Mae Brussell Sprouts a Center Her Legacy of Research, services at a reasonable fee until the full Truth Seeking, and library can be catalogued and opened. Exposure Continues Computer and FAX networks and equip- ment will soon make it possible to transfer n rior to her death, Mae Brussell re- documents directly across the country. World Watchers r quested that her collected research • Gathering and disseminating Mae International materials he moved to Santa Cruz, and that Brussell's analysis of past events and a Center be established there in her name. The 11EIV,y21frali01: current trends from her many broadcast Her friends and fellow researchers, John tapes and written materials. Turning the MAE BRUSSELL Judge and Tom Davis took responsibility collection into a computer data base will RESEARCH CENTER to find a suitable location for her 7,000 allow us to pull out Mae's words on any books, 42 filing cabinets of clippings, hun- Fall 1989 Vol. 1, No. 1 given name or topic. dreds of video and tape cassettes, and tens • Serving as a repository for other re- of thousands of pages of her own writing searchers' collected materials, and pub- and related materials. John Judge also lishing articles and manuscripts on re- donated his 20 year collection of thou- lated topics. sands of books and articles to the archive. The Center was set up in Santa Cruz in Mae, Tom Davis, Kyenne Brussell, Penny January of this year, and we are working Williams, Paul Haeberli, Bob & Carolyn hard to make greater access possible. A Dean, Bob Cutler, Dave Ratcliffe and oth- core group of staff and volunteers is han- ers made generous initial donations to dling tape and article duplication, research help get it off the ground. Other family queries and projects, and administrative members, friends and researchers, includ- tasks. We have already held two recep- In Memoriam ing Dave Emory, Will Robinson, and Mari- tions to thank our volunteers. Mae Magnin Brussell lyn McDonald continue the work, and do- John Judge has spoken on several col- 6.5/29/22 — d.10/3/88 nate time to keep the Center going. Precious Mother lege campuses, and appeared on numer- Courageous Warrior A successful reception for Daniel Shee- ous radio shows. One broadcast reached han of the Christie Institute (see article this into 38 states, and generated many let- In this issue issue), literature and tape sales, and sup- ters. Center opens 1 port from people around the country has The task ahead is a large one, but we Center news update helped to lay the foundation for the Mae can do it together. We still need help 3 Brussell Research Center to continue. Deaths getting video and audio cassette tapes, 6 Our purpose is educational, to collect, bookshelves, a laser printer, accounting Best of Brussell research, and disseminate materials relat- help and software, a good typewriter, a Investigative leads 10 ing to our 20th century's hidden history. modern copying machine, a dictaphone, a New resources 11 Our focus includes assassinations, covert computer scanner, legal and fundraising Book reviews operations, the secret government, mind advice, filing cabinets and other office 14 control and what Mae called "the Nazifica- International news equipment, and your continued support. 15 tion of America." The Center is a reality. We have done all Mailbag 18 Our goals include: this with your help. We can't say thanks • Expanding the body of knowledge about enough. V political assassinations, covert operations, Events iL mind control and international fascism. There is no moral • Supporting and creating networks of October 10-John Judge, our curator and archivist, will be speaking at United Meth- problem [with be- resistance to anti-democratic trends and exposing the rising fascism. Also, explor- odist Church on Wilshire Boulevard in Los heading drug deal- ing ways for people to exert more direct Angeles, along with Mae's old friend Paul ers] . I used to teach democratic control of their lives. Krassner, editor of The Realist, and with other researchers yet to be announced. • Creating and maintaining a more usable ethics—trust me. ,) We hope you can make it. For more details and accessible library, with public hours call us in October, or listen to KPFK-FM for William Bennett and membership visits. announcements. White House Drug Czar • Making available to serious researchers See story, page 4 September 17- John will speak at a Me- and journalists the library of materials we morial to Abbie Hoffman at Ashkenaz in have secured. We are providing research Berkeley (7:30 p.m., 1317 San Pablo). PAGE 2 -WORLD WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL • FALL 1989 Mae is Alive ae Brussell, one of the foremost E. Howard Hunt, who was in the CIA for- researchers, writers and broad- mally, and Mr. William Buckley (they were M cast journalists in the field of po- co-partners in the CIA)-and she felt so litical assassinations, covert operations In Our badly. She said, 'I just have to tell you, that and cover-ups, died of cancer on October there's going to be a house built across the 3,1988. street from you, and it's going to be an A- For those who listened to Mae's Hearts frame.' And she described the architec- weekly radio show, WORLD WATCHERS, ture. She said, 'I wouldn't tell you this, but she provided a tremendous legacy of in- By John Judge since I brought him to your house and formation and analysis of the forces jeopardized your life, I will tell you this moving the world toward open fascism Scott in the Bay area, the writer and re- house is going to be here.' And she de- and World War III. searcher. And around 1975, she came to scribed it. And about two, three months For those who knew Mae as a fellow me and asked me if she could help me do later the bulldozer came, and there were researcher, she serves as an Inspiration, the work and index my material, and be a two homes across the street, and a drive- and as a model of courage in the face of a researcher. And I am really pretty cautious way was cut in-betweenthem, and a house system based on secrecy and control. Her about people coming to the house. She went up there. groundbreaking research serves as an in- said she'd come down on a Sunday and "And there's more to this story. A dispensable guide for future work. meet me. I met her in San Francisco, her person moved in, she'd moved out from For those who knew Mae personally, first name is Julie. Her last initials are Texas. The purpose of that house was to her warmth, love, and sense of humor will Mc keep track or to tape record what was hold their memory forever, as will her in- "She came to my house, and instead going on in my house. And so when the defatigable energy, her determination, her of showing up alone, she arrived with two house was all built, I went up there just to abiding concern, her sense of justice and men and one had a camera on his neck. introduce myself, and on the mantle in the fairness, and her many talents in making And I said, 'What in the heck is going on living room was this huge, big tape re- life more livable. here?' And she said, 'Well this fellow (the corder. Sort of like that TV movie, or the Following unsuccessful surgery and one with the camera), he wants to stay movie you've seen, there's one about the chemotherapy, Mae decided to move to a with you. He's interested in the research.' cassettes, and tape recording neighbors convalescent home. While there, Mae ar- So he's keeping me company. But the close-by. The Anderson Tapes, I believe it ranged to have her materials set up at the other one, she was going to drive down to was. And I just freaked out when I saw it, new research center. "The bastards Point Lobos to do some skin diving, do and I left my name and said hello. The thought they could stop me," she said, diving off of Point Lobos. And before I woman was not home; her parents were "but they have another think coming." could turn around, she drove away with out here, they're from Texas. And I had Mae lives on in those who knew her. this man, and left me alone with this other nothing to do with her. And the rest of the Her energy has passed on to all of us, and one in my living room. And I sensed some- story, someday I'll tell you about it. I'll her task as well. Every time fellow re- thing was drastically wrong. They just leave it at that.point. searchers come across another connec- turned around, got in the car, and drove "But the reason I bring it up was then, tion in this work, we long to call Mae up away. And left this character sitting in the a few years later, in 1981, there was a and hear her laugh about it. She has gotten living room. murder at Stanford campus again. Arlis inside our heads and hearts and, in there, "And I couldn't do anything with him. Perry was murdered. And this was the Mae is forever alive. I didn't want to leave the room, and I didn't same campus. The first murder, the Per- The Spook Across the Street want to discuss the research.
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