Agenda Bar Harbor Town Council August 5, 2014 CALL TO ORDER—7: 00 p.m. —Town Council Chambers A. Excused Absence( s)— Councilor Friedmann II. COMMITTEE NOMINATION—Application of Kenneth Smith for considera- tion as a nominee to the Acadia National Park Advisory Commission for a term expiring September 2017. Appointment is made by the Secretary of the U.S. De- partment of the Interior. III. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD— The Town Council allows public comment during the discussion of any item shown on the agenda, except Executive Session items. Up to fifteen minutes of open public comment on any subject not on the agenda will be allowed at this time. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. July 15, 2014— Regular Meeting B. July 31, 2014— Special Meeting V. ADOPTION OF AGENDA VI. CONSENT AGENDA—A single vote has been scheduled to approve the fol- lowing routine items of business without discussion, unless individual agenda item action is requested by a Councilor: A. Certification of Property Owners and Abutters Mailing List Possible passage of a motion to sign the certification of the mailing list used for the notice of the Town Council' s August 5, 2014 public hearing on the Land Use Ordinance Rewrite for November 2014. B. Maine Municipal Association— Possible passage of a motion to vote the slate of candidates proposed by the MMA Nominating Committee and au- thorize the Town Clerk to sign and return the ballot. C. Water & Sewer Fee Commitment—Possible action to commit the water and sewer fees to the Town Treasurer for collection. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Special Amusement Permit: Choco-Latte, 240 Main Street, request for a Class 3, three or more musicians without mechanical amplification. (NEW) B. Deer Herd Control Task Force- 1. Public comments on proposed Deer Herd Management Strategy Plan 8/1/ 2014 at 10: 55: 16 AM Bar Harbor Town Council August 5, 2014 Page 2 2. Review of draft Order, if considering placing Deer Herd Manage- ment plan on the Special Town Warrant for November 4, 2014. C. Land Use Ordinance Rewrite & Repeal— Public hearing on and possible action to accept or reject final amendment for the November 4, 2014 Spe- cial Town Meeting Warrant. D. Parks & Recreation Committee— Possible adoption of an amendment of Chapter 31, Boards and Committees, to create a seat designated for a YMCA representative, who may or may not be a resident. E. General Assistance: 1. Repeal and Replace General Assistance Ordinance, Chapter 102 of the Town Code, except the Appendixes. 2. Possible adoption of Appendix A, Overall Maximum Benefit Levels, of Chapter 102, General Assistance Ordinance. VIII. REGULAR BUSINESS: A. Treasurer' s Warrant—Request of Treasurer to authorize paid bills. IX. TOWN MANAGER' S COMMENTS X. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT AGENDA XI. EXECUTIVE SESSION: ( None Anticipated) XII. ADJOURNMENT In order to assure your full participation in this meeting, we would appreciate you informing us of any special requirements you might have due to a disability. Please call 288- 4098 8/ 1/ 2014 at 10: 55. 16 AM APPLICATION TO SERVE ON BOARDS a AND COMMITTEES TOWN OF BAR HARBOR, MAINE Last First Initial Town Council respectfully requests that all information is thoroughly completed to provide adequate information for full consideration, including when re- applying. applications may impede consideration. LOCATION OF RESIDENCE: 2R/Je #/9, O' MAILING ADDRESS: / 9 Sae v6ekiW - BUSINESS ADDRESS : / c , vVe6r 6/eee7 7in? BUSINESS PHONE: 2Sg —3 HOME PHONE: 2.fie 51 6: A I 42.( 7n1L' C& 7FAX NUMBER: 2. 0297: E- MAIL ADDRESS: 454 3/ 56 - NUMBER OF MONTHS/ YEARS RESIDENCE IN BAR HARBOR ea. / e- OCCUPATION: a W/VE e.- S77/ 9XEZ/', . A/ M-AJO. hie US C _k'Ir) Please check off: (1) First Application or O Re- applying Interested in serving on the following Board/ Committee: Board of Appeals Planning Board Design Review Board Conservation Comm. Housing Authority Parking & Traffic Harbor Committee Marine Resource Comm. '' ,, Parks & Rec. Comm. Other i _i. ' A AL /SDgy O vm. EDUCATION: V)DS h/,6# 5 ,92 j 51r7 dode. Co/% cam PREVIOUS BAR HARBOR BOARDS OR COMMITTEES SERVED: 9 / 9n6 276/77- - Year ( s) Year ( s) When was the last timp you ttended a meeting of the board for which you applied? Have you read the enabling ordinance? AIM Will you commit to attending at least 75% of the meetings? Will you commit to attending the required Ethics Training? A'S Will you be available to attend the Council meeting discussin,% appointment ( s) to answer any questions? 1 RECEIVEDR Revision 08/ 04/ 2009 AUG 01 2014 Town of Bar Harbor Manager/ Clerk's Office QIncomplete OTHER RELEVANT WORK/ VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE: Organization Address Position Year A-CAMP rir L . Please provide a brief statement indicating why you are interested in serving/ or renewing your service on this committee. J'— STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS : Please provide a brief statement indicating why you feel you are qualified or what you would like to offer to be considered for the appointment . Attach another sheet if you like. i- atAkuTAT _PP\ rf/ Signa ure Date 2 Revision 08/ 04/ 2009 Attachment 1 Work and Volunteer Experience- Kenneth E. Smith Former Member of Bar Harbor Town Council and former Chairman- 21 years Former Member of Bar Harbor Warrant Committee Former Member of Bar Harbor Parking Committee Former Director of Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce Former Director Bar Harbor Water Company Town of Bar Harbor Charter Review Committee 2008- 2009 Acadia National Park Advisory Committee Member 1987- 1994 Current member of Bar Harbor Cruise Ship Committee Current Commissioner Bar Harbor Housing Authority 40 Year Member of Mount Desert Island Rotary Club and Past President Member Anah Temple Shrine Member Bar Harbor Masonic Lodge Owner- Innkeeper Manor House Inn, Bar Harbor- 2003 to present Current Director Bar Harbor Bank and Trust Previous Owner— Innkeeper Wonder View Inn, Bar Harbor First National Bank of Bar Harbor— Branch Manager Southwest Harbor Attachment II Interest Statement— Kenneth E. Smith 1987— 1994. I served on the first Acadia National Park Advisory Committee for several years, I was also a Councilor for the Town of Bar Harbor during the time when the Park Boundary Bill was negotiated and passed and was very active during the process. Acadia is a unique National Park as it resides within the boundaries of several Island towns. Representatives of all of the communities and the National Park must establish and maintain a relationship and work together for the best interests of all. I would like the opportunity to represent Bar Harbor' s interests while being sensitive to the needs of Acadia National Park. Attachment III Statement of Qualifications— Kenneth E. Smith See Attachments I and II... I am a lifelong resident of the Town of Bar Harbor and have many years of service to the town through participation in local boards and committees. I care deeply for our community and this Island. I feel strongly that we must maintain a strong and cordial working relationship with Acadia National Park as they are our backyard neighbors and are an important component to the success of our local economy. We must work together as we find the balance that suits all parties. Minutes Bar Harbor Town Council July 15, 2014 I. CALL TO ORDER—7: 00 p.m. —In attendance were Councilors: Paul Paradis, Gary Friedmann, David Bowden, Anne Greenlee, Peter St. Germain, Burt Barker; and Interim Town Manager Jim Ashe. A. Excused Absence( s)— Mr. Bowden, with second by Ms. Greenlee, moved to excuse Councilor Clark Stivers as provided by Town Charter section C- 12. B( 1)( d). Motion passed 6- 0. II. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS—Application ofRonald J. Wrobel, IIIfor appointment to the Bar Harbor Housing Authority for a term expiring June 2019. Mr. Bowden nominated Ronald Wrobel, III to the Housing Authority for a term expiring June 2019. There being no further nominations, by unanimous vote, Ronald Wrobel, III was appointed as stated. III. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD— The Town Council allows at this time up to fifteen minutes ofpublic comment on any subject not on the agenda with a maxi- Michael Goode in support of no action to con- mum of three minutes per person. — trol the deer population shared photographs of healthy deer, commented that coy- otes are taking care of the deer herd, and that vehicle drivers need to be more at- tentive to avoid accidents. Before a deer herd management plan is considered, he would like to see scientific data from Acadia National Park and the College of the Atlantic that the deer population is in crisis. Ms. Whitney, who is also supportive of no action to the deer population, read a section of the State statute prohibiting the baiting of deer. She questioned why al- low killing of coyotes when they are a natural predators of deer. State Representative Brian Hubbell expressed his disappointment for the inability to move through the bond issue for the ferry terminal. He will continue to make an effort to keep it moving. Bruce Van Note of MDOT thought they may find funds for the ferry terminal. Since it is generally known in Augusta of the recent changes in Bar Harbor, Mr. Hubbell suggested that town officials make it known in Augusta that the town is still interested. Matt Hockman gave thanks for the clarification on the public comment period and when the public can speak up. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. June 24, 2014 Special Meeting—Ms. Greenlee, with second by Mr. St. Germain, moved to approve the minutes of June 24, 2014 as present. Mo- tion passed 6- 0. 7/ 30/2014 at 1: 09: 06 PM Page 2 Bar Harbor Town Council July 15, 2014 B.
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