THIRTEENTH YEAR. NO. 105. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, MAY J . I899.-EIGHT PAGES. ONE CBJIT LAWTON TAKES BALINAC. MAY MEETING HELD. NEW AMDSEMENT COMPANY CITIZENS WILL O P PO SE THE ANND41 INSPECTION Preachers Listened to Flno Essay By Granting of Liquor License for Place G« A. G enzraer Near West Grove. F o r R e n t OTIS REPORTS A VICTORY The May .meeting of the Monmonth Cleri­ ORGANIZES AND ELECTS OF­ Tho citizens of Neptune township, and es- SOLDIKKS WITHOUT RIFLES F O R R E N T - OTEK RKRELS. cal Union was held at the Evangelical Luth FICERS AND DIRECTORS. peciully the peoplo of ‘vVest'Grove and Brad­ OK UNIFORMS. eran ohuroB, this olty, on Monday after ley Park, are mucB Incenpod over tho appli­ . i noon. ' Tho memBers present listened to a cation for d license to fell liquor a t th€ for Second Conference Fruitless—Fili­ Tho Plans Adopted to Operate t G<'tnp<»ny A R «vt«w «il By C o lo n e l I), mer notorious resort known as “RoBBer’s One of the most desiraBle pinos Not Yet Ready fo Surrender, soholarly essay By Rev. G. A.Genzmer, pas L a rg e B u sin e ss E n te r p ris e — l*>taL’ H. Murpnv — Plliy-fijnr MemBers Roost,” situated on C^rlles avonue, aBout a 1F 0 UR (4) OF TH E MOST Enemy Said to Be Massine at St. tor of the ohurch, on tho suBject, “Artist llxhmoiit W ill EmBrace Flue New half mile west of W est Grove. Answered Hot I Oa' I— Appeared - Thomas — Llat of Americana In and Preacher.” Following is a Brief syn­ Swim m ing’Pool, Hot- and Cold 8*a’ In Civl I mi I)ro»P, WltB White The granting of this license. It is claimed stores on Mattison avenue. Imna*s Hands. opsis of the essay: W ater Bat hp^P«*rlorn. Etc Glov**fc. ^DESIRABLE STORES ON “A parallel Between preacher and artist would make a pest pla.e for »he respectaBle Washington, May 3.—l!hq following( Is By no nu^ns B a selu n m,ore fanciful an. The Empire ^musement company Is Ihe communities aBout it, and West Giove Tho annual muster and Inspection of Price right tyflesiraBle tenant. ca,B!egfamr from General Otis, datetJ aloaies, But has Been well defined as the latest and ono of the most important enter* would suffer more from it than if it were Company A, Third regiment, Now Jersey Manila, May 3, was received By the war- 'representation of the infinite la the finite. ’ prises launched npon the Business circles in In the town proper, for, out of tho way and National guard, took place at Educational ■MATTISON AVENUE. department shortly Before midnight It is the preacher’s office, to Interpret to hia this City. The incorporators o'f tho new under cover, the miBcBiovous and evil of all hall laat night. ABout 55 memBers of the Our list of yearly houses is last night: , , ‘ . company are Thomas J. Ryan of Philadel­ •'General Lawton's column,, -passing hearers the infinite, eternal and InvisiBle; to the town around would congregate there company were prosent in response to the i(V.' '< westward from Norzagaray, captured justify the ways of God to men. As a true phia, and William J. Cooperand Milan Ross and exert a Bad influence over the young notice issued By First Lieutenant JJH. complete.. If seeking a house Ballnag and villages in vicinity yester­ artist Behold0 pictures everywhere, so the qf AsBury Park, and the capital stock is Boys and men ia tho township. Ryno, who is at present iircommand outlie ■ APPLY tO • day) scattering and!**pursuing 1.G00 in ­ true preacher hears vsermons on all sides, $25,000, w ith f^OOO .liaid In. The am ount A remonstrance will Be circulated ne^t company. The Boys were attired in civilian surgent troops. His only casualties two and what either has perceived within he Is of stock to Bp ^Id is limited to $15,000, Sunday among alt theschurcheain the town­ dress and wore white gloves. let us give you particulars. wounded. Insurgent loss several killed, anxious to reproduce. The conscientious whloh will Bo;disposed of in Blocks of $500 ship far all persons to steh. The Inspecting officer w as Colonel D. B. large numBer' wounded and captured. artist regards his creative aotivlty as an each. Over half..this Btock has already A petition against- tfe granting of this Murphy. First Sergeant Joseph Cojte ; d . c . c o v e r t NumBers pot stated. Have opened com­ Been suBscriBed.'>*. license, to Be signed only By voters and called the roll, while Colonel Murphy made m unication w ith L aw ton via M alolos by, imperative duty and mourns nls InaBility A meeting of ihe .company was held last . .<#• ;’ c v • means of Hale’s troops and detach­ fully to realize his Ideal. So does the property holders, will Be at S. A. Hall’s note of the- aBsentees. T^e usual troutine ments from city."____ preacher. The Ideal of the latter is*6 BJy evening, at whichv time an organisation store, Corlies avenue, West Grove, this work of the inspecting offlo'sr was of course (Bond S t, near Cookman Ave. Writ; that of the former, nature. All see was effected as foUBws; evenlhg. aBandoned o^ing to tho fact that tte men MILAN ROSS AGENCY B alln ag Ib aBout * ten miles west of President—WUHAm J . Cooper; The people are urged tp arise en masse have neither uniforms- nor arms. The Norzagaray, at which point General nature and Scripture through their own Vice-PresideBt-TfG^orge A. Smock. against this invader of ihe prosperity and colonel, however* looked the men over very Lawton's column rested after his first eyes, and various as the children of men 208 Main Street. dish to the north from Manila. Reachr are their views of God’s works and words. Becretary apd ffrtasu rer-JT r A: Miller. happiness of Neptune township. carefully, and will make his report to the Ing Ballnag he is nine or ten milei “Borne sermons resemBle a song: others a DireoU)rs*-MU91f^to8S, Frank B. Conover, state military authorities accordingly. He Northeast of Calumplt and shuts off the conversation; others a Battle; the most Thomas J. Winckler, George A. Smock, DOWN GOES COLISEUM. expressed himself pleased with the general, Filipino retreat in that direction, which edlfjing recall the miraculous feeding in Adon Lippinoott, Miller, W .J. Cooper; appearance of the men and the interes* Monmouth Trust was one of the oBjects of his campaign. the desert. The new o^UJR^jjy has purchased the en­ Unsightly Structure to Give Way to manifested By them in the reorganization He is also close enough to General Mac- “Corresponding to the three principal di­ tire plant formerly control led By Thomas J, Business Places. of the state guard. AND----- Arthur'a main force to lend effective co­ Ryan at corner1 First and Ooean avenues, A large force of men are eng iged tearing The new equipments of the company will A8 BUBY PARK and OGSAN OROVB visions' of poel ry we h Ave eplo, Jyrlo and operation if the continuation of the consisting of * th e ielteotrlcal casino, Bio campaign against Aguinaldo Is , not dramatio sermons.' . doWn tBe ^ old Coliseum Building, corner includeithe regular army uniform, and the Hotel Bruniwtoic, made unnecessary By* an unconditional “Without oonstant studies from nature, graphs, and all .the -neoessary machinery Second avonue and Kingsley street, a move men will Be provided with tho la te st im­ Safe Deposit Company ( Railroad Depot and Filipino surrender. Ballnag has a pop­ artists and preachers allBfl.degenerate Into and equipment used In their operation The th a t is. very gratifying to all the residents proved Springfield rffles. The men were Iflll Bangs Avenue. u latio n o f 14,000. mannerisms, ruts and platitudes. Buildings a re n o ^ B^ing m wed to their new and property owners in that vicinity. The given to understand that these equipments ;Uonm«uth Building, AsBury Pari!., H. S. tPrincipal Office......818 Cookman Avknu* “Jn fact, all men are apt to generalize at location adjoining the Coopnr Building, oor­ Building has Been recognized as a nuisance would be provided By the state at an early Qoods Btoi d at reasonaBle rates, Tele] [one oonsection. ' SECOND CONFERENCE. the expense of Indivlduullzailons aud to re ner AsBury and Cookman avenues. and detrimental to property interests in date. ' * - - The eleotrloal caatno, when It reaches its that sect Ion ever since its erection several It was also hiuted during the evening CAPITAL, $100,000. rp. O. BOX 667, - - - ASBUBYPABK. Bnda Wltliont Definite Heault—ReB­ gard their fellows as mere lay jflgures. We el* MiimhIuk nt ~St. TUoiuan, most ever speak as man to man, and to do destination, w&i'front on Cookman avenue, years ago. In fact, there have Been num­ that Captain Jerome R. Muddell had ten­ SURPLUS, $25,000 and the faoe of the Building will Be that erous complaints made to the city council dered his resignation, and that the company Manila, May 3.—The second confer­ it we need nature studies. Study God and ence, held this morning, Between Major man. „ portion which formerly fronted on Fits.'. aBout It from time to time. The structure would f=oon Be at liBerty to select a uew Executes all trusts known to the law.
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