SADRŽAJ CICONIA 21 Contents UVODNIK / EDITORIAL Vučković, Č., Manasijević, Z. & Jovanović, S. Nalazi ređih vrsta na ribnjaku kod Barande i u okolini tokom 2012. Andrej Sovinc Records of infrequent species on Baranda Fish Farm and its Red List as a conservation tool for protection of birds vicinity in 2012 . 57 Crvena lista kao oruđe za zaštitu ptica . 3 Stanković, B. RADOVI / PAPERS Prolećna seoba ptica 2012. u Ritu kod Jagodine Spring bird migration in 2012 in Rit near Jagodina . 59 Škorpíková, V., Prášek, V., Dostál, M., Bělka, T., Čamlík, G. & Hlaváč, V. Đorđević, I. & Vučanović, M. The Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala in Macedonia Čaplje govedarke Bubulcus ibis posmatrane na Labudovom oknu Sredozemna crnoglava grmuša Sylvia melanocephala u Makedoniji 5 Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis observed on Labudovo Okno . 59 Šćiban, M., Đorđević, I., Stanković, D., Ham, I., Dučić, N., Rudić, Šćiban, M., Đuranović, S., Radišić, D. & Rajković, D. B., Grujić, D., Sekereš, O., Manasijević, Z.,Rajković, D., Grubač, B. Nova kolonija sive čaplje Ardea cinerea na Dunavu kod Novog Sada & Balog, I. New colony of Grey Heron Ardea cinerea on the Danube near Novi Sad 60 Kolonije velikog vranca Phalacrocorax carbo u Srbiji 2012. Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo colonies in Serbia in 2012 11 Dučić, N. Gnežđenje sive čaplje Ardea cinerea na Limu kod Džurova Rajković, D. Breeding of Grey Heron Ardea cinerea on the Lim at Džurovo . 60 Veličina populacije, gustina i izbor mesta za gnežđenje sivog svračka Lanius minor u severozapadnoj Bačkoj Gergelj, J. Population size, density and nest site selection of Lesser Grey Shrike Gnežđenje mrke čaplje Ardea purpurea u mrtvaji Batka kod Ostojićeva Lanius minor in northwest Bačka . 20 Breeding of Purple Heron Ardea purpurea in the Batka oxbow near Ostojićevo . 61 Đorđević, I. Vinogradska strnadica Emberiza hortulana u jugoistočnom Banatu: Balog, I. & Šćiban, M. brojnost, distribucija i gnezdeća staništa Ražanj Plegadis falcinellus posmatran tokom gnezdećeg perioda na Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana in south-east Banat: numbers, ribnjaku „Bečej“ distribution and breeding habitats . 25 Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus observed during the breeding period on Bečej Fish Farm . 61 KRATKA SAOPŠTENJA / SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Vučković, V. Jato ražnjeva Plegadis falcinellus na Pešteru Vasić, V., Nikolić Antonijević, J. & Puhalo, S. Flock of Glossy Ibises Plegadis falcinellus on Pešter ........... 61 Rezultati dvanaestomesečnog posmatranja ptica na Krušavcu kod Bele Crkve u Banatu, sa dodatkom o pticama šireg područja Radaković, M. & Rudić, B. Results of twelve months of bird-watching at Krušavec near Posmatranja velikog labuda Cygnus cygnus na Zapadnoj Moravi Bela Crkva in Banat, with the addition on birds of the wider area 31 kod Kraljeva i Čačka Observations of Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus on Zapadna Morava Stanković, B. near Kraljevo and Čačak ............................... 62 Zimska brojnost detlića Piciformes i pevačica Passeriformes okoline Jagodine Stanković, N. & Rajković, D. Winter numbers of woodpeckers and passerines in the vicinity of Jagodina 43 Veliki labud Cygnus cygnus na Vlasinskom jezeru Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus on Vlasina Lake . 62 Jurinović, L., Šćiban, M., Fabijan, D. & Marković, A. Crni galeb Larus marinus ponovo pronađen u Srbiji Gergelj, J. Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus found again in Serbia . 48 Drugo potvrđeno gnežđenje šarene utve Tadorna tadorna u Vojvodini Ružić, M., Radišić, D., Popović, M. & Ralev, A. Second confirmed breeding of ShelduckTadorna tadorna in Vojvodina 63 Gnežđenje modrokosa Monticola solitarius u dolini Pčinje Janković, M., Novaković, B., Velevski, M. & Morin, D. Breeding of Blue Rock ThrushMonticola solitarius in Pčinja River Valley 50 Veliko jato šarene utve Tadorna tadorna na jezeru Rusanda Large flock of Common ShelducksTadorna tadorna on Rusanda Lake 63 ORNITOLOŠKE BELEŠKE / ORNITHOLOGICAL NOTES Agošton, A. & Gergelj, J. Bělka, T. & Škorpíková, V. Beloglavi sup Gyps fulvus kod Novog Kneževca Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglota breeds in Albania Griffon VultureGyps fulvus near Novi Kneževac . 64 Kratkokrili voljić gnezdi se u Albaniji . Hippolais polyglota 54 Đorđević, I. Hulo, I. Patuljasti orao Hieraaetus pennatus lovi golubove u gradu Zanimljivi nalazi ptica tokom 2012. u severnoj Bačkoj Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus hunts pigeons in the city . 64 Interesting bird records in north Bačka in 2012 . 55 Rajković, D. Mérő, T. O. & Žuljević, A. Zimska noćilišta poljske eje Circus cyaneus kod Stanišića u periodu New species for avifauna of Sombor 2008–2013. Nove vrste za avifaunu Sombora . 56 Winter roosting sites of Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus near Stanišić in the period between 2008 and 2013 . 65 Agošton, A. Zanimljiva posmatranja ptica tokom 2012. na ribnjaku kod Novog Rajković, D. & Ružić, M. Kneževca Posmatranje orla kliktaša Aquila pomarina kod Melenaca Interesting birds observed in 2012 on Novi Kneževac Fish Farm . 56 Observation of Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina near Melenci 66 2 2012 CICONIA 21 UVODNIK CICONIA 21 Editorial Puzović, S. Stanković, B. Posmatranje orla kliktaša Aquila pomarina kod Batajnice Verovatno gnežđenje običnog cvrčića Locustella luscinioides u Ritu kod Observation of Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina near Batajnica 66 Jagodine Red List as a conservation tool for protection of birds Rudić, B. Probable breeding of Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides at Rit near Orao kliktaš Aquila pomarina na Maljenu Jagodina . 75 Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina on Maljen Mt . 66 It is now widely known that biodiversity, the diversity of the li- mation for the assessment of their extinction risk is not adequate Stanojević, N. ving world and its habitats, is essential for human well-being and compose the third group. Species that are not evaluated against Ružić, M. Prvi nalaz planinskog popića Prunella collaris na Avali Prepelica Coturnix coturnix posmatrana u januaru u Novom Sadu cultural integrity. It is also known that extinctions of animal and the criteria are not shown on the IUCN Red List. Common Quail Coturnix coturnix observed in January in Novi Sad 66 The first record of Alpine AccentorPrunella collaris on Avala Mt . 75 plant species have been present throughout history. But the pro- The criteria for listing species into different categories (CE, E cess of extinction has never been faster than today; it is 1000 times and V)) are based on data on population reduction trends, their Spremo, N. Bjedov, V., Baković, D., Lazarević, P., Ajtić, R. & Sekulić, G. faster than ever in history. Scientists say that this amounts to the geographic ranges, and declining, restricted and small population Posmatranje velikog tetreba Tetrao urogallus u Mojstirskim šumama Španski vrabac Passer hispaniolensis u okolini Apatina sixth great extinction of life on Earth. At the opening of the Bi- quantitative analyses. Agreed numerical criteria make the differen- Observation of Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Mojstir Forests 67 Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis near Apatin . 76 odiversity Conference some years ago, Gro Harlem Brundtland, ces in listing the species into one of the above categories. Gergelj, J. Ružić, M. & Rajković, D. the Prime Minister of Norway, said: »The library of life is burning, In the last IUCN assessment of threatened species (2012), Delimično albino liska Fulica atra na ribnjaku kod Jazova Gnežđenje španskog vrapca Passer hispaniolensis u Sakulama and we don’t even know the titles of the books«. 1.313 bird species are considered threatened with extinction at a Partly albino Coot Fulica atra on Jazovo Fish Farm . 67 Breeding of Spanish Sparrows Passer hispaniolensis in Sakule . 76 The term »nature conservation« was invented only 125 years global level. In Europe, at least in the countries of the European Agošton, A. ago. Before the industrial revolution human presence and impact Union, slight improvements in the populations of forest bird spe- Ždralovi Grus grus u periodu gnežđenja kod Podlokanja i Čoke Vučanović, M. on nature was no bigger than of any other animal species. But cies have been reported recently, but the decline is still reported Crane Grus grus in the breeding period near Podlokanj and Čoka 68 Slučajevi gnežđenja španskog vrapca Passer hispaniolensis u južnom in the last decades, and especially after the Second World War, in, for example, farmland and wetland bird communities. Geo- Banatu human overpopulation and changes in lifestyle have drastically graphically small countries are often in a position when their na- Šimončik, S. & Radišić, D. Posmatranja morskog žalara Charadrius alexandrinus Cases of breeding of Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis in South reduced the extent of natural ecosystems. This leads to extincti- tionally important bird populations show little importance at a na Slanom Kopovu u periodu gnežđenja 2012. Banat . 77 on of species. Species extinction is a measure of biodiversity loss. global level. But the IUCN Red Data List is just a baseline for the Observations of Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, prepared under the preparation of national or even local red lists. on Slano Kopovo during the breeding period in 2012 . 68 Radeka, D. & Radeka, B. leadership of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN – Inter- There are several examples demonstrating success or im- Španski vrabac Passer hispaniolensis tokom zime u Vršcu national Union for Conservation of Nature, is a global assessment provement of the conservation status for
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