II : Women's Studies K-3718 ±Üâ.£.®Æãà./P.T.O

II : Women's Studies K-3718 ±Üâ.£.®Æãà./P.T.O

Test Paper : II T EST BOO Test Subject : women’s studIES Test Subject Code : K-3718 K LET Roll No. SE RIA (Figures as per admission card) L N O OMR Sheet No. : ____________________ . Name & Signature of Invigilator/s Signature : _________________________________ Name : _________________________________ Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 200 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 100 A»Ü¦ìWÜÚWæ ÓÜãaÜ®æWÜÙÜá Instructions for the Candidates 1. D ±Üâo¨Ü ÊæáàÆᤩ¿áÈÉ J¨ÜXst ÓܧÙܨÜÈÉ ¯ÊÜá¾ ÃæãàÇ… ®ÜíŸÃÜ®Üá° ŸÃæÀáÄ. 1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this page. 2. D ±Ü£ÅPæ¿áá ŸÖÜá BÁáR Ë«Ü¨Ü ®ÜãÃÜá (100) ±ÜÅÍæ°WÜÙÜ®Üá° JÙÜWæãíw¨æ. 2. This paper consists of Hundred multiple-choice type of questions. 3. ±ÜÄàPæÒ¿á ±ÝÅÃÜí»Ü¨ÜÈÉ, ±ÜÅÍæ° ±ÜâÔ¤Pæ¿á®Üá° ¯ÊÜáWæ ¯àvÜÇÝWÜáÊÜâ¨Üá. Êæã¨ÜÆ 5 ¯ËáÐÜWÜÙÜÈÉ 3. 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To study the life and experience of (D) Nature/Nurture women 4. Assertion (A) : It has been widely III. To challenge patriarchal social accepted that sustainable development is systems not possible without the full participation IV. To recommend remedial legislative of both men and women. measures for the cause of women Reason (R) : Development policies in corporates genders as a factor that Codes : reflect a growing understanding of the (A) I, II, III and IV necessity of the full participation of both men and women. (B) I, II, and III only Codes : (C) I and IV only (A) Both (A) and (R) are false (D) I and II only (B) Both (A) and (R) are true (C) (A) is true (R) is false 2. Which of the following feminist believed (D) (R) is true (A) is false that “girls and boys develop contrasting gender roles because they experience 5. Which of the following International their sexuality differently and deal Conference was marked by a growth differently with the stages of sexual of networks between North and South development” ? linking women’s activism at the local and global levels ? (A) Psychoanalytical (A) Beijing Conference (B) Liberal (B) Cairo Conference (C) Socialist (C) Paris Agreement (D) Existentialist (D) Nairobi Conference K-3718 3 Paper II *K3718* Total Number of Pages : 32 6.

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