäftsführer diligence within the terms of the contract with the client, incorporating ERM’s General Graham Lane Jean-François Bolduc Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the manpower and resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. ERM disclaims any responsibility to the client Amtsgericht Offenbach and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above. This report is HRB 42108 confidential to the client and ERM accepts no responsibility of whatsoever nature to third parties whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies upon USt-IdNr. (VAT ID No.) the report at their own risk. DE248679829 Bankverbindungen Please remit to Commerzbank, Neu-Isenburg SWIFT: COBADEFF 504 IBAN DE24 5004 0000 0407 8788 00 Deutsche Bank, Darmstadt PROJECT NO. 0403910 SWIFT: DEUTDEFF 508 IBAN DE12 5087 0005 0210 0840 00 Mitglied der Environmental Resources Management Group Client Project No: 0403910 COK A.S. Kinali – Tekirdag – Canakkale – Savastepe Motorway Project: Malkara – Canakkale Section (including 1915 Canakkale Bridge) Date: 15 March 2018 Approved by: Raimund Vogelsberger, Partner in Charge: Summary and version history: Dana Bratu, Project Manager: Version Description By Checked Approved Date 0 Preliminary Draft – not for ERM DB RV October further distribution 2017 ACE ENCON 1 Draft v1 ERM DB RV November- December ACE 2017 2 Draft v2 ERM DB RV 22 January 2018 ACE 3 Draft v3 ERM DB RV 19 February 2018 ACE 4 Final ERM DB RV 15 March 2018 ACE DISCLAIMER: Distribution: This report has been prepared by ERM GmbH (ERM) ☐ Internal ERM Team with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of the Contract with the client, incorporating ☒ Client ERM’s General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the manpower and resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. ERM disclaims any ☐ Confidential responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above. This report is ☒ Public confidential to the client and ERM accepts no responsibility of whatsoever nature to third parties whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies upon the report at their own risk PROJECT NO. 0403910 FINAL MARCH 2018 CANAKKALE MOTORWAY ESIA, TURKEY 2 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION & CONTEXT 12 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT 12 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE ESIA REPORT 13 1.3 CONTEXT OF ALL DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE ESIA PACKAGE 13 1.4 OVERVIEW OF THE ESIA APPROACH 15 1.5 CLIENT 17 1.6 ESIA TEAM - ABOUT THE AUTHORS 18 1.7 NEXT STEPS IN THE ESIA PROCESS 18 2 THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 19 2.1 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT’S PARTIES 19 2.2 PROJECT AREA 24 2.3 PROJECT DESIGN 26 2.4 CONSTRUCTION 42 2.5 ASSOCIATED FACILITIES 77 2.6 OPERATIONS 81 2.7 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION 85 2.8 PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 87 2.9 EMBEDDED CONTROLS BY TURKISH EIA 99 3 SUMMARY OF STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT TO DATE 105 3.1 INTRODUCTION 105 3.2 PREVIOUS CONSULTATION ACTIVITIES IN 2016 105 3.3 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT DURING SCOPING 106 3.4 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT DURING ESIA PREPARATION 109 3.5 SUMMARY OF SCOPING FINDINGS 112 3.6 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT DURING DRAFT FINAL ESIA DISCLOSURE 115 4 ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 117 4.1 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 117 4.2 APPLICABLE TURKISH ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL LEGISLATION 119 4.3 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS 119 4.4 EIA PROCESS UNDER TURKISH EIA REGULATION 119 4.5 EXPROPRIATION PROCESS UNDER TURKISH EXPROPRIATION LAW 121 4.6 RESETTLEMENT PROCESS UNDER TURKISH RESETTLEMENT LAW 122 4.7 RELEVANT STANDARDS OF THE ESIA 122 5 ESIA METHODOLOGY 124 5.1 INTRODUCTION 124 5.2 OVERVIEW OF THE ESIA PROCESS 124 5.3 SCOPING 125 PROJECT NO. 0403910 FINAL MARCH 2018 CANAKKALE MOTORWAY ESIA, TURKEY 3 5.4 BASELINE STUDIES 125 5.5 ALTERNATIVES AND INTERACTION WITH PROJECT PLANNING AND DESIGN 126 5.6 IMPACT ASSESSMENT 126 6 SCOPE OF THE ESIA 133 6.1 SUMMARY OF SCOPING 133 6.2 APPROACH TO SCOPING 133 6.3 RESULTS OF THE SCOPING EXERCISE 136 7 IMPACTS DURING CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION 141 7.1 INTRODUCTION 141 7.2 RESOURCES AND WASTE 141 7.3 GEOLOGY, SOILS AND CONTAMINATED LAND 150 7.4 WATER ENVIRONMENT – TERRESTRIAL 173 7.5 WATER ENVIRONMENT – MARINE 193 7.6 BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION 216 7.7 AIR AND CLIMATE 246 7.8 NOISE AND VIBRATION 257 7.9 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL 269 7.10 SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT 273 7.11 DISPLACEMENT OF EXISTING LAND, USE, PROPERTY AND PEOPLE 289 7.12 LABOUR AND WORKING CONDITIONS 297 7.13 COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY 307 7.14 ARCHAEOLOGY AND BUILT HERITAGE 318 7.15 ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 323 8 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS 328 8.1 INTRODUCTION AND APPROACH 328 8.2 STEP 1 – DEFINING SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL BOUNDARIES 330 8.3 STEP 2 – IDENTIFICATION OF VECS AND SCREENING OF OTHER PROJECTS IN REGION 330 8.4 STEP 3 – DETERMINE PRESENT CONDITIONS OF THE VECS 342 8.5 STEP 4 & 5 & 6 – ASSESSMENT OF CUMULATIVE IMPACTS AND IDENTIFICATION OF MITIGATION MEASURES 342 8.6 CONCLUSION 351 PROJECT NO. 0403910 FINAL MARCH 2018 CANAKKALE MOTORWAY ESIA, TURKEY 4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS α Fisher’s alpha index µg/m³ Microgram per cubic meter µm Micron µS/cm Microsiemens/centimeter a Organism species number in sampling a AAD Annual Average Day AADT Annual average daily traffic AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AD Latin abbreviation for Anno Domini, referencing to the traditionally reckoned year of the birth of Jesus, with AD denoting years after the start of this epoch. ADR Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route AFS Anti-fouling systems on ships AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIS Automatic Identification Systems Al Aluminium ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable AoI Area of Influence As Arsen ASCI Area of Special Conservation Interest asl Above Sea Level AST Aboveground Storage Tank ASTM American Standard Society for Testing Material ATS Action Tracking System AWEMR Turkish Air Quality Assessment and Management Regulation b Organism species number in sampling b Ba Barium BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BC Before Christ bgl Below Ground Level bn Billion BOD Biological Oxygen Demand BOT Build, Operate and Transfer BP Before present BS British Standard BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene ºC Celsius c Organism species numer in sampling c CaCl2 Calcium chloride CAGR compound average growth rate Cat Category CBD Convention on Biodiversity CBR California Bearing Ratio cc Cubic centimetre CCTV Closed-circuit television Cd Cadmium CD Conservation Dependent CEFAS Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science CESMP Construction Environmental and Social Management Plan CFP Chance Finds Procedure CGDYY Regulation on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Noise CH Cultural Heritage PROJECT NO. 0403910 FINAL MARCH 2018 CANAKKALE MOTORWAY ESIA, TURKEY 5 CHMP Cultural Heritage Management Plan CHC Central Hunting Commission CIA Cumulative Impact Assessment CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CLAP Community Level Assistance Programme CLC Corine Land Cover CLO Community Liaison Officer cm centimetre CM Change Management CMP Construction Management Plan / Change Management Plan CNA Community Needs Assessment CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide COD Chemical Oxygen Demand COK A. Ş. Çanakkale Otoyol ve Köprüsü İnşaat Yatırım ve İşletme A.Ş. COLREG Conventions on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. CORINE Coordinated Information on the European Environment Cr Chrome CR Critically Endangered Cu Copper d Margalef index value dB(A) Decibel, A-weighted; unit of noise levels DA Decare (1,000 m2) DCMP Design Change Management Procedure DD Data Deficient DFBOM Design-Finance-Build-Operate-Maintain DLSYJV Daelim, Limak, SK EC, Yapı Merkezi Join Venture DMRB Design Manual for Roads and Bridges DO dissolved oxygen DSI Turkish State Hydraulic Institute DWT Deadweight Tonnage E East EAF East Anatolian Fault ERT Emergency Response Team EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Community EC Electrical conductivity ECB European CentralBank ECoW Ecological Clerk of Works EEA European Environmental Agency EEC European Economic Community eg or e.g. abbreviation of Latin 'exempli gratia', for example EHS Environment, Health and Safety Throughout this document EHS refers to Environmental, Health and Safety, Socio-economic and Cultural Heritage aspects. EHSC Environmental Health, Safety and Community EHSS Environmental, Health and Safety and Social EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIB European Investment Bank EMEP European Monitoring
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