©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at Andrias 20 (2014): 153-173, 4 Abb.; Karlsruhe, 1.12.2014 153 New records of stilt bugs (Insecta, Heteroptera, Berytidae) from the Afrotropical region, with dis- tributional and ecological notes* CARSTEN MORKEL & DAWI D H. JA C OBS Abstract Introduction Additional information on the distribution of eleven spe- Stilt bugs (Berytidae) are a small group within the cies of stilt bugs (Heteroptera, Berytidae) from the Afro- pentatomomorphan Heteroptera, with less than tropical region is reported and discussed with respect to 200 species described so far (CAI & BU 2011, the major biomes of Africa. For some species, remarks on ecology, identification and taxonomy are included. CAI et al. 2011, 2013a, b, DELLAPE & CARPINTERO New country records are indicated for Gampsoacantha 2007, HENRY 2007, HENRY & FROES ch NER 1998, pumilio, Gampsocoris africanus cornutus, Micrometa- 2000). The Berytidae are widely distributed in all canthus trichoferus, Cametanthus madagascariensis, zoogeographic regions, with 39 species reported Metacanthus microphthalmus, M. mollis, M. nitidus, from the Afrotropical Region (HENRY & FROES ch - Neostusakia picticornis and Yemma gracilis. NER 1998). Distributional data on Afrotropical Berytidae are available only from few publications Keywords: Heteroptera, Berytidae, Afrotropical Re- which are concomitant covering descriptions of gion, distribution, ecology new species in many cases. A review of stilt bug Kurzfassung material from different sources is presented and Neue Nachweise von Stelzenwanzen (Insecta, discussed in this paper, adding new information Heteroptera, Berytidae) aus dem tropischen Afrika to the distribution of several African species. mit Anmerkungen zu Verbreitung und Ökologie Für elf Arten afrotropischer Stelzenwanzen (Heteropte- Material and Methods ra: Berytidae) wird die aktuell bekannte Verbreitung un- Afrotropical stilt bug specimens were reviewed ter Berücksichtigung neuer Funddaten dargestellt. Für from – and are deposited in – the following col- neun Arten werden Erstnachweise aus insgesamt acht lections: CMCB: CARSTEN MORKEL private collec- Staaten gemeldet. Soweit vorliegend, werden Angaben tion, Beverungen, Germany; DHJS: D. H. JA C OBS zur Ökologie der Arten gemacht, in einigen Fällen wer- den ergänzend Hinweise zur Bestimmungsproblematik private collection, Pretoria, South Africa; MZLU: gegeben. Museum of Zoology, Lund, Sweden; NHMM: Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, Germany (collection H. GÜNT H ER ); SANC: National Collec- Authors tion of Insects, Pretoria, South Africa. Dr. CARSTEN MORKEL , Institute of Applied Entomology, Bartholomäusstr. 24, D-37688 Beverungen, Germany; Identification up to the generic level was perfor- E-Mail: [email protected] med using the re6sion of HENRY (1997). Species DAWI D H. JA C OBS , PhD, Department of Zoology and En- identification was done using the original and tomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002. South Africa; E-Mail: [email protected] / dawidhj@ subsequent descriptions in various papers (JO- mweb.co.za SI F OV & ŠTUSÁK 1987, LIN D BER G 1958, LINNAVUORI 1974, PÉRI C ART 1984 and ŠTUSÁK 1963, 1964, 1965a, 1965b, 1966, 1967c, 1976, 1987). The geographic coordinates of localities are given from the labels or on request from the collectors. Those not available were estimated as precisely * We are pleased to dedicate this paper to Dr. CH RIS - as possible using GoogleEarth, Natural Earth, TIAN RIE G ER , honoring his 70th birthday as well as his U.S. Geographical Survey and Exploring Africa, significant contributions and impact on Heteropteran and are given in square brackets (tab. 1). Publi- research. shed distributional data were taken from DUARTE ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at 154 Andrias 20 (2014) R O D RI G UES (1977), JOSI F OV & ŠTUSÁK (1987), LIN D - vegetational belt from the Atlantic Coast in West BER G (1958), LINNAVUORI (1973, 1974, 1986, 1988, Africa to the Indian Ocean in South Africa, inclu- 1989), LINNAVUORI & VAN HARTEN (1997), STÅL ding different savanna types ranging from humid (1855, 1865) and ŠTUSÁK (1963, 1964, 1965a, to dry (fig. 1). 1965b, 1966, 1967a, 1967b, 1967c, 1968, 1977). Distributional maps were drawn utilizing geogra- Gampsocoris africanus cornutus ŠTUSÁK , 1966 phical, physical and political data provided by We report 78 (43 ) / 35 () specimens from West Natural Earth and United States Geographical Africa (The Gambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone; Survey, mapping of vegetation was generalized tab. 1). The species is recorded for the first time from Exploring Africa. from The Gambia and Sierra Leone. Although we report Gampsocoris africanus cor- Results nutus, based on the postocular part of the head We provide information derived from 548 speci- being constantly rusty yellow in our material, we mens (tab. 1) belonging to eleven species, which question the validity of this subspecies. The se- are listed in systematic order following the classi- ries from Gambia and Senegal show large varia- fication proposed by HENRY (1997). tion in the length of the anterolateral pronotal spines, ranging from equal to twice the interocu- Subfamily Gampsocorinae lar distance. Also, the first antennal segment is Gampsoacantha pumilio JOSI F OV & ŠTUSÁK , 1987 regularly covered with brown faded spots, whi- The species is recorded for the first time from le the femoral spots show a large variation in The Gambia (1 () and South Africa (73 speci- size and color between black and brown. ŠTUSÁK mens from Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga (1968) already mentions an “intermediate” male province) (tab. 1). specimen between G. africanus africanus and G. The specimens from South Africa are provisional- africanus cornutus from Ghana, but published it ly identified asGampsoacantha pumilio but differ as the subspecies africanus. somewhat from the original description. They Based on the known records, the distribution resemble G. pumilio in the hairs present on the area of G. africanus is limited to the humid savan- head and pronotum, in the size of the base of na ecozone, extending from the Atlantic Coast in the median spine of the collar, in the coloration of West Africa to Central Africa (fig. 1). the legs, and the length of the hemelytra but the size, height and coloration of the lateral posteri- Micrometacanthus trichoferus LIN D BER G , 1958 or pronotal spines appear more like the descrip- The species is recorded for the first time from tion of G. beroni. The comparative lengths of the Botswana and South Africa (tab. 1). anterior and posterior pronotal lobes are inter- So far, only the two type specimens from the mediate. [Gampsoacantha beroni is only known Cape Verdes were known (fig. 2). Our material from its type series from Mozambique, which is, comprises 181 specimens from various localities according to JOSI F OV & ŠTUSÁK (1987), “collected in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the Limpopo pro- in moist habitats on halophilous grasses which vince in South Africa as well as from Botswana. grow on flat shores of salt lakes, not too far from Micrometacanthus trichoferus seems also to be the coast”.] a fairly common species that is overlooked be- Gampsoacantha pumilio seems fairly common cause of its small size. but often overlooked because of its small size. LIN D BER G (1958) reported the species to be collec- The species is widespread in the savanna and ted at the ground among dry grass and herb ve- grassland biomes in South Africa and seems to getation. In South Africa most of the specimens be associated with grasses. Several specimens were collected in urban areas from swimming have been collected in urban areas of Pretoria pools in which they have fallen (140 specimens and it is likely that the species lives and breeds on at the second author´s home in Menlo Park, Pre- some of the grasses that are cultivated as lawns. toria), often together with G. pumilio. It is likewise In the urban areas, all specimens were collected likely that they can live and breed on some of the from swimming pools in which they have fallen, grasses that are cultivated as lawns. In other are- whereas they have been collected by sweeping as they were mainly collected by sweeping grass and vacuuming in other areas. and shrubs. Based on our records, the known distribution Due to the known records we expect M. tricho- area of G. pumilio encompasses the savanna ferus showing a distributional pattern similar to ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at MORKEL & JA C OBS : New records of stilt bugs from Africa 155 Figure 1. Distribution of Gampsoacantha pumilio and Gampsocoris africanus cornutus. Fotos: G. STRAUSS . ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter www.zobodat.at 156 Andrias 20 (2014) Gampsoacantha pumilio, ranging from West to Representatives of C. malacaipa were already South Africa and including at least different types known from South Africa [“Ad Portum Natalen- of savanna and grassland. sem” (STÅL , 1855) and “Caffraria” (STÅL 1865) – Port Natal is now Durban in KwaZulu-Natal and Subfamily Metacanthinae Caffraria is part of the Eastern Cape province], Cametanthus madagascariensis ŠTUSÁK , 1967 Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo The species is recorded for the first time from (ŠTUSÁK 1964, 1965a, 1967b) (fig. 2). South Africa. We report four specimens (2 ) / 2 ()
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