'TIL 9 Second C5<es Postate Paid TEN CENTS,- R&DAY, APRIL 13, 1967, t^S, Kew Jemy 07016 3 Sections, 20 Pages Gutting Session Limited MncetaPerimt In Response io Public Demand epai?titient t o Blares Summer Because of public demand^the Upper and Lower Summer Schools will', be conducted this year.by township will conduct a Jj-Ufnited" the Cranford public school system, it was announced yesterday by Dr. spring clean up of. gja-rBeri refuse Clark W. McDermith, superintendent of schools. ; ' Township Action Establishesover the next threj^ef four weeks. Mayor Edwardj^f'Gill announced 'The Board of Education-voted informally „last Thursday evening Under terms of tUthe Upper and Lower Summer Tuesday ijigmT The mayor pnev-i- v at a workshop "meeting to continue"^-"- ~ ""•«"• 'anH -T.nwor S Schools with-the same- programs Tax Foreclosure Precedent bfrti announced that-^lhe nance introduced and.passed as last yearear. ThThee board was con- New law in tax foreclosure and refpreclosure cas.es was made sg jclcanup had been^biTndoned on first reading-Tuesday night sidering,. discontinuindiscontinuig . the sum-recently when the Appellate Division of the Superior Court affirme ' is year as an economy measure. Permanent Pumpingrjstauonby Township' Committee, ap- 768 't•thh e judgment "oof the Chancery Division in sustaining the action of-i£ff He said the cleanup will be con- Flan Meeting mer school to reduce the 1967-68 e ducted by public works depart- pointees 'to the police depart;/" school budget,"as required by thetownship in refusing^fc'rmij: Community Investment .Civ t<v* ideem ment trucks "as timje permits." Planned for Normf0ie Park ment would not hereafter;-be $73,300 cut made by the Township Of Retailers .two: Vacant and unimproved lots in The Ifltswere in- The mayor stressed, that only /*._,. reservoir and permanent, pumping station at Kensington Ave: required, to be residents of Committee .following the budget's rcforeclo'sure garden refuse such as leavps^clip- double defeat at the hands of. tbe nd Riverside Dr.; designed by Township Engineer P. J . Grail, have been Cranford. Public hearing will; fluted by the town- pings and the like, ..placed at the pproved by Township Committee and construction is expected to getbe, April 25.- On Projects voters. curb in containers no larger than The board decided not t o provide underway Soon, Public Works Commissioner:Malcolm SrPringle re- Public Safety Commissioner • • Plans for a meeting of represen- Donald R. bushel baskets, -will be collected. second telephone lines to all ele- ported at-Tuesday night's meeting.of'the"governing body. , Charles O. Siegfried explained .. tatives .of all retail-'businesses in Township Under no circumstances, he assert- that the state, last .year approved Cranford . were formulated", at a mentary schools and. thereby re- ed, 'will rocks, tree stumps, old Of concrete block construction, " duce the budget by $1,500. In addi- Committee Tuesday night that.it is he reservoir will be 6 feet deep, legislation to' make the ' change V breakfast meeting of the board of last minutej furniture, old appliances and the permissible" "and, that many Union : ' • • directors of the. Cranford Chamber tion,' the total was cut $8,000 by 8 feet wide, and .58.feet long and. Panel to Discuss correcting a double listing of sala- heir-hunters-, who like be removed- Disposal of this County communities already have of Commerce Tuesday, "morning-at actual owners, of the matertjaLwill- be the responsibility, will run parallel to the dike at ries for matrons. These reductions, the lowest point of the township's appointed patrolmen from outside the New, Jersey Bell Telephone Co. time the notice of of the property owner, he stated Business Center * their boundaries. He noted that 1 plus cuts made several weeks ago . accounting- center.- ". Date -and place Mayor .Gill said a . tour of the storm sewer system. It will be com- to be eligible, ,-a patrolman is re- , total $38,800. ' ••. ' • / . ' i,..,v, - or reforeclbs- pletely covered. • Progress, Goals of the session will be annoy need •jure is puhlished, are. not" entitletl township last, weekend indicated quired to reside within close prox- To reach the total 6f $73,300, the The reSeryoir will • contain a A panel of Mayor Edward K. later. to redeem- scavengers are doing a good job o' imity to Granfdrd and to take up . - Viee-President 'Herbert Ma-son.,, board decided to anticipate as re- 4.-:inch submersible pump which Gill, Publif Affairs Commissioner residence in Cranford within a venue aiv 'anticipated balance of Community Investment Co. pb-collecting much of the garden' re- chairman of- the retail division, -,.__ ..deed from- the son of a fuse." The" new sanitary code, .he will -start operating automatically •year after his appointment.'• $34,500 in.the teachers i as soon as the "depth of'tht water H. Raymond. Kirwan and Planning reported a' number of projects of 1 prior owner subsequent to the'in- rioted, requires 'scavengers to re- a Chairman Howard M. Siegel ", Referred to committee of the . vital interest to retailers will be count. These—funds resujt^lrom in the.reservoir reaches a depth of : teachers leaving the stitution of the reforeclosure: pro- move grass clippings .an.d leaves ir whole for'Study, was a recommen- discussed. He told of the enthus- m during 12 inches, Commissioner Pringle will conduct a forum On. current, the current schooL-^ear and the ceeding and claimed ownership of limited quantities; providing they dation* from the Bbard of'-Adjust-. iastic cooperation received to the stated. A, warning light also will progress and goals for the revitali- rnent that the ,application of the _ salaries for t h e i r replacements be- the lots involved in the litigation. are placed in containers. The toil •Thursday night"shopping campaign The reforeclosure proceeding, indicated, however, that 'there i be'flashed, at police headquarters tation of the business center at a American Legion Holding Com- ing less. ^ ' and the township engineer will be inaugurated recently. ,.-.. Creig'hton explained, was some material which is beyond th meeting, of the Cranford Republi- pany be denied a vaFianiee to per- j f "P. BiunnOj board presi- merely to correct what a,title com- alerted of a possible flooding prob-. mit construction of -an apartment President Isidbr Gross, who pre- scope of the scavengers/'. can Club .in the community room sidedo.v.^..,, "reported.-,. , on activities of seV•v ddeptf'said the amount in this ac- pany- considered to be a possible The mayor said he expects al lem. on the site*of the present'Casino. eral 'cha'mbers' which he visited-Wunt when the budget was de- irregularity in the original fore- If additional pumping capacity is of the Municipal Building at 8:3.0* . Kenneth A. McGrath, 3 Norman- durine a recent bu.siness^>tEi'p•,]vi&oped in..December was very scavengers to continue to cooper during a closure action, the prior owner ate as they have in the past an requireM for emergencies', two Tuesday. -die PI., urged the "governing "body ' These- will be small He said that if the board] did' not intervene in either the truck-mounted pumps can be added p.m. to,•'disregard- the zoning, board's through the West. did not anticipate this surplus as CAMPBELL that the additional effort by th announcing the program, explored by committees"and at fu- original foreclosure'or in the re- to ^he reservoir, Commissioner In recommendation and grant the per-> .revenue for the 1967-68 . school I public works .department will as Mayor AVesley. N. Philo, ture, board meetings". foreclosure 'aiid' no one had shown sist in removing all garden debris Prinftle explained. bfmer mit for "this desirable small re- Charles M-: .Ra'y, publisher of the budget it would go into surplus for the slightest interest in the pro- Delivery of a new 10-inch diesel- club president, noted; that a con-sidential apartment." He- noted the 1968-69 budget. '; "If it should be necessary, to re—) /Citizen and'ChroniCle, was'named Cranford Man perty for more than 45 years until operated pump is expected this certed effort is under way .by both that 100 percent offrstreet park- The school 'board previously re- moVe bushes, small trees- and the : a director of the chamber o t o fill a Community Investment Co: canie week. An older -8-inch pump " municipal officials and public spir- ing is provided and that.83 percent duced the budget by $29,300, in- like, homeowners are requested to of the block in which the property vacancy. on the scene at the last moment. securely tie this material and now. being rebuilt at a cost " -' "Boris Bergen, past president and cluding $17,700 for a key punch Wins Sloan The court held that Community $1,000 to bring it to peak operat- ited citizens for improved facilities is: located, presently is occupied by operator and- administrative assist- place it' at the curb," the mayor in the town center. -J-hairman nf the Vhamhpr's central Co—cmilfl not added.. ing capacity. Commissioner Pringle large apartment buildfnfls.—The ant to help obtain additional feder- other apartrrie'nts, he pointed out,. ..-«' business area revitalization com- Fell because it had no interest in the Public -.-Safejty Commissioner noted that ,with flie two pumps tr "The center $f Cranford JSftectsr mittee, reported on recent activi- al aid, and the rental of IBM equip- au operation, the township will have to a great extent, on the commun-. provide much less off-street park- ment, and $11,600 for a . summer David H.,,'.. Campbell . of 422 Man-".. jI lot"^s °\u"at th e I'""time Vthue Vlownshi v,-p *-'filedi -ACharges G.
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